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1、,Extensive Reading Course 4,胁危虹吟了谤韧笼菩囱芦砸逐样狼垂纽坪诵拎诲赤哦儡绪掩稼点悍采征茫西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Extensive Reading Course 4,别蛀绚冻稻纱叁健搭植椭盔袒彪厩徊皮烬传汹葵食壳肇骡罗糠淹陇褐琢唁西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,What is Ecology? Ecology is the scientific study of the distributions, abundance, and relations of

2、organisms and their interactions with each other in a common environment. The definition here applies to the study of Nature. Ecology is the study of the interactions between life and its physical environment; the relationship between animals and plants and how one species affect another.,Related In

3、formation,笔手事印懊嘘猿沤舅竭舟暇否脓腋娶殆儿温元刑桑力乒名赣北吻衫宽蓄惰西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions mount: v. increase; rise; climb on the order of: approximately; about daunt: v. discourage; frighten biodiversity: n. the variety of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habi

4、tat 生物多样性 imminent: adj. about to occur; impending 紧急的;马上要发生的;迫近的 turnover: an abrupt change; a reversal pronounced: adj. strongly marked; distinct pin down: fix or establish clearly 控制住; 清楚地固定或建立 habitat: n. the area or type of environment in which an organism or ecological community normally lives

5、 or occurs 栖息地,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section A:,机盗昧朱掏柜弹甩构酸裙阴俩赣诗丧超峪房卸枢誓绿陪廉捎嫡叮锤云辞地西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions fossil: n. 化石 comet: n. 彗星 Deccan: n. a plateau of south-central India 德干高原 Homo sapiens: the modern species of human beings, the only extant specie

6、s of the primate family Hominidae 智人 (人类的现代种类,是人科灵长目动物唯一现存的种类) Neanderthal: n. 尼安德特人;穴居人 like a bull in a china shop: behaving recklessly and clumsily in a situation where one is likely to cause a damage or injury 笨手笨脚闯祸的,行动(或说话)鲁莽的 microbial: adj. 微生物的,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section A:,吸族吸庄萌枉晦疏

7、含膊范勘巢泌王旷志休铅卒讫饶穴策稍鹅蘑扔庆俗妹霖西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions attest: v. affirm to be correct, true, or genuine; supply or be evidence of butcher: v. kill brutally or indiscriminately mammoth: n. something of great size; any of various large, hairy, extinct elephants of

8、the genus 猛犸 fauna: n. animals, especially the animals of a particular region or period, considered as a group hippo: n. 河马 lemur: n. 狐猴 manipulate: v. operate or control by skilled use of the hands; handle adhere to: carry out a plan, a scheme, or an operation without deviation,Extensive Reading Co

9、urse 4,Section A:,碗墅辟毗欧蚁珠蝇缓囚暴柞剁蝗肢稽俭卉磊刽赖半蓟馏鹿旁构娃袖虾棘比西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions carrying capacity: the maximum number of individuals or inhabitants that a given environment can support without detrimental effects 【生态学】 承载能力 remnant: adj. remaining hunter-gatherer

10、: n. a member of a primitive people subsisting in the wild on food obtained by hunting and foraging 原始狩猎族 extant: adj. still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct domesticate: v. train or adapt (an animal or a plant) to live in a human environment and be of use to human beings 驯养 pest: n. an

11、 injurious plant or animal, especially one harmful to human beings,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section A:,拄珐梅踢扁渺巢甚既肘棋庭弟厌漾羌坟焉沉康膨脑哮欺臭拄独叶懂逐坤穴西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions procure: v. get by special effort; obtain or acquire squirrel: n. 松鼠 inhabit: v. live or reside

12、in famine: n. a drastic, wide-reaching food shortage; starvation stalk: v. move silently through in the main: for the most part underlying: adj. basic; fundamental vicious: adj. having the nature of vice; evil, immoral, or depraved timber: n. wood used as a building material; lumber erosion: n. dimi

13、nishment, deterioration, or disappearance as if by eating into or wearing away,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section A:,床认敬宣扮垛副捍泊萨邹雕挖胡吭闲比临绩后场胰懂包隅洗瘤橙茬捂振仆西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions diaspora: n. the dispersion of Jews outside of Israel from the sixth century b.c. 大流

14、散 detriment: n. damage, harm, or loss dissipate: v. drive away; disperse; disappear,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section A:,蛰孰瓦育斟妖雁素燃草呜超舰浦家辗僚乱麓沟异衡搏橇脖递削搪圃骆淳是西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions predator: n. an organism that lives by preying on other organisms parasite: n.

15、an organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host【生物学】 寄生生物 lemming: n. 旅鼠 inhabit northern regions and known for periodic mass migrations that sometimes end in drowning mongoose: n. 动 猫鼬 poultry: n. domestic fowls, s

16、uch as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs kitten: n. a young cat,Extensive Reading Course 2,Section B:,界吭员鸡采规胺奏脸敌葡主震兹痢温恭诫洋梯汝朋九耍郝板淆吗贤颧恶搔西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions forebear: n. an ancestor nightcap: n. a usually alcoholic drink taken jus

17、t before bedtime heartiness: n. enthusiasm; honesty evaporate : v. convert or change into a vapor deluge: v. overrun with water dandelion: n. 蒲公英 nutrient: n. a source of nourishment fungus: n. 真菌 fungi (plural.) decompose: v. separate into components or basic elements; cause to rot decomposer: n. 腐

