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1三年级上册英语句型小结Unit 1 (Hello!)Whats your name? My name is 例:Hello (Hi)! I am Tom. Whats your name?My name is Jim.Goodbye!Bye!I have 例:I have a ruler. I have an eraser. I have a pencil box.元音字母: a e i o u (元音开头字母单词用 an,其他用 a)重点句型:1、 Show me your pen.把你的钢笔给我看看。2、 Carry your bag.背上你的书包。3、 I have a ruler. Me too! 我有一把尺子。我也有。4、 Open your pencil box.打开你的铅笔盒。5、 Whos there? 谁在那儿?6、 Guess! 猜一猜!拓展:show(1) 动词:给看;出示例:Can you show me your photos?You must show your ticket on the train.(2) 名词:展览例:There is a new car on show there.语法点拨:英语中的问候语非常多,正式的通常有:How do you do? (你好吗? 用于初次见面) How are you? (你好吗? 用于比较熟悉的人之间) How are you getting along with ? (你近来可好?)How are you doing? (您工作还顺利吗?)How is everything? (一切还好吧?)Unit 2(Clours)T: Good morning, Boys and girls.2S: Good morning, Miss Gao.T: Whats your name?S1: My name is Jim.S2: My name is Tom.T: This is Mike.S: Good morning, Mike.I see .例:I see red. I see green.重点句型:1、This is Mr Jones.(这位是琼斯先生)2、This is Miss Green.(这位是格林小姐)3、Lets paint.(让我们画画吧)4、Touch the ground.(摸地板)5、Turn around. (转身)6、Colour it brown.(涂上棕色)拓展:Colour1、名词(1)颜色例:Blue,red,yellow and green are colour.(2)红润(指肤色、表健康)例:Colour left her face.2、作及物动词给.着色;染例:Colour the door green.She coloured the picture with a yellow crayon.广闻博知:1、熟悉人见面的问候语:Hello! 你好!Hello!2、上午、下午和晚上见面的问候语:Good morning. 早上好!Good morning.Good afternoon. 下午好!3Good afternoon.Good evening. 晚上好!Good evening.3、经人介绍后,两人相互间的问候语:Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you,too.Unit 3(Look at me!)This is 例: S1: This is my book.S2: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.重点句型:1、 Touch your nose. (摸摸你的鼻子)2、 Clap your hands. (拍拍手)3、 Wave your arms. (挥挥手臂)4、 Shake your legs. (摇摇双腿)5、 Stamp your foot. (跺跺脚)6、 Lets make a puppet. (让我们来做个木偶)7、 First, make the head. (首先做个头)8、 Then, make the body. (接着做个身体)9、 Good idea. (好主意)10、 Lets play with the puppet. (让我们和木偶一起玩)拓展:Close1、 及物动词(1)关闭;盖上;合上例:She closed the door softly.她轻轻的关上了门。(2) 关(商店等)例:The street has been closed for two days.这条街已被封闭两天了。2、 不及物动词(1)关闭;盖上;合上4例:The door closes quietly.这门关起来不发出什么声音。(2) (商店等)关门,打烊例:The post office closes at 6p.m.邮局下午 6点停止营业。语法点拨:怎样回答“How are you”?一般下意识反应“Fine, Thank you! And you”,其实这句问候语可以有很多种回答,我们一起来看看。1、 If you must know, I feel terrible. 如果你一定要知道的话,我感觉糟透了。2、 Actually, Im a bit under the weather.实际上我有点不舒服。3、 Im hanging on.(我)还活着。广闻博知:“How are you”的答语1、心情一般时(1)Just fine. Thanks. 还好,谢谢。(2)All right, and you. 还行,你呢?(3)Cant complain. 还好!(4)Same as ever./Oh, the usual round. 老样子。(5)Just so so. Thanks. 不过如此,谢谢。2、心情很好时(1)Pretty good, thank you. 非常好,谢谢。(2)Very well. How about you? 很好。你怎么样?(3)I am extremely well, thank you. 我好极了,谢谢。(4) I am very well indeed. / Great! Fantastic! Thank you!我非常好,谢谢!3、心情不好时(1)Pretty bad. 糟透了。(2)Awful 糟透了。有关身体部位的其他词汇脖子 neck 喉咙 throat 肩膀 shoulder 手臂 arm手 hand 手腕 wrist 肘部 elbow 腋窝 armpit5手背 back of the hand 手掌 palm of the hand手指 fingers 大拇指 thumb 食指 fore finger 中指 middle finger无名指 ring finger 小指 little finger与身体各部位有关的俚语1、 She is my right arm.她是我的得力助手。2、 Get off my back.别再来烦我了。3、 I have a bone to pick with you.我对你有点意见。4、 She is suck a birdbrain.她是个大傻瓜。5、 She has an ear for music.她具有音乐方面的天赋。6、 We always see eye to eye.我们总是看法一致。7、 Stop pulling my leg.别骗我了。8、 She is got a bit mouth.她太多嘴了。Unit 4(We love animals)T: What is this?S: It is a cat.T: What is that?S: It is a pig.重点句型:1、 Cool! I like it.太酷了,我喜欢。2、 Act like an elephant.扮作大象的样子。3、 Look at the cat. It is fat.看那只猫,它很胖。4、 Look at the dog. It is on the log.