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三维proe 含CAD图纸、说明书 QX系列 车型 油气 弹簧 特性 建模 仿真 三维 proe CAD 图纸 说明书 QX 系列


油气弹簧特性建模与仿真1、文献查阅的方法(1) 国家数字图书馆(CNKI)中的全国期刊数据库(2) 国家数字图书馆(CNKI)全国优秀博硕士论文数据库中(3) 互联网检索2、国内外研究历史与现状在国外油气悬架系统的研究已经开展的比较全面了,无论从理论上还是应用上都取得了一些成果。学者们对油气弹簧的结构和性能进行了大量的理论分析和定性定量的研究,目前主动悬架的应用已经起步,并且研发了一些利用主动悬架控制的产品。当前对油气悬架的研究内容主要在于:(1) 建立油气弹簧合理的非线性数学模型 大量信息表明,目前建立非线性数学模型的方式基本可以分为两种,即参数化和非参数化。参数化方法建立的模型依据的是油气弹簧内部的结构参数和相关的物理定律,它能够较为精确地描述其内部工作状态,清晰地分析各因素对系统的影响;并且每个参数都有明确的物理意义,适合于油气弹簧缸自身特性的研究,但也存在参数多,计算速度慢、校准时间长等缺点。而非参数化模型的建立通常需要大量的试验,是通过试验数据拟合来描述油气弹簧的非线性特性的,弥补了参数化方法的缺点,但却耗资巨大。综合其各自特点和局限性,参数化相对于非参数化设计更具有优势。(2) 开发新型结构形式的油气悬架和研究主动控制策略国内学者对油气悬架的研究,主要是油气悬架的刚度特性和阻尼特性的非线性特性,通过建模定性分析、仿真及对整车行驶平顺性能的评价指标分析。主要采用的软件工具是 MATLAB/SIMULINK 模块,如设计平衡悬架系统来实现整车刚度可变,从而改善车身倾侧性能。但是多数研究缺乏定性和定量的分析、试验和对油气悬架模型的修正。虽然建立了油气悬架的柔性力学模型和振动模型,并通过有限元分析软件进行了一些静力学和动力学分析,对悬架结构进行了初步的优化设计,但还处于研究阶段,推广使用较少。从总体上看,国内在油气悬架技术研究方面主要集中在原理介绍、物理模型、数学建模、计算机仿真分析上,目前还没有形成一套系统的、完善的、切实可靠的方法和理论用于指导油气悬架的设计,仍然处于与国外样机类比、参考设计、试验修改模型的阶段。3、对已掌握文献的综述与分析油气悬架种类如图 2.1 为单气室油气悬架结构原理图在活塞杆的内部有一个空腔,该腔通过数个阻尼孔和单向阀将液压缸的大、小腔(A、B 腔)沟通,蓄能器通过管路与液压缸的大腔相通。当车辆受到不平路面激励时,活塞及活塞杆组件会相对于缸筒作往复运动,若活塞及活塞杆相对缸筒收缩,则 A 腔的油液受到压缩而向两个方向移动:一是进一步压缩蓄能器内部的气体而进入蓄能器;二是通过阻尼孔和单向阀而进入 B腔。若活塞及活塞杆相对缸筒伸张,则 B 腔的油液受到压缩,迫使 B 腔的油液通过阻尼孔向 A 腔流动(此时单向阀处于关闭状态),同时因 A 腔增大的体积大于 B 腔缩小的体积,结果会导致蓄能器的部分油液在气体压力作用下进入 A 腔。在前一种情形下,因单向阀开启,活塞及活塞杆组件相对缸筒运动时受到的阻尼力较小,这相当于传统悬架中的弹簧作用;在后一种情形下,因单向阀关闭,活塞及活塞杆组件相对缸筒运动时受到的阻尼力较大,这相当于传统悬架中的减振器作用。图 2.2 所示的是带反压气室的双气室悬架液压缸结构,液压缸的内部有 A、B、C 三个油腔,C 腔一方面通过数个阻尼孔和单向阀与 B腔相通,另一方面还通过管路与左蓄能器(反压气室)相通,A 腔通过管路仅与右蓄能器(主气室)相通。当活塞及活塞杆相对缸筒收缩时,A 腔的油液会受到压缩而进入右蓄能器,使主气室内的气压增高弹簧的刚度增大,C腔的油液因 B 腔容积增大而受到左蓄能器气体压缩进而通过阻尼孔和单向阀进入 B 腔,而反压气室内的气压下降;相反地当活塞及活塞杆相对缸筒伸张时,主气室内的气压降低,B 腔的油液因受到压缩而通过阻尼孔进入左蓄能器,右蓄能器的油液因 A 腔容积增大而受到右蓄能器气体压缩进而进入 A 腔,使反压气室内的气压增高。由于反压气室的作用,使悬架在伸张行程时的刚度比单气室悬架的刚度要大得多。只要对两气室气压和容积参数选择适当,就可以使悬架刚度保持合适的变化规律,使悬架具有较理想的弹性特性。图2.3 所示两级压力式油气悬架其结构原理。它的特点是在工作活塞上部设有两个并列气室,但两个气室工作压力不同。其中之一称为主气室 A,充有气压与正常单气室油气悬架相近的氮气;另一气室称为补偿气室 B,其中充有比主气室气压高的氮气。两个气室都用橡胶隔膜将气体与油液隔开。两个气室的作用就像钢板弹簧中主簧与副簧的作用一样。由于悬架中的补偿气室气压高于主气室的气压,因此,当悬架上载荷增加时,先是主气室参加工作。当载荷增加到一定程度时,补偿气室才参加工作。把补偿气室开始工作时的悬架载荷称为临界载荷,当悬架上载荷超过临界载荷时,补偿气室和主气室一起工作。双级压力式油气悬架由于两个气室不是同时参加工作,而是根据汽车载荷的变化先后参加工作,因而使悬架刚度的变化更加符合悬架性能的要求,从而保证汽车空载与满载时悬架有大致相等的固有振动频率,从而提高了汽车行驶的平顺性。油气悬架特性(1)非线性刚度传统车辆悬架一般是以钢板弹簧和阻尼元件为主的被动悬挂,其刚度特性是线性的或分段线性的,因此其刚度基本保持不变;而油气悬架的弹性介质是惰性气体,其刚度特性是非线性的、可以随外界的激励变化而调整的。车辆在良好的路面上行驶时动行程小,悬架刚度小,通过对弹簧性系数的调整,来改善汽车的乘坐舒适性与操纵稳定性,从而保证车辆良好的行驶平顺性;车辆在起伏路面上行驶时,悬架刚度大,能吸收较多的冲击能量,避免路面对车辆的刚性冲击,且能使车身获得很低的自由振动频率,实现频率衰减,从而使车辆具有良好的稳定性。这就满足了车辆行驶时的平顺性,同时能够吸收较多的冲击能量使车辆在劣质路面上也能保持一定的行驶速度。(2)非线性阻尼阻尼特性主要与车架相对于车桥的速度有关,调整减振器阻尼系数,可迅速地减小或抑制车架的振动,防止汽车急速起步或急加速时车尾下蹲;防止紧急制动时的车头下沉;防止汽车急转弯时车身横向摇动;防止汽车换挡时车身纵向摇动等,提高行驶平顺性和操纵稳定性,具有很好的减振性。(3)车身高度自由调节无论车辆的负载多少,都可以保持汽车高度一定,车身保持水平,从而使前大灯光束方向保持不变;当汽车在坏路面上行驶时,可以使车高升高,防止车桥与路面相碰;当汽车高速行驶时,又可以使车高降低,以便减少空气阻力,提高操纵稳定性。这对改善车辆的行驶性能十分重要。(4)悬架闭锁功能由于油液压缩性较小,当将油气悬架的液压缸与蓄能器分置,并切断它们及其它液压元件的连接油路,即可实现油气悬架刚性闭锁状态。在这种条件下,可以减轻或消除车辆的振动,使车辆可承受较大载荷并能缓慢移动。这对实现起重机吊装物品移动就位、坦克发射炮弹这样的特殊工况是很有意义的。(5)蓄能器储能大油气弹簧的单位储能比为 3.3 105Nm/Kg(在 6MPa 氮气充气压力下),而钢板弹簧的单位储能比为 76115 Nm/Kg,扭杆弹簧的单位储能比为 254380 Nm/Kg,橡胶弹簧的单位储能比为 5081016 Nm/Kg,圆柱螺旋弹簧的单位储能比为 178280 Nm/Kg,有利于减轻悬架重量和减小结构尺寸。同时油气悬架体积小、重量轻且减轻了非悬挂质量,用于重型车辆,比钢板悬架轻50以上,比扭杆弹簧轻 20左右;对于重型车辆来说,这一特点可以有效地减轻悬架重量和减小结构尺寸。(6)结构紧凑、易于布置油气悬架的悬架缸没有专用的减振器,而是把减振器功能融于悬架缸内。加装阻尼阀之后,通常用浮动活塞将油气分离,更适应重型越野车辆远距离行程的特点。同时,油气弹簧系统体积小,连接简单,便于拆装。(7)通用性好油气悬架只需少数几种不同直径的悬架缸,匹配不同的蓄能器初始充气压力和充油量就可在不同负载的车辆上应用,易于产品系列化。油气悬架也有不足之处:a.油气悬架布置在车外,防护性较差。b.