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七年级英语第一测试题一找出并翻译下列词组1.谢谢某人做某事_ 2.告诉我有关中秋节_3.在十月 31 号晚上 _ 4.玩得很高兴_5.戴面具_6.把我们的脸涂上颜色_7.我们和里面的玩一个游戏_ 8.做南瓜灯 _9.敲他们的门_ 10.不招待就使坏_11.给我们一些糖果作为招待_12.给我们一个招待_13.作弄他们_14.举行一个聚会_15.享受美食和饮料_16.特别的一天_17.庆祝万圣节_18.有一些问题_二选择题( )1. Thanks for _ me the presentsA. send B. sending C. sends D. to send( )2. Children like _ Monkey King.A. dressing up B. to dress up C. dress up asD. dressing up as( )3.There _ some food and some books in the bag.A.have B.has C. is D. are( )4. Here _ some information about the museum. Listen carefully.A. are B. is C. has D. have( )5.Why do you like Halloween? _A. Im fine, thank you.B. Because I can eat mooncakesC. Because its interesting D. Its bad( )6.Its cold today. Please _ your coat.A. dress B.in C. wear D. put on( )7.We have a party _ October.A. in B.on C. at D. of( )8.If people _give us a treat, we play _them.A. arent, a basketball with B. Dont ,a trick onC. dont ,the football withD. dont ,games on( )9.I give him a special book _ a birthday present.A. as B. for C. to D. to( )10 .Why dont you use _ knife?A.an B. your C. yours D. you.( )11. The boy eats a lot of turkey_ Thanksgiving Day.A. on B. at C. in D. to( )12. I dont have _ water. Would you please give me_.A. any, any B, any, some C. some, anyD. some, some三词汇1.-Sandy,thanks for _(help)me with my English.-Not at all,Mary.2.Daniel ,which is your favouritefestival?-I like Thanksgiving Day _.(well)3.-When do the boys and girls have lots of fun?- On _(child)Day.4.Is it _(real) an interesting Film?5.Do you know how_(make)a pumpkin lantern?6.-What do children often do i_ people dont give them a treat?四用动词的适当形式填空1. Thank you for _ (chat) with me.2.- When _they _ (celebrate) the festival every year?-Its hard _(say).3. There is always too much homework _(work).4. Look, the girl with the twins _(have) some new books!5. If he _(not give) me a treat, I can play a trick on him.6. Its good for us _(do) eye exercises every day.7. Would you like _(come) with me?8. He often _(read) English at the weekend.9. He hopes _(be) a happy boy.10. Is it time for us _(take) a walk.11. His sister goes _(dance) every morning.12. He _(have) a school trip next month.13. He goes to the supermarket _(buy) some fruit.14. Id like you _(write) me soon.15. There _(be) anything interesting in todays newspaper.五根据所给汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词:1. 有时我把我的脸涂上颜色,人们便认不出我了。Sometimes I_ _ _ and people dont know _ _ _.2你能告诉我如何用南瓜做成一个灯笼吗?Can you tell me_ _ _ a lantern _ _ a pumpkin?3. 谢谢你用巧克力招待我们。Thank you for _ _ some candies _ a treat4. 你不应该作弄你的朋友。You shouldnt _ _ _ your friend.5. 过万圣节你们做什么?我们举行一个特别的聚会。What _ you _ _ Halloween? We have a _ _6. 她在做什么?她在装鬼。_ she _? Shes _ _ _ a _.7.他正在读一本有趣的关于照料主人的书。Hes _ _ _ book _ how _ _ _ his _一找出并翻译下列词组1.谢谢某人做某事_ 2.告诉我有关中秋节_3.在十月 31 号晚上 _ 4.玩得很高兴_5.戴面具_6.把我们的脸涂上颜色_7.我们和里面的玩一个游戏_ 8.做南瓜灯 _9.敲他们的门_ 10.不招待就使坏_11.给我们一些糖果作为招待_12.给我们一个招待_13.作弄他们_14.举行一个聚会_15.享受美食和饮料_16.特别的一天_17.庆祝万圣节_18.有一些问题_二选择题( )1. Thanks for _ me the presentsA. send B. sending C. sends D. to send( )2. Children like _ Monkey King.A. dressing up B. to dress up C. dress up asD. dressing up as( )3.There _ some food and some books in the bag.A.have B.has C. is D. are( )4. Here _ some information about the museum. Listen carefully.A. are B. is C. has D. have( )5.Why do you like Halloween? _A. Im fine, thank you.B. Because I can eat mooncakesC. Because its interesting D. Its bad( )6.Its cold today. Please _ your coat.A. dress B.in C. wear D. put on( )7.We have a party _ October.A. in B.on C. at D. of( )8.If people _give us a treat, we play _them.A. arent, a basketball with B. Dont ,a trick onC. dont ,the football withD. dont ,games on( )9.I give him a special book _ a birthday present.A. as B. for C. to D. to( )10 .Why dont you use _ knife?A.an B. your C. yours D. you.