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最新轮机英语题库第一章 船舶动力装置0001 “ Before disconnecting the Oil pipe , would you flush the oil retained in the pipe _?”asked the oil barge owner 0001 B Aby using of fresh water (用淡水) Bwith compressed air(用压缩空气) Cby using Of sea water (用海水) Dwith chemical compound(用化学混合物)油驳主人问:“在拆开油管前,你能否用压缩空气吹出保留在管路中的油呢?”加油结束后,在拆卸油管前,一般用压缩空气吹洗残留在软管内的油。0002 “Stand by an engine” means _。 “发动机备车”意“使发动机准备起动” 。A “prepare to stop the engine ” (准备停止主机)B “assemble an engine on its bedplate” (在机座上装配主机)C “make an engine ready for starting” (使主机准备好以便起动)D “dismantle an engine ” (解体主机) 0002C0003 A _ is the foundation of the engine,without the support of which the shaftalignment in particular,and engine structure as whole,would inevitably be lost(机座是柴油机的基本,没有它的支撑柴油机整机结构的精确的轴线对中将会失去)AFrame (机架) BBedplate(机座) C. Cylinder (汽缸) D Liner(缸套) “机座”是发动机的基础。 0003 B0004 _ are commonly used in mechanical-hydraulic governor to sense engine speeds(在机械液压式调速器中,飞重常被用来感应主机转速)ABulbs (n.鳞茎, 球形物)BBulks (n.大小, 体积, 大批, 大多数, 散装)CFlyweights (飞重) DFlywheels(飞轮、调速轮) 在机械一液压式调速器中,感受发动机速度的部件是“飞重” 。 0004C 0005 _ are generally formed in the frame of the both in-line and Vee engines to give maintenance access to the crankshaft main and connecting rod large end beading在直列和 V 型柴油机中,道门通常是被装来提供维修曲轴主轴承和连杆大端轴承的通道。ADoors(道门) BAspirate gauzer(吸气滤网)CCoupling (法兰) DBlind (盲板)直列式和型发动机的机架上一般都有维修通道(导门)。 0005A 0006_arrangements have low temperature and high temperature exhaust gaspassing through adjacent ports,causing temperature differential problems for the linermaterial。回流扫气式布置有低温和高温气流通过邻近的气口,使缸套金属产生温差问题 ALoop scavenge (回流扫气) BCross scavenge (横流扫气)CUniflow scavenge (直流扫气 )DSupercharge(增压)回流扫气中,扫气空气(温度较低) 和废气(温度较高) 经过相邻的气口。0006A 0007 _became oval,it should be machined 十字头销变成椭圆形,它需要光车。AThe upper half of cross-head bearing 十字头轴承上瓦 Bthe cross-head pin 十字头销CThe cross-head bearing 十字头轴承 DThe cross-head guide plate 十字头导板 0007B0008 _device is provided to prevent starting air from being admitted to the cylinder before the reversing is completed 一个联锁装置用来防止在盘车结束前允许起动空气进入气缸联锁装置可用来防止在发动机换向完成前启动空气进入到气缸。AAn automatic (n. 自动机械 adj.自动的, 无意识的, 机械的)BA transmission (n.播送, 发射, 传动, 传送, 传输, 转播)CA self-regulating (自动调节) D An interlocking (.联锁的) 0008D0009 _fuel oils _ lubricating oils require treatment before passing to the engine在进入主机前燃油和滑油均需进行处理。(燃油和滑油在进入发动机之前,都需要经过处理。 ) 0009 A ABoth and (两者都-) BNeithernor .两者都不CEitheror(只能二选一的) DBothor (没此搭配)0010 _is sometimes used for piston cooling since leaks into the crankcase would not cause problems润滑油有时用来冷却活塞,因为它漏泄到曲轴箱不会产生问题 0010 C滑油用作活塞冷却的一个好处是漏到曲柄箱不会产生污染问题。ADiesel oil ( 柴油) BHydraulic Oil( 液压油, 水力(系统用)油)CLube oil(. 润滑油)D Mineral oil( 矿物油) 0011 _ is the removal of exhaust gases by blowing in fresh air扫气是通过鼓进新鲜空气而清除废气。(通过吹人新鲜空气去除废气的过程叫“扫气” 。A 项意“气体交换” ;B 项意“充气”) 项意“增压” 。AGas exchange (交换气体) BCharging (. 装料, 炉料或增压)CScavenging (扫气) DSupercharging (增压) 0011 C 0012 _ is used for cylinder and cylinder head,the salt water is used for cooling thelubricating oil,the fresh water in the coolers and the charging air in the air cooler淡水用来冷却汽缸和气缸盖,海水用来冷却滑油,淡水在冷却器里,增压空气在空气冷器中AThe fuel oil (燃油) BThe lube oil(滑油)CThe sea water (海水) DThe fresh water (淡水)用作气缸和气缸头冷却的是淡水。 