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1、Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,电路基本理论,current situation 现状,目前形势;现况 current status 当前状态;目前状况 current state 现行状态;初速电流状态 electric current 电流 direct current 直流;电直流电 alternating current (AC) 交流电 current density 电流密度;扩散(弥漫)流密度 eddy current 涡流;电学涡电流 tidal current 潮流 constant current 恒定电流 curre

2、nt transformer n. 电流变换器 leakage current 电泄漏电流 high current 电流过高;高强度电流 current control 电流控制;日常检查 welding current 焊接电流,current adj:现在的;流通的;通用的;最近的 n.(水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流,current n.(水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流,1. a flow of electricity through a conductor the current was measured in amperes 2. a steady flow (usually from n

3、atural causes) the raft floated downstream on the current 3. dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas the current of history,low voltage 低电压 output voltage 输出电压 voltage stability 电压稳定;电压稳定度 input voltage 输入电压;工作电压 dc voltage 直流电压;直羚压 rated voltage 化额定电压 voltage con

4、trol 电压控制 voltage regulator 稳压器;调压器 voltage source n. 电压电源 supply voltage 电源电压;供给电压 voltage drop 电压降落 ac voltage 交流电压;交羚压 voltage transformer 电压互感器;电压变量器 constant voltage 恒定电压;定压 voltage regulation 稳压;电压调整;电压变动率 working voltage 工作电压;工诅压;操作电压 breakdown voltage 电击穿电压 medium voltage 中压 applied voltage

5、外加电压,Voltage n.:电压,voltage n. the rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a flow of electricity in a circuit; expressed in volts 2. the difference in electrical charge between two points in a circuit expressed in volts,variable adj. 变量的;可变的;易变的,多变的;变异的, 生物 畸变的 n. 数 变量;可变物,可变因素 比较级m

6、ore variable 最高级most variable ,charge n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载 vt. 使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对索费;向冲去 vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上,control circuit 控制电路 integrated circuit 集成电路 circuit design 电路设计 circuit board 电路板;线路板 short circuit 短路;漏电 circuit breaker 电断路器 electric circuit 电路(等于circuit) interface circuit 接口电路 main circui

7、t 主电路;主回路;昼路,circuit n. 电子 电路,回路;巡回;一圈;环道 vi. 环行 vt. 绕回环行,equivalent circuit 等效电路 electronic circuit 电子线路,电子电路 digital circuit 数字电路 circuit diagram 电路图;线路图 closed circuit 闭合线路,闭合电路 drive circuit 驱动电路;激励电路 magnetic circuit 磁路 analog circuit 模拟电路;类比电路,an electrical device that provides a path for elec

8、trical current to flow,electron n.电子 an elementary particle with negative charge,positive charge adj. 积极的;数 正的,医化学 阳性的;确定的,肯定的;实际的,真实的;绝对的 n. 正数;摄 正片 比较级more positive 最高级most positive negative charge adj. 数 负的;消极的;否定的;阴性的 n. 否定;负数;摄 底片 vt. 否定;拒绝,electromotive force 电磁 电动势,potential difference n. 物 势

9、差,物 位差 ,电位差,电势差,Work n. 工作;物 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;工厂;文学、音乐或艺术作品 vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进 vi. 工作;运作;起作用,power n. 功率;力量;能力;政权;势力;数 幂 vt. 激励;供以动力;使有力量 vi. 快速前进 adj. 借影响有权势人物以操纵权力的 (physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second),instantaneous power 电子 瞬时功率,resistor n. 电 电阻器 an electrical devic

10、e that resists the flow of electrical current,capacitor n. 电 电容器 an electrical device characterized by its capacity to store an electric charge,source n. 来源;水源;原始资料,inductor n. 感应器;授职者;圣职授予的人 an electrical device (typically a conducting coil) that introduces inductance into a circuit,Section 1 Curre

11、nt and Voltage,Two variables u(t) and i(t) are the most basic concepts in an electric circuit, they characterize the various relationships in an electric circuit.,电压和电流是电路里的两个基本概念,他们描述了电路中的各种关系.,Section 1 Current and Voltage,We know from elementary physics that all matter is made of fundamental buil

