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a (1) a不一定只能指单数的事物。复数的事物如果作为一个整体受到定语修饰,该定语前面可以有a 或者表示不定指的形容词。 a mere 100区区一百 a full fifteen years整整十五年 a contentious three years纷争的三年 Last year, Carnegie Mellon University received a record 18,864 applications and admitted 6,357.(Newsweek, Aug. 21Aug. 28, 2006, p. 68) 去年,卡内基 梅隆大学收到了创纪录的18864份入学申请,录取了6357人。 The famous Desert Fox (= German Field Marshal Rommel) still had an estimated 80,000 German and Italian troops. (US News according as it concentrates in itself a larger or smaller number of the characters of an object; according as it is violent and accompanied with impulsions or tranquil and surrounded with calmness, so are all the operations and the whole running-gear of the human machine entirely transformed. (Hippolyte Adolphe Taine, Introduction to the History of English Literature) 表象或者像钱币压模机压出来的那样清清楚楚,或者模糊不清;它对于一个对象,或者集中了其大量的特征,或者只是集中较少的特征;它或者猛烈冲动,或者平和安详,因而人类机械的一切运作和整个传动装置都随之而改造。后面还可以进一步有两个以上的意思,其中最后两个也是用or连接。 It (=the lever) is usually named as the first of the six mechanical powers, and is of three kinds, according as either the fulcrum F, the weight W, or the power P, respectively, is situated between the other two. 杠杆通常列为六种机械力的首位,本身又分为三类,视支点F、阻力点W和力点P三者哪一个在其他两者中间而分。 according to (1) 客观复述他人的意见或说法,并不是一定表示同意,而且后面可以直接是人,不用再加上“意见”、“说法”等词。 According to Dr. Santos, the cause of death was drowning. (不习惯说according to Dr. Santoss opinion)据桑托斯医生的意见,死因是溺水。既然对这个意见或说法持客观复述不加可否的态度,因此,说出自己的看法,就不能说*according to me,更不能说*according to my opinion,而应该说in my opinion。(2) 但是后面也可以不是人而是某一有形的资讯实物(不是非物质的“意见”、“说法”),此时according to也是客观的复述,不一定表示同意。 Its nearly half past six, according to my watch. 按照我的手表,已经将近六点半了(但我的手表也可能不准确)。 account for这个动词词组,语法作用相当于一个及物动词(可以有被动形式to be accounted for),其释义是: (1) (主语是人或事)解释、说明(其经过或理由)(是个延续状态动词)。 How do you account for the dent in the car? 车身上的凹痕你又作何解释呢? That would account for his behavior. 那也许能说明他为什么有这样的行为。 Bad weather accounted for the long delay. 耽搁时间那么长,原因是天气恶劣。(2) (主语是人)交代清楚(是个瞬时动态动词)。 I have to account for every penny I spend. 我花每一分钱都必须交代清楚。 One thousand dollars remains to be accounted for. 还有一千美元尚未交代清楚。 Do I have to account to you for everything I do? 难道我做什么事情都得向你交代? Youll have to account to me for whatever happens to her. 她出了什么事情,我都唯你是问。 The suspect couldnt account for his time that night. 嫌疑犯无法交代那一天夜里他干了些什么。(3) 查明下落(是个瞬时动态动词)。 Kip Godwin, chairman of the Columbus County Commission, said authorities had nearly concluded their search of the area where all the deaths occurred. and had accounted for everyone. (The Associated Press, Nov. 16, 2006) 哥伦布郡委员会主席基普戈德温说: “当局已经对所有致死事件发生的那个地区完成了搜索查明了所有人的下落。”