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手指的英语知识手指的英语意思finger手指的相关英语例句1. sarah lifted her hand and started twirling a strand of hair.萨拉抬起手来开始用手指缠绕一缕头发。2. those ladies were brassy and busty, with pudgy fingers and painted eyes.那些女人们打扮花哨,体态丰满,手指肥肥的,眼睛都涂了眼影。3. he explored the wound with his finger, trying to establish its extent.他用手指摸了摸伤口,想要确定受伤的程度。4. with trembling fingers, he removed the camera from his pocket.他手指哆嗦着从口袋里取出相机.5. try using lemon juice to remove tobacco stains from your fingers.试试用柠檬汁去除手指上的烟渍。6. he ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.他用手指摸了摸盒子的内壁。7. nick jabbed his finger at the clothes on the bed.尼克用手指戳了戳床上的衣服。8. he reached for a cigarette and lit it, fingers rock steady.他伸手拿了一支烟点着,手指纹丝不动。9. she ran her fingers through her hair; it felt lank and dirty.她用手指梳了梳自己的长发,头发摸起来又油又脏。10. his fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。11. he drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk.他用手指连续敲击他的皮革桌面。12. it was wonderful to watch her fingers moving deftly and unerringly.观看她的手指灵巧而又准确无误地移动是一件美事。13. he laughed and ran his fingers through his hair.他笑了,用手指拢了拢他的头发。14. danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them.丹尼搓着胳膊并向手指上哈气取暖。15. i started to cry because i cut my finger.我因为割破手指哭了起来。手指的英文例句小男孩的手指让墨水给染脏了。the little boy stained his fingers with ink.她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。she raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.我弹钢琴不如从前,我的手指由于缺乏练习都不灵活了。i cannot play the piano like i used to-my fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice.我的手指被一块锋利的石头划破了。i cut my finger on a sharp stone.她的手指肿胀是手指内有异物引起的。the swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it.你只需要将你的手指指在所读的那行文字下,一边读一边移动手指。simply place your index finger below a line of text and move it as you read.他用手指勾著她的手指。he intertwined his fingers with hers.当手指与它的肌肉协调一致时,各手指处在它们自己的最佳位置。each finger has its optimal position when it is properly lined up with its muscles.她将一个手指放在嘴唇上以示安静。she set a finger to her lips to signal silence.手指的双语例句那草割破了我的手指。the grass scotched my finger.他向我伸出两个手指。he stretched two fingers to me.那根刺已从他的手指里拔出来了。the splinters out of his finger.我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。my fingers scan a book in braille.他迅速地抽出一块手帕来包扎手指。he whipped out a handkerchief to bind up his finger.他用手指塞住耳朵。he stuffed his fingers into his ears.用你的手指可以感觉到它的存在。you should be able to feel it with your finger.但我指向她的手指反过来又指向了我。but the finger i pointed at her turned back to me.在这之后,他举起他的一只手指,向全班展示它。 然后他把手指浸到杯子中。after that, he held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class.当用户把手指放在你的应用上,他们期望着有所反应。when the users puts their finger on your application, they expect some reaction.你们想用你们的手指触摸你们梦想赤裸的身躯。you would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.他用手指在纹身中辨认出一条路径,接着启动了手表的计时器。he traces a path with his finger, and then starts the timer on his watch.睾丸激素不仅能使小孩的大脑和性器官成形,而且还影响到其手指的生长方式。this not only shapes the brain and sex organs of the child, but also affects the way its fingersgrow.愿丘比特逮捕你,并用一枚订婚戒指锁住你的手指。may cupid arrest you and lock your finger with an engagement ring.手指的英语意思finger手指的相关英语例句1. sarah lifted her hand and started twirling a strand of hair.萨拉抬起手来开始用手指缠绕一缕头发。2. those ladies were brassy and busty, with pudgy fingers and painted eyes.那些女人们打扮花哨,体态丰满,手指肥肥的,眼睛都涂了眼影。3. he explored the wound with his finger, trying to establish its extent.他用手指摸了摸伤口,想要确定受伤的程度。4. with trembling fingers, he removed the camera from his pocket.他手指哆嗦着从口袋里取出相机.5. try using lemon juice to remove tobacco stains from your fingers.试试用柠檬汁去除手指上的烟渍。6. he ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.他用手指摸了摸盒子的内壁。7. nick jabbed his finger at the clothes on the bed.尼克用手指戳了戳床上的衣服。8. he reached for a cigarette and lit it, fingers rock steady.他伸手拿了一支烟点着,手指纹丝不动。9. she ran her fingers through her hair; it felt lank and dirty.她用手指梳了梳自己的长发,头发摸起来又油又脏。10. his fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。11. he drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk.他用手指连续敲击他的皮革桌面。12. it was wonderful to watch her fingers moving deftly and unerringly.观看她的手指灵巧而又准确无误地移动是一件美事。13. he laughed and ran his fingers through his hair.他笑了,用手指拢了拢他的头发。14. danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them.丹尼搓着胳膊并向手指上哈气取暖。15. i started to cry because i cut my finger.我因为割破手指哭了起来。手指的英文例句小男孩的手指让墨水给染脏了。the little boy stained his fingers with ink.她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。she raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.我弹钢琴不如从前,我的手指由于缺乏练习都不灵活了。i cannot play the piano like i used to-my fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice.我的手指被一块锋利的石头划破了。i cut my finger on a sharp stone.她的手指肿胀是手指内有异物引起的。the swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it.你只需要将你的手指指在所读的那行文字下,一边读一边移动手指。simply place your index finger below a line of text and move it as you read.他用手指勾著她的手指。he intertwined his fingers with hers.当手指与它的肌肉协调一致时,各手指处在它们自己的最佳位置。each finger has its optimal position when it is properly lined up with its muscles.她将一个手指放在嘴唇上以示安静。she set a finger to her lips to signal silence.手指的双语例句那草割破了我的手指。the grass scotched my finger.他向我伸出两个手指。he stretched two fingers to me.那根刺已从他的手指里拔出来了。the splinters out of his finger.我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。my fingers scan a book in braille.他迅速地抽出一块手帕来包扎手指。he whipped out a handkerchief to bind up his finger.他用手指塞住耳朵。he stuffed his fingers into his ears.用你的手指可以感觉到它的存在。you should be able to feel it with your finger.但我指向她的手指反过来又指向了我。but the finger i pointed at her turned back to me.在这之后,他举起他的一只手指,向全班展示它。 然后他把手指浸到杯子中。after that, he held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class.当用户把手指放在你的应用上,他们期望着有所反应。when the users puts their finger on your application, they expect some reaction.你们想用你们的手指触摸你们梦想赤裸的身躯。you would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.他用手指在纹身中辨认出一条路径,接着启动了手表的计时器。he traces a path with his finger, and then starts the timer on his watch.睾丸激素不仅能使小孩的大脑和性器官成形,而且还影响到其手指的生长方式。this not only shapes the brain and sex organs of the child, but also affects the way its fingersgrow.愿丘比特逮捕你,并用一枚订婚戒指锁住你的手指。may cupid arrest you and lock your finger with an engagement ring.手指的英语意思finger手指的相关英语例句1. sarah lifted her hand and started twirling a strand of hair.萨拉抬起手来开始用手指缠绕一缕头发。2. those ladies were brassy and busty, with pudgy fingers and painted eyes.那些女人们打扮花哨,体态丰满,手指肥肥的,眼睛都涂了眼影。3. he explored the wound with his finger, trying to establish its extent.他用手指摸了摸伤口,想要确定受伤的程度。4. with trembling fingers, he removed the camera from his pocket.他手指哆嗦着从口袋里取出相机.5. try using lemon juice to remove tobacco stains from your fingers.试试用柠檬汁去除手指上的烟渍。6. he ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.他用手指摸了摸盒子的内壁。7. nick jabbed his finger at the clothes on the bed.尼克用手指戳了戳床上的衣服。8. he reached for a cigarette and lit it, fingers rock steady.他伸手拿了一支烟点着,手指纹丝不动。9. she ran her fingers through her hair; it felt lank and dirty.她用手指梳了梳自己的长发,头发摸起来又油又脏。10. his fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。11. he drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk.他用手指连续敲击他的皮革桌面。12. it was wonderful to watch her fingers moving deftly and unerringly.观看她的手指灵巧而又准确无误地移动是一件美事。13. he laughed and ran his fingers through his hair.他笑了,用手指拢了拢他的头发。14. danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them.丹尼搓着胳膊并向手指上哈气取暖。15. i started to cry because i cut my finger.我因为割破手指哭了起来。手指的英文例句小男孩的手指让墨水给染脏了。the little boy stained his fingers with ink.她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。she raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.我弹钢琴不如从前,我的手指由于缺乏练习都不灵活了。i cannot play the piano like i used to-my fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice.我的手指被一块锋利的石头划破了。i cut my finger on a sharp stone.她的手指肿胀是手指内有异物引起的。the swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it.你只需要将你的手指指在所读的那行文字下,一边读一边移动手指。simply place your index finger below a line of text and move it as you read.他用手指勾著她的手指。he intertwined his fingers with hers.当手指与它的肌肉协调一致时,各手指处在它们自己的最佳位置。each finger has its optimal position when it is properly lined up with its muscles.她将一个手指放在嘴唇上以示安静。she set a finger to her lips to signal silence.手指的双语例句那草割破了我的手指。the grass scotched my finger.他向我伸出两个手指。he stretched two fingers to me.那根刺已从他的手指里拔出来了。the splinters out of his finger.我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。my fing


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