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2018 外研版八年级英语下 Module9 Unit2 课后习题带答案一套.单词拼写1.Work hard and youll have a bright future.2.Bill is an honest boy.Everyone in our class trusts him.3.Bob,please help me stick the posters on the wall.4.Toms circle of friends is very big.They are from different work fields.5.The price for the hotel includes breakfast.用所给词的适当形式填空1.The man didnt say anything.He went home in silence(silent).2.The band played many songs,including(include) some of my favourites.3.We realized the importance(important) of learning English.4.Its too dark now.My sister is afraid to go (go) out on her own. 5.My mother always made me feel (feel) quite confident. .完成句子, 每空一词1.这个故事发生在哪里 ?Where does the story take place?2.他们都安静地聆听教授的发言。They listened to the professors speech in silence. 3.我害怕和陌生人交流。I am afraid to communicate with strangers. 4.情况在一天天地变糟。Things are getting worse day by day . 5.每次我听到这首歌 ,我就想起我的童年。Every time I hear the song,I think of my childhood. .单项选择1. 导学号 82654164Our friendship becomes better and better as time goes by. D A.leaves B.losesC.runs D.passes2.Hes an honest man and we all B him. A.offer B.trust C.fool D.win3.His grandpa lives B ,but he never feels . A.alone;alone B.alone;lonelyC.lonely;lonely D.lonely;alone4.Why not buy a second-hand flat first if you dont have enough money?Thats a good C . A.saying B.questionC.suggestion D.decision5. 导学号 82654165I like the dress.But Im A I havent got enough money. Dont worry.I dont mind you some if you like. A.afraid;lending B.glad;lendingC.afraid;to lend D.glad;to lend.完成句子, 每空一词1.中国正在一天天地变强大。China is getting stronger and stronger day by day. 2.孩子们默不作声地坐在会议室里。The children sat in the meeting room in silence. 3.一些家长总是担心孩子的学习。Some parents always worry about their childrens study.4.不要告诉他我是谁 ?Dont tell him who I am . 5.每次听到这首歌 ,我就会想起我的父亲。Every time I hear the song,I think of my father. .综合填空This year Mary studies at a new junior high school.She feels 1. lonely at first.She wants to make friends with her 2.classmates,but she finds most 3. of them are foreigners.Then she misses one of her 4. close friends,Linda.Their 5. friendship lasts for years.But they had a quarrel last month.Looking at the 6. gifts that Linda sent her before,Mary misses Linda more 7. than usual.She holds the phone,but she is afraid to call her.She worries about 8. whether Linda could answer her phone.Luckily,Linda answers her telephone.When Linda hears that it is Mary,she is touched


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