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1、,Period 1,Unit 8 Ill clean up the city parks.,(1aGrammar Focus) 听说课,本课时的话题volunteering与日常生活密切相关。作为一名初中学生,适当的在校内外参与一些力所能及的志愿活动,能够对学生的发展起重要作用。在谈论志愿活动时,要运用本课时近12个短语或单词。这是英语新课程标准中规定所必须掌握的内容,是交际英语中必不可少的项目。 Section A谈论校内外不同形式的志愿活动,本课时主要是呈现本单元教学的基本词汇和语言结构,为综合运用奠定基础。,一、教材分析,二、教学目标,知识目标,本课时的主要话题是“Talk about

2、the volunteering”, 主要内容如下: 认读并基本运用以下词汇和短语: hunger, homeless, cheer, give out, sign, clean up, set up,hand out ,put up, give out,put off.,(2)能力目标,学生能基本运用所学的12个单词和短语谈论校内外志愿活动。,(3)情感目标,在教学中渗透为学校,为他人提供志愿帮助的思想。,三、教学重点、难点,(1)重点:学习并谈论有关志愿活动的交际用语及相关词汇。 (2)难点:初步运用近12个短语或单词的口头交际能力。,四、教学策略,在本课时中主要采用任务型教学策略途径,结

3、合学生实际,主要以听说训练为主,注意学生语言的运用能力的培养。将单词和句型教学融合于具体的语境中与此同时采用开放性教学方式。,教学过程,第五环节:综合运用 反思提升(听力训练及对话),第一环节: 任务前的准备(广告片段导入),第二环节: 创设情景 导入新课(话题导入),第三环节:师生互动 学习探究(听说活动),第四环节:合作交流 巩固提高(启发式对话练习),第六环节:作业及板书设计,Volunteering,Period 1,Unit 2 Ill help clean up the city parks,(1a2c),Lead-in,What can you see in the pictur

4、e? What does the picture mean? Do you know what it is?,Its an emblem of Youth Volunteer Association.(青年自愿者协会会徽),We need help and we also need to volunteer to help others.,clean up.,What volunteer work do they do in school?,cheer up sick kids,make sick kids happier,What volunteer work do they do out

5、of school?,Helpcheer up the old,clean up the city parks,How can we help to stop hunger?,n.饥饿,hungry,set up (start) a food bank,homeless,give out food at the food bank,分发,in school out of school,I would like to ,What would you like to volunteer to do?,1b,Listen and number the sentences.,_The girl cou

6、ld visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up. _The boy could give out food at the food bank. _The girl could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids. _The boy could help to clean up the city parks.,3,2,1,4,Group work,B: So what would you like to do? A: Id like to work out

7、 of school (in school), but I dont know what to do. B: Maybe you could A: Good idea, how about you? B:Id like to ,There is a Clean-Up Day in our school, we need many volunteers to help us. How can we call on more people to be in the program? Can you give some advice?,Students book P 61,make posters

8、(advertisements),put up signs (advertisements),hand out the posters (advertisements),call up more people,put advertisements on TV in newspaper,2a,Listen and check () the things the students are going to do.,a,b,c,e,d,1.We need to _ a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. 2. Clean-up is o

9、nly two weeks from now. We cant _ making a plan. 3. We could _ signs. 4. Lets make some notices. Then Ill _ them _ after school. 5. We could each _ 10 students and ask them to come.,come up with,put off,put up,hand out,call up,Now we also have to plan a School Clean-Up Day. Lets make a conversation

10、like 2a.,2a,Match (1)people without homes (2) start; establish (3)make something clean (4)make someone happier (5)work in the open air (6)make something happen later (7)give something to somebody in order (8)to help someone who needs help (9)to hang or stick something on (a board),clean up,put up,ch

11、eer up,work outside,offer help,put off,give out,homeless people,set up,Match,1. clean up 2. give/hand out 3. call up 4. write down 5. cheer up 6. come up with 7. set up 8. put up 9. put off,H 打扫,B 提出,D 推迟,C 写下,I 张贴 ,举起,E 分发,A 打电话,F 建立,G 使高兴,Chinese meaning,Whats missing?,clean up give/hand out call

12、up write down cheer up come up with set up put up put off,打扫,提出,推迟,写下,张贴 ,举起,分发,打电话,建立,使高兴,Chinese meaning,Key Phrases,1. 城市公园/街心花园 2. 无家可归的人 3.生病的孩子 4. 清洁日 5. 课后学习计划组织 6. 制定一个计划 7.帮助停止饥饿 8. 在(方面)帮助某人 9. 需要做某事,city parks homeless people sick kids Clean-Up Day an after-school study program make a pla

13、n help stop hunger help sb. with sth. need to do sth,Phrasal verbs,1. 打扫干净,梳理整齐 2. 使振奋, 高兴起来 3. 分发,发放 4. 推迟,推延 5. 写下 6. 展示,张贴 7. 打电话 8. 想出 9. 建立,创立,开办,clean up cheer up give out/hand out put off write down put up call up come up with/think up set up,Homework,I.背诵今天所学的单词和短语 。,II. 树德实验中学学案二第一课时作业 并预习学

14、案一下一课时完成练习,他看起来很悲伤。我们来让他高兴起来。 He _ _. Lets _ him _. 我们需要提出一些想法。 We need _ _ _ _ some ideas. 我们不能推迟制定计划。还有两个星期就是清洁日了。 We cant _ _ _ a plan. _ _ is only two weeks from now. 我想加入学校志愿者项目,但我不知道我该做什么? Id _ _ _ the school volunteer project, but I dont know _ _ _ _.,looks sad,cheer up,to come up with,put off making,Clean-Up Day,like to join,what I should do,绝 对 挑 战,Unit


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