12、ding blocks known as atoms and that each atom consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons.,由基础物理我们知道,所有物质都是由原子组成的,而且每个原子包括电子、质子和中子。,Section 1 Current and Voltage,When a conducting wire is connected to a battery (a source of electromotive force), the charges are compelled to move; positive charges m

13、ove in one direction while negative charges move in the opposite direction. This motion of charges creates electric current.,当一个电池(电源)与导线相连时,电荷被迫运动。正电荷朝一个方向运动而负电荷向着相反的方向运动。电荷的运动产生可电流。,Section 1 Current and Voltage,Although we now know that current in metallic conductors is due to negatively charged

14、electrons, we will follow the universally accepted convention that current is the net flow of positive charges.,尽管现在我们知道金属导体中的电流是由带负电的电子产生的,我们依然遵循电流是正电荷的流动这个普遍公认的约定。,Section 1 Current and Voltage,Current direction and voltage polarity play a major role in determining the sign of power. It is therefo

15、re important that we pay attention to the relationship between current i and voltage u in Fig.1-3(a).,电流方向和电压极性决定了功率符号。因此,需要关注图(1-3)a中电压u与电流i的关系。,Grammar Features,客观性(Objective)、准确性(accuracy)和精练 (conciseness)。,(1) 广泛使用被动语态,(2) 广泛使用非谓语形式,(3) 省略句使用频繁,(4) It句型和祈使句使用频繁,(5) 复杂长句使用频繁,(6) 后置形容词短语作定语多,语法特点,

16、(1) 广泛使用被动语态,Grammar Features,主体多为客观的事物、现象和过程,在叙述推理过程中切忌加进作者个人的主观臆断;,中心是客观现象及事物本身,而非动作的发出者,把论证说明的对象置于句子主语的位置,既能突出中心,又能吸引读者的注意。,(客观性),1) Electricity can be measured in amount and quality.,电可以用数量和质量来度量。,2)Instrument transformers are installed on the high-voltage equipment.,互感器安装在高压设备上,语法特点,Grammar Fea

17、tures,3) Electric power is generated in power generating stations or plants.,电能是在发电站或发电厂产生的,4) The meters are calibrated and the scale is designed to read the value of the desired unit.,这些仪表可以被校准并且设计了不同的量程 ,以便读出期望的数值。,语法特点,Grammar Features,(2)广泛使用非谓语形式,非谓语动词在句子中可以起到名词,形容词或副词作用,动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式

18、。, 动名词,用动名词短语取代时间从句或简化时间陈述句,The signal should be filtered before it is amplified.,2) An object becomes hot. It is placed in the sun.,Once being placed in the sun, an object becomes hot.,物体放置在太阳下会变热。,The signal should be filtered before being amplified.,放大信号前,应先对其进行滤波,(精炼),语法特点,Grammar Features,3) We

19、 must do various experiments before a new electronic product is designed.,Before designing a new electronic product we must do various experiments.,在设计一个新的电子产品之前,我们必须做各种实验,语法特点,Grammar Features,用动名词短语做主语,1) Changing resistance is a method for controlling the flow of the current.,改变电阻是控制电流的一种方法,2) Co

20、nducting electricity means the flow of electrons through an object.,传导电流意味着电子在物体内的流动,语法特点,Grammar Features, 分词,过去分词短语替代从句中的被动语态 现在分词短语替代从句中的主动语态,1)The power supply, which is shown in block-diagram in Fig.1, is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.,The power supply shown in block-diagram in Fig.1 is a

21、 single-phase switch-mode inverter.,图1中用框图表示的电源是一个单相开关逆变器。,语法特点,Grammar Features,2) A three-phase circuit, as it was pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits.,A three-phase circuit, as pointed out above, is merely a combination of three single-phase circuits.,正如上面所指出

22、的那样,三相电路只不过是三个单相电路的组合。,3) The transistor, which is working with correctly polarities, can work as an amplifier.,The transistor working with correctly polarities can work as an amplifier.,工作于正确电源极性下的晶体管,作用就像放大器。,语法特点,Grammar Features, 不定式,用不定式短语来替代表示目的和功能的从句或语句,(1) The capacity of individual generato

23、rs is larger and larger so that the increasing demand of electric power is satisfied.,The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power.,单台发电机的容量越来越大,目的就是满足不断增长的用电需求。,(2) What does a fuse do? It protects a circuit.,The function of a fuse is

