



1、2009年职称英语复习策略 - “抓住各题型出题特点, 进行有针对性复习”全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由国家人事部组织实施的一项外语考试,考试重点考查考生的阅读理解能力。 考题内容由6种题型组成:词汇选项, 阅读判断, 概括大意与完成句子, 阅读理解, 补全短文及完型填空。 每年考题中有大约20 分 到40分的内容来自当年的职称英语考试用教材(参加2009年职称英语考试的考生应该以2009年版的职称英语考试用书作为主要的复习资料), 每年从教材上出题的题型通常有:词汇选项(3-9分左右), 阅读理解(通常为15分), 完型填空(15分), 因此建议考生这三种题型首先是根据教材进行全面而系

2、统的复习, 重点掌握有关这三种题型的练习题中难度接近考试难度要求, 反映各题型出题特点的练习题。考题职称英语考题中通常会有一篇阅读理解选自教材,但还有两篇左右(共30分)的阅读理解考题来自教材外, 对于这些来自教材外的阅读理解考题在复习中要注意熟悉考题可能涉及的文章主题(提示: 一定的文章背景知识能有助于对文章内容的理解)。 2008年理工类A级考卷中阅读理解部分考查了三篇文章:第一篇阅读理解:Centers of the Great European cities(选自教材外)第二篇阅读理解:Real-world Robots(选自教材外)第三篇阅读理解:Why humans walk on

3、 two legs(选自教材)其中第2篇文章主题涉及机器人, 而有关机器人话题的文章在往年理工类考题中出现也出现过, 如:2006理工类A级阅读理解考题:Controlling Robots with the Mind(用大脑控制机器人)2008年理工类教材中阅读理解练习题部分也有一篇阅读理解练习题所用文章主题与机器人相关:Winged Robot learns to fly(有翅膀的机器人学会飞行),由此可见“机器人类”主题的文章是理工类阅读理解考题中的一个常选主题。 考生如果在复习中了解了关于机器人这方面主题的背景知识及一些相关词汇(如: robot(机器人), program(编程),

4、artificial intelligence(人工智能)),则无论在理解以机器人为主题的文章还是解答文章后面与机器人相关的问题时可能都会更容易些, 甚至有些题可以直接借助考生已有的相关背景知识直接解答,如:(选自2008年理工类职称英语A级试卷阅读理解考题:Real-world Robots )38 According to the first paragraph,artificial intelligence is _. A the unnatural way in which robots move B a voiceless,boxshaped machine that perform

5、s repetitive tasks C a computer program that imitates human intellectual processes D a sensor that detects troubles in a robot问题问“根据第一段内容判断,人工智能是.”, 该问题是针对文章中的一个长句而设计的:A modern robot is programmed with varying degrees of artificial intelligence,that is,a robot contains a computer program that tells

6、it how to perform tasks associated with human intelligence,such as reasoning,drawing conclusions,and learning from past experience.要解答该题就必须能至少了解短语“that is”的意义, 及其使用特点 - 用于引出解释性的话语, 解释前面刚刚说过的话。接下来考生还需要能读带有下划线的句子(该句子涉及多种语法结构, 包括that引导的定语从句, 作动词宾语的不定式结构(how to perform tasks)及后置作定语的形容词短语结构(associated wi

7、th human intelligence))。 很明显, 这就需要考生有较好的语法功底,但实际上考生如果有关于人工智能的相关背景知识,则该题学易网提供可以直接依据背景知识解答。依据我们相关的背景知识, 我们知道人工智能的目的是要生产出以人的智能相似的方式做出反应的智能机器, 因此人工智能与模仿人的智能相关, 对比该题所给的四个备选项: A the unnatural way in which robots move B a voiceless,boxshaped machine that performs repetitive tasks C a computer program that

8、imitates(模仿) human(人的) intellectual(智力的) processes D a sensor that detects troubles in a robot只有选项B中出现了“模仿”,“人的智力(的)”这些与人工智能的特征相关的词语, 因此只有C是答案。历年职称英语各个类别各个级别的完型填空考题均选自职称英语教材中完型填空练习题,但是往往完型填空考题中空格及被选项的设置情况同教材中的原题相比会出现较多变化, 如:选自2008年理工类A级完型填空考题)Debate over the Use of Renewable Energy Amusable of Rocke

