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1、,2014英语高考高频词汇精选-E,1. earn v. T赚得,挣得 T获得,赢得,【练习】 完成句子 他每个月赚500美元。 He _ a month. 他靠卖菜谋生。 He _ by selling vegetables. 他因诚实获得了我们的敬重。 His honesty _ us.,【答案】 earns 500 dollars earns his living earns respect from,2. effect n. C/U影响,效果,结果,【练习】完成句子/单项选择 老师的话对他有很大的作用。 The teachers words _ him. 这药片对病人没有任何作用。 T

2、he pill _ the patient. Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health. A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; at,The story, which _ me, _ my sister deeply. A. had no effect in; affected B. had not an effect on; effected C. had no effect on; affected D. had not

3、an effect in; effected,【解析】 have a great effect on has no effect on Cbe convinced of 相信;the effect on sth. 对于的影响。 Chave no effect on sb./sth. 表示“对某人/某物没有影响”;动词affect表示“影响”,相当于“have an effect on sb./sth.”;而effect作“影响”用时为名词,不能作谓语。,3. effort nC/U努力,尽力,【练习】完成句子 他努力完成了他的工作。 He _ his work. 要不遗余力防止类似事故再次发生

4、。 No effort should _ such an accident occurring again.,【答案】 made an effort/efforts to finish be spared to prevent,4. embarrass vT使尴尬,使窘迫,使为难 embarrass sb. with sth. 某事让某人感到尴尬/难堪/为难,【练习】 完成句子/英译汉 不要问隐私让他们感到尴尬。 Dont _ personal questions. 他对自己成绩差时常感到难为情。 He_ his poor grades. I was too embarrassed to sa

5、y anything. _,【答案】 embarrass them with was often embarrassed about 我窘得说不出话来。,5. employ v. T(长期)雇用同hire; take on T使用,利用同make use of nU 雇用,【练习】完成句子 他在一家银行任职。 He _ a bank. 警方为了驱散群众,不得不使用武力。 The police had to _ break up the crowd. 她正忙于浇花园。 She _ the garden.,【答案】 is employed in employ force to is employe

6、d in watering,6. encourage vT鼓励,激励反discourage,【练习】英译汉/单项选择 He encouraged me to make another attempt. _ He discouraged me from making another attempt. _ All the employees except the manager _ to work online at home. A. encourages B. encourage C. is encouraged D. are encouraged,【解析】 他鼓励我再尝试一次。 他劝我不要再尝

7、试了。 D句意:除了经理,所有的员工都被鼓励在家里上网进行工作。本题考查主谓一致和被动语态。主语带except, as well as, together with, rather than, along with, including, in addition to等词组时,谓语不受它们影响,仍由主语决定单复数。,7. end vI/T结束,终止 nC末尾,终点;结束同beginning; start,【练习】完成句子 比赛打成了平局。 The match _ a tie. 晚会以一首优美的歌曲告终。 The party _ a beautiful song.,他们终于结束了争论。 At l

8、ast they ended their argument. At last they _. 会议开到傍晚才结束。 The meeting _ late in the afternoon.,【答案】 ended in ended (up) with brought their argument to an end/put an end to their argument came to an end,【练习】 完成句子 我们打算这个月底去。 We _ to go _. 到上个月底为止,我们完成了这工作。 _ last month, we _the work. 到这个月底,我们将完成这工作。 _

9、, we _the work. 他本来不想说这件事,后来还是说了。 He didnt want to say it, but he said it _.,【答案】 are planning; at the end of the month By the end of; had finished By the end of this month; will have finished in the end,8. enter v. I/T进入 I/T入学,参加,加入 (计算机)输入,【练习】完成句子/英译汉 据说他已报名参加这次比赛。 It is said that he has _ the ra