(4) (被动语气,延续状态)已经知道下落。 Another 3,400 employees have made initial contact with the company but are not working and 500 are not yet accounted for. 另有3400人初步同公司取得了联系,但尚未上班,500人仍然下落不明。 We suspected thousands had been killed, and many who worked in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were not yet accounted for. 我们估计,有好几千人丧生,许多在世界贸易中心和五角大楼上班的人仍然下落不明。accounted for这个词组甚至成了正式的形容词,可以直接放在名词前面(注意后面的名词不是for 的宾语)。 List of already accounted for objects. 已有下落的物品清单(最好加连字符:accounted-for)。否定形式也可以用unaccounted for。(5) (被动语气,延续状态)已经计算在内。 These transactions are already accounted for on the balance sheet. 这些交易已经列入了收支表中。 However, these costs are often discounted within the organization because theyre already accounted for in payroll expenses. 但是,这些成本往往在组织内是刨去的,因为工资支出中已经计算在内了。(6) (主动语气,延续状态)占总量当中多大的份额。 In 1991 women already accounted for more than 50 of jobs in certain services. 1991年妇女在某些服务业中已经占了百分之五十以上的职位。 Table 9 also shows that in some cases immigrants already accounted for a large share of births in 1970. 表9还表明,在某些场合,移民在1970年占了出生数字当中很大的份额。 accountability, liability与responsibility见responsibility, liability与accountability条。 acquaint作为及物动词,是“使某人熟悉某事物”,不是“自己熟悉”。而且是个瞬时动态动词。“自己去熟悉”就应该加个直接宾语oneself ,熟悉什么,用介词 with引入。 Ill acquaint you with the facts. 我将要把情况向您介绍。 I had acquainted myself with their customs. 我了解了他们的风俗习惯。但是acquaint somebody with后面只能是事情,不能是人。如果是人,acquaint 要变换一下,成为 make somebody acquainted with somebody else。 Id like to make you acquainted with my brother. 我愿让您认识一下我哥哥。无论是acquaint 或是make. acquainted,都是瞬时动态动词,表示“从不熟悉到熟悉”的瞬时变化。但to be acquainted则通常不指瞬时变化,而是个延续状态动词,指无限延续的“熟悉”状态,with后面是人或是事物均可。 acquaintance这个名词的用法和搭配,中国人可能不大习惯。 (1) 可以指人,意思是“熟人”、“有交情的人”。 Were old acquaintances.咱们彼此是老熟人了。 He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他的交游很广。 They were nothing more than casual acquaintances. 他们只是萍水相逢而已。(2) “熟人关系”、“交情”。 Theres a doctor of my acquaintance in the hospital. 医院里有我认识的一位大夫。 to strike up an acquaintance 结交一个熟人 his acquaintance with the minister他同部长的交情 to have a nodding passing acquaintance with somebody something同某人有点头之交对某事物略知一二 Im pleased delighted to make your acquaintance. 很高兴同您结识(也可以采取接近中文的结构,说 make acquaintance with you)。除了make之外,acquaintance前面还可以有其他动词。 By a lucky chance it excited attention, and various persons sought my acquaintance. (Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence, Chapter III) 由于偶然的因缘这本书引起了人们的注意,不少人想要同我结识。(3) 对人或物的了解。 On first acquaintance, the city seems quite old. 初来乍到时一看,这城市似乎相当古老。 On closer acquaintance, I found her quite easy to get along with. 经过进一步熟悉,我就发现她很好相处。 