24、 to protect a circuit.,保险的作用就是保护电路。,语法特点,Grammar Features,(3) 省略句使用频繁,省略成分:状语从句中的主语、全部或部分谓语;定语从句中的关系代词which和that、从句中的助词等;还常用介词短语替代从句。,1) If it is possible, the open-loop control approach should be used in this system.,If possible, the open-loop control approach should be used in this system.,2) As i

25、llustrated in Fig.1, there is a feedback element in the closed-loop system.,As in Fig.1, there is a feedback element in the closed-loop system.,就像图1所示的那样,这个闭环系统中有一个反馈元件。,可能的话,这个系统应该使用开环控制方法。,(精炼),语法特点,Grammar Features,3) The device includes an instrument transformation and a relay system which has t

26、wo circuits in it.,The device includes an instrument transformation and a relay system with two circuits in it.,这个装置包括一个互感器和一个有两个电路的继电器系统。,As already discussed 前已讨论 As explained before 前已解释 As described above 如上所示 If possible (necessary)如果可能(必要),其他常用的省略形式:,If so 倘若如此 As previously mentioned 前已提到 Whe

27、n needed (necessary, feasible)必要时 Where feasible 在实际可行的场合 Where possible 在可能的情况下,语法特点,Grammar Features,(4) It句型和祈使句使用频繁,It句型:it 充当形式主语,避免句子“头重脚轻”,It is very important (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable) to,It takes very much time learning,It is clear (possible, necessary, natural, inevitable)

28、 that,It happened that ,It must be admitted that,祈使句: 无主语,精炼。,Let A be equal to B.设A等于B。,Consider a high-pressure chamber. 假如有一个高气压气候室。,(准确、精炼),语法特点,Grammar Features,(5) 复杂长句使用频繁,1) It has been mentioned above that the electrons in a metal are able to move freely through the metal, that their motion

29、 constitutes an electric current in the metal and that they play an important part in conduction of heat.,前面已经提到:金属中电子能自由地通过金属,电子的移动在金属中形成了电流,电子在热传导中起着重要的作用。,(准确、精炼),为了完整、准确地表达事物内在联系,使用大量从句,语法特点,Grammar Features,2) The reluctance motor operates synchronously at a speed which is determined by the sup

30、ply frequency and the number of poles for which the stator is wound.,磁阻电动机以某一速率同步动转,该速率是由电源频率和定子绕制的级数决定的。,3) The testing of a cross-field generator will be described in this section with chief reference to the tests that are normally taken on every machine before it leaves the makers works.,交磁发电机的试验

31、将在本节中叙述,它主要涉及每台电机在离开制造厂前应进行的试验。,语法特点,Grammar Features,(6) 后置形容词短语作定语多,代替定语从句作后置定语,使句子简洁、紧凑,不至于累赘。,1) All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics, which are analogous to those of waves moving through water.,All radiant energies have wavelike characteristics analogous to those of waves moving t

32、hrough water.,2) The instruments present include some digital ones which are relative to DSPs,The instruments present include some digital ones relative to DSPs,所有的辐射能都具有波的特性,与水中移动的波的特征相似。,到场的仪器中还有一些与DSP有关的数字仪器,(精炼),语法特点,Rhetoric Features,注重科学技术方面的观察、试验和客观规律、事物特征,涉及的内容(如概念、原理、定理或定律、规则、方法等)大多没有特定的时间关

33、系和时效性,(1) 广泛使用一般现在时,(2)较多地使用图、表和公式,常使用数据、图、表和公式等非语言因素来表明科技概念、原理、定理或定律、规则、方法等。,(3) 逻辑语法使用多,修辞特点,进行条件论述、理论分析和公式推导时,多使用逻辑语法,即表示条件、原因、语气转折、限制、假设和逻辑顺序等词汇,although, because, but, if, once, only, suppose, as a result, because of, due to, so, therefore, thus, without等。,Vocabulary Features,(1) 词汇分类,专业或技术词汇,次