成本一般较扭杆悬架要高,油气悬架除了需要设置弹簧缸和蓄能器外,还需要配置液压控制阀、阻尼孔、液压泵、油箱以及滤清器等辅件,因而成本较高。c.油气悬架压力较高,对油和气的密封装置要求较高,零部件加工精度要求较严,否则会因漏油、漏气而不能使用。d.油气悬架一般较难在-40 度的气温下正常工作,它对油液和橡胶的低温性能要求较高。研究油气弹簧亟待解决的问题从油气悬架的发展现状可以看出,国外已经到达应用阶段,而国内还处于理论研究,试验修正阶段,差距很大,需要做如下几方面的努力(1)系统性、基础性研究。这需要增加研究、开发经费,引进和设计试验设备。高校可以借助企业试验平台,既进行了油气悬架理论研究、仿真分析,同时又研究了油气悬架具体结构设计,开发出独立自主的油气悬架产品。(2)加强结构设计和优化设计。研究油气悬架的刚度特性、阻尼特性、频率特性,减振效果等,进行定性定量说明。油气悬架的优化设计,它不是单纯地油气悬架参数的优化,还包括不同的油气悬架结构性能差异的对比以及影响车辆各种性能的因素,并将优化结果纳入油气悬架的设计中,从而大幅度改善和提高车辆性能。(3)规范研究设计规则。由于油气悬架系统性、基础性研究已经逐步加强,理论研究、实际设计相结合模式也在不断的深入,所以需要建立一套通用的油气悬架设计规则,使对油气悬架的研究设计更加规范化、系列化。(4)研制、开发整车和多桥油气悬架系统虚拟样机,实现悬架系统的参数化、可视化设计,并针对油气悬架系统开发专门的计算机仿真软件。(5)从被动悬架技术向半主动悬架、主动悬架技术发展,选择微处理器系统,采用电子自动化控制,最终实现油气悬架的主动化自适应智能控制系统。油气悬架系统是一种新型的底盘悬挂系统,是空气悬架的应用特例。随着技术的进步,关键参数的设定已被掌握,油气悬架系统以现代机械制造技术为依据,结构和性能在逐渐地改进和完善。油气悬架系统在国内车辆底盘技术上的需求也在不断地增大,应用前景非常广阔。4、参考文献1 封士彩,王国彪.工程车辆油气悬架的现状与发展J.矿山机械.2000, 12,32-33.2 耿景荣, 带反压气室的油气弹簧理论建模和结构设计. TH1223 周长城,袁光明,叠加阀片式油气弹簧节流缝隙设计及特性试验. U463.334 周长城,张绍阁,顾亮,环形弹性阀片弯曲变形曲面方程及其解. 2006年7月5 陈轶杰,李彪,雷强顺,王亚军. 基于阻尼阀参数的油气弹簧示功特性分析2009,116 周长城.开阀速度对油气弹簧阀系设计参数的影响.2008,27 李春艳,谢东升.论油气悬挂的性能特点及研究现状.8 黄郁馨, 陈轶杰, 王亚军.油气弹簧弹性力值解析计算与仿真分析. 2009年第6期9 周长城,石沛林. 油气弹簧叠加阀片应力分析. 2008年(第30卷)第4期10 陈轶杰,潘云杰,白国忠. 油气弹簧阀片均布载荷变形研究与数学建模. 2010年6月11 陈轶杰, 顾亮, 管继富. 油气弹簧缝隙节流分析与数学模型研究. 2008年5月12 陈轶杰,顾亮. 油气弹簧环形节流阀片大挠曲变形分析与试验. 2009年3月13 周长城,郑志蕴. 油气弹簧阻力特性计算机仿真. 2006年8月14 陈志林,金达峰,赵六奇,马国新. 油气主动悬架非线性模型的建立仿真与试验验证.15 孙文君.汽车油气弹簧特性仿真研究.2009,1216 庄德军,柳江,喻凡,林逸. 汽车油气弹簧非线性数学模型及特性. 2005年9月Modeling and simulation of oil and gas spring characteristics1, the method of consulting literature materials(1) the national digital library in national journals database (CNKI)(2) the national digital library (CNKI) national excellent bo master thesis database(3) the Internet search2, research history and present situation at home and abroadIn foreign oil and gas suspension system has carried out the study of comprehensive, whether in theory or application results have been achieved. Scholars on the structure and properties of oil and gas spring for a lot of theoretical analysis and qualitative research, quantitative at present the application of active suspension has been started, and developed some products use active suspension control. The current study of oil and gas suspension content mainly lies in:(1) to establish a nonlinear mathematical model of hydro-pneumatic spring reasonableLarge amounts of information indicated that the way to establish the mathematical model of nonlinear basic can be divided into two kinds, namely the parametric and nonparametric. Parametric method to establish the internal structural parameters of the model is based on oil and gas spring and related laws of physics, it can more accurately describe the internal working condition, the analysis of the effect of various factors on the system clearly; And each parameter has a clear physical meaning and is suitable for oil and gas spring cylinders own characteristics, but there are many parameters, calculation speed is slow, shortcomings and so on calibration time is long. Rather than a parameterized model usually need a lot of experiments, is through the test data fitting to describe the nonlinear characteristics of the oil and gas spring, make up for the shortcomings of the parametric method, but it is expensive. Integrated the characteristics and limitations, parameterized more advantages relative to the parametric design.