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关 键 词:
汽车 电动 座椅 传动 机构 设计 CAD
附录现代轿车已经不是一个单纯的运载工具,它已经是“人、汽车与环境”的组合体。座椅作为汽车使用者的直接支承装置,在车厢部件中具有非同小可的重要性。汽车座椅的主要功能是为驾驶者提供便于操纵、舒适、安全和不易疲劳的驾驶座位。座椅设计时应同时满足以下五点基本要求: 一、座椅的合理布置; 二、座椅外形要符合人体生理功能; 三、座椅应具有调节机构; 四、座椅有良好的振动特性; 五、座椅必须十分安全可靠; 座椅安装位置的尺寸是很重要的,它直接影响到使用者的便利性和舒适性。座椅布置要体现出人体工程学的要求。驾驶座椅是最关键的座椅。它的基本要求是布置合理,操纵方便,即乘坐时驾驶者对方向盘、操纵杆和踏板的良好可及性。由于欧美和亚洲人身材的差异,一些国家汽车的座位十分宽阔,一些国家汽车的座位相对狭小。由于同一地区的人群,也有男性和女性的差异,高大和矮小的差异,驾驶座椅必须要有调节机构,以适应大部分人的身材。“大部分人”这个概念,轿车设计师采用一种二维的人体样板,它根据高度将总人群划分为不同的群组: 5%(所有驾驶者中的5%身材较矮小或等于这尺寸,其余95%身材较高大); 95%(所有驾驶者中的95%身材较矮小或等于这尺寸,其余5%身材较高大)。 汽车工业中所应用的总范围在5%和95%之间,也就是包括了90%人群。例如设计可调节座椅与踏板之间的距离,适应尽可能多的驾驶者身材,在这里一般取5%的女性及95%男性人体样板。 驾驶座椅对方向盘、操纵杆和踏板的可及性决定了人体乘坐的姿势,姿势是由座椅的安排位置和形状设计所决定的。驾驶者乘坐姿势不理想就容易疲劳甚至引起劳损。因此,日本及欧美各大车厂设计驾驶座椅位置都有基本姿势、头部、肩部、手臂、腹部、腿部等活动空间的参考数据,不能随心所欲。 轿车座椅由座垫、靠背、侧背支撑、头枕等组成,它们具有一定的表面形状,座面和靠背的外形曲线应与人体放松状态下的背部曲线相吻合,乘员入座后座椅的表面形状与体压分布能使乘员的肌肉处于最放松的状态,能支撑到腰椎部位,不会因血液循环不良而引起肢体麻木,长时间乘坐不易感到疲劳。通过对座椅的前后上下、靠背的倾斜角度、头枕前后上下等位置的有限调节,可以使大部分人处于舒适状态。 座椅的弹簧性能是构成座椅振动特性的关键。试验证明,车辆行驶时尽管地板振动大,但由于座椅弹簧的作用,仍有可能在座椅上获得良好的舒适性,如果弹簧性能不好,则汽车的舒适感会比较差。目前多数座垫采用整体泡沫尿烷缓冲垫,它用螺旋弹簧或者S形弹簧埋于泡沫尿烷之中而成,具有结构简单,成本低、无噪声的优点。 对于轿车低靠背座椅而言,头枕是座椅上一个附件。随着车速的增加,它对人身安全日益重要。汽车一旦发生追尾碰撞,汽车受后面冲击力作用瞬间急速向前,由于惯性作用乘员的头部却会突然向后仰,颈椎承受到很大的加速度力而容易伤害。有了头枕承托,减少头部自由移动的空间就可以降低对颈椎的冲击力。1998年 Volvo(富豪)轿车装配的WHIPS(头颈部保护系统)当追尾发生时可令靠背头枕与驾乘者同时后移,有效避免颈椎伤害。 目前轿车座椅已与安全带、安全气囊一起构成对乘员的安全防护。轿车座椅本身的坚固程度、对车身连接的可靠性、靠背的强度都有行业规定和试验标准,不是随便做一个安装上去就行的。 随着现代技术发展,轿车的座椅有装配气动装置的,气压由发动机舱的气泵提供,座椅靠背内分别有4个气压腔,实现对腰椎部的保护。有靠背分成上下两部分,角度可以分别调整以使腰部和肩部同时紧贴靠背,起到安全保护作用。有在靠背内装一个由电脑控制的电子振荡器,还有按摩保健作用。附录Modern cars is not a simple means of delivery, it is already people, cars and the environment, the combination. As a car seat directly support the users device, the car has no small importance of the components. The main function of car seats for the driver to provide ease of manipulation, comfortable, safe and easy fatigue of the driver seat. Seat design should also meet the following five basic requirements: the seat of the rational arrangement; Second, the seat shape to meet the bodys physiological function; Third, the seat should have the regulatory agencies; Fourth, the vibration characteristics of a good seat; Five seats to be very safe and reliable; eat size of the installation location is important, it directly affects the users convenience and comfort. Seating layout should reflect the requirements of ergonomics. Drivers seat is the most crucial seats. Its basic requirement is a reasonable layout and simple operation, that is, when the drivers take on the steering wheel, joystick and pedals for good accessibility. Because differences in European, American and Asian body in some countries is very wide car seat, car seat in some countries is relatively small. As the crowd the same area, there are differences between men and women, the tall and the small differences in drivers seat must have regulatory agencies to meet most peoples body. Most people concept, the car body design used a two-dimensional model, which according to the height of its total population is divided into different groups:Seat size of the installation location is important, it directly affects the users convenience and comfort. Seating layout should reflect the requirements of ergonomics. Drivers seat is the most crucial seats. Its basic requirement is a reasonable layout and simple operation, that is, when the drivers take on the