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1、.,酒店基础英语培训,The Hotel English By Eragon Kang,.,欢迎大家!,Welcome to our class!,.,Ibis Hotel 宜必思,宜必思是法国雅高酒店集团旗下的经济型酒店品牌。宜必思酒店遍布世界四十个国家和地区,900多家连锁酒店,宜必思在极具竞争力的价格下提供高标准的高质住宿与服务。精心设计的全装修卧室套间、7天24小时全天候的主要酒店服务以及现场饮食选择。,.,Etiquette 酒店礼仪,关于礼仪 What is etiquette? 礼貌言行举止 仪表穿着打扮 专业专业的服务 得体不冷漠、不过分、不做作 周全服务到位、照顾周全 Tip

2、s 小贴士: 在面对语言不通的外籍人士时,一定要多加利用手势和肢体语言。 用短句,简化自己的英语表达从而避免错误。,.,Items 内容,Greeting 问候与欢迎 Direction 指路与带领 Thanks 感谢与回答 Apologies 致歉与答复 Check in 入住 Check out 退房 Farewell 道别,.,Part one 问候与欢迎,Good morning. (用于中午以前) Good afternoon. (用于中午至下午六点以前) Good evening. (用于下午六点过后) Hello/Hi! 您好! How are you? 您好吗? Glad/ni

3、ce to meet you. 见到您很高兴。 Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎到我们的酒店来! Nice to meet you again.很高兴再次见到您。 Have a good rest. 祝您休息好!,.,Part one 问候与欢迎,情景1:当国外客人来到大门前/前台时 1. Hello, sir! Welcome! 先生您好,欢迎! 2. Good afternoon, sir! Welcome to Ibis Hotel/our hotel! 下午好先生,欢迎光临宜必思酒店! 3. Good evening, Ms. Nice to meet you in o

4、ur hotel. May I help you? 晚上好小姐,欢迎光临,请问我能为您服务吗?,.,Part two 指路与带领,Follow me, please. 请跟随我来。 This way, please. 这边请。 Its over there. 在那边。(用手指明方向) Walk straight ahead. 一直往前走。 Turn left/right. 往左/右转。 Go upstairs/downstairs. 上/下楼。 Please go to the 2nd floor. 请到2楼。,.,Part TWO 指路与带领,情景2:当国外客人需要前台带领或指明到某处时 客

5、人:Excuse me, wheres the toilet/restroom please? 请问洗手间在哪儿? 回答:Its over there. Turn right at the corner, please. 在那边,前面角落处右转。 或:Please go to the 2nd floor. Youll see it after you get off the elevator. 请您上2楼,出电梯就可以看到。 客人:Thank you. 谢谢! 回答:My pleasure./You are welcome. 不客气,.,1. 在哪里? Where is /Wheres? 2.

6、 卫生间/洗手间 toilet/restroom /washroom/water closet 3. 角落 Corner 4. 左/右转 Turn left/right,Useful Words 常用词回顾,5. 楼层地面 Floor 一二三楼 First/second/third floor 1st/2nd/3rd/4th 6. (从)下来 Get off 7. 电梯 Elevator/lift,.,Part three 感谢与回答(一),如何表达感谢? Thank you (so/very much). 谢谢您(非常感谢)。 Thanks a lot.多谢。 Thank you for c

7、oming. 谢谢您的光临。 Thank you for staying in our hotel. 感谢您在我们饭店下榻。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 Im very grateful to you. 非常感谢您。,.,Part three 感谢与回答(二),感谢的应答: You are welcome./Welcome! 不用谢。 My pleasure./With pleasure. 乐意效劳。 Dont mention it. 何足挂齿。 Its very kind of you./You are so kind.您真客气。,.,Part three 感

8、谢与回答(三),情景3:当国外客人向你表示感谢,要懂得接受他的谢意 客人:Thank you! (Thanks a lot!) 回答:My pleasure! 我的荣幸 或 : Youre welcome! 不客气,.,Part four 致歉与答复(一),真诚及时的道歉有时会很好的缓和尴尬气氛 Excuse me. 请原谅/打扰一下 Im sorry./Sorry. 对不起 Im awfully/really sorry. 我真的很抱歉。 Its my fault. 这是我的错。 I apologize./I apologize for you/it/this. 我抱歉。我向你道歉。,.,P

