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1、She has too much homework.,Unit 4 Why don t you talk to your parents?,Section A 1a-2c,Learning goals (学习目标),1.Grasp the new words on p25-P26. 掌握25页以及26页新单词。 2.Get information from listening. 能够从听力中获取信息。 3.Learn how to give advice about the problems. 能够掌握提出建议的句型。,Key words,1.allow 2.wrong 3.Whats wro

2、ng?,v. 允许,准许 adj.有毛病,错误的 哪儿不舒服?,Checking:(预习检测),I have to_(学太多) so I dont_(得到充足睡眠),I have_(太多作业)so I dont have time to do things I like.,My parents dont_(允许)me_(闲逛)my friends.,I have too many_(课外学习班).,I_(打架)my best friend.,接龙,幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出并说出中文意思。,每人一词,按组依次接龙,3秒内说不出,此组同学即失去此答题机会,下一组同学接续。,get

3、enough sleep,after-school classes,Whats wrong?,allow sb. to do sth.,get into a fight with sb.,hang out with sb.,have free time to do sth.,too much homework,study too much,Look at these problems. Do you think they are serious or not? Write them in the appropriate box.,1. I have to study too much so I

4、 dont get enough sleep. 2. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like. 3. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 4. I have too many after-school classes. 5. I got into a fight with my best friend.,1a,Fill in box,I thinkis serious,I thinkis not serious,Li

5、sten and circle the problems you hear in la.,1. I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep. 2. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like. 3. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 4. I have too many after-school classes. 5. I got into a fight w

6、ith my best friend.,1b,Girl1: You look really tired. Whats thematter? Girl2: I studied until midnight last night so I didnt get enough sleep. Girl1: _go to sleep earlier tonight? You can start studying earlier. Girl2: But I have two ater-school classes today. So I can only start studying after dinne

7、r. Girl1: Maybe you should tell your parents that you cant do so many things. Girl2: I did, but they think its important that I take more after-school classes. Girl1: Well, they probably want you to get into a good senior high school. Girl2: Yes, I guess thats the reason. Girl1: You should talk to t

8、hem again. Explain to them that you need to get enough sleep to stay healthy. Girl2: Thats a good ieda. Ok, Ill try to talk to them again.,Why dont you,Listen and fill the blank,Why dont you+ V原?,=Why not+ V原?,How to give advice? (如何提出建议),句型一:,look at the problems in 1a and make conversations.,1c,ge

9、t into a fight,dont have free time,play basketball,cant get enough sleep,too many after-school classes,want to hang out with friends,插入过度幻灯片,Peter and his friend get into a fight with each other. What should he do?,Listen. Peters friend is giving him advice. Fill in the blanks with could or should.,

10、Advice,You_ write him a letter. You_ call him up. 3. You _ talk to him so that you can say youre sorry. 4. You _ go to his house. 5. You _ take him to the ball game.,could,should,should,could,could,2a,Why Peter doesnt like the advice,2b,Listen again. Why doesnt Peter like his friends advice? Write t

11、he letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a.,Its not easy. I dont want to wait that long. I dont want to surprise him. Im not good at writing letters. I dont want to talk about it on the phone.,Listen again. Why doesnt Peter like his friends advice? Write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in 2a.,Yo

12、u could write him a letter.( ) 2. You should call him up. ( ) 3. You should talk to him so that you can say youre sorry. ( ) 4. You could go to his house. ( ) 5. You could take him to the ball game. ( ),d,e,a,c,b,2b,Its not easy. I dont want to wait that long. I dont want to surprise him. Im not goo

13、d at writing letters. I dont want to talk about it on the phone.,You should+ V原,How to give advice? (如何提出建议),You could+ V原,句型二:,Role-play a conversation between Peter and his friend.,A: Whats the matter, Peter? B: I had a fight with my best friend. What should I do? A: Well, you should call him so t

14、hat you can say youre sorry.,2c,Why not+V原,Why dont you+V原,Summary:如何提建议,You should+V原,You could+V原,Youd better+V原,How(What) about doing sth?,扩展:,练习:,用所给单词的适当形式填空,1.Why dont you _ (talk) to your parents? 2.Why not _(sleep) early? 3.You should _(tell) your parent about it. 4.Today Tom has too _homewo

15、rk to do. 5.I have too _friends here.,talk,sleep,tell,much,many,当堂检测,说明: 每一个“大拇指”里有相应的试题,选择任一“大拇指”,做最棒的自己!,1,2,3,PK,Who is the best!,谁是最棒的!,4,5,6,选择最佳答案 1.I have _ after-school classes and do _ homework. _. A. too much; too many B. too many; too much C. too many; much too 2. _?You look sad. I got a

16、fight with my friend just now. A. Whats wrong? B. Whats the wrong? C. Whats matter?,B,A,2分,你好幸运哦,没有练习。直接加5分。大家鼓掌,分享你的好运!,翻译句子,1.你为什么不和你的父母谈谈?(两种表达方式),Why not talk to your parents?,Why dont you talk to your parents?,4分,翻译句子,1.你怎么了?(两种表达方式) 2.我应该做什么 ?,Whats wrong?,What should I do?,3分,Whats the matter?,用所给单词适当形式填空,1.Students sometimes dont have free time _(do) things they like.


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