steering wheel, joystick and pedals for good accessibility. Because differences in European, American and Asian body in some countries is very wide car seat, car seat in some countries is relatively small. As the crowd the same area, there are differences between men and women, the tall and the small differences in drivers seat must have regulatory agencies to meet most peoples body. Most people concept, the car body design used a two-dimensional model, which according to the height of its total population is divided into different groups: 5% (all 5% of drivers in the short stature than or equal to this size, the remaining 95% taller large); 95% (all 95% of drivers in the short stature than or equal to the size of the remaining 5% taller large). Applied in the automotive industry in the total range of between 5% and 95%, that is, including the 90% crowd. For example, adjustable seats and pedals designed distance between the drivers as much as possible to adapt body, where women generally take 5% and 95% of male body model. Drivers seat on the steering wheel, joystick and pedals to take the body and determines the position, posture, seating arrangement by the position and shape of the design of the decision. Drivers to take the posture is not ideal or even lead to fatigue and strain. Therefore, Japan and major European and American design of the depot location has the basic drivers seat position, head, shoulders, arms, abdomen, legs and other reference data space, can not be arbitraryCar seats from the seat, back, dorsal support, headrests and other components, they have a surface shape, seat surface and backrest should be with the body shape curve of the back curve of a relaxed state match, after the seat occupant seated surface shape and the body pressure distribution in the muscles of the crew to make the most relaxed state, to support the lumbar spine, not because of poor circulation caused numbness, fatigue easily take a long time. Through the front seat up and down, backrest angle, head up and down positions, such as the limited front and rear adjustment, can make most people are comfortable. The spring seat seat vibration performance constitute the key. Tests show that vehicle is in motion even though the floor vibration, but the action of the spring seat, the seat is still possible to get good comfort, good performance if the spring, the comfort of the car will be relatively poor. At present, most holistic seat cushion foam urethane, which uses S-shaped coil spring or springs from being buried in urethane foam, has a simple structure, low cost, noise-free advantages. Low-back seats for the car, the head is an attachment on the seat. As the speed increases, its growing importance of personal safety. Car in the event of rear-end collision, the impact of cars by the force behind the rapid moment forward, the inertia occupants head is suddenly thrown back, cervical spine to withstand the acceleration forces to the large and easily hurt. With the head supporting and reduce the space of free movement of the head can reduce the impact of the cervical spine. 1998 Volvo (Volvo) car assembly WHIPS (Whiplash Protection System) rear-end collision occurs when the headrest and backrest can be made after the occupants moved at the same time effectively prevent cervical spine injury. The current car seat
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