七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us?Section C教学案(新版)仁爱版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us?Section C教学案(新版)仁爱版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us?Section C教学案(新版)仁爱版_第3页




1、Unit 4 Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us课题Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to cook with us? Section C学习目标1.Review the expressions of the telephone message.2.Grasp proficiently some important sentences and be able to give suitable suggestions to others.3.Be able to read a section of an article and gr

2、asp some information in it.4.Know about declarative exclamatory sentences.学习重点.Grasp proficiently some important sentences and be able to give suitable suggestions to others.Be able to read a section of an article and grasp some information in it.学习难点Know about declarative exclamatory sentences教学方法和

3、教学时数采用多媒体教学,小组合作探究,师生互动等教学方式1 period学 习 过 程学习内容(学生活动)学习方法教师知识讲解一、学前准备A.复习。根据汉语提示完成句子。1.May I _ _(和说话)Ann? Sorry,she isnt at home._(你是谁)?2.Could you ask her to _ _ _(给我回电话)this enening? Sure.3.Im sorry I cant_ _(提水).Its too heavy.4.Its Monday(星期一).You_ _(不得不)go to school today.5._ _(我担心)I have_ _(没时间

4、)to have supper with you.B.预习。英汉互译1.That would be very nice._2.我想带些面包_把1a阅读译成汉语陈述出来。学生课前 完成一.导入新课Tell the students: Our friends Kangkang, Jane, Bobby, Michael, Wang Junfeng, Steve and Maria want to have a picnic.T: What do they do? Can you guess? Ask the students to and guess what they want to do.二、

5、探究活动(一)独立思考、解决问题1。阅读1a,小组表演对话。2。再读1a,完成1b的短文填空。3。看2中的图片,把它和对话配对。4。根据3中的问题,写一篇关于野餐的短文,小组内交流。5。阅读4a中的单词,把他们与图片配对。6。反复听4b中的句子并与图片配对。学生自主学习课堂展示(二)师生探究、合作交流小组合作完成组内交流课堂展示三、学习体会1、 这节课你有哪些收获?小组内交流并选取代表归纳总结四、课后练习A.选择能够替换划线部分的选项。( )1.What about playing soccer with us?A. why not B. Why dont you C. How about D

6、. Lets ( )2.She is in now.A. at home B. go out C. at school D. not at home ( )3.Would you like to have dinner with me?A. Would you please to B. Do you want to C. Do you like D. What about ( )4. Please tell him to call me.A. speak to me B. give me a callC. visit me D. help me ( )5.Why not have some w

7、ater? Good idea.A. All right B. Thats all right.C. Thats right D. Youre rightB.按要求完成句子。1.Can I help you?(同义句转换)_ can I_ for you?2.Michael and his friends want to have a picnic.(对划线部分提问)_ _ to have a picnic?3.The kites are purple.(同一句转换)They are_ _.4.I want to take some chocolate with me.(对划线部分提问)_ _

8、 you want to take with_?5.My favorite food is fish and chicken.(对划线部分提问)_is your favorite food?C.完型填空 My grandmother would like some apples. But now we dont have_1_. I have to go_2_. I come to a new shop next to my home. I _3_some big red apples. But I dont_4_ the money(钱) to the shopkeeper(店主). So I go back to the shop and give him the money. I_5_ thanks to him. He is so happy.( )1. A. some B. any C.one D. many( )2. A.shop B.to shop C. shop


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