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专 业 硕 士 学 位 论 文集团化企业多层级治理结构与治理效率研究以河北钢铁集团为例Multi-level Corporate Governance Structure and Efficiency in Business Groupthe Case Study of Hebei Iron emphasizing on the projects of management and control mode and management and control architecture too much, neglecting the institutional arrangement based on corporate governance structure; focusing on the improvement of internal governance structure too much, neglecting the construction of exterior governance aiming at the stakeholder; focusing on the governance on one level of conglomerate or subsidiaries too much, neglecting a comprehensive and cooperative governance from the top down. After in-depth research and consideration, this article draws the conclusion that in collectivization enterprises, premised on the optimizing the multi-level governance structure and promoting the multi-level governance efficiency, straightening the property relations, based on the resource integration and arranging the span of management properly, and it is absolute necessary to co-governing from both inside and outside, following the tendency of 北京交通大学专业硕士学位论文 ABSTRACTviidiversifying the main investors and popularizing the proprietor, exploring practically innovating theoretically.The paper is characterized by breaking the shackle of traditional theory, revealing the root cause impairing efficient governance in business groups through analyzing general characteristics, actual conflicts and existing problems in multi-level governance of state-owned business groups, as well as providing advices in combination of past lessons and experience in practice for business groups to optimize corporation governance structure and improve governance efficiency, so as to help business groups realize standard, safe and efficient operation, and make the new leap-forward from big to strong. KEYWORDS:Business group;corporation governance and case study;Hebei Steel 北京交通大学专业硕士学位论文 目录viii目录中文摘要 .iiiABSTRACT.v1 引言 .11.1 研究背景与研究问题 .11.2 研究现状与本文突破 .21.3 研究思路与研究方法 .31.4 本文写作的结构安排 .42 公司治理的相关文献回顾与理论分析 .52.1 公司治理研究的一般性回顾 .52.1.1 公司治理的概念理解 .52.1.2 公司治理的目标 .62.1.3 公司治理的主体和客体 .62.1.4 公司治理模式分类 .72.1.5 我国公司治理研究概述 .82.2 公司治理的理论基础 .102.2.1 “股东至上 ”治理理论 .102.2.2 控制“ 内部人控制”治理理论 .102.2.3 双重委托代理治理理论 .112.2.4 利益相关者“ 共同治理 ”理论 .112.3 集团公司治理 .122.3.1 集团化企业概念的提出 .122.3.2 集团公司治理 .142.4 多层级公司治理的相关研究 .152.5 多层级公司治理结构与效率的理论分析框架 .152.5.1 公司治理结构的基本概念 .152.5.2 影响公司治理效率的主要因素 .172.5.3 多层级公司治理结构与治理效率的理论分析框架 .183 集团化企业多层级公司治理现状与问题分析 .203.1 集团化企业多层级治理现状 .


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