across. from., across from., from across. (1) across可以是副词,也可以是介词;而且无论是副词或介词,都可以是动态,或者是静态。中国人比较习惯于将across单纯理解为动态的介词(“穿过”、“越过”),对于它作为动态的副词、静态的副词与介词,不是十分习惯。 (2) 作为动态的副词,中国人还是比较容易接受。 The signal turned green and we walked across. 绿灯亮了,我们就走过去。 The boatman ferried them across. 船工把他们送到了渡口对面。 She passed the photo across. 她把照片递了过来(或过去)。(3) 作为静态的介词,意思是“位于某物的另一边”。 They live just across the road. 他们就住在马路对面。 The parking garage is just across the bridge on the left. 停车库就在桥那头左边。 The idea of being in contact with all those silhouetted shadows he saw thronging before the windows and passing in and out of the doors across the street it gave him a nausea. (John Fowles, The French Lieutenants Woman, Chapter 38, p. 294) 他影影绰绰地看到他们涌到橱窗前,看到他们从门口进进出出,络绎不绝,他厌恶跟这些人打交道。(这里across the street的across是静态的,意思是“在马路对面”,不是动态的“横过马路从门口进进出出”)如果主语是两件事物,说它们across第三物,意思就是两物中间隔着第三物而互相对着。 Their rooms are across the hall. 他们两人的房间中间隔着大厅。但是,across如果同from配合使用,就有如下的情况:(a)如果要说“在X的对面”,英文用across from X(仍然是静态,但这里的across其实是副词而非介词)。 I sat next to Lori, and Peter and Anne sat across from us. 我坐在洛里旁边,彼得和安娜坐在我们对面。 The supermarket is just across from the theater. 超市就在剧院对面。英国英语则更习惯用介词opposite来代替across from。 She was sitting opposite him.(b)把across from颠倒为from across,则恢复动态意义。后面的名词如果指的是一个空间,而且行动所涉及的是两个个体,则意思是从这空间的一侧到另一侧。 He cried out to them from across the room. 他从房间的另一头向他们喊叫。如果后面的名词所指的是一个区域,涉及多个个体,则意思是“来自这个区域的各处”。 messages from across the country全国各地传来的信息 trade news from across the world来自全世界的商业新闻 The meeting drew 1,500 participants from across the state. 集会吸引了全州各地一千五百人前来参加。如果后面的名词所指的是一条线,则意思是“在(或从)线的另一侧”(静态动态意义都可以)。 the lady from across the street马路对面的那位女士。across from后面可以是个“点”,如across from the hotel(旅馆对面);但是from across后面通常不能是“点”,应该是“线”或“面”甚至“体”。(c )说“中间隔着Y而与X相对”,英文用across Y from X。 In Shenzhen, across the border from Hong Kong. 在隔着边界与香港相对的深圳。 Directly across the street from the synagogue. 就在犹太教堂的马路对面。(4) across作为静态的副词,可以表示“位于(不明言的某物的)另一边”(如果明言某物,就用from,见上面across from),或者“有多宽”或“直径有多长”(前面有长度数量)。 Theyre already across. 他们已经到了对面那一边了。 Its 30 cm across. 它的直径为 30厘米(或:它宽30厘米)。 act与action两者区别不大。一些细微的区别是: (1) act常常指单个的个别动作,action 则可以指范围较广的一整套行为。 The movie will have to pack all the action into less than three hours. 影片将要把全部剧情压缩到不到三小时。 The Knopf edition (= an English version of Tolstoys War and Peace), in contrast, comes laden with a long introduction by Pevear, heavy annotation, a historical glossary of people and places and a summary of the action.(Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2007, p. 81) 诺普夫版则反之,加上了佩维阿尔的一篇长长的序言,又有大量的注释、人名地名的历史词汇表以及故事梗概。(2) act用于比较抽象和静态的行为,action 的行为则比较具体可见,而且动态意义较强。 