(2) developing new structure form of oil and gas suspension and study the active control strategyDomestic scholars on the study of oil and gas suspension, mainly oil and gas suspension stiffness and damping characteristics of nonlinear characteristic, through qualitative analysis, simulation modeling and analysis of the evaluation index of vehicle ride performance. Mainly is the MATLAB/SIMULINK software tools used modules, such as design balanced suspension system for vehicle variable stiffness, improve body heeling performance. But most research lack of qualitative and quantitative analysis, test and the model of hydro-pneumatic suspension is corrected. Although the flexible mechanics model of hydro-pneumatic suspension is established and the vibration model, and through the finite element analysis software of statics and dynamics analysis, the optimization of suspension structure has carried on the preliminary design, but are still in research stage, promote the use of less. Overall,Domestic in oil and gas suspension technology research mainly focused on the principle, physical model, mathematical modeling and computer simulation analysis, has not formed a set of system, perfect, practical and reliable method and theory to guide the design of the oil and gas suspension, is still in the home and abroad analogy, reference design and test phase of modified model.3, to grasp the literature review and analysisI type hydro-pneumatic suspensionAs shown in figure 2.1 for A single chamber oil-gas suspension structure schematic diagram on the inside of the piston rod has A cavity, the cavity through A number of damping holes and one-way valve to hydraulic cylinder of the large and small cavity (A, B) communication, accumulator by pipe and hydraulic cylinders big cavity are interlinked. When vehicles are motivated by the uneven road surface, piston and piston rod components will be relative to the cylinder for reciprocating motion, if the relative cylinder piston and piston rod contraction, then A cavity of the oil by compression and move in two directions: one is further compressed gas into the accumulator within the accumulator; Second, through the damping hole and check valve into the B cavity. If relative cylinder piston and piston rod stretching, the cavity of the oil by compression, B forced B cavity fluid flow through damping hole into A chamber (one-way valve closed at this time), at the same time due to increase the volume of the cavity is greater than B cavity to reduce the volume, the result causes accumulator part of the oil into A cavity in under the action of gas pressure.In the former case, because the one-way valve open, piston and piston rod movement or relative cylinder components of damping force is small, this is equivalent to the spring function of traditional suspension; In the latter case, because the check valve closed, piston and piston rod movement or relative cylinder components of damping force is bigger, this is equivalent to the traditional suspension shock absorber role.Is shown in figure 2.2 with the compressed air chamber of the double chamber suspension hydraulic cylinder structure, the hydraulic cylinder has A, B, C three oil cavity, the cavity C on the one hand, through A number of damping holes and one-way valve and B cavity are interlinked, on the other hand also through the line and left accumulator (anti air chamber) are interlinked, A cavity through the line and just right accumulator (main chamber) is same. When the