9、art four 致歉与答复(二),道歉的答复: Thats all right. 这没什么。 Thats/Its OK. 没事。 It doesnt matter. 没关系。 Never mind. 不要紧,没关系。 Lets forget it./Forget about it./Forget it. 算了吧!,.,Part five 入住(一),情景4: 询问是否有预订 问:Did you have a reservation with us? /Did you make a reservation, please? 您有预订吗? 客人: No, I just arrived in th

10、is place.没有,我刚到这里。 回答:We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and luxury suites in our hotel. 我们有单间、双人间、套间和豪华套间。 What kind of room would you like/prefer? A single room or a double room? 您需要哪种房间?单人房还是双人房? 客人: I want a single room with window. 单人间,有窗户 回答:Im sorry, we dont have any single rooms left

11、/all single rooms have been booked, would you like a double room? 对不起,我们没有单间了,双人间可以吗? 客人:Yes, please. 可以。,.,1. 预订 Reservation/book Make/have a reservation进行预订 2. 到达 arrive 3. Single room 单间 double room 双人间 suite 套间 luxury suite 豪华套间 4. Like 喜欢像 prefer 更喜欢(比较级),Useful Words 常用词回顾,5. 窗户 Window 6. 留下离开

12、 Leave 7. 英语中的肯定答复 Yes, please./Yep. OK, sir. Certainly, sir. Sure. Sure thing. Exactly. Sure, go ahead. Sure, no problem.,.,Part five 入住(二),情景5: 询问入住天数、人数 问:How long do you plan/expect to stay?/How many days will you stay? 请问需要住几天? 客人:Two days, please.住两天。 回答:OK. How many people are there, please?

13、您一起有几个人? 客人:Only myself. 只有我一个人。 回答: OK, sir. Please wait a moment/second.好的,请稍等。,.,1. 多久 How long 2. 多少 How many 3. 待留保持 Stay 4. 计划 plan,Useful Words 常用词回顾,5. 期望想做 Expect 6. 等待 Wait Wait a moment/second/minute. 稍等一下,.,Part five 入住(三),情景6: 询问房价 客人:Whats the room rate today? 今天房价多少? 回答:The price of a

14、 single room is 170 RMB per day./The single room rate is 170RMB per day.单间的房费是每天170元。 客人:OK, Ill take it for two nights. 一个单人间,住两晚。 回答:Sure, no problem. Thank you very much, sir. 没问题,先生。非常感谢。,.,1. 房价 Room rate/price 2. 多少钱? How much Whats the price of 3. 人民币 RMB 4. 折扣 discount Could you give me any

15、discount?有折扣吗?,Useful Words 常用词回顾,.,Part five 入住(四),Could you give me your passport?/May I have your passport, please? 麻烦出示一下您的护照。 Your room number is 246 on the second floor. 您的房号是二楼的246室。 Heres your key card/room card. 这是您的房卡。 You may keep the room till 2PM./Youll have to leave/vacate your room by

16、 2PM. 您可以将房间保留到下午2点。 Do you need a morning/wake-up call, please? 需要叫早服务吗? We have breakfast for free on 2nd floor each morning from 7:30-9:30. 早餐免费,每天上午7:30到9:30在2楼。,.,1. 护照 passport 2. 房号 Room number No./# 3. 房卡 Room card/key card,Useful Words 常用词回顾,4. 点整点 Oclock 2 oclock 2点钟 6. 离开 Leave 7. 空出,搬出 V

17、acate 8. 免费 For free/free,.,Western Restaurant,中餐厅,Chinese Restaurant,西餐厅,Coffee Shop,咖啡厅,Bar 酒吧,.,Parking 停车场,P,Business Center,VISA,Credit Card 信用卡,Conference Room,会议室,商务中心,.,Luggage Service,行李服务,.,safe deposit box/safety box,保险箱,.,morning/wake up call,叫醒服务,.,Night Club 夜 总 会,Tennis courts,Swimming Pool,Sauna,桑拿浴,.,洗衣服务,Laundry Service,.,Part six 道别,情景7:客人退房后说再见: 1. See you, sir!/Hope to see you next time! 期待下次光临! 2. Goodbye!/Bye for now! 再见! 3. Have a nice afternoon/evening/day! 祝您下午晚上一天愉快! 4. We wish you a pleasant journey. 祝您旅途愉快!,.,Usefu


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