34、技术词汇,diode , capacitor ,substation , autotransformer ,superconductivity 。,很多专业和学科所共有的词汇,不同专业和学科往往具有不同词义,某个专业所特有的词汇,其专业性强,词义狭窄和单一。,power :,幂,乘方,动力,功率,效率,电源,电力,功率,电能,bus:,公共汽车,母线,总线,Condenser:,电容器,补偿机,冷凝器,power plant:,发电厂,动力装置,词汇特点,(二极管),(电容器),(变电站,变电所),(自耦变压器),(超导特性),Vocabulary Features,非技术词汇,在普通英语或非

35、专业英语中使用较少,但实际却属于非专业英语的词汇,take in - absorb,Look into - examine,find out - discover,turn round - rotate,make good use of - utilize,change - convert,词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(2) 词汇的一般特点,第一类单词:本身就是属于4000基本词汇表中的词汇。,Ability (能力) Absolute (绝对) Atom (原子) Automatic (自动装置) Digital (数字的) Electricity (电,电学) Ele

36、tron (电子) Switch (开关) Transformer (变压器) Trim (微调) Voltate (电压),词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(2) 词汇的一般特点,第二类单词:是一种由基本词汇赋予电专业含义(词形不变)而形成的专业词汇。,alive:本来是一个普通词汇,含义为“活的,活跃的”意思,而被赋予“通有电流的”,“加上电压的”词义后 ,就成为一个“带电的”,“加电的”电专业词汇。,bus(公共汽车):被引用为电专业词汇后,就具有了“总线,汇流条“的电类专业含义。,cell(小室,细胞):电专业词义是“电池”。,circuit(环行,周线):电专业词义

37、是”电路“。,词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,Capture(俘获,收集):电专业词义是”归零“。,cassette(盒,箱):电专业词义是”盒式磁带“。,gate(门):电专业词义是“门电路,栅极,控制极”。,goodness(美,善):电专业词义是”品质因数“。,等等。,词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(2) 词汇的一般特点,第三类单词:是由两个或两个以上的基本词汇复合而成的专业词汇。,key(钥匙,键)+set(放置,装置)=keyset(配电板),loud(大声的)+speaker(说话者)=loudspeaker(喇叭,扬声器),main(主要的,

38、干线)+frame(框架)=mainframe(总配线架),band(频带)+width(宽度)=bandwidth(频带宽,带宽),等等。,词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(2) 词汇的一般特点,第四类单词:是由基本词汇或词根加前、后缀派生而等到的专业词汇。,add(加、加法)+后缀er=adder(加法器),前缀bi(双)+polar(极)=bipolar(双极的;两级的),前缀bi(双)+stable(稳定)=bistable(双稳态),band(频带)+width(宽度)=bandwidth(频带宽,带宽),再如:由具有”反、逆、抗“含义的前缀anti可派生出:,an

39、ti+clock+wise=anticlockwise(反时针的),anti+body=antibody(抗体,反物质),anti+freeze=antifreeze(防冻,抗冻),anti+form=antiform(反式),词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(2) 词汇的一般特点,第五类单词:是属于4000基本词汇表及其复合派生词以外的专业词汇。,Buffer (缓冲器) Core (铁芯) Criterion (判据) Reel (绞车、卷线) Cathode (阴极) Data (数据) Relay (继电器)等等,除此之外,还有少量的缩写词,如:,Analmatic(

40、 自动检查和分析装置),是analysis和automatic的缩写。 Dovap(测定导弹速度和位置的多普勒信标),是Doppler velocity and position的缩写。,词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,由相互独立的两个或更多的词合成得到新词,名词+名词(n.+n.)n. :,horsepower, bandwidth, power utilization,名词+形容词(n+adj.) adj.:,ice-cold, network-wide,名词+副词(n+adv.)n.,adj.:,feedback,形容词名词(adj+n)

41、n.,adj.:,low-pass, high-speed, short-circuit, newtype,形容词+名词+ed (adj.+n.+ed)adj.:,forward-directed,small-sized,介词+名词(prep.+n.)adj., n.:,bypass, overhead, on-line, overvoltage,词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,由相互独立的两个或更多的词合成得到新词,第一类:复合名词(Compound Noun ),词汇特点,1、形容词或相当于形容词的词+名词,构成复合名词。,clear(无障