piston and piston rod relative cylinder contraction, A cavity of the oil will be compressed and into the right accumulator, make the main gas increases higher indoor air spring stiffness, C cavity oil by increasing B cavity volume from left accumulator gas compression, in turn, B through damping hole and check valve into the cavity, and the air indoor air pressure drop; On the contrary, when relative cylinder piston and piston rod for the main indoor air pressure reducing gas, B cavity oil by compression and through damping hole into the left accumulator, right accumulator of oil gas accumulator right by increasing A cavity volume compression, in turn, into A cavity, the increased pressure of compressed air indoor. Due to the role of the air chamber, the stiffness of suspension in stretching the trip than single chamber suspension stiffness is much larger. As long as the two air chamber pressure and volume choosing appropriate parameters, can keep the suspension stiffness of the changing rule of the right, make the suspension with ideal elastic properties.A two-stage pressure type is shown in figure 2.3 the structure principle of hydro-pneumatic suspension. Its characteristic is in upper pistons work has two parallel air chamber, but two different air chamber pressure. One of them said that as the main air chamber A, filled with air pressure and normal single chamber of hydro-pneumatic suspension nitrogen; In another room called compensation chamber B, in which the charge is higher than the main chamber pressure of nitrogen. Both air chamber with a rubber diaphragm to separate gas and oil. The role of two air chamber is similar to the main spring leaf spring and the function of each pair of spring. Due to the suspension of the compensation chamber air pressure is higher than the main chamber, therefore, when the suspension load increases, the first main air chamber to participate in the work. When the load increases to a certain degree, compensation chamber to attend work. The compensation chamber start work when the suspension load is called the critical load, when the suspension load exceeds the critical load, compensation chamber and the main chamber to work together. Two-stage pressure type oil and gas suspension for two air chamber is not a job at the same time, it has to work according to the variation of vehicle load, so that the suspension stiffness change more accord with the requirement of suspension performance, to ensure that when the car no-load and load suspension have roughly equal natural vibration frequency, so as to improve the ride comfort of the car.Ii suspension characteristics of oil and gas(1) nonlinear stiffnessTradition vehicle suspension of leaf spring and damping element on the passive suspension, its stiffness is linear or piecewise linear features, so its rigidity basic remain unchanged; And the elastic medium of hydro-pneumatic suspension is the inert gas, its stiffness characteristics is non-linear and can change with the external incentive and adjustment. When vehicles are driven in good pavement dynamic small stroke, suspension stiffness is small, through the spring coefficient of the adjustment, to improve vehicle ride comfort and handling stability, thus ensuring the vehicle ride comfort; good When vehicles are driven on the ups and downs road, suspension stiffness big, can absorb more impact energy, avoid rigid pavement of vehicle impact, and can make the body get free vibration frequency of low implementation frequency attenuation, so that the vehicle has a good stability. It can meet the vehicle ride comfort, at the same time to absorb more impact energy in inferior the vehicle road can maintain a certain speed.