( )11. The boy eats a lot of turkey_ Thanksgiving Day.A. on B. at C. in D. to( )12. I dont have _ water. Would you please give me_.A. any, any B, any, some C. some, anyD. some, some三词汇1.-Sandy,thanks for _(help)me with my English.-Not at all,Mary.2.Daniel ,which is your favouritefestival?-I like Thanksgiving Day _.(well)3.-When do the boys and girls have lots of fun?- On _(child)Day.4.Is it _(real) an interesting Film?5.Do you know how_(make)a pumpkin lantern?6.-What do children often do i_ people dont give them a treat?四用动词的适当形式填空1. Thank you for _ (chat) with me.2.- When _they _ (celebrate) the festival every year?-Its hard _(say).3. There is always too much homework _(work).4. Look, the girl with the twins _(have) some new books!5. If he _(not give) me a treat, I can play a trick on him.6. Its good for us _(do) eye exercises every day.7. Would you like _(come) with me?8. He often _(read) English at the weekend.9. He hopes _(be) a happy boy.10. Is it time for us _(take) a walk.11. His sister goes _(dance) every morning.12. He _(have) a school trip next month.13. He goes to the supermarket _(buy) some fruit.14. Id like you _(write) me soon.15. There _(be) anything interesting in todays newspaper.五根据所给汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词:1. 有时我把我的脸涂上颜色,人们便认不出我了。Sometimes I_ _ _ and people dont know _ _ _.2你能告诉我如何用南瓜做成一个灯笼吗?Can you tell me_ _ _ a lantern _ _ a pumpkin?3. 谢谢你用巧克力招待我们。Thank you for _ _ some candies _ a treat4. 你不应该作弄你的朋友。You shouldnt _ _ _ your friend.5. 过万圣节你们做什么?我们举行一个特别的聚会。What _ you _ _ Halloween? We have a _ _6. 她在做什么?她在装鬼。_ she _? Shes _ _ _ a _.7.他正在读一本有趣的关于照料主人的书。Hes _ _ _ book _ how _ _ _ his _一找出并翻译下列词组1.谢谢某人做某事_ 2.告诉我有关中秋节_3.在十月 31 号晚上 _ 4.玩得很高兴_5.戴面具_6.把我们的脸涂上颜色_7.我们和里面的玩一个游戏_ 8.做南瓜灯 _9.敲他们的门_ 10.不招待就使坏_11.给我们一些糖果作为招待_12.给我们一个招待_13.作弄他们_14.举行一个聚会_15.享受美食和饮料_16.特别的一天_17.庆祝万圣节_18.有一些问题_二选择题( )1. Thanks for _ me the presentsA. send B. sending C. sends D. to send( )2. Children like _ Monkey King.A. dressing up B. to dress up C. dress up asD. dressing up as( )3.There _ some food and some books in the bag.A.have B.has C. is D. are( )4. Here _ some information about the museum. Listen carefully.A. are B. is C. has D. have( )5.Why do you like Halloween? _A. Im fine, thank you.B. Because I can eat mooncakesC. Because its interesting D. Its bad( )6.Its cold today. Please _ your coat.A. dress B.in C. wear D. put on( )7.We have a party _ October.A. in B.on C. at D. of( )8.If people _give us a treat, we play _them.A. arent, a basketball with B. Dont ,a trick onC. dont ,the football withD. dont ,games on( )9.I give him a special book _ a birthday present.A. as B. for C. to D. to( )10 .Why dont you use _ knife?A.an B. your C. yours D. you.( )11. The boy eats a lot of turkey_ Thanksgiving Day.A. on B. at C. in D. to( )12. I dont have _ water. Would you please give me_.A. any, any B, any, some C. some, anyD. some, some三词汇1.-Sandy,thanks for _(help)me with my English.-Not at all,Mary.2.Daniel ,which is your favouritefestival?-I like Thanksgiving Day _.(well)3.-When do the boys and girls have lots of fun?- On _(child)Day.4.Is it _(real) an interesting Film?5.Do you know how_(make)a pumpkin lantern?6.-What do children often do i_ people dont give them a treat?四用动词的适当形式填空1. Thank you for _ (chat) with me.2.- When _they _ (celebrate) the festival every year?-Its hard _(say).3. There is always too much homework _(work).4. Look, the girl with the twins _(have) some new books!5. If he _(not give) me a treat, I can play a trick on him.6. Its good for us


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