七年级英语下册Unit6I’mwatchingTV第4课时导学案新版 人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语下册Unit6I’mwatchingTV第4课时导学案新版 人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语下册Unit6I’mwatchingTV第4课时导学案新版 人教新目标版_第3页




1、课题:Unit 6 Im watching TV流程具体内容方法指导目标导学To read the TV report and learn about what people are doing at the same time in different countries.自主学习A) 写出下列单词。1. 游泳池_ 2.购物_ 3.超市_ 4. 男人_ 5.竞赛_ 6.学习;研究_ 7. 州_ 8.龙_B) 短语互译1.端午节_ 2.前一天夜里_ 3.脱口秀_ 4. 为而学习 _ 5. host family _ 6. living room _ C) 句型在线。1. 所以对朱辉和他的寄宿家

2、庭来说,今晚和任何一个平常的晚上都是一样的。So its _ _ _night _ Zhu Hui and his host family.2. 李平思念他的家乡并希望回去。 Liping _ his hometown and _ _ _back.方法指导根据自学的要求,认真独立完成,书写规范,对于疑难点可以圈画出来,与小组成员讨论。温馨提示:本部分将带你进入本科的门槛,要做好准备噢!用时:15分钟问题探究I. Warming up:1. Look and say: look at the clocks and talk about the time in different places.2

3、. Enjoy a video about Dragon Boat Festival.II. Fast reading: 1. Look at the picture on page 35 and answer the questions.What special day is it?What are Chinese people doing on this day? What do people eat on this day?III. Careful reading:1. Listen to the audio, answer the questions. Why are Zhu Huis

4、 family watching boat races and making zongzi? Does Zhu Hui like his host family? What does he think about his home in China? 2. Read the TV report and fill in the chart.方法指导:1、今天要学什么呢?先来听老师讲讲(4分钟)2、快速阅读:看到35页的图片,根据这两幅图猜一猜这篇文章到底讲什么呢?(6分钟)3、精读文章:这篇文章到底讲什么呢?仔细阅读,找出问题答案,并试着填好这个表格。(5加分钟共分钟)反馈提升Language

5、points:1. Hes talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen.I want to talk about the work with you.talk: 意思为: , 动词和某人交谈:talk 谈论某人/某物:talk 【即学即练】 She is _ _ Lucy in English.2. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.I wish to have a big house.I wish you to stay here.I

6、wish that I had a brother.wish: 动词, “希望”wish to do sth. :wish sb. to do sth.:wish+that从句: “希望”【即学即练】 The old man wishes _ (see) his son. 3. So its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.any other night:任何(一个)其他的夜晚any: any other: “任何别的;任何其他的”【即学即练】When can I come? (任何一天)from today. Dont

7、 be so proud. (任何别的男孩)here can play this game. 方法指导:阅读完文章,是不是对某些知识点还有些疑惑呢?一起来看看吧(分钟)达标运用同学们通过以上的学习,对于这篇文章的理解肯定更为深刻,快来大显身手吧。1. Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use the phrases to write sentences according to the TV report.(2c)2. Fill in the blanks to finish the summary of the text and try


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