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want 的第三人称单数和短语例句want 的第三人称单数:wantswant 的词组短语:want to be 想成为;想要成为do you want to 你想要want to do 想要做what do you want 你想要什么;你想怎么样want of 缺乏;需要want 第三人称单数例句:1. he wants to act in concert with other nations.他想和其他国家采取一致行动。2. he wants companies to follow the european model of social responsibility.他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。3. who wants to buy a computer from a failing company?谁愿意从一家要倒闭的公司买计算机呢?4. jeremy wants some peace and quiet before his big match.杰里米希望在大赛来临之前能享受到些许平静和安宁。5. mick wants to see you in his office right away.米克要你马上去他的办公室见他。6. the charity says it wants a withdrawal of the comments.该慈善机构称希望收回所作评论。7. he wants three teaspoons of sugar in his coffee.他要在咖啡里放 3 茶匙的糖。8. he wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter.他想把一些钱转到女儿的账户上。9. he wants to be seen as less bossy and high-handed.他不想让自己显得太专横霸道。10. he says he wants to improve the tarnished image of his country.他说他想改善自己国家受损的形象。11. he wants to add a huge sports complex to binfield manor.他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场。12. sound him out gradually. make sure it is what he really wants.要慢慢地打探他的口风,要确保是他的心里话。13. she needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.她需要并想要被爱的滔滔激情和倾慕所包围。14. between ourselves, i know he wants to marry her.我们私下说说,我知道他想娶她。15. america wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.美国打算取消电子产品等的关税。want 的第三人称单数:wantswant 的词组短语:want to be 想成为;想要成为do you want to 你想要want to do 想要做what do you want 你想要什么;你想怎么样want of 缺乏;需要want 第三人称单数例句:1. he wants to act in concert with other nations.他想和其他国家采取一致行动。2. he wants companies to follow the european model of social responsibility.他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。3. who wants to buy a computer from a failing company?谁愿意从一家要倒闭的公司买计算机呢?4. jeremy wants some peace and quiet before his big match.杰里米希望在大赛来临之前能享受到些许平静和安宁。5. mick wants to see you in his office right away.米克要你马上去他的办公室见他。6. the charity says it wants a withdrawal of the comments.该慈善机构称希望收回所作评论。7. he wants three teaspoons of sugar in his coffee.他要在咖啡里放 3 茶匙的糖。8. he wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter.他想把一些钱转到女儿的账户上。9. he wants to be seen as less bossy and high-handed.他不想让自己显得太专横霸道。10. he says he wants to improve the tarnished image of his country.他说他想改善自己国家受损的形象。11. he wants to add a huge sports complex to binfield manor.他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场。12. sound him out gradually. make sure it is what he really wants.要慢慢地打探他的口风,要确保是他的心里话。13. she needs and wants to be loved with overwhelming passion and adoration.她需要并想要被爱的滔滔激情和倾慕所包围。14. between ourselves, i know he wants to marry her.我们私下说说,我知道他想娶她。15. america wants to eliminate tariffs on items such as electronics.美国打算取消电子产品等的关税。want 的第三人称单数:wantswant 的词组短语:want to be 想成为;想要成为do you want to 你想要want to do 想要做what do you want 你想要什么;你想怎么样want of 缺乏;需要want 第三人称单数例句:1. he wants to act in concert with other nations.他想和其他国家采取一致行动。2. he wants companies to follow the european model of social responsibility.他希望各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。3. who wants to buy a computer from a failing company?谁愿意从一家要倒闭的公司买计算机呢?4. jeremy wants some peace and quiet before his big match.杰里米希望在大赛来临之前能享受到些许平静和安宁。5. mick wants to see you in his office right away.米克要你马上去他的办公室见他。6. the charity says it wants a withdrawal of the comments.该慈善机构称希望收回所作评论。7. he wants three teaspoons of sugar in his coffee.他要在咖啡里放 3 茶匙的糖。8. he wants to transfer some money to the account of his daughter.他想把一些钱转到女儿的账户上。9. he wants to be seen as less bossy and high-handed.他不想让自己显得太专横霸道。10. he says he wants to improve the tarnished image of his country.他说他想改善自己国家受损的形象。11. he wants to add a huge sports complex to binfield manor.他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场。12. sound him out gradually. make sure it is what he really wants.要慢慢地打探他的口风,要确保是他的心里话。13. she needs and wants to be loved with overwhelm


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