I want to buy a T-shirt.购物英语.ppt_第1页
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I want to buy a T-shirt.购物英语.ppt_第4页
I want to buy a T-shirt.购物英语.ppt_第5页
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1、,Unit 6,I want to buy a T-shirt.,1. Where are they? 2. What are they doing?,Look at the picture and discuss:,Youll be able to:,1. do shopping in English; 2. talk about online shopping.,Warming up,听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Listen and match.,Key sentences:,CD shop,bookstore,bakery,shopping mall,supermarket,Warm

2、ing up,shopping mall,大型购物中心,Warming up,supermarket,超市,Warming up,bakery,面包房,Warming up,bookstore,书店,Warming up,CD shop,CD店,1.The new_ is very big. 2.I work in a_. 3. I often buy_ in the_ around the corner. 4.There is a new _in the city centre. 5.There is a _near my home.,sentences:,shopping mall,sup

3、ermarket,bread,bakery,bookstore,CD shop,2. I often buy bread in the bakery around the corner.,I work in a supermarket.,我在超市工作。,我经常在拐角处的面包店买面包。,Look and match.,看图,将下列词语与图片匹配。,dress,jacket,skirt,sweater,T-shirt,jeans,Warming up,sweater,Warming up,毛衣,T-shirt,Warming up,T恤,skirt,Warming up,裙子,dress,Warm

4、ing up,连衣裙,jeans,Warming up,牛仔裤,jacket,Warming up,夹克,短上衣,Listening and Speaking,听录音,学习下列词语。,Listen and learn.,toothbrush,towel,soap,shampoo,chip,n. 牙刷,n. 毛巾,n. 肥皂,n. 洗发水,n. 炸薯条,炸薯片,Listen and practice.,听录音,练习谈论购物计划。,Mom: Sam, lets go shopping. Anything you need? Sam: I want to buy a T-shirt and a sc

5、hool bag. Mom: We also need some new toothbrushes, towels and soap. Sam: And Dad needs some shampoo. Mom: All right, darling! Lets make a shopping list. Sam: OK, Mom.,参考译文,Listening and Speaking,Shopping List:,T-shirt,school bag,toothbrushes,towels,soap,shampoo,妈妈:萨姆,我们去购物吧。你想买点儿什么? 萨姆:我想买一件T恤和一个书包。

6、 妈妈:我们还需要买牙刷、毛巾和香皂。 萨姆:爸爸需要洗发水。 妈妈:好的,那我们来列一个购物单吧。 萨姆:好的,妈妈。,Listening and Speaking,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,Listening and Speaking,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示扮演对话。,S1: Lets go shopping. Anything you need? S2: I want to buy a pair of shorts and some apples. S1: We also need some brea

7、d and chips. S2: And my brother needs a new toothbrush. S1: All right. Lets make a shopping list. S2: OK.,Listen and choose.,听录音,选出萨姆想购买的物品。,Mom: Sam, here are some mens T-shirts. Sam: Wow! There are so many colours. Mom: Which one do you like? Sam: What do you think of that yellow one? Mom: Well, i

8、ts a bit too bright. How about this blue one? Sam: Thats great! I like the colour, too.,Listening and Speaking,参考译文,Sam wants to buy a _.,T-shirt,What do you think of.? How about.?,是人们在征求他人意见时常用的说法。,妈妈:萨姆,这里有男士T恤。 萨姆:哇!这么多种颜色。 妈妈:你喜欢哪一件? 萨姆:你觉得那件黄色的怎么样? 妈妈:颜色有点儿太亮了。这件蓝色的呢? 萨姆:太好了!我也喜欢这个颜色。,Listen ag

9、ain and act.,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,Listening and Speaking,big, expensive/small, cheap,S1: Here is some shampoo. Which one do you like? S2: What do you think of that big one? S1: Well, its a bit too expensive. How about the small one? S2: Thats great. I will take it.,Listening and Speaking,black, dark/yello

10、w, bright,Listen again and act.,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,S1: Here are some dresses. Which one do you like? S2: What do you think of that black one? S1: Well, its a bit too dark. How about the yellow one? S2: Thats great. I will take it.,Reading and Writing,Read and learn.,读下文,学习如何选择礼物。,Three of our classmates

11、 will have their birthdays this month. To celebrate with them, we plan to buy some gifts for each of them. Jane likes music, so we are going to buy her a CD. Terry enjoys reading a lot. A good book would be his preference. Mary is interested in hiking, so she would be happy to get a hiking cap.,参考译文