0012D0013 _ may be the first possible cause which makes the engine to lose power orslow down when it is running当柴油机运行时,轴承发热是引起柴油机功率损失或转速下降先要的可能原因 (发动机运行过程中功率下降或失速的第一可能原因是轴承过热。)AHot bearing (轴承发热) BStarting valves(起动阀)CUnequal distribution of load (负荷分荷环均匀) D Excessive crankshaft clearance(轴承间隙过大) 0013 A 0014 _ of an engine crankshaft can be detected by measuring detections of crankwebs for each unit of the engine 柴油机轴线失中情况可通过测量柴油机曲轴各个单位曲柄不同位置的臂距值进行判断。(发动机曲轴失中可以通过测量臂距差来判断。)AMisalignment 失中 Blength (n.长度, 长, 时间的长短, 语音长)0014ACStrength ( n.力, 力量, 力气, 实力, 兵力, 浓度)D Stresses (n. 重压 , 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音)vt. 着重, 强调, 重读0015 _of the A-frames there is a strong cast iron frame called the scavenging air box在 A-型机架的顶部有一个称为扫气箱的坚固的铸铁结构(发动机 A 字架的顶部有扫气箱。)AAt the top (在顶部) BAt the bottom (在底部) 0015ACIn the top (无此结构)D In the bottom (无此结构)0016 _ pistons have low inertia and high coefficient of thermal expansion铝活塞具有惯性低和热膨胀系数高的(特点) 。(铝质活塞具有惯性小( 重量轻)、热膨胀系数大的特点。)ACast iron (n.铸铁, 锻铁)BCast steel (坩埚钢, 铸钢) 0016DCForged steel (铸钢) DAluminum (铝)0017 _ scavenging means both exhaust ports and scavenging ports are arranged tothe same side回流扫气意思是扫气口和排气口都布置在同一侧。 )回流扫气式发动机中,扫气口和排气口布置在同一侧。 ) 0017CAUniflow (直流) BCross(横流) C.Loop(回流) D Straight(直的)0018 _ Should not undertake any task which will interfere with the supervision duties relating to the main machinery and associated equipment 0018A 值班人员不应分派任何将妨碍管理主机和辅机职责的任务。(值班人员不能做任何影响其对主要机械和相关设备监视职责的工作。)AThe watch keeping personnel (值班人员) BThe chief engineer(轮机长)CThe person on a bunker barge (油驳上的人员) DAny of the above (以上任一个)0019 _ tappet clearance will cause the exhaust valve to open early and close late incycle and will increase its maximum lift. 0019 B 排气阀间隙过小将引起其在一循环中早开迟关并增加其升程。AExcessive (adj.过多的, 过分的, 额外)BInsufficient(adj.不足的, 不够的 n.不足)CCorrect (adj.正确的, 恰当的, 端正的 vt.改正, 纠正, 告诫, 惩戒)D. None of the above (以上都不是)气阀推杆间隙过小会引起排气阀过早打开、过晚关闭。0020 _ tappet clearance will cause the exhaust valve to open late and close early incycle and will reduce its maximum lift 0020 C排气阀间隙过大将引起其在一循环中迟开早关并减少其升程。ACorrect (adj.正确的, 恰当的, 端正的 vt.改正, 纠正,告诫, 惩戒)BInsufficient (adj.不足的, 不够的 n.不足)CExcessive (adj.过多的 , 过分的, 额外) D None of the above(以上都不是)气阀推杆间隙过大会引起排气阀过晚打开、过早关闭。0021_ tappet clearance will cause the exhaust valve to open late and close early incycle and will reduce its maximum lift 0021 C排气阀间隙过大将引起其在一循环中迟开早关并减少其升程。ACorrect (adj. 正确的, 恰当的, 端正的 vt.改正, 纠正, 告诫, 惩戒)BInsufficient (adj.不足的, 不够的 n.不足)CExcessive (adj.过多的 , 过分的, 额外) D None of the above is correct (以上都不是) ( 此题与 0020 题重复)0022 _ the cylinder will contain a great weight of air and will be capable of burning a great quantity of fuel选项中,较合理的答案只能是 A。更好的答案应该是“At the end ofthe compression stroke”。意即“在压缩冲程结束时,气缸中有大量的空气并能燃烧大量的燃油” 。 在压缩行程初汽缸内将容纳了能大量能点燃大量的燃油的空气。AAt the beginning of the compression stroke 压缩行程初 0022A BAt the beginning of the suction stroke 吸气行程初 CAt the end of the working stroke 工作行程未D At the end of the exhaust stroke 排气行程未0023 _ the supercharge pressure is, _ power an engine develops增压压力越大,柴油机输出功率越大。 0


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