高中英语全程复习方略课件:选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature.ppt_第1页
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1、Unit 5 The power of nature 大自然的力量,. 单词盘点 根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇 1_ (n. ) 火山 2_ (adv. )在旁边;沿着边 (prep. )在旁边;沿着的边 3_ (n. )波浪;波涛 (vi. )波动;起伏;挥手,volcano,alongside,wave,4_ (n. )潜在性;可能性;潜能 (adj. )可能的;潜在的 5_ (vt. )射中;射伤 6_ (adj. )多种多样的;不同的 7_ (vt. )保证;担保 8_ (vi. ) (指火山)爆发;突然发生_ (n. )火山爆发;(战争等)爆发 9 _ (vt. )任命;委派 _ (n

2、. )约定;任命,potential,shoot,diverse,guarantee,erupt,eruption,appoint,appointment,10_ (vt. )评估;评价;估计_ (n. )评估 11_ (adj. )绝对的;完全的_ (adv. )绝对地;完全地 12_ (n. )一套外衣;套装;(vt. )适合;使适宜_ (adj. )合适的 13_ (adj. )实在的;实际的_ (adv. )实际地,evaluate,evaluation,absolute,absolutely,suit,suitable,actual,actually,14_ (adj. )忧虑的;不

3、安的_ (adv. )不安地_ (n. )担心;焦虑;渴望 15_ (vi. panicked) (1) panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人因惊慌而做某事 panic over/about/at. . . 对惊慌 (2) get into a panic惊慌失措 in panic惊慌地 in a state of panic处于惊慌状态,Lisa panicked when she heard she might be fired. 莉萨听说自己可能会被解雇后惊慌失措。 There is no point getting into a panic about the e

4、xams. 对考试惊慌失措是没有用的。 Shoppers fled the street _ _ after two bombs exploded in central London. 两枚炸弹在伦敦市中心爆炸之后,购物者们惊慌失措地逃离了那条街道。,in panic,【真题链接】 2011湖北,21 “Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire! ” the mother shouted, with _ clearly in her voice. A. anger B. rudeness C. regret D. panic 【解析】选D。考查名词词

5、义辨析。句意:“汤米,跑!快点!房子着火了! ”妈妈大喊道,声音里明显带着恐慌。anger生气,愤怒;rudeness粗鲁;regret遗憾,后悔;panic恐慌,惊恐。根据句意选择D项。,(1)be about to do sth. when. . . 句型中连词的选择 (2)burn相关短语的辨析 (3)wave的一词多义,1. We were _ to go out for camping _ it began to rain. A. hardly; than B. around; as C. about; when D. nearly; while 【解析】选C。be about to

6、. . . when. . . “正准备这时”,when作“这时”讲,它起并列连词的作用,连接两个并列的分句。,2. If the bottle of gas _ fire, the whole building may _. A. will catch; be burnt off B. catches; be burnt to the ground C. is on; burn down D. will be on; be burnt to the ground 【解析】选B。在条件状语从句中,若主句为将来意义,从句应用一般现在时态。catch fire着火;be burnt to the

7、ground被烧毁。,3. 根据语境,写出下列各句中wave的词性及词义 Huge waves were breaking on the shore. ( ) She gave a wave as she left the house. ( ) The red flag is waving in the wind. ( ) The policeman waved the driver to stop. ( ) 答案:n. 波浪 n. 挥手 vi. 波动;飘扬 vt. 挥手,招手,意测观点态度题 作者的态度和立场一般分为三大类:(1)支持、赞同、乐观;(2)客观、中立;(3)反对、批评、怀疑、悲

8、观。我们除了可以通过在文中寻找带有感情色彩的词来判断作者的态度外,有时还需要综合运用一些阅读方法,如:根据文章中与问题相关的细节做出判断,根据作者提供的例证推断其暗示的态度、观点,根据文章的主旨最后做出正确选择。,1.常用的褒义词有:positive, support, useful, interesting, enthusiasm, admiring, great, wonderful, beautiful, fantastic, approval, optimistic。 2.常用的贬义词有: disgusting(令人作呕的,极坏的), critical(批评的,批判的), negati

9、ve(消极的,怀疑的), tolerant(容忍的), disappointed, awful(糟糕的),opposed(反对的), doubtful, unconcerned(不关心的),defensive(生气的;防御性的),disapproving(反对的,不赞成的)。,3.常用的表示中性的词有:indifferent(冷淡的,中立的), impassive(无动于衷的), uninterested, neutral(中立的),reserved(含蓄的),casual(随意的)。,【真题连连看】 2011陕西Ever since they were first put on the ma

10、rket in the early 1990s, genetically modified(GM,转基因)foods have been increasingly developed and marketed in many countries in the world, mainly on the basis of their promise to end the worldwide food crisis. But can GM technology solve world hunger problems? Even if it would, is it the best solution

11、?,Despite what it promises, GM technology actually has not increased the production potential(潜力)of any crop. In fact, studies show that the most widely grown GM crop, GM soybeans, has suffered reduced productivity. For instance, a report that analysed nearly two decades of research on major GM food crops shows that GM engineering has failed to significantly increase US crop production.,60.Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author towards GM technology? A. Optimistic. B. Defensive. C.


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