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1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修2,1.2Unit 1 Cultural relics(warming up ),Well known sayings,1. Great minds think alike . 英雄所见略同 2. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞,unit 1 cultualr relics,warming up,in the past: To protect the country. now : A place for people to visit,He who doesnt go to is not a true man.

2、,The Great Wall,The Great Pyramid of Giza (吉扎金字塔),It is located in Egypt now It was a grave built for the king after he died.,1)world famous 2)made of stones; man-made 3)a long history 4)symbols of their cultures and becomes the pride of the country 5)played an important role in history 6)many big e

3、vents happened to it,What are the similarities of these cultural relics?,discussion,What are cultural relics?,1. something that has survived for a long time, 2. often a part of something old that has remained when the rest has been destroyed; 3. it tells people about the past. They had only three co

4、mputers when they needed five.,when,Cultural relics are traces of features surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of them. They represent a culture of a place and some periods of history. They are important to human beings.,Are cultural relics only objects like vases or can they be b

5、ulidings too?,Look at the pictures and discuss what they are and whether they are cultural relics or not?,Ming Dynasty vase,Now suppose one rare Ming Dynasty vase was stolen from a palace, and you, an official in charge of cultural relics, are sent to look into the case. The man who has it insists t

6、hat it belongs to his family. What will you say to him?,Taj Mahal,ivory dragon boat,Mogao Caves,Have you ever seen anything made of amber?,Have you ever heard of amber?,What is this?,Raw amber with inclusions,What is amber?,琥珀是史前松树脂的化石。琥珀是由千万年前植物所分泌出来的树脂,经过地壳变动而深埋地下,逐渐演化而成的一种天然化石。形成于4000万年至6000万年前,琥

7、珀的主要成分是碳、氢、氧以及少量的硫,硬度2-3,比重1.05-1.10,熔点150C-180C,燃点250C-375C。琥珀是很“涩”的物质,没有两块琥珀是完全相同的。品种有金珀、虫珀、香珀、灵珀、石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蜡珀等,尤以含有完整昆虫或植物的琥珀为珍贵 。,Can you imagine what a room made of amber looks like?,Raw,amber,Do you know what picture this is?,A picture of the Amber Room in St Petersburg in Russia,琥珀自古以来,就被人们视为珍宝,公元前四世纪,琥珀曾被希腊人誉为北部的黄金,主要加工成各种装饰品。琥珀还是名贵的中药材。名医别录中,琥珀被列为上品,具有安神定惊、散淤血、利尿之功能。据明李时珍本草纲目记载:琥珀气味甘平、无毒、能安五脏、定魂魄、消淤血、通五淋、壮心明目上、止痛安神、破血生机,治疗心神不宁、失眠多梦、惊风癫痫、月经停闭、小便涩痛、淤血等病,用琥珀冲茶,有镇静之功。,琥珀的药用价值高,在河南西峡尚有一段美好的传说。在唐朝时期,有一位产妇,因产后风而病故,在埋葬时巧遇药王孙思藐,孙发现棺木渗出血液鲜红,滴入地上很快就渗入土中。于是孙医生断定,该妇女生机未尽,尚可抢救


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