9、feller University in New York,US says the key renewable(可再生的) energy sources,including sun,wind and bibfuls, would all require vast amounts of landf developed up to large scale productionunlike nuclear powerThat land would be far better_(51)alone,he saysRenewable look_ (52) when they are quite small

10、But if we start producing renewable energy on a large_(53), the fallout(结果)is going to be horribleAmusable draws his conclusions by analyzing the amount of energy that renewable natural gas and nuclei(原子核)can_(54)in terms of power per square meter of land usedMoreover,he claims that_(55)renewable en

11、ergy use increases this measure of efficiency wail decrease as the best land for wind,bibfuls,and solar power gets used upSolar power is much more_ (56) than bibful in used but it would still _(57)1 50 square kilometers terms of the area of land of photovoltaic(光电的) cells to match the energy product

12、ion of the 1 000 MW nuclear plantin another example, he says_ (58)the 2005 US electricity demand via wind need 780,000 square kilometers,an area the_(59)of Texas power alone would However,several experts are highly critical of Amusable s_(60)John Turner of the US governments National Renewable Energ

13、y Laboratory says that even if the US got all of its_ (61) from solar energy, it would still need less than half the amount of land that has been _(62) highwaysFurther,it need not _(63)up additional land The US could get a quarter of its energy just from covering rooftops of existing buildings,he sa

14、ys According to Turner,the same“dual use”also_(64) to wind power. footprint for wind is only 5of the land that it _(65) . Farmers can still farm the land that the turbines are onTurner says looking solely at land use is an 0versimDlificatiOn of the issue51. A left B owned C held D bought52. A fresh

15、B costly C attractiveD dirty53. A number B scale C part D extent54. A reduce B increase C consume D produce.55. A since B as C because D until56. A effective B important C specialD efficient57. A require B show C collectD discover58. A making B Keeping C meeting D creating59. A form B size C region

16、D scope60. A conclusions B decisions C solutionsD modifications61. A force B volume C control D power62. A to B in C for D on 63. A give B take C set D turn64. A applies B adapts C relatesD appeals65. A touches B faces C covers D holds比较:(2008年理工类教材上相关练习题)下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。Debate over

17、 the use of Renewable energy Ausubel of Rockefeller University in New York, US. says the key renewable energy sources, including sun, wind and biofuels, would all require vast 1 of land if developed up to large scale production1 unlike nuclear power. That land would be far better left alone2, he say

18、s. Renewables look attractive when they are quite 2 . But if we start producing renewable energy on a large scale, the fallout is going to be horrible. Instead, Ausubel argues 3 renewed development of nuclear. Ausubel draws his conclusions by analysing the amount of energy renewables, natural gas an

19、d nuclear can produce in terms of power per square metre of land used3. Moreover, he claims that as renewable energy use increases, this measure of efficiency4 will 4 as the best land for wind, biofuels, and solar power gets used up. Using biofuels to obtain the 5 amount of energy as a 1000 megawatt

20、 nuclear power plant would require 2500 square kilometres of farm 6 , Ausubel says. We should be sparing land for nature5, not using it as pasture for cars and trucks, he adds. Solar power is much more efficient than biofuel in terms of the area of land 7 , but it would still require 150 square kilo

21、metres of photovoltaic cells to 8 the energy production of the 1000 MW nuclear plant. In another example, he says meeting the 2005 US electricity demand via wind power alone would need 780,000 square kilometres, an area the size of Texas. However, several experts are highly critical 9 Ausubels concl

22、usions. John Turner of the US governments National Renewable Energy Laboratory says that 10 the US got all of its power from solar energy, it would still need less than half the amount of land that has been paved over for highways. Further, it need not 11 additional land. The US could get a quarter

23、of its energy just from covering rooftops of 12 buildings, he says. According to Turner, the same dual use also applies to wind power6. The footprint for wind7 is only 5% of the land that it 13 . Farmers can still farm the land that the turbines are on8. Turner says looking solely at land use is an oversimplification of the 14 . Im not sure Id want to build one of these nuclear plants in Afghanistan9, but


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