10、ce. 我看见他进了那栋大楼,但没有看见他出来。 I saw him _, but didnt see him come out. They entered into a discussion. _,Enter your user name and password. _ 上大学是我的梦想。 Entrance _ is my dream. 她再次试图加入该俱乐部被拒绝了。 She was refused another try for her _the club.,【答案】 entered for enter the building 他们开始讨论。 输入你的用户名和密码。 into coll

11、ege entry/entrance into,9. entertain v. I/T使欢乐,使娱乐 I/T招待,款待,【练习】完成句子/英译汉 他给我们说笑话,让我们高兴。 He _ his jokes. 我们经常招待朋友吃饭。 We often entertain _. The next entertainment is a ballet. _,【答案】 entertained us with our friends to dinner 下个节目是芭蕾。,10. equal adj. (权利、机会)平等的,均等的 相等的,同样的 能胜任的,能对付的 vTequal(l)ing; equal

12、(l)ed, equal(l)ed 等于 比得上,敌得过 nC同等的人或物,【练习】 完成句子/英译汉/单项选择 她认为她能胜任这个工作。 She feels _ the job. 她的能力比得上他。 She is equal _ him _ ability. She _ him in ability.,She equalled the record with a time of 27.69 seconds. _ Increased population equals increased demand. _ 你相信男女平等吗? Do you believe in_ men and women?

13、 They are of _ height, but I think Mary _ the task. A. equally; is equal B. equal; is equal to C. equal; equal D. equally; is equalled,【解析】 equal to (doing) to; in; equals 她以27.69秒的成绩平了该项记录。 人口的增加等同于需求的增加。 equality between B句意:他们身高相同,但我认为玛丽胜任这项任务。,11. equip vT装备,配备,【练习】完成句子 他们花了很多钱为学校配备新电脑。 They spe

14、nt a lot of money _ the school _ new computers. 这些教室安装了摄像头。 The classrooms _ video cameras.,他具有丰富的教学经验。 He _ much experience in teaching. 旅行者为长途旅行准备行装。 The traveler _ a long journey.,【答案】 equipping; with are equipped with is equipped with equipped himself for,【练习】 用equip和furnish的适当形式填空 They _ their

15、room with new curtains. The soldiers were _ with the latest weapons.,【答案】 furnished equipped,12. escape v. I逃跑,逃离,逃脱 T避免,避开 T被遗忘,被忽略 nC/U逃跑,逃离,逃脱,【练习】完成句子/英译汉 他从监狱逃跑了。 He _ the prison. 罪犯逃到乡下。 The criminals _ the countryside.,他逃避了惩罚。 He escaped punishment. He escaped _. His name escapes me. His name

16、 escapes my memory. _,【答案】 escaped from escaped to being punished 我记不得他的名字了。,13. even though/even if 即使,尽管(引导让步状语从句),【练习】完成句子 即使他知道这个秘密,也不会说出来。 Even if _, hell not let out the secret. 即使受到邀请我也不会参加他的宴会。 I wont attend his party even though _.,【答案】 he knows it (Im) invited to,14. evidence n. U证据,证明,【练习

17、】完成句子 没有确凿的证据证明外星人劫持了他。 There is really no _ aliens took him. 有些迹象表明经济正在好转。 _ the economy is improving. 显然,他不能胜任那个工作。 _ he is not equal to the job.,【答案】 hard evidence that Some evidence shows (that) It is evident that,15. example n. C例子,实例同instance C榜样,模范同model,【练习】完成句子 为了说明问题,我们举游泳为例。 To illustrate

18、 this, we _. 她的勤奋为我们树立了榜样。 Her diligence has _.,【答案】 take swimming for example set us an example,【练习】 用 for example, such as 填空 I like drinks _ tea and coffee. I have many hobbies, _, fishing. You can buy fruit here oranges and bananas, _.,【答案】 such as for example for example,16. experience n. U经验 C经历 vT经历同go through,【练习】 完成句子/单项选择 我认为我从未体验过真正的难处。 I _ think Iv


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