42、碍的)+way(路)=clearway(高速公路),hand(手)+book(书)=handbook(手册),after(之后)+effect(效果,作用)=aftereffect(后效,副作用),floating(浮)+bridge(桥)=floatingbeidge(浮桥),Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,第一类:复合名词(Compound Noun ),词汇特点,2、动词+副词,或副词+动词。,turn(回转)+out(外、出)=turnout(输出、产品),over(超过)+load(负载)=overload(过负载),drive(驱动)+way

43、(道路)=driveway(公路),snow(雪)+fall(降落)=snowfall(下雪,雪量),3、动词+名词,或名词+动词。,Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,第二类:复合形容词(Compound Adjective ),词汇特点,1、修饰词+形容词。,snow(雪)+white(白)=snow-while(雪白的),light(淡的)+blue(蓝色的)=lightblue(浅蓝的),freezing(冰冻的)+cold(冷)=freezingcold(冰冷的),Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,第二类:复合

44、形容词(Compound Adjective ),词汇特点,2、修饰词+分词。,time(时间)+saving(节约的)=time-saving(省时间的),quick(快)+frozen(冻)=quick-frozen(速冻的),short(短)+sighted(视力的)=short-sighted(近视的),3、修饰词+名词+ed。,chicken(小鸡)+hearted(勇气)=chicken-hearted(近视的),Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,第三类:复合动词(Compound Verb),词汇特点,1、动词+副词,或副词+动词。,make

45、(使)+out(外、出现)=make out(理解),over(过度)+work(工作)=overwork(过度工作),safe(安全的)+guard(保护)=safeguard(护卫),2、修饰词+动词。,back(背)+bite(咬住)=backbite(背后毁谤),Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,由相互独立的两个或更多的词合成得到新词,合成词与派生词的主要区别在于,构成派生词的组成部分中包含词素成分;而构成复合词的各个组成部分,必定都是独立的单词。,Tele(远)+scope(视野,显示器)=telescope(望远镜) (前缀)+(单词)=(派生

46、词),Micro(微)+scope(视野,显示器)=Microscope(显微镜) (单词)+(单词)=(合成词),thermo(热)+graph(图表、曲线)=thermograph(温度过程线) (前缀)+(单词)=(派生词),photo(拍照)+graph(图表、曲线)=photograph(相片、摄影) (单词)+(单词)=(合成词),词汇特点,Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,词汇特点,复合词的词义,一般都是由组成该复合词的单词词义合成,或者稍加某些引申。科技词汇中的复合词,多属于这一类情况。,electromotor n. 电动机 thermo

47、meter n. 温度计,体温表 waterproof a. 防水的,防湿的,雨衣 blueprint n. 蓝图,计划 brainpower n. 智囊,科技人员 breadchild n.脑力劳动的产物 braekthrough n. 突破,重要发明,技术革新 breakdown n. 击穿,故障,分类,Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,词汇特点,复合词有以下四种书写形式:,1、连写形式,blackboard n. 黑板 =black+board,darkroom n. 暗室 =dark+room,spaceship n. 宇宙飞船 =space+sh

48、ip,shockproof a. 防震的 =shock+proof,Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,词汇特点,复合词有以下四种书写形式:,2、用中缀(辅音字母”s”或元音字母“o”)连接。,draftsman n. 制图员 =draft+s+man,townspeople n. 城市居民 =town+s+people,thermocouple n. 热电偶 =therm+o+couple,speedometer n. 速度计 =speed+o+meter,Vocabulary Features,(3) 词汇构成,1) 合成法,词汇特点,复合词有以下四种书

49、写形式:,3、用连字符”-“连接。,motor-way n. 公路,汽车路,screw-driver n. 螺丝刀,起子,4、分开书写。,dining room n. 餐室,home pront n. 大后方,Vocabulary Features,2)派生法,通过对词根加上各种前缀或后缀来构成新词,专业英语词汇大部分都是用派生法构成的, semi-构成的词有230个以上: semiconductor,semimonthly等, thermo-130 个以上:thermo-chemical,thermo-electrical micro- 300个以上; auto- 260个以上;,前缀(pr

50、efix):词义变化,词类不变 后缀(suffix):词义可能变化可能不变,词类一定会变,常用的前缀和后缀却多达百个,可见派生法的构词能力是非常强的。作为一个专业技术人员,至少应掌握50个常用前缀和后缀。,词汇特点,前缀,前缀,前缀,前缀,名词后缀,名词后缀,名词后缀,形容词后缀,副词后缀,动词后缀,词根,Exercise,Find out the differences of the following words. electronic electronics electric electricity electrician electrical,Exercise,Find out the

