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1、International phonetics 国际音标,单元音: i: i : e u: u : a: 辅音: p b t d k g f v s z ,Look and read,/pi:k/ peak 山顶 /pik/ pick 选 /bi:d/ bead 珠子 /bid/ bid 投标 /fi:t/ feet 脚(复) /fit/ fit 健康的 /si:t/ seat 座位 /sit/ sit 坐 /bed/ bed 床 /bd/ bad 坏的 /hed/ head 头 /hd/ had 有,Look and read,/ s: / sir 先生 / h: / her 她 /w:k/

2、 work 工作 / w:k/ worker 工人 / tu:/ tooth 牙(单) /ti:/ teeth 牙(复) /kuk/ cook 做饭 /put/ put 放 /fut/ foot 脚(单) /fu:d/ food 食物 /ik/ thick 厚的 /t/ that 那个 /i:f/ thief 贼 /is/ this 这个,International Phonetics,t chair teacher d orange jeep ts cats sports dz birds friends tr tree true dr dress draw ei make face ai

3、night like,My family我的家人,My father is a teacher. He works during the 我爸爸是老师。 他白天上班。 day. My mother is a nurse. She works at night 我妈妈则是护士。 她晚上上班。 They only see each other on the weekends. 他们只有在周末才会碰面。 My brothers, my sister and I dont work. 哥哥、妹妹和我没有上班。 We are students. Because my parents have to wo

4、rk 我们都是学生。 因为爸妈要上班, , we do the housework. But we never complain。 家事都由我们做。 但我们从不埋怨。,New words 新单词,father /fa: / 父亲 teacher /ti: t/ 老师 work /w:k/ 工作 during /djuri/ 在期间 day /dei/ 白天 mother /m / 母亲 nurse /n:s/ 护士 see /si:/ 看见 weekend /wi:kend/ 周末 student /stju:dnt/ 学生 because /bik z/ 因为 do /du:/ 做 hous

5、ework /hausw:k/ 家务 never /nev/ 从不 complain /kmplein/ 抱怨,Personal pronouns,Possessive pronouns,Examples,Is this your book? No,it isnt, its hers. (her book) These are my books. These books are mine. This is my cup. Yours is the blue one. My husbands father is a doctor. Mine is a lawyer. My sister make

6、s friends wherever she goes. Jack is just a friend of hers.,am are is,I am, Im not, Am I ? You are, you arent, Are you? He is, He isnt, Is he? She is, She isnt, Is she? It is, it isnt, Is it? We are, We arent, Are we? They are, they arent, Are they?,do / does,I work, I dont work, Do I work? You work

7、, you dont work, Do you work? He works, he doesnt work, Does he work? She works, she doesnt work, Does she work? It works, it doesnt work, Does it work? We work, we dont work, Do we work? They work, they dont work, Do they work?,Occupations,pharmacist 药剂师 photographer 摄影师 pilot 飞行员 policeman 警察 post

8、al clerk 邮政人员 postman 邮差 priest 牧师 professor 教授 receptionist 接待员 repairman 修理工人 reporter 记者 sailor 船员,水手 scientist 科学家 seamstress 女装裁缝师 secretary 秘书 singer 歌手 soldier 士兵,军人 statistician 统计员 tailor 裁缝师 taxi driver计程车司机 carpenter木匠 technician 技术人员 tour guide 导游 TV producer 电视制作人 typist 打字员 vet 兽医 weld

9、er 焊接工 writer 作家 real estate agent 房地产经纪人 accountant 会计 buyer 采购员 cashier 出纳员 chef 厨师 auto mechanic 汽车技工 baker 烘培师 barber 理发师 (男) dentist 牙科医生 designer 设计师 computer programmer 程序员 construction worker 建筑工人,Chinese into English,1.她早上不是七点起床的。 she doesnt get up at seven in the morning. 2.他家人不喜欢猫。 His fa

10、mily dont like cats. 3. 莉莉骑自行车上学吗? Does Lily go to school by bike? 4. 你父亲每天下午五点回家吗? Does your father go home at five every afternoon?,Chinese into English,5. 你们通常晚上什么时候做作业? When do you usually do homework in the evening? 6. 他隔多久给父母写信? How often does he write to his parents? 7. 小李在一中读书。 Xiao Li studies in No. 1 Middle School. 8. 他很少做家务。 He seldom does h


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