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grass 的复数和第三人称单数grass 的复数:grassesgrass 第三人称单数:grassesgrass 的用法:grass 的用法 1:grass 的基本意思是“草”,指各种草的总称,通常长有绿色的叶子,可以被牛、羊等动物食用的草,也可指铺设草坪用的草,还可指一片长满草的区域,即“草地,草坪,牧场” 。grass还可用于指“禾本科植物”,此时多用来指不同种类的“草” 。有时, grass 还可指向警察告密的人(自己往往是罪犯),即“告密者” 。引申可指“大麻”“基层群众” 。grass 的用法 2:grass 作“草” “草地,牧场”解时多用作不可数名词,而作“禾本科植物”解时多用作可数名词。grass 的复数单数例句:1. the flower beds were overrun with grasses.花坛里杂草横生。2. a sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses.野草散发出芳香.3. grasses were moist with dew.草被露水沾湿了.4. the lawn contained a mixture of grasses.草坪上生长着各种青草。5. beaded dewdrops stood upon the leaves and grasses.露珠儿还逗留在树叶和草叶上.6. on grasses, injury is usually confined to areas between the veins.杂草中危害通常仅限于叶脉间的条状区域.7. together they batter the trees and level the grasses.狂风夹着暴雨横扫树林,刮平草原.8. the sun came out and the grasses dried.日出草干.9. “ but antiquity now is a yellow dust, confusing in the grasses its ruins and white bones . “黄尘足今古, 白骨乱 蓬蒿.10. “ and now , in the eighth - month , yellowing butterflies hover , two by two, in our west - garden grasses “八月蝴蝶来, 双飞西园草.11. the air was laden with spices - the mingled fragrance of many grasses and flowers.空气里荡漾着芳香,很多花草混和在一起的芳香.12. in grasses the leaves elongate in the dark and break through the surrounding coleoptiles.在草本植物中,叶子在黑暗中伸长,穿破包围它们的胚芽鞘而生长.13. the dry summer air cured them, much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses.夏天干燥的空气使它们熟化, 就象人工培养的牧草堆在牲口棚里达到熟化一样.14. the soldiers gathered branches and grasses for a makeshift camp.那些士兵收集树枝和草做一个临时帐篷.15. the countryside and forests are full of medicinal grasses and herbs.农村和森林里到处都是草药.grass 的复数:grassesgrass 第三人称单数:grassesgrass 的用法:grass 的用法 1:grass 的基本意思是“草”,指各种草的总称,通常长有绿色的叶子,可以被牛、羊等动物食用的草,也可指铺设草坪用的草,还可指一片长满草的区域,即“草地,草坪,牧场” 。grass还可用于指“禾本科植物”,此时多用来指不同种类的“草” 。有时, grass 还可指向警察告密的人(自己往往是罪犯),即“告密者” 。引申可指“大麻”“基层群众” 。grass 的用法 2:grass 作“草” “草地,牧场”解时多用作不可数名词,而作“禾本科植物”解时多用作可数名词。grass 的复数单数例句:1. the flower beds were overrun with grasses.花坛里杂草横生。2. a sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses.野草散发出芳香.3. grasses were moist with dew.草被露水沾湿了.4. the lawn contained a mixture of grasses.草坪上生长着各种青草。5. beaded dewdrops stood upon the leaves and grasses.露珠儿还逗留在树叶和草叶上.6. on grasses, injury is usually confined to areas between the veins.杂草中危害通常仅限于叶脉间的条状区域.7. together they batter the trees and level the grasses.狂风夹着暴雨横扫树林,刮平草原.8. the sun came out and the grasses dried.日出草干.9. “ but antiquity now is a yellow dust, confusing in the grasses its ruins and white bones . “黄尘足今古, 白骨乱 蓬蒿.10. “ and now , in the eighth - month , yellowing butterflies hover , two by two, in our west - garden grasses “八月蝴蝶来, 双飞西园草.11. the air was laden with spices - the mingled fragrance of many grasses and flowers.空气里荡漾着芳香,很多花草混和在一起的芳香.12. in grasses the leaves elongate in the dark and break through the surrounding coleoptiles.在草本植物中,叶子在黑暗中伸长,穿破包围它们的胚芽鞘而生长.13. the dry summer air cured them, much as storing in a barn cured the cultivated grasses.夏天干燥的空气使它们熟化, 就象人工培养的牧草堆在牲口棚里达到熟化一样.14. the soldiers gathered branches and grasses for a makeshift camp.那些士兵收集树枝和草做一个临时帐篷.15. the countryside and forests are full of medicinal grasses and herbs.农村和森林里到处都是草药.grass 的复数:grassesgrass 第三人称单数:grassesgrass 的用法:grass 的用法 1:grass 的基本意思是“草”,指各种草的总称,通常长有绿色的叶子,可以被牛、羊等动物食用的草,也可指铺设草坪用的草,还可指一片长满草的区域,即“草地,草坪,牧场” 。grass还可用于指“禾本科植物”,此时多用来指不同种类的“草” 。有时, grass 还可指向警察告密的人(自己往往是罪犯),即“告密者” 。引申可指“大麻”“基层群众” 。grass 的用法 2:grass 作“草” “草地,牧场”解时多用作不可数名词,而作“禾本科植物”解时多用作可数名词。grass 的复数单数例句:1. the flower beds were overrun with grasses.花坛里杂草横生。2. a sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses.野草散发出芳香.3. grasses were moist with dew.草被露水沾湿了.4. the lawn contained a mixture of grasses.草坪上生长着各种青草。5. beaded dewdrops stood upon the leaves and grasses.露珠儿还逗留在树叶和草叶上.6. on grasses, injury is usually confined to areas between the veins.杂草中危害通常仅限于叶脉间的条状区域.7. together they batter the trees and level the grasses.狂风夹着暴雨横扫树林,刮平草原.8. the sun came out and the grasses dried.日出草干.9. “ but antiquity now is a yellow dust, confusing in the grasses its ruins and white bones . “黄尘足今古, 白骨乱 蓬蒿.10. “ and now , in the eighth - month , yellowing butterflies hover , two by two, in our west - garden grasses “八月蝴蝶来, 双飞西园草.11. the air was laden with spices - the mingled fragrance of many grasses and flowers.空气里荡漾着芳香,很多花草混和在一起的芳香.12. in grasses the leaves elongate in the dark and break through the surrounding coleoptiles.在草本植物中,叶子在黑暗中伸长,穿破包围它们的胚芽鞘而生长.13. the dry summer air cured them, much as storing in a barn cure


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