看那只狗,在木头上。5、 Look at the duck. It is in the truck.(在卡车上)6、 Hello! Pig! Follow me!你好,小猪!跟我走!拓展:Like 1、作及物动词(1)喜欢例:She likes playing the piano.她喜欢弹钢琴。He doesnt like tomatoes.他不喜欢吃番茄。6(2) (用于否定句中)愿意例:I dont like deceiving him.我不愿意欺骗他。(3) (与 should, would连用)希望,想,想要例:He would you like to make that trip.他希望你走一趟。(4)适合于例:I like pepper but it doesnt like me.我喜欢吃胡椒,但胡椒不适合我。2、作不及物动词喜欢;愿意;希望例:You can do as you like.你爱怎么做就怎么做。语法点拨:一、特殊疑问词What(询问事物),how much(询问价格),what time(询问时间,尤其是钟点),what kind of(询问种类),why(询问原因),who(询问人),where(询问地点)等等。如:What is this? 这是什么?It is a key. 这是一把钥匙。How much is it? 这个多少钱? It is twenty dollars. 二十美元。What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪一类型的典型?I like action movies. 我喜欢动作片。二、特殊的语序特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是“疑问词+一般疑问句” 。如:What time is it? 现在几点钟?Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?三、特殊的答语特殊疑问句不能用 yes或 no来回答,而应根据它所询问的内容直接做出回答才行。如:What time is it, please? 请问几点了?It is 7:30. 七点半了。Where are they? 他们在哪里?They are in the playground. 他们在操场上。 7广闻博知:Cat的万种风情1、 fat cat 肥猫,指“有钱有势的人,大亨” 。2、 cool cat 酷猫,指“办事沉稳的人;爵士乐迷” 。3、 hep cat 迷恋爵士乐的猫,指“爵士(或摇摆舞)音乐迷” 。4、 copy cat 好模仿的猫,指“盲目的模仿者” 。5、 hell cat 好发脾气的猫,指“泼妇、巫婆” 。Unit 5(Lets eat!)Can I have some , please?Here you are.Thank you.You are welcome.例:Can I have some eggs, please?Here you are.Thank you.You are welcome.重点句型:1、 Id like some juice, please.我想喝果汁。2、 Mum, I am hungry! 妈妈,我很饿。3、 Cut the cake.切蛋糕。4、 Eat some fish.吃些鱼。5、 Drink some milk.喝些牛奶。6、 You are welcome! 不客气。7、 Sure.当然可以。8、 Can I have some ice cream, please!我可以吃些冰淇棱吗?9、 Lets have some milk today, on such a lovely day.让我们在这个美妙的日子里喝点牛奶吧! 拓展:Have(1)有,拥有例:This coat has no pockets.这件衣服没有口袋。(2)体验;经验8例:We had a wonderful time on the beach.我们在海滩上玩得好极了。(3)拿到;得到,取到例:We have him a present, but he wouldnt have it.我们给他一件礼物,但他不肯接受。(4) 进行,从事(某事)例:The manager is having a meeting.经理正在开会。(5)吃;喝;吸(烟)例:They had their lunch at home.他们在家吃了午饭。Have some coffee, please.请喝杯咖啡。语法点拨:Like的用法一、作动词:1、like+名词/代词,意为“喜欢某物或某事” 。例:Tom likes fish very much.汤姆非常喜欢鱼。2、like to do sth.意为“(偶尔或具体地)喜欢做某事” 。例:I like to swim with you today.今天我想和你一起去游泳。3、like doing sth.意味“(经常或习惯地)喜欢做某事” 。例:He likes singing. 他喜欢唱歌。二、用作介词:1、be like, look like 后接名词或代词作宾语,意味 “像 .;跟.一样”例:What is he like? 他是怎样的一个人?2、feel like 后接 V+ing 形式、代词或名词,意为“想要做某事” 。例:Do you like feel having a rest? 你想休息吗?三、常见句型1、What do you like about.?“关于 .你喜欢什么?”用来询问对方所喜欢的内容。例:What do you like about China? 你喜欢中国的什么?2、How do you like.?意为“你认为.怎么样?” (=What do you think of.?)例:How do you like the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样?93、Would you like +名词/to do sth.?意为“你想要 吗?”用来询问对方是否需要什么或征求意见与看法。例:Would you like some water? 你想要一些水吗?Unit 6(Happy birthday!)Happy birthday!How old are you?I am 例:T: Hello (Hi)! I am Tom. Whats your name?J: My name is Jim.T: How old are you?J: I am six years old.重点句型:1、 This one, please.请拿这个。2、 Sure.当然可以。3、 Jump up high! 跳高点。4、 It is so fun! 真有趣。5、 John, this is my brother, Sam. 约翰,这位是我的弟弟,萨姆。6、 I am four (years old). 我四岁。7、 Show me nine. 做九的手势给我看。8、 Ten little candles dancing. 十根蜡烛在跳舞。9、 I have two gifts. 我收到了两个礼物。10、 Surprise! 太惊讶了。 拓展:Happy(1)(感到)高兴的;乐意的例:I am happy to accept your invitation.我很高兴接受你的邀请。(3)满足的;满意的例:He wont be happy with the result.他对结果不会满意。(4)幸运的;幸福的例:Their marriage has been a very happy one.他们的婚礼非常美满。(5) (用于祝词)快乐的10例:Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!语法点拨:How的用法How通常在英文中通常用作副词,是特殊


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