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1、Chapter Six,Etiquette in Business Communication,Introductions,Mention authority figures first and introduce others to them. Introduce a younger person to an older person. Always stand up. Always shake hands.,Introduce lower ranking person to higher ranking person. Include useful information,Father G

2、raham, may I introduce Libby Smith, our new assistant director of diversity. She recently earned her MA in Human Resources at Indiana University. Father Graham has served as President of Xavier University for the past 6 years. Recently, US News do not use napkin to clean your face or take food from

3、your mouth. 4. When cutting meat, hold the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left hand, avoid making noise.,5. Cut the meat one piece at a time and eat it with the fork. 6. Put the knife and fork in the plate when you finish a course. 7. Do not use a spoon to eat; it is for soup only. 8.

4、 Be sure to sample all the food served to you. Finish the food in your plate. 9. Do not talk when you have food in the mouth. 10. Avoid talking to your neighbor when he or she has food in the mouth.,Food and Drink Taboos,Muslims: do not drink alcohol, not eat pork products, avoid shellfish. Hindus:

5、avoid beef and pork, strict vegetarians Buddhists: strict vegetarians Knowing the fundamental element of local business protocol shows you are a serious and committed potential partner.,Etiquette in Different Countries,Brazil Argentina Indonesia Japan,Midday the normal time for the main meal. A ligh

6、t meal is common at night, unless entertaining formally. In Brazil, restaurant entertainment prevails versus at home. If entertained in the home, it is polite to send flowers to the hostess the next day, with a thank-you note. Purple flowers are extensively used at funerals, so be cautious when givi

7、ng someone purple flowers. Violets are OK to give. Tipping is typically 10% in Brazil.,Brazil,Argentina,Business dinners are popular and are usually held in restaurants. Tender beef and red wine are virtual national symbols. American beef and red wine compare poorly to theirs. Long meals and convers

8、ation is the norm. Crossing the knife and fork signal I am finished. When dining, keep your hands on the table, not in your lap.,Indonesia 印度尼西亚,Leaving food on your plate signifies you are impolite, so eat all the food you are served. Only use your right hand for eating, when touching someone, or h

9、andling money/papers. Talking is impolite while eating dinner. Conversation is reserved for before or after the meal.,Japan,The word for toasting is kampai, pronounced kahm-pie. When toasting, the glass is never left unfilled. Drinking is an important part of Japanese culture. It is a way to relieve

10、 business stress. Never pour a drink yourself; always allow someone else to do it for you. Most business entertaining is done in restaurants or bars after business hours. Often in karaoke or hostess bars. Businesswomen should not attend hostess bars.“ Let the host order the meal and pay. Business ma

11、y be discussed at dinner during these events.,Japanese rarely entertain in the home. If you are invited to the home of your Japanese host, consider it a great honor and display a tremendous amount of appreciation. It is perfectly acceptable to slurp your noodles. Doing so will exhibit your enjoyment

12、 of your food. To do otherwise, indicates that your meal was not a pleasant one. The number 14 is bad luck, because in Japanese it sounds like the word for death. Tipping is not expected.,Dress Etiquette,Formal Business Dress Business Casual Casual Dress codes in different countries,Formal Business

13、Dress,Both Men and Women Should always wear a suit. Consider dark navy and gray. Women Should avoid wearing several pieces of jewelry Make sure skirts are at least knee length. Women should always wear hose, and shoes with heels.,Business Casual,Men: Should avoid Khaki pants and “loud print” shirts.

14、 Women: Should consider wearing business skirts with appropriate blouses, such as silks, polyester, or rayon with attractive prints.,Casual,Men Women,Dress Code,Latin America focus on style and quality of apparel and accessories. Middle East judge one on quality and price of ones briefcase, watch, p

15、en and jewelry. Germans feel comfortable with men whose shoes are brightly polished. Americans pay attention to the condition of ones teeth. In Muslim countries, female visitors should dress so as to show little bare skin.,Dress Codes in Different Countries,Indonesia Japan Great Britain France Egypt

16、,Indonesia,Women should wear long-sleeve blouses and skirts that cover the knee. Women meeting in a more formal office should wear a suit with hosiery. Women are limited to clothing colors that are muted or dark. Leave brightly colored clothing at home. Women must always cover their upper arms when

17、wearing a casual blouse.,Japan,Those who dress according to their status or position impress the Japanese. Dress to impress. Casual dress is never appropriate in a business setting. Shoes should be easy to remove, as you will do so often. Slip-ons are the best choice.,Womens dress should be conserva

18、tive. Little emphasis should be placed on accessories. They should be minimal. Women should not wear pants in a business situation. Japanese men tend to find it offensive. Women should only wear low-heeled shoes to avoid towering over men. A kimono should be wrapped left over right to do otherwise s

19、ymbolizes death.,Great Britain,Dark suits, usually black, blue, or gray, are quite acceptable. Mens shirts should not have pockets; if they do, the pockets should always be kept empty. Additionally, men should wear solid or patterned ties, while avoiding striped ties. Men wear laced shoes, not loafe

20、rs. Businesswomen are not as limited to colors and styles as men are, though it is still important to maintain a conservative image.,France,The French are very conscientious of their appearance. Patterned fabrics and dark colors are most acceptable, but avoid bright colors. Women should also dress c

21、onservatively. Avoiding bright or gaudy colors is recommended.,Egypt,Foreigners are expected to abide by local standards of modesty however, do not adopt native clothing. Traditional clothes on foreigners may be offensive. Men should wear long pants and a shirt, preferably long-sleeved, buttoned up

22、to the collar. Men should also avoid wearing visible jewelry, particularly around the neck. Women should always wear modest clothing in public.,Etiquette of Signing Agreement,Signing ceremony occasions Preparation of signing ceremony Procedure of signing ceremony Business gifts,Signing Ceremony Occa

23、sions,1. Two or more nations reach an agreement; 2. During his visit, the leader of a nation and the head of the host country agree upon certain topics and they decide to issue joint communiqu or joint statement; 3. Local business, economic entities, manufacturers, cultural exchange organizations, import and export companie


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