七年级英语《Unit 5 Sports and Games Lesson 18》学案 北师大版_第1页
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七年级英语《Unit 5 Sports and Games Lesson 18》学案 北师大版_第4页




1、初一英语学案 Unit 5 Sports and Games Lesson 18 Can you dive ? (1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 时间:_学习目标:1、 通过学习,同学们能够使用情态动词can表达某人的能力,并运用到一般疑问句中去及肯定和否定回答2、 通过学习,同学们能够理解不定代词all , most , some , a few , none 并进行正确的使用一、 复习导入 1、写出下列动作的英文形式1)_ 2)_ 3)_4)_ 5)_ 6)_ 2、根据实际情况写出适当的句子1)Peter _2)Tom _3)Li Ping _4)Mike _二、New lesson 1、Read

2、 the title (标题) and write the importance (重点)Meaning(意思) : _Make a sentence (句子) like the title : _ 2、Look at the screen(屏幕) and make some sentences (句子)1)_2)_3)_4)_5)_ 3、将上面的句子在它的后面变成一般疑问句 4、采访别人用的句型是:_ + _ + _ ?三、练习从方框中选择正确的句子补全对话。(把句子抄写在横线上)Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions for our sports s

3、urvey?_A. Sure. I can dive.B. Yes, I can skate. C. Gary Smith. D. Surf ? No, I cant.E. Sure. Go ahead. Thank you. May I have your name? _OK. Can you dive? _And can you surf? _What about the high jump? Well not really, you know, its not easy.初一英语学案 Unit 5 Sports and Games Lesson 18 Can you dive ? (2)

4、姓名:_ 班级:_ 时间:_学习目标:1、 通过学习,同学们能够使用情态动词can表达某人的能力,并运用到一般疑问句中去及肯定和否定回答2、 通过学习,同学们能够理解不定代词all , most , some , a few , none 并进行正确的使用一、 复习导入根据中文意思和英文提示,写出正确的英语句子。1、我可以问你几个问题吗?( can, ask, questions ) _2、你会做前滚翻吗?( can, do, somersault ) _ 3、我擅长跑步。 (be good at , run )_ 4、我能跑100米跑。 (100-meter run) _二、Exercise

5、s 从方框中选择合适的词填空 most, some, all, a few, half, none, fewdo the high jump40climb a rope20surf0do the long jump39do a cartwheel12dive0run the 400-meter race40do sit-ups40swim10run the 110-meter hurdles35do a somersault6skateboard2throw the shot put20do a handstand36do pushups401、_ of the students can do

6、 a handstand.2、_ of the students can dive and surf.3、_ of the students can run the 400-meter run.4、_ of the students can throw the shot put.5、_ the students can do a somersault.6、_ the students can skateboard.7、_ of the students can swim and do a cartwheel. Lesson 18目标检测:一、从方框中选择合适的词填空 most, some, a

7、ll, a few, half, none, fewdo the high jump14climb a rope16surf2do the long jump37do a cartwheel6dive0run the 400-meter race26do sit-ups33swim30run the 110-meter hurdles1do a somersault7skateboard14throw the shot put12do a handstand8do pushups121、_ of the students can do a handstand.2、_ of the studen

8、ts can dive and surf.3、_ of the students can run the 400-meter run.4、_ of the students can throw the shot put.5、_ the students can do a somersault.6、_ the students can skateboard.7、_ of the students can swim and do a cartwheel. 二、根据中文提示完成下列句子1、(Robbie)会玩滑板吗?是的,他会。2、他会冲浪吗?不,他不会。3、你会跳水吗?是的,我会。4、所有的学生都会打网球。5、这个班大多数学生会游泳。6、他们中的一些人会打棒球。7、这些学生中有几个人会打乒乓球。8、他们当中没有人会打排球。9、他能扔铅球。但他不能/不会跳远。 10、我能跳高。我也能跑80


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