Fords most controversial decision, of course, was to pardon Nixon for any crimes he might have committed in his White House years . Yet as the years passed, more Americans came to see the pardon as an act (*action) of unusual statesmanship. (Newsweek, Jan. 8, 2007, p. 32) 福特最引人争议的一个决策,当然就是对尼克松在白宫期间可能犯下的任何罪行予以特赦。然而随着岁月流逝,越来越多的美国人把这个特赦看作是一件不平常的政治家风度之举。 The CEO vowed not to take any action that would eliminate jobs. 首席执行官许诺决不采取任何裁员的做法。(3) 修饰act的定语,通常用act of + 名词(或动名词)来表达,这个名词或动名词是act的具体化或评价。 . performing numerous acts of kindness to those in need (Times Literary Supplement, Feb. 8, 1968) 进行许多救助危难者的行动 an act of arson纵火行为 the act of reading阅读行为。Action的定语则通常以形容词(或名词)形式放在action前面。 a protest action (*an action of protest)抗议行动 a political action 政治行动 unilateral actions 单方面行动。如果action后面有of + 名词,这个名词通常是action的施动者。 . the future of our children depends in great measure on the actions of our political leaders.(Lena L. Gitter, Childrens House) 我们孩子们的前途,在很大程度上要取决于我们那些政治领导人的行动。(4) action可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;而act 则只能是可数名词。因此, action可以不要任何冠词;act则单数时通常要有a或the。action作为不可数名词时,意义是抽象而非具体个别的 “行动”。 egalitarianism in action (*in act) 见诸行动的平均主义 take decisive action (*decisive act) 采取决定性的行动 to press for Congressional action 敦促国会采取行动。(5) action还可以放在另一个名词前面作为其定语,这是act所不能的。 action movie武打片 action group行动小组 action level食品含毒浓度 action painting抽象派的泼洒画 action radius军队的行动半径 action replay体育比赛精彩场面录像的动作重放。(6) action常常在观念上同 words(言词)相对,表示“实际行动”而非“空谈”(这也是act所不能表示的)。 Their actions show them to be untrustworthy. 他们的行动表明了他们是不可信的。 Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过言词。(7) action还在军事上表示 “战斗”、“作战”(act 没有这个意义)。 killed in action 阵亡 to go into action 投入战斗 Hed seen action, that was plain enough from the shrapnel scar running into the right eye. 他是经历过战斗的,这一点,从那个一直延伸到他右眼的弹片伤痕就可以一望而知。(8) 有些固定词组,act与action 不能随便更换。 caught in the act 当场抓获,不能说*caught in the action; to take action 或to go into action(采取行动),不能说*to take act或 *to go into act;out of action(不起作用,发生故障),不能说*out of act; class action是法律用语“集体诉讼”,不能以 class act来代替。 activeactive与positive在中文都有“积极”的意思,区别参见 positive条。 actually这个副词,可以表示“真正”、“的确”,也可以表示转折语气的“其实”(同前面刚说过的意思有点矛盾)。表示“真正”、“的确”的。 Shes actually very bright. 她的确很聪明。 I never believed Id actually win. 我从未认为自己会真的获胜。 . but as I have actually paid the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance now. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter Two)现在既然拜访也拜访过了,我们今后就少不了要结交这个朋友。表示转折的“其实”的 Sea anemones may resemble pretty flowers, but actually they are deadly animals. (Murray T. Pringle, Boys Life) 海葵看起来可能像是美丽的花朵,但其实是致人死命的动物。 adapt这个动词(瞬时动态)可以是及物的,也可以是不及物的。作为及物动词,它的直接宾语通常是物而不是人,to adapt X to Y是对X加以改变或调整,使之适应Y。 