51、 differences of the following words. electronic adj 电子的 electronic site 电子网站 electronics n 电子学,电子器件 electric adj 电的,导电的 ,电动的 electric circuit 电路 electricity n 电流,电,电学 electricity bills 电费单 electrician n 电工,电学家 electrical adj 电的,有关电的 an electrical appliance Electrical Engineering and Automation 电气工程及

52、其自动化 Electrical Transmission Line 电气输电线路 Power Electronics 电力电子技术,Vocabulary Features,Department of Electrical Machinery and Electrical Apparatus Department of Power System and its Automation Department of High Voltage and Insulation Technology Department of Power Electronics and Power Drives Depart

53、ment of Electrical Engineering Theory and New Technology Department of Architectural Electrical and Intelligence,电机与电器,电力系统及其自动化,高电压与绝缘技术,电力电子与电力传动,电工理论与新技术,建筑电气与智能化,3) 词汇缩略,Vocabulary Features,只由词汇中的部分字母或由词组中每个词汇的首字母。,节略词,缩略词,首字词和缩写词,节略词:只取词汇前面几个字母或只由后面词根组成,ad,del,exam,deg,lab,di(a),dir,dep,adverti

54、sement;,delete,examination,degree,laboratory,diameter,directory,department,Vocabulary Features,缩略词:由词组中某些词的词头字母(有时多于一个)所组成,作为一个词按照正常的规则发音,ROM,RAM,Radar,GIS,read only memory 只读存储器,random access memory 随机(存取)储存器,radio detecting and ranging ;雷达,gas insulated station 气体绝缘变电站,geography information system

55、 地理信息系统,Vocabulary Features,首字词:与缩略词类似,区别在于每个实词只取第一个字母,且必须逐字母念出,AC DC CD LED ID IP UPS HV HVDC IEE IEEE,alternating current交流电,direct current 直流电,compact disc光盘,压缩磁盘,light emitting diode 发光二极管,identification card 身份证,uninterruptible power supply 不间断电源,high voltage 高压, high voltage direct current 高压直

56、流, institution of Electrical Engineers 英国电气工程师协会, institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 美国电气电子工程师协会, Internet Protocol, 网际协议,CEE,- College of Electrical Engineering,缩写词:并不一定由某个词组的首字母组成。有些缩写词仅由一个单词变化而来,且大多数缩写词每个字母后都附有一个句点。,Vocabulary Features,appx.appendix 附录; fig.figure 图; sq.square 平方;

57、msg.message 信息; amp.amplifier 放大器; o.p.operational amplifier 运算放大器;,Vocabulary Features,混合法:由两个词汇的第一个词汇的前面几个字母和第二个词汇的后面几个字母结合在一起构成。,positron negatron,字母外形法 :对一些形状与字母外形相似的物体,可以利用连字符把字母和名词连接在一起组成新词汇。,X-ray X 射线 U-shaped magnet 马蹄形磁铁 Y-direction Y轴方向 H-frame structure H型框架结构 T-filter T型滤波器 Y-connection

58、 Y(星)形连接,positive electron正电子, negative electron负电子,Vocabulary Features,人名法:对一些科学家、发明家所发现或发明的理论、方法、定理或定律、东西和物品等,用他们的名字组成新词。,Ohm欧姆,Volt伏特,Watt瓦特,Ampere安培,Hertz赫兹,Kelvin开尔文,Coulomb-库仑,Symbol and Formula,国际单位制中的前缀,2)小数,分数,百分数,Symbol and Formula,0.1: zero point one, point one, o point one, one tenth, de

59、cimal one 0.01: point zero one, 10.35: ten point three five,1/2: a (one) half 1/3: a third 1/4: one quarter 1/8: a eighth 2/3: two-thirds, two over three, two divided by three 3/4: three-fourths, three quarters 3%: three percent 0.2% : point two percent 5: five per mill,3)幂(power)根(root),x to the second power,Symbol and Formula,: x square,x squared ,the square of x,the second power of x,y to the third power,:y cube,y cubed,the


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