(2) the nonlinear dampingDamping characteristics are mainly related to the speed of the frame relative to the axle, adjusting the shock absorber damping coefficient, can quickly reduce or suppress the vibration of the frame, prevent rapid start-up or urgent acceleration when the rear of the squat; To prevent emergency brake the car when sinking; Prevent body lateral shake when the car turn; To prevent car body such as longitudinal shake when shifting, improve riding comfort and handling stability, has the very good vibration reduction.(3) the free height adjustment for the body, no matter how much the load of the vehicle can keep the car must be, body level, thus make headlights beam direction remains the same; When the cars are driven on the bad road, can make the car high rise, to prevent the axle into the road; When the car speeding, and can lower the car is high, in order to reduce the air resistance, improve the handling stability. It would be very important to improve the motion of the vehicle performance.(4) suspension locking functionDue to the small oil compressibility, when the oil and gas suspension hydraulic cylinder and accumulator division, and cut off their oil, and other hydraulic components connected rigid closed hydro-pneumatic suspension can be realized. Under these conditions, can reduce or eliminate the vibration of the vehicle, the vehicle is under high load and can be to move slowly. The realization of crane hoisting objects move in place, the tank artillery such special condition, it is very meaningful.(5) the accumulator energy storageUnit hydro-pneumatic spring energy storage ratio 3.3 x 105 Nm/Kg (in 6 mpa nitrogen gas pressure), and the unit of leaf spring energy storage ratio of 76 115 Nm/Kg, the unit of torsion bar spring energy storage ratio of 254 380 Nm/Kg, the unit of rubber spring energy storage ratio of 508 1016 Nm/Kg, the unit of cylindrical helical spring energy storage ratio of 178 280 Nm/Kg, is helpful to reduce suspension weight and decrease the size of the structure. Hydro-pneumatic suspension is at the same time, small volume, light weight and reduce the quality of the suspension, used for heavy vehicles, lighter than the steel suspension of more than 50%, about 20% lighter than the torsion bar spring; For heavy vehicles, this characteristic can effectively reduce the suspension weight and decrease the size of the structure.(6) compact structure, easy to decorateThe suspension of hydro-pneumatic suspension cylinder without special shock absorber, but the function into suspension shock absorber in cylinder. After adding damping valve, usually with a floating piston oil and gas separation, more adapt to the characteristics of the heavy off-road vehicles long-distance travel. At the same time, the oil and gas spring system is small in size, simple connection, convenient for dismantling.