We adapted our methods to the students needs. 我们调整了方法,使之适应学生们的需要。 They adapted the novel for television. 他们把小说改编成电视剧。如果指人自己改变自己去适应某事物,既可以说to adapt oneself to something,也可以把 adapt变为不及物动词,说to adapt to something。 He cannot adapt adapt himself to being free. 他对自己获得自由也不能适应。 add (1) 作为及物动词(瞬时动态,即第四类动词),add的基本搭配是add X to Y(主语是有意识者,通常是人),即原已有总量Y ,现在再在上面加上增量X (主语亦即主动者是人)。 add his name to the list名单上加上他的名字 add fuel to the fire给火增添燃料 We added our voices to the chorus of protest. 我们在一片抗议声中也加进去了自己的声音。 We were soaked, added to which, it was starting to snow. 我们身上湿透了,而且还开始下雪了。(2) 但是,如果主语不是人,而是新增之物(增量,相当于X)或是使得Y (总量)加大的原因,不说明主动者是谁,则可以简化为add to Y。 He is given answers that only add to his confusion. 他得到的回答,只是使得他更加莫名其妙。2005年9 月的美国报纸报道新奥尔良水灾后有人趁灾打劫,标题是:Looters Add to Woes抢劫者加重了灾情。 Adding to his problem was that, to achieve anything at all, he had either to subdue those feelings or keep them to himself. 问题更大的是,为了办成一点事,他不得不把这些情绪要么压下去,要么藏在自己心里。(3) 有时也可以说add X(主语可以是主动的人,也可以是原因),Y(总量)略而不提,表示“增添”某种新因素。 This will add a touch of class. 这会增添一点高雅气派。 The west wing was added later. 西厢房是后来增建的。 Occasionally, a real fireman would come in to add reality. 有时候会有一个真的消防队员前来参加(防火演习),增加真实感。(4) add up合起来,可以相当于一个及物动词,也可以相当于一个不及物动词。(a )作为及物动词,add up X或 add X up是 “把X 加到一起成为一个总数量”或“把X放到一起通盘考虑”(瞬时动词,第四类,主语是人)。 Add up all your expenses. 把你的开支都加到一起。 We added up the advantages and disadvantages. 我们对各种利弊进行了通盘考虑。 Youll find the solution when you add it all up. 通盘考虑,就能找出解决办法。(b)作为不及物动词,add up意思是“加起来同意料中的总数相符”(延续状态动词,第一类,主语不是人,而是零散的数量)。 I cant get the accounts to add up. 账目我怎么也对不起来。 It seems to add up differently every time. 每次加起来的总数都不一样。 The bill doesnt add up. 账单数目不对头。还可以转义为“ 说得通”。 Now it adds up! 这一来就对头了! Why would she lie? It doesnt add up. 她何必撒谎呢?这不合情理嘛。 Something doesnt add up.事有蹊跷。(5) add up to后面有宾语,意思是“加起来成为”、“加起来相当于”、“相当于”(延续状态动词,第一类,主语不是人而是事物)。 Two and two add up to four. 二加二得四。 It adds up to quite a lot of money. 总数加起来,这笔钱可不小。 I wouldnt say it adds up to treachery. 我看还不到背叛这么严重。 It all adds up to a wonderful show. 简直是一场精彩的演出。 It doesnt adds up to much. 没有什么大不了的。 His explanation of the problem adds up to nonsense.他有关问题的说明,简直就是胡说八道。 What their attitude adds up to is an unwillingness to help. 他们的态度,概括来说,就是不肯帮忙。 address (vt)这个及物动词(瞬时动态)的意义和用法,对中国人有点新鲜。 (1) 宾语可以是人,此时address表示:(a)在一群人面前发表演讲。 He addressed a mass meeting. 他在一次群众集会上讲了话。(b)称呼某人为(as.)。 She always addressed me as “my daughter.“ 她总是把我叫做“我的女儿”。(2) 谈论、研究、应付、处理(某件事情或某个问题)。 He has not addressed the issue of the strike demands. 他没有处理各项罢工要求这个问题。 That country has reduced national gas export to address greater domestic demand. 该国已经减少了天然气出口,以应付国内增长了的需求。 