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argue 的第三人称单数argue 的第三人称单数:arguesargue 的用法:argue 的用法 1:argue 的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue 还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明” “表明”“显示” 。argue 的用法 2:argue 作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为而争论”时接 about , on 或 over; 表示“为反对而争论”时接 against; 表示“为赞成而争论”时接 for; 表示“与争论”时接 with。argue 的用法 3:argue 用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question 之类的名词作宾语,也可接 that 引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。argue 第三人称单数例句:1. he argues strongly for retention of nato as a guarantee of peace.他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。2. he argues that he is the true candidate of change.他争辩说他才是真正能带来变革的候选人。3. the report argues against tax increases.报告提出理由反对提高税率。4. “ well , what more dangerous do you want ? “ he argues.他嚷道5. his accent argues him to be a foreigner.他的腔调表明他是个外国人.6. he argues with learning and logic.他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑.7. her accent argues that she is from dalian.她的口音表明了她是大连人.8. he argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.他认为各种家庭问题通常都反映出家庭内部存在一些有待解决的矛盾。9. the opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth.反对派争辩说新委员会不但违反宪法,而且没有效力。10. labor economist harley shaekin argues the cost needs to be viewed in perspective.工党经济学家哈利谢金认为要客观看待成本。11. he argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgement.他激烈地争论说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。12. he argues that murderers forfeit their own right to life.他辩称杀人犯本身已经丧失了生存的权利。13. he argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market.他认为司法体系的不健全导致了黑市的出现。14. taylor argues that microwaves are a best bet for enhancement.泰勒论证说,微波比较适合于用来起增强作用.15. he argues that one of the root causes of crime is poverty.他认为犯罪的一个根本原因是贫穷.argue 的第三人称单数:arguesargue 的用法:argue 的用法 1:argue 的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue 还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明” “表明”“显示” 。argue 的用法 2:argue 作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为而争论”时接 about , on 或 over; 表示“为反对而争论”时接 against; 表示“为赞成而争论”时接 for; 表示“与争论”时接 with。argue 的用法 3:argue 用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question 之类的名词作宾语,也可接 that 引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。argue 第三人称单数例句:1. he argues strongly for retention of nato as a guarantee of peace.他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。2. he argues that he is the true candidate of change.他争辩说他才是真正能带来变革的候选人。3. the report argues against tax increases.报告提出理由反对提高税率。4. “ well , what more dangerous do you want ? “ he argues.他嚷道5. his accent argues him to be a foreigner.他的腔调表明他是个外国人.6. he argues with learning and logic.他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑.7. her accent argues that she is from dalian.她的口音表明了她是大连人.8. he argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.他认为各种家庭问题通常都反映出家庭内部存在一些有待解决的矛盾。9. the opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth.反对派争辩说新委员会不但违反宪法,而且没有效力。10. labor economist harley shaekin argues the cost needs to be viewed in perspective.工党经济学家哈利谢金认为要客观看待成本。11. he argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgement.他激烈地争论说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。12. he argues that murderers forfeit their own right to life.他辩称杀人犯本身已经丧失了生存的权利。13. he argues that the breakdown in the legal system has spawned a black market.他认为司法体系的不健全导致了黑市的出现。14. taylor argues that microwaves are a best bet for enhancement.泰勒论证说,微波比较适合于用来起增强作用.15. he argues that one of the root causes of crime is poverty.他认为犯罪的一个根本原因是贫穷.argue 的第三人称单数:arguesargue 的用法:argue 的用法 1:argue 的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue 还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明” “表明”“显示” 。argue 的用法 2:argue 作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为而争论”时接 about , on 或 over; 表示“为反对而争论”时接 against; 表示“为赞成而争论”时接 for; 表示“与争论”时接 with。argue 的用法 3:argue 用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question 之类的名词作宾语,也可接 that 引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。argue 第三人称单数例句:1. he argues strongly for retention of nato as a guarantee of peace.他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。2. he argues that he is the true candidate of change.他争辩说他才是真正能带来变革的候选人。3. the report argues against tax increases.报告提出理由反对提高税率。4. “ well , what more dangerous do you want ? “ he argues.他嚷道5. his accent argues him to be a foreigner.他的腔调表明他是个外国人.6. he argues with learning and logic.他的辩论既有学问又合逻辑.7. her accent argues that she is from dalian.她的口音表明了她是大连人.8. he argues that family problems are typically a comment on some unresolved issues in the family.他认为各种家庭问题通常都反映出家庭内部存在一些有待解决的矛盾。9. the opposition argues that the new council will be unconstitutional and without teeth.反对派争辩说新委员会不但违反宪法,而且没有效力。10. labor economist harley shaekin argues the cost needs to be viewed in perspective.工党经济学家哈利谢金认为要客观看待成本。11. he argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgement.他激烈地争论说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。12. he argues that murderers forfeit their own right to life.他辩称杀人犯本身已经丧失了生存的权利。13. he argue


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