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(申请工学硕士学位论文)包覆氯盐融冰剂对沥青混凝土融冰和路用性能的影响研究培 养 单 位 : 材 料 科 学 与 工 程 学 院学 科 专 业 : 材 料 学研 究 生 :付 靖 宜指 导 老 师 : 余 剑 英 教 授2015 年 5 月分类号 密 级 UDC 学校代码 10497 学 位 论 文题目包 覆 氯 盐 融 冰 剂 对 蓄 盐 沥 青 混 凝 土 融 冰 和 路 用 性 能 的 影 响 研 究 英文 Effect of Coated Chlorine-based Deicing Additive on Ice-melting 题目 and Pavement Properties of Asphalt Concrete 研究生姓名 付 靖 宜 姓名 余 剑 英 职称 教 授 学位 博 士 单位名称 材料科学与工程学院 邮编 430070 申请学位级别 工 学 硕 士 学科专业名称 材 料 学 论文提交日期 2015.5 论文答辩日期 2015.5.23 学位授予单位 武 汉 理 工 大 学 学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席 评阅人 2015 年 05 月指导教师独创性声明本人声明,所呈交的论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得武汉理工大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。签 名: 日 期:学位论文使用授权书本人完全了解武汉理工大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权武汉理工大学可以将本学位论文的全部内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存或汇编本学位论文。同时授权经武汉理工大学认可的国家有关机构或论文数据库使用或收录本学位论文,并向社会公众提供信息服务。(保密的论文在解密后应遵守此规定)研究生(签名): 导师(签名): 日期I摘要沥青路面在冬季易积雪结冰,极易引发交通事故的发生。掺加氯盐类融冰剂的蓄盐沥青混凝土作为一种主动融雪化冰方法,得到了越来越多的关注。然而,氯盐融冰剂的掺入会影响沥青混凝土的路用性能,同时随着氯盐融冰剂的溶解析出也会降低沥青路面的融雪化冰性能。如何降低氯盐融冰剂对沥青混凝土性能的影响,并延长其融雪除冰效果,对于蓄盐沥青混凝土的发展与应用具有重要意义。本文采用有机包覆的方法制备了包覆氯盐融冰剂,对包覆氯盐融冰剂的结构进行了表征,研究了不同类型有机物包覆氯盐融冰剂对沥青混凝土的路用性能、融冰性能及其长效性。主要结论如下:(1)将不同类型包覆剂对氯化钠或氯化钙进行包覆处理,制备出了包覆氯盐融冰剂。扫描电镜测试表明,包覆剂可以较好地包覆在氯盐颗粒的表面,包覆剂用量越多,包覆程度越好。包覆剂 C1、C 2 制备的融冰剂包覆层较厚,而包覆剂 C3 则在氯化钠颗粒表面呈现较薄的包覆层;溶液冰点测试表明,采用氯化钠作为融冰盐制备的融冰剂氯离子释放更为缓慢,包覆剂 C1 制备的融冰剂溶液冰点较高,缓释性能更好,而随着包覆剂掺量的增大,溶液冰点逐渐升高,缓释性能也逐渐增强。(2)包覆氯盐融冰剂对蓄盐沥青混凝土的高温、低温性能影响不大,而掺加纯氯盐的沥青混凝土高温性能和低温性能则明显降低,表明氯盐对沥青混凝土高温、低温性能的影响可以通过包覆来改善。有机物的包覆作用可以极大地降低氯盐对沥青混凝土水稳定性能的负面影响,其中采用有机物 C1 氯盐制备的蓄盐沥青混凝土的水稳定性能最优。(3)与纯氯盐相比,包覆氯盐融冰剂降低了蓄盐沥青混凝土的短期融冰性能。采用低熔点的 C3 作为包覆剂,蓄盐沥青混凝土的短期融冰性能较好,且随着包覆剂掺量的增大,短期融冰性能逐渐降低。融冰剂掺量的增大会提升蓄盐沥青混凝土的短期融冰能力,选用钙作为融冰盐短期融冰能力更强。(4)包覆氯盐融冰剂的组成与结构对蓄盐沥青混凝土的长期融冰性能影响较大。采用包覆剂 C1 制备的蓄盐沥青混凝土浸泡 12h 后盐析出速率大,冰点粘附力低,长效性较好;随着包覆剂掺量的增大,蓄盐沥青混凝土的长期融冰性能逐渐增强,但包覆剂掺量增大至 A3 后,继续增大包覆剂用量对长期融冰性能影响不大;采用氯化钠作为融冰盐,融冰剂掺量为 5%时,长期融冰性能最II佳。(5)室外融雪实验表明,包覆氯盐融冰剂制备的蓄盐沥青混凝土,在浸泡 12h 后仍具有一定程度的融雪能力,而掺加纯氯盐的沥青混凝土在浸泡 12h后则几乎不具备融雪效果,这表明对氯盐进行包覆提高了蓄盐沥青混凝土的长效性。关键词:沥青路面,融冰剂,氯盐;路用性能,长效性IIIAbstractAsphalt pavement covered ice causes traffic inconvenience and even leads to accidents, so it is of great significance to decrease the freezing point of ice on asphalt road. Asphalt mixture filled with coated chlorine-based deicing additive has the function of melting ice. Its advantages include little Chloride ion releasing quantity, high efficiency of melting ice and excellent long-term efficacy, which attracts more and more attention. The addition of deicing agent to asphalt concrete affects its pavement performance and the structure of deicing additive impacts the melting ice performance. Thus, it is of great importance to improve long-term deicing properties of asphalt mixture including salt and reduce the impact of deicing additive to asphalt concrete.The coated chlorine-based deicing additive was prepared via the method of organic coating, and the structure of prepared additive was characterized. Then the effect of different types of organic coated chloride salt ice melting agent on performance of asphalt concrete, melting properties and its long-term performance has been researched. Main conclusions are as follows:(1)The coated chlorine-based deicing additive was prepared with different types of coating agent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed that coated agent could be well coated on the surface of chloride salt particles. As the coating agent ratio increased, the coating level turned better. The melting point of coating agent C1 and C2 was higher, so they had a thicker coating layer. The melting point of C3 was relatively lower, thus the sodium chloride particle surface was covered with thinner layer. Results of freezing point test showed that using sodium chloride as ice melting salt released more slowly. By using coating agent C1, the freezing point was higher and the releasing turned slower. With the increase of dosage of coating agent, the freezing point became higher, which showed that the coating performance enhanced gradually.