12、,这个月我们班有三位同学要过生日。为了和他们一起庆祝生日,大家计划给他们每个人买份礼物。简喜欢音乐,因此我们打算为她买张CD。特里非常喜欢看书,一本好书应当是他最喜欢的礼物。玛丽对徒步旅行感兴趣,能得到一顶登山帽她肯定会很高兴的。,Read again and fill.,再读上文,填写下列表格。,Reading and Writing,a hiking cap,a good book,music,hiking,a CD,reading,Jane,Terry,Mary,Read and act.,读对话,三人一组,表演如何挑选礼物。,Reading and Writing,Sue: Shall

13、 we buy this piano music CD for Jane? Peter: I think this pop CD is better. She likes pop music best. Alice: All right. Lets take it then.,参考译文,休:我们为简买这张钢琴曲CD如何? 彼得:我觉得这张流行音乐CD更好。她最喜欢流行音乐。 艾丽斯:好的。那就买这个吧。,Read and act.,Reading and Writing,Peter: Look at all these books! Which one should we get for Te

14、rry? Alice: I think this comic book would be his favourite. Sue: I agree. He really likes to read for fun.,参考译文,读对话,三人一组,表演如何挑选礼物。,comic book:漫画书。漫画作为一种独特的艺术,广受青少年喜爱。你喜欢的漫画书有哪些呢?,彼得:看,这么多书!我们该为特里买哪本呢? 艾丽斯:我想他最喜欢连环画。 休:对。他确实很喜欢趣味阅读。,Read and act.,Reading and Writing,Alice: There are so many caps here

15、. What about this black one? Peter: But Mary always says blue is her favourite colour. Sue: OK, lets buy her a blue one.,参考译文,读对话,三人一组,表演如何挑选礼物。,艾丽斯:这儿有很多帽子。这顶黑色的如何? 彼得:但玛丽总说她最喜欢蓝色。 休:好,那就给她买一顶蓝色的。,Read again and tick.,再读对话,找出同学们,Reading and Writing,选定的生日礼物。,X,X,X,Online Shopping,Read and learn.,读下文

16、,了解网上购物。,Reading and Writing,Online shopping is very popular now. People can buy almost anything online. They can buy books, food or clothing. They can also buy toys, tickets, and even electronic products. People can shop online at home at any time of the day. The goods online are usually cheaper th

17、an in the shopping mall. You may even get a discount or free delivery for what you buy.,参考译文,discount: 折扣,例如20%discount就是我们通常说的八折; delivery: 递送,free delivery的意思是“免运费”。,现在网上购物非常普及。人们在网上几乎可以买到任何东西,可以买书、食物或衣服,还能买玩具、票甚至电子产品。 人们在家中随时可以购物。网上的商品通常比商场的便宜。人们甚至可以享受到折扣或免费送货。,Read again and discuss.,再读上文,讨论网上,p

18、lace,price,delivery,online shopping,sometimes free,cheaper than in the shopping mall,at home,Reading and Writing,things you can buy,time,at any time of the day,almost anything,购物流行的原因。,More Activities,Read and discuss.,读下文,讨论网上购物的一般步骤。,Online shopping is really easy. First, get on the Internet and f

19、ind an online shopping mall. Second, try different websites in the mall for better deals. When you find something you want, put it in your shopping cart. Next, give an address for delivery. Finally, pay for it before you check out.,参考译文,网上购物真的很简单。首先,上网找到一家网上商城。为了买到物美价廉的商品,可以尝试一下不同的网站。找到你想买的商品后,把它放到购

20、物车中。接下来填写送货地址,然后付款,最后退出登录。,Read again and order.,再读上文,为买衬衫的网,More Activities,购步骤排列顺序。,3,1,2,4,Search for shirts on the Internet.,Choose the colour and size.,Give an address for delivery.,Pay for the order.,Around the World,参考译文,Cathy, 23,“I love shopping around even when I have a lot of work to do.”

21、,凯茜,23岁 即使有很多工作要做,我也喜欢逛商店。,Cathy, 23,“I love shopping around even when I have a lot of work to do.”,Around the World,参考译文,Paul, 26,“We come to the store, buy it and leave. Thats all.”,保罗,26岁 我们通常到商店,买东西,然后就离开,就这样。,Paul, 26,“We come to the store, buy it and leave. Thats all.”,Around the World,Shoppin

22、g is a hobby for many women. For them, shopping is a way of relaxing. It can help them reduce stress, communicate with friends, and even keep fit. Therefore, many women love shopping. But for men, shopping is usually a type of work. Studies show that men spend less time on shopping. Generally speaking, men pay less attention to price and buy things more quickly than women do.,参考译文,对许多女人来说,购物是一种爱好。对她们而言,购物是一种放松的


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