Some treatments address the symptoms, while others reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke. 一些治疗是针对症状的,而另一些则减低你心脏病发作或中风的危险。(3) 宾语是某个主张、建议、要求之类,address表示“提交”,提交的对象用介词to引入。 He addressed some general remarks to the gathering. 他向会议提交了一些一般性的意见。(4) 宾语是信件,address 表示“致送”,收信件人也是用介词to引入。 The letter is addressed to the president. 信件是致送总统的。 admire (1) 作为及物动词,admire 表示一种“赞赏”、“钦佩”的内心感情,不是行为动作,因此是延续体的状态动词(属第一类动词),而且不能有进行时态。直接宾语可以是被钦佩的人,也可以是被钦佩的事。 We admire our professor deeply. 我们对我们的教授深为钦佩。 They admire the woman for her beauty. 他们赞赏这个女子的美丽。 They admire her good looks. 他们赞赏她的美貌。 I admire your being punctual. 您这样守时,我很钦佩。但是不能以that 引入名词从句作为直接宾语,例如不能说:*I admire that you are punctual.(2) 但是经过转义,admire 表示一种外向的有意志的行为“欣赏”、“观赏”,从第一类动词转变成为第二类动词。第二类动词与第一类不同,可以用进行时态。 While the tourists were admiring one of the great mammals of the sea, however, a Norwegian whaling boat approached and shot the whale in front of their eyes. 游客们正在观赏海上一种巨大的哺乳动物,但是开来了一艘挪威捕鲸船,在众目睽睽下,向鲸鱼射击。 admission与admittance参见admittance条。 admissionadmittance与admission 两者意义往往重合。但是 admission在表示公事公办的“允许入内”、“接纳”、“录取”的行动这一点上意义比admittance 具体,而在既可接纳进入具体场所也可接纳参加抽象组织这一点上意义又比admittance(通常指具体场所)更广泛。由于 admission的意义比较偏重公事公办的具体行动,所以甚至可以有复数形式表示多宗的行动。admittance 则比较不注意具体的行动,而是着重 “接纳”的抽象意义(因而没有复数),而且往往偏重当事人被动的角度,指一次或经常能进入某地点(通常不包括参加某组织)的资格或权利甚至道义地位)。 her admission to the club她被接纳参加俱乐部 No admissions are permitted in the hour before closing. 闭馆前一小时停止入场。 The admission to the movie was five dollars. 看这部电影的门票是五美元。 They dont charge admission to the museum. 博物馆入场是免费的。 No admittance(*No admission). 请勿入内。 As a European I can gain admittance to their home and table. (Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar) 我是个欧洲人,我就能够进他们的家,坐上他们的餐桌。 Anyone who picked an apple gained admittance into the golden castle,. (Andrew Lang, The Yellow Fairy Book) 谁捡起一个苹果,谁就能够进入那座金城堡, It was only the mans insistence that procured him admittance at such an hour. (Jack London, Adventure) 经过一番坚持,这个人这时候才被允许进去。 Into one house in this neighbourhood they shall never have admittance. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice) 这一带的人家,他们哪一家都休想能进得去。注意:admission与 admittance后面的名词(无论场所或是组织),介词用to,但是如果强调“进入内部空间”,可以用into。 admit (1) 同许多表示“承认”、“否认”、“记忆”、“遗忘”、“遗憾”的动词一样,admit后面如果跟着源出于瞬间动词(即第四类动词)的动名词的现在式或完成式(即-ing或having pp),表示“承认(瞬时动作)过去做过某事(瞬时动作)”。 No one would admit doing it. 没有谁会承认做过这个的(过去做过)。 He admitted having lied. 他承认撒了谎(明白指出是过去的行为)。也有可能是承认的同时正在发生的反复多次的瞬间动作。 He admitted taking steroids. 他承认服用类固醇(可以是当时正在发生的反复瞬时动作,也可以是过去的行为)。 He admitted taking bribes. 他承认受了贿(过去的行为 承认在当时正在反复多次受贿的可能性不大)。(2) 如果后面动名词源出的动词是个延续体静态动词,则表示承认(瞬时动作)当时自己处于这种状态(延续静态)。 