(2) The coated chlorine-based deicing additive had little influence on high temperature and low temperature performance of asphalt concrete, while low temperature and high temperature performance of asphalt concrete was poor when IVmixed with pure chlorine salt. It showed that the influence of chlorine salt to high temperature and low temperature performance of asphalt concrete could be improved by coating. The mix of coated chloride salt could significantly reduce the soaking remnants stability and intensity ratio of frozen and melted of asphalt concrete. Select C1 with high melting point as coated agent and appropriately increase coating agent dosage, which could make a better water stability of asphalt concrete. Melting agent coated with 5% of the sodium chloride also improved the water stability of asphalt concrete.(3)The short-term performance of deicing can be affected by the composition and structure of coated chlorine-based deicing additive. C3 coated additive with low melting point remained excellent short-term deicing property, and with the augment of coating agent, the short-term deicing performance gradually reduced. Along with the amount of deicing additive increases, the short-term deicing performance of asphalt concrete improved, while set the sodium chloride as melting salt performed better.(4)The composition and structure of coated deicing additive has effect on long-term performance of asphalt concrete. The chloride precipitation increased while freezing adhesive strength and freezing point on asphalt concrete surface decreased after immersion 12h when coated with agent C1. As a result, long-term deicing performance turned well. The sustaining activity ameliorated with the ratio of coating agent augments. But when the ratio increased greater than A3, the augmenter of sustaining activity turned little. It could remain better long-term performance when using sodium chloride as melting salt and the ratio of deicing additive became 5%.(5)The experiments of outdoor snow-melting showed that the coated chlorine-based deicing asphalt concrete still had a certain degree of snowmelt performance when soaking 12h, while the asphalt concrete mixed with pure chlorine salt had almost no effect on melting snow. Thus the sustaining performance of coated chlorine asphalt concrete had been proved by coating.Key words: asphalt pavement, deicing additive, chloride salts, pavement performance, long-term performancei目 录摘要 .IAbstract.III第 1 章绪论 .11.1 研究背景 .11.2 沥青路面融冰技术研究概况 .11.2.1 沥青路面被动融冰技术 .21.2.2 沥青路面主动融冰技术 .31.3 蓄盐沥青混凝土国内外研究现状 .41.3.1 蓄盐沥青混凝土融冰剂的研制现状 .41.3.2 氯盐融冰剂对沥青路面性能影响研究现状 .51.3.3 存在的问题 .71.4 主要研究内容 .8第 2 章包覆氯盐融冰剂的制备、结构表征与性能评价 .92.1 引言 .92.2 融冰剂的性能测试与表征 .92.2.1 实验原料 .92.2.2 实验仪器 .92.2.3 融冰剂的制备 .102.2.4 扫描电镜观察 .112.2.5 有机包覆融冰剂溶液冰点的测试 .112.3 结果与讨论 .122.3.1 包覆对融冰剂结构的影响 . 包覆剂掺量对融冰剂结构的影响 . 包覆剂种类对融冰剂结构的影响 .142.3.2 融冰剂的组成与结构对缓释性能的影响 . 盐种类对融冰剂缓释性能的影响 . 包覆剂种类对融冰剂缓释性能的影响 . 包覆剂掺量对融冰剂缓释性能的影响 .172.4 本章小结 .18ii第 3 章包覆氯盐融冰剂对沥青混凝土路用性能的影响研究 .193.1 引言 .193.2 实验部分 .193.2.1 原材料 . 融冰剂 . 沥青 . 集料 .203.2.2 蓄盐沥青混凝土的配合比设计 . 蓄盐沥青混凝土的级配 . 最佳油石比的确定 .233.2.3 蓄盐沥青混凝土的制备 .233.2.4 蓄盐沥青混凝土高温稳定度的测试 .243.2.5 蓄盐沥青混凝土低温抗裂性能的测试 .243.2.6 蓄盐沥青混凝土水稳定性能的测试 .25


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