(7) good commonalityOnly a handful of hydro-pneumatic suspension is the suspension of different diameter cylinder, matching of different initial charge pressure of accumulator and oil charge amount can be applied on different load of vehicles, easy to product seriation.Oil and gas suspension has the defects of his:A. layout of hydro-pneumatic suspension is outside the car, less protection.B. cost is generally torsion bar suspension, in addition to the need to set the spring hydro-pneumatic suspension cylinder and the accumulator, also need to configure the hydraulic control valve, damping hole, hydraulic pump, tank and filter accessaries, thus higher cost.C. suspension of oil and gas pressure is higher, the oil and gas sealing device of the demand is higher, more strict precision parts processing, otherwise cannot be used for oil leakage, leakage.D. generally difficult to hydro-pneumatic suspension under - the temperature of 40 degrees to work properly, it is of high oil and low temperature performance of rubber.Iii research problem urgently to be solved in oil and gas springCan be seen from the development of oil and gas suspension, abroad has reached the application stage, and the country is still in the theoretical research, experimental correction phase, the difference is very big, need to do the following several aspects(1) the systemic and basic research. This need to increase the research and development funds, the introduction of test equipment and design. Colleges and universities can use enterprise test platform, both the oil and gas suspension theory research, the simulation analysis, and studied the concrete structure design of hydro-pneumatic suspension at the same time, to develop independent suspension of oil and gas products.(2) to strengthen the structure design and optimization design. Study of hydro-pneumatic suspension stiffness, damping characteristics, frequency characteristics, anti-vibration effect, etc., qualitative quantitative description. Optimization design of hydro-pneumatic suspension, it is not simply the oil and gas suspension parameters optimization, including comparison of different oil and gas suspension structure performance differences as well as the factors affecting the performance of vehicle, and the optimized results included in the design of oil and gas suspension, which significantly improve and enhance vehicle performance.(3) the normative research design rules. Due to oil and gas suspension system, basic research has gradually strengthened, combination of theoretical research and practical design model has been further, so you need to establish a set of general rules of oil and gas suspension design, make the study of oil and gas suspension design is more standardization, seriation.(4) the development, the development of hydro-pneumatic suspension vehicle and bridge system virtual prototype, the parameters of suspension system, visual design, and the oil and gas suspension system development special computer simulation software.(5) from the passive suspension technology to the semi-active suspension, active suspension technology development, select microprocessor system, electronic automation control, finally realize the initiative of the hydro-pneumatic suspension adaptive intelligent control system. Hydro-pneumatic suspension is a new type of chassis suspension system, is a special case of the application of air suspension. With the progress of technology, the key parameters of the set has been mastered, oil and gas suspension system based on the modern machinery manufacturing technology, structure and performance in the gradual
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