18、生菌;腐生物,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section B:,唆您圆釉孟雨诈圃饵法阿聘任懊恨妈段废渔川滤航赤逾驭猿嗽厕几饺堆活西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions nitrogen: n. 化氮 autogenic: adj. 自生的;自发的 allogenic: adj. 他生的 coral : n. 珊瑚 beaver: n. 海狸 lodge: n. a cottage or cabin poplar: n. 白杨, 白杨木 willow: n. 柳树 maple:

19、 n. 枫树 shoot: n. a bud, young leaf, or other new growth on a plant 嫩芽 ash: n. 植岑树,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section B:,碍忍应嗜要日喂而蔷链秃弛猎钝库喳度机采旭肯局障鹰橙羊钵崇并绷婴隘西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions terrestrial: adj. lving or growing on land; not aquatic【生物学】 陆生的 limnology: n. th

20、e scientific study of the life and phenomena of fresh water, especially lakes and ponds 湖泊学 autotroph: n. 自养生物 heterotroph: n. an organism that cannot synthesize its own food and is dependent on complex organic substances for nutrition 异养生物 assortment: n. a collection of various kinds; a variety met

21、abolic: adj. 新陈代谢的 herbivore: n. an animal that feeds chiefly on plants 食草动物,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section C:,篙苛状爷米懈孕戍尸劈窑荧揭鹰劳桌麓窘从豺培疚癸言僵髓磨话魏疤筋危西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions carnivore: v. a flesh-eating animal ominore: n. the boarding of a vessel or aircraft o

22、mnivore: n.杂食动物或杂食的人 scavenger: n. an animal, such as a bird or an insect, that feeds on dead or decaying matter 食腐动物 tick: n. 虱类 flea: n. 跳蚤 tapeworm: n. 绦虫 assemblage: n. a collection or gathering of things or people invertebrate: n. an animal, such as an insect or a mollusk, that lacks a backbone

23、 or spinal column 无脊椎动物,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section C:,韧香德熏策脸是倚肆司洗亚源棚炮配粤雨爆例赫田扫寐姥锡凳蛊让哮旋鞘西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions biome: n. a major regional or global biotic community 生物群落区 tundra: n. a treeless area between the icecap and the tree line of Arctic regio

24、ns, having a permanently frozen subsoil and supporting low-growing vegetation such as lichens, mosses, and stunted shrubs 苔原 coniferous: adj. 松类的, 结球果的 deciduous: adj. shedding or losing foliage at the end of the growing season 落叶的 chaparral: n. a dense thicket of shrubs and small trees 浓密的灌木丛和矮树丛 s

25、ugar maple: n. 糖槭:一种产于北美洲东部的槭树,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section C:,淬嚎浓抡浙倍芒橡坛立颜俏赐多轿痘趾眺邪欣泊采傀于曲港谱戎措弗臻故西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions discrete: adj. consisting of unconnected distinct 不连续的 tabulate: v. cut or form with a plane surface 用一个平面来切割或形成 adjacent: adj. clos

26、e to; lying near stratification: n. formation or deposition of layers, as of rock or sediments 分层 emergent: n. (生态) 挺水植物;突出木,露头树 canopy: n. 树冠层 herbaceous: adj. relating to or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant 草本的 stratum: n. (strata, plural.) 地层,Extensive Reading Course

27、4,Section C:,砰憾简闭惊周寞倡怯撑辉膛十希珠阑鬃盂瓦笺暂禾塞阐拴屡孙洱斌漂病荣西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions toucan: n. 巨嘴鸟 diurnal: adj. occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night 日间活动的,昼行性的 nocturnal: adj. occurring or active during the night crepuscular: adj. becoming active a

28、t twilight or before sunrise, as do bats and certain insects and birds【动物学】 黄昏时出没的 bulldozer: n. 推土机 lava: n. 火山岩 dispersal: n. the act or process of dispersing or the condition of being dispersed; distribution 分散;散布 lichen: n. 地衣(一种真菌类植物),Extensive Reading Course 4,Section C:,肃术和况古萝还吴筹今虎犬刘丘疮肾陛晰及硕陶都

29、疽穗打卜绥坚残撩佑楔西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions cottonwood: n. 三角叶杨,棉白杨 elm: n. 榆树 aspen: n. 白杨 silver maple: n. 银槭 spore: n. a small, usually single-celled reproductive body 孢子 periphery: n. a line that forms the boundary of an area; a perimeter excrete: v. separate and

30、 discharge (waste matter) from the blood, tissues, or organs 排泄分泌 phosphorus: n. 磷 fecal:adj. of, relating to, or composed of feces 粪的,Extensive Reading Course 4,Section C:,驼禽庙亏氮靛揖霄戈投撑够建屿汤奖唯澎榨冀茂醋茸谚陀丢凶奥季记兆鸽西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论西湖之声新闻稿件 小萍不幸引发听众大讨论,Key words and expressions pyramid: n. 角锥状物; 金字塔 trophi

31、c: adj. of or involving the feeding habits or food relationship of different organisms in a food chain【生态学】 生物食物链 entropy: n. 物熵; 平均信息量 protoplasm: n. 原生质:一种复杂的,半流动的,半透明的物质,是植物和动物细胞中的活性成分 respiration: n. the act or process of inhaling and exhaling; breathing 呼吸 tract: n. a system of organs and tissues tha


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