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1、Module 2 Unit2 These are my parents,Learning aims :,To understand job introduction in reading . To write personal information , using full stops and capital letters correctly .,Hello ,my name is YaYa . These are my parents.,She is a teacher .,He is a worker .,This is my mother.,This is my father .,W

2、hat jobs do you know ?,driver,bus,bus station,He is a .,Whats his job?,at the,hospital,doctor,nurse,at the,He is a .,She is a .,Whats his /her job ?,policeman,policemen,This is a .,These are .,police station,at the,an English,actor,theater theatre,He is an .,Whats his job ?,at the,He is a Chinese ac

3、tor .,hotel,hotel manager,He is a .,Whats his job?,teacher,school,Whats his job?,He is a .,at,He is an American .,Have a try,Whats your fathers job? Whats your mothers job?,My father is a teacher. My mother is a farmer.,My father is a actor. My mother is an manager.,My father is a worker . My mother

4、 is a doctor .,A: Whats your mother/ fathers job ? B: He /she is a(n),Work in pairs.,Read the passage and finish Activity3,1 These are Bettys parents. _. 2.These are Linglings mother and Damings mother. _. 3.This is Tonys father. _. 4. This is Tonys mother. _. 5. This is Damings father. _. 6. This i

5、s Linglings father. _.,c,a,f,d,e,b,Listen and then finish the table of Part 4,manager,theater,policeman,police station,manager,hotel,bus driver,bus station,hospital,English teacher,school,nurse,hospital,Try to give the answers with a sentence .Eg: Bettys father is an actor at the theatre.,Read again

6、 ,fill in the blanks .,My name is Betty King .These are my parents . Were A_ . My father is an a_ ,and my mother is the m_ of a t_.,My name is Li Daming .These are my parents. Were C_ . My fathers job is a_ a p_ s_ .He is a p_ , and my mother is a n_.,merican,ctor,anager,heatre,hinese,t,olice,tation

7、,oliceman,urse,My name is Tony Smith and Im E_ . This is my mother . She is a_ E_ t_ a_ a school .This is my father .Hes a h_ m_.,My name is Wang Lingling .Im C_. My mother is a n_. She and Damings mother are a_ the s_ h_. My father is a bus d_ i_ Beijing .,nglish,n,nglish,eacher,t,otel,anager,hines

8、e,urse,t,ame,ospital,river,n,Look at this sentence. (Activity 6),My name is Tony Smith and Im English.,capital letter,full stop,in English,in Chinese,。,Think:,1、英语句子第一个词的第一字母要大写。 2、表示语言、某国人等首字母要大写。 3、姓名中指姓的词和名的词首字母要大写。 4、表示“我”的字母“I”和“OK”等,永远大写。,5、国家、城市、乡、镇等名称的首字母要大写。 6、一些专有名词的首字母要大写。 7、文章的标题、书名、报刊的名

9、称等,第一个单词 及每个实词的第一个字母一般要大写。 8、表示节日、星期、月份的第一个字母要大写。 9、表示职务或称呼的词首字母要大写。,Write sentences with full stops and capital letters.,1. these american teacher are in china _ 2. im betty and im thirteen years old _ 3. this is a photo of miss li _,These American teachers are in China.,Im Betty and Im thirteen years old.,This is a photo of Miss Li.,Have a try !,Writing,According to the text ,write a short passage to introduce your family.,Eg: My name is These are my parents. My father is a (an) My mother is a (an),My name is Cheryl. I am a teacher in Nanning. These are my parents. My father is


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