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1、unit 4 why dont you talk to your parents?,section A1a-2c,Lets learn some new words:,allow v. 允许;准许 allow sb. To do sth.允许某人做某事 allow sth.允许某事; allow doing sth. 允许做某事,wrong: adj. 有毛病;错误的;whats wrong? Whats wrong with you? Theres something wrong with the computer. Theres nothing wrong with the compute

2、r.,midnight n. 午夜;子夜. I studied until midnight.,1a.Picture talking : Look at the two pictures and answer these questions:,1. What is the girl doing in these two pictures?,Picture 1: She is doing homework./She is studying. Picture 2: She is having a music lesson./She is learning to play the piano.,2.

3、 How do you think she feels about what she is doing?,Picture 1: She is unhappy./stressed. Perhaps she finds the homework difficult or boring. Picture 2: She is happy. She is enjoy playing the piano.,3. Do you do these activities after school? What other after-school activities or classes do you have

4、?,Private lessons for different school subjects: enrichment classes to learn skills like singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument. Playing a sport, practicing a form of martial arts, etc.),4. How do you feel about your after-school activities or classes?,5. Read the sentences in 1a.,1. I have

5、to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. 2. I have too much homework soI dont have any free time to do things I like. 3. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 4. I have too many after-school classes. 5. I got into a fight with my best friend.,6. read these sentences again.,7.从这些

6、句子中找出两个句子来描述上面两张图片。,8. 自行完成1a. 将所列的问题填到表格中。,study too much:学习时间太长 v.+too much too much homework:太多家庭作业。too much+n. time to do 做某事的时间 things I like我喜欢的事情 allow sb. to do 允许某人做某事 hang out with sb.和某人闲逛 too many +可数名词的复数 get into a fight with和某人争吵,打架fight with sb.,9. 列出句中有too many, too much的短语。观察并说出区别及

7、其用法。,too much trouble too many problems. too much time too many hours too much homework too many classes too much food too many cakes too much fruit too many apples too much work too many jobs,区 别:可数名词复数前用too many, 不可数名词前用too much.,10. Do you have these problems? What kind of problems do you have? D

8、o you have any ideas how to work out the problems?,Two girls are talking. One girl looks really tired. Can you guess what they are talking about?,1. Listen to the tape. 2. Listen again. Check the answers. 3. Listen the third time. This time you can repeat some words and phrases.,1b. Pre-listening:,W

9、hile-listening:,1.4.,5. 注意听力材料中的这个句子和1a中的一个句子。: I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep. I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep.,这两句由于时态不同因而表达的含义也有所区别。,6. study too much :用功学习 v.+too much(程度) too much homework:太多的家庭作业 too much+uc.(数量),7. 观察这些句子并说出它们的表意功能:,Why don

10、t you go to sleep earlier tonight? You can start studying earlier. Maybe you should tell your parents that you cant do so many things. You should talk to them again.,表意功能:表达建议。,8. 句型结构:,Why dont you.? Perhaps/Maybe you should/could.,9. play the tape again. And read follow the tape.,1c. 1.Read the co

11、nversations.,2. Work in pairs.,A: whats wrong, Tom? B: I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. A: I think you should give yourself more time to sleep. = Why dont you go to sleep earlier tonight? = Perhaps you could have a rest at noon.,活动2a-2c 1.Pre-listening: Peter has a problem. And h

12、is friend is giving him some advice. Whats Peters problem? Listen carefully.,Peter had a fight with his best friend.,2. Read these words loudly: Could, should ,would,3. Listen again. Fill in the blanks with Could or Should.,4. Check the answers.,Advice - You _ write him a letter. ( ) You _ call him

13、up. ( ) You _ talk to him so that you can say youre sorry. ( ) You _ go to his house. ( ) You _ take him to the ball game.( ),could,should,should,could,could,5. Read these sentences together.,6. The use of could and should for giving advice.,Could and should 情态动词。均可提出建议 Could 用于提出一个可能的建议。 Eg: Well ,

14、 you could write him a letter. Maybe you could go to his house. Should 表示是建议是一个不错的想法或者是正确的做法。 Eg. Maybe you should call him up. But you really should talk to him so that you can say youre sorry.,当我们在提出建议时,could语气 那么强烈和确定;should语气更强烈和肯定。表示应当做的事。,2b. Listen again. Why doesnt Peter like his friends adv

15、ice? Write the letters (a e) next to the advice in 2a.,齐读句子,并确认理解各句含义。,2. 将2b中各种不赞同朋友建议 原因与2a中所列的朋友所提供的建议进行预配对。,3. Listen. Check the answers.按一问一答的对话模式核对答案。,Check the answers.,Advice - You _ write him a letter. ( ) You _ call him up. ( ) You _ talk to him so that you can say youre sorry. ( ) You _ g

16、o to his house. ( ) You _ take him to the ball game.( ),could,should,should,could,could,d,e,a,c,b,You could write him a letter.,Im not good at writing letters.,You should call him up.,I dont want to talk about it on the phone.,You should talk to him so that you can say youre sorry.,Its not easy.,You

17、 could go to his house.,I dont want to surprise him.,You could take him to the ball game.,I dont want to wait that long.,4. Listen again. And answer these questions:,Whats the first piece of advice? Does Peter like this idea? Why? Whats the second piece of advice? Does Peter like it? Why? Whats the

18、third piece of advice? What does Peter say about it ? Whats the fourth piece of advice? What does Peter say? Whats the last piece of advice? Does Peter think it is a good idea? Why?,You could write him a letter. No. Peter is not good at writing letters.,Maybe you should call him up. No. Because Pete

19、r doesnt want to talk about it on the phone.,You should talk to him. No. Because he thinks its not easy.,Maybe you could go to his house. No. Because he doesnt want to surprise him.,You could take him to the ball game. No. Because he doesnt want to wait until then to talk to him.,5. Read follow the tape.,2c. Role-play a conversation between Peter and his friend.,A: Whats the matter, Peter? B: I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do? A: W


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