Two people who admitted being part of a ring that distributed illegal copies of music on the Internet before its commercial release were sentenced to prison. 有两个人承认自己是一个将尚未发行出售的音乐非法翻录在互联网上传播的团伙成员,被判入狱。 Of those patients with low literacy, 67.4 admitted having trouble reading and understanding what they read.这些文化程度低的患者当中,有百分之六十七点四承认自己阅读和理解有困难。 They admitted having firearms in their vehicles. 他们承认有枪支藏在汽车里。(3) 也可以在admit与动名词之间加上介词to ,用法和意义相同。 Iraq admitted to having arrested and detained 126 Kuwaitis. 伊拉克承认逮捕并扣留了126名科威特人(having pp明确了 arrest与detain在先,admit 在后)。 In 1999, the groups leader, Hashim Salamat, admitted to receiving “significant funding“ from Bin Laden. 1999年,该集团首领哈希姆萨拉马特承认从本拉登那里拿到“可观的经费”(瞬时动作receive在先,admit在后)。 The student admitted to cheating. 该学生承认曾作弊(瞬时动作cheat 在先,admit 在后)。 She wont admit to loving him. 她不会承认爱他的(延续状态 love与admit同时)。(4) 以上的admit,是瞬时的动态行为,主语是人,除非在说话行文中自我表态,不用一般现在时。但是, admit of则是延续的状态,表示“容许对自己给予(某种评价,某种待遇)”,可以用一般现在时,主语通常是物不是人。 Her behaviour admits of no excuse. 她的行为是无法原谅的。 It admits of one interpretation only. 这只能有一个解释。 adoptedadopted与adoptive本来按照原有词义,adopted是“被领养的”,adoptive 是“领养他人的”,所以“养父”应该是adoptive father,“ 养子”应该是adopted son。但是,实际用途中,往往发生混淆。 . he estate of the last of Janices adopted parents (Erle Stanley Gardner, The Case of the Stuttering Bishop) 詹尼斯的养父母当中最后一个的房地产 . Mme. Gabrielle Osorio and her adoptive daughter. (Edward T. Cone, American Scholar, Summer 1973) 加布里埃尔奥索里奥夫人和她的养女 而经领养而发生的其他关系,用adopted或adoptive都可以。 adoptive sister或adopted sister义姐妹 adoptive country或adopted country归化国 . who was knighted in his adoptive England in 1980 (Diane McWhorter, The New York Times Book Review, May 1, 1980) 他1980年在他归化的英格兰获册封为骑士。 adore (vt)这个及物动词(延续状态)可以表示“崇拜”,例如:“崇拜上帝”。有一首赞美诗里面就有一句:Joyful, joyful, we adore thee. 快乐,快乐,我们崇拜。但是也可以表示亲人之间的钟爱、疼爱。 He just adores his wife. 他只是爱慕他妻子。 She adored her sister. 她疼她妹妹。 Both adored their daughter Juliet, now fifteen and apparently unspoiled despite the adoration. 他们俩都疼爱女儿朱丽叶,她现在十五岁,虽然受到疼爱,但是没有惯坏。 adventure不一定是惊心动魄的冒险,也可以是一段不平常、好坏未卜因而有刺激性和吸引力的经历。 Marriage late in life was a quiet but fulfilling adventure.(Kathleen Walker Seegers, My Dark Journey Through Insanity) (我)结婚很晚,但是婚后生活平静美满。又例如英国学者Henry Bradshaw (1831-1886) 有一次碰巧在巴黎图书馆找到了一本丢失了一个世纪的珍本。A. C. Benson (1862-1925) 在一篇介绍此事的文章中就称之为the story of his adventure in the Parisian Library,这里adventure 中文可以译成“奇遇记”。 adversary与enemy及foeadversary只是 “对手”,不是“仇敌”。例如:比赛中的对方,或是诉讼中的对方。enemy则是感情上或政治上对立的“敌人”或是军事上的“敌军”。foe与enemy 相近,但是较为古旧与正式。 advice (1) 要注意这是个名词(名词用c,动词用s: advise)。 (2) 这是个不可数名词,不能说*an advice,要说a piece of advice。 (


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