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1、,Period 2 ( 语言知识课),选修八Unit 1 A land of diversity,可能,很可能,真的可能吗? 1. probable, likely, possible 【观察思考】 It is likely that she will succeed. He is likely to arrive a bit late. 【句型】 It is likely/possible/probable that 很可能 sb/sth is likely to do sth 某人/物有可能做 某事,(1) likely的主语既可以是物,也可以是人。 (2) possible和probab

2、le的主语不能是人,常用于Its possible for sb. to do sth., Its possible/probable that句型中。 (3) 三个词中,可能性从大到小依次为probable,likely, possible. 造句:某件可怕的事情可能会发生。 _,Something terrible is likely to happen.,【巩固运用】 (1) Studies show that people are more _to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens

3、for long hours. (2010陕西高考) likely B. possible C. probable D. sure (2)句型转换 Theyre likely to lose the game. B. _ _ _ _ they will lose the game.,A,It is likely that,借助途径办大事 2. by means of用办法,借助 We express our feelings by means of words. He crossed the river by means of a boat. 【短语】 by this means 用这种办法

4、(in this way, with this method) by no means决不,一点也不(放在句首时,句子用部分倒装语序) 意思同in no case, under no circumstance by all means务必、不惜一切地;(用于交际英语表示同意)当然可以,没问题,【巩固运用】 (1)我们决不能放弃希望。 _ (2 )A: Can I bring my sister to the party? B:_.,By no means shall we give up hope.,Sure./ Of course. / Certainly. / By all means.,

5、【拓展】means单复数相同,观察下列句子,注意其谓语动词的用法。 All possible means have been tried. Every possible means has been tried. The quickest means of travel is by air.,【巩固运用】完成句子 (1) Today an airship is used as _ (一种广告工具) (2) The burglars entered the house _ (借助梯子) (3) _ (这绝不是) is this the first time you have been late.

6、,a means of advertising,by means of a ladder,By no means,我愿意随大溜 3. majority n. 大多数 major adj. &v. 主要的;主修 minority n. 少数 The majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health. In the nursing profession, women are in a/the majority. The house needs major repairs. Alice majors in ec

7、onomics.,【用法】 the majority of 大多数的 be in a/the majority占多数 major in 主修 【温馨提示】 单独做主语时,若强调整体,谓语动词用单数, 强调个体时,谓语动词用复数 。 the majority of + n. 后可用不可数名词,也可用可数名词复数, 谓语动词由后面的名词决定。,【巩固运用】 (1)The majority_ for the budget. (2)The majority of students _ hard-working. (3)The majority of the damage _ easy to repai

8、r. (4)这次会议年轻人占多数。 _,are,are,is,The young are in the majority at the meeting.,投我一票吧 4. elect vt. 选择;决定做某事;选举某人 election n. 选举 Obama was elected president in 2008. We elected James chairman. 【用法】elect sb. to be/as选某人为 elect sb. to do sth.选某人干某事 elect to do sth. 决定做某事 提示:表示被选举为独一无二的官衔,职位且此名词在句子中做宾补,主补,

9、同位语时,其前面不得使用冠词。,【巩固运用】 (1) 我们选他当班长。 _ (2) 我们选他代表我们在大会上发言。 _ 或_,We elected him (to be/ as) monitor.,We elected him to give a talk on behalf of us at the meeting.,We elected him spokesman at the meeting.,你答对题的百分率高吗? 5. percentage n百分比;百分率 1. What percentage of children were absent? 2. A large percenta

10、ge of population live in big cities. 3. Only a small percentage of students are foreigners. 4. A large percentage of the hotels income comes from the visitors to the lake.,【温馨提示】 (1) percentage百分比,百分率,其前不用具体的数字修饰,可以被large, small , high,low等形容词修饰。 (2) percent百分之,相当于“%”,其前面往往用具体数字修饰。 (3) “a percentage

11、 ofn.”在句中作主语时,谓语动词的单复数视名词的单复数形式而定。,【巩固运用】 完成句子 _(大部分) people came. _ (百分之五十的学生) came form workers family. (3) Over ninety percent of my classmates _ (有一本英语字典) (4) Thirty percent of water in our city _ (被污染了),A large percentage of,Fifty percent of the students,have an English dictionary,has been poll

12、uted,我突然想到 6. occur vi.发生;出现 (1)Suddenly a good idea occurred to me.=Suddenly a good idea struck me. (2) It occurred to me that I should drop in on my uncle on the way to the city. = It struck me that I should drop in on my uncle on the way to the city. (3)It occurred to him to give some money to hi

13、s old parents.,【用法】(1)occur to sb.(想法,念头)出现在某人脑海中 (2)It occurs to sb.to do sth./that 某人想起做某事,【巩固运用】完成句子 (1) _ (我突然想) to visit my parents. (2) _ (她突然想) she might adopt a homeless child. (3) I was going along the street looking for a place to park _ (事故发生时),It occurred to me,It occurred to her that,wh

14、en the accident occurred,不要轻信别人哦 7. take in 翻译下列句子,并说出take in在句中的意思。 (1) Before you translate a sentence, you should first take in the meaning of the words. _ (2) The tour takes in some famous castles. _ (3) Dont be taken in by his tricks. _ (4) The dress needs to be taken in at the waist. _,理解,吸收,包

15、括,欺骗,改小,与take有关的短语 take away _ take back _ take down _ take off _ take on _ take over_ take up _,拿走,收回,写下,记下,起飞,成功,呈现,接管,占据,拿起,从事,【当堂检测】 (1) 我突然想起今晚我该拜访汤姆。 It _ _ me that I should call on Tom tonight. (2) 只有一小部分的人申请这份工作。 A small _ of the people _ _ the job. (3) 如今,许多来自农村的年轻人到大城市去谋生。 Nowadays, many young people from country are going to big cities to _ _ _for themselves. (4) 汤姆觉得把工作和乐趣结合起来不容易. Its not easy to _ work _pleasure.,occurred to,percentage,applied for,make a l


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