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产后辞职信模板产后辞职信怎么写尊敬的公司领导:您好!首先感谢公司对我的培养,长期以来对我的关心和照顾,使我得到了家庭般的温暖。和大家在一起的日子里,让我学到了很多知识,学会了很多为人处事的原则。现由于个人原因(家庭原因/身体原因等等)不能在公司继续工作了,决定在 x 年 x 月 x 日辞职,特向公司提交辞职报告。 希望你能及时找到合适的人选接任我的工作!此致敬礼产后中英文辞职信尊敬的领导:我很报歉自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请,公司是我毕业以后踏入社会的第一个大家庭,在这里,我得到了公司各位领导和同事的关心帮助,对此我表示非常感谢,也是在这里我有过欢笑,有过泪水,更有过收获,我很庆幸自己能在这里有过这么开心的工作和学习经历。但由于我产后身体状况欠佳,经常腰痛,医生检查后建议我要长期在家调养,并且短期内不能穿高跟鞋工作,我非常感谢公司对我的培养,为避免给公司正常运营及人员安排带来困扰,本人现提出辞职,希望公司能够体谅和谅解并予以同意,十分感谢。dear leadership:i m sorry that i give my official resignation to the company at this time, after graduation, i came to the company, which is the first family of my own when i entered society, here, i got the help from the leadership and colleagues, for this i say “thank you very much”, and also here i had laughter, tears, and more harvest, i am very glad that i can be here to have so happy working and learning experiences.but because i have a poor body condition at postpartum, my waist often hurt, the doctor advised me to have a long-term home care, and during the short time i must not wear high heels to work, i am very grateful to the company for my training, in order to avoid the normal operation of company and the trouble of personnel arrangement, i resign now, i hope the company can understand and forgive me and agree with me, thank you very much.产后辞职信怎么写尊敬的公司领导:您好!首先感谢公司对我的培养,长期以来对我的关心和照顾,使我得到了家庭般的温暖。和大家在一起的日子里,让我学到了很多知识,学会了很多为人处事的原则。现由于个人原因(家庭原因/身体原因等等)不能在公司继续工作了,决定在 x 年 x 月 x 日辞职,特向公司提交辞职报告。 希望你能及时找到合适的人选接任我的工作!此致敬礼产后中英文辞职信尊敬的领导:我很报歉自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请,公司是我毕业以后踏入社会的第一个大家庭,在这里,我得到了公司各位领导和同事的关心帮助,对此我表示非常感谢,也是在这里我有过欢笑,有过泪水,更有过收获,我很庆幸自己能在这里有过这么开心的工作和学习经历。但由于我产后身体状况欠佳,经常腰痛,医生检查后建议我要长期在家调养,并且短期内不能穿高跟鞋工作,我非常感谢公司对我的培养,为避免给公司正常运营及人员安排带来困扰,本人现提出辞职,希望公司能够体谅和谅解并予以同意,十分感谢。dear leadership:i m sorry that i give my official resignation to the company at this time, after graduation, i came to the company, which is the first family of my own when i entered society, here, i got the help from the leadership and colleagues, for this i say “thank you very much”, and also here i had laughter, tears, and more harvest, i am very glad that i can be here to have so happy working and learning experiences.but because i have a poor body condition at postpartum, my waist often hurt, the doctor advised me to have a long-term home care, and during the short time i must not wear high heels to work, i am very grateful to the company for my training, in order to avoid the normal operation of company and the trouble of personnel arrangement, i resign now, i hope the company can understand and forgive me and agree with me, thank you very much.产后辞职信怎么写尊敬的公司领导:您好!首先感谢公司对我的培养,长期以来对我的关心和照顾,使我得到了家庭般的温暖。和大家在一起的日子里,让我学到了很多知识,学会了很多为人处事的原则。现由于个人原因(家庭原因/身体原因等等)不能在公司继续工作了,决定在 x 年 x 月 x 日辞职,特向公司提交辞职报告。 希望你能及时找到合适的人选接任我的工作!此致敬礼产后中英文辞职信尊敬的领导:我很报歉自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职申请,公司是我毕业以后踏入社会的第一个大家庭,在这里,我得到了公司各位领导和同事的关心帮助,对此我表示非常感谢,也是在这里我有过欢笑,有过泪水,更有过收获,我很庆幸自己能在这里有过这么开心的工作和学习经历。但由于我产后身体状况欠佳,经常腰痛,医生检查后建议我要长期在家调养,并且短期内不能穿高跟鞋工作,我非常感谢公司对我的培养,为避免给公司正常运营及人员安排带来困扰,本人现提出辞职,希望公司能够体谅和谅解并予以同意,十分感谢。dear leadership:i m sorry that i give my official resignation to the company at this time, after graduation, i came to the company, which is the first family of my own when i entered society, here, i got the help from the leadership and colleagues, for this i say “thank you very much”, and also here i had laughter, tears, and more harvest, i am very glad that i can be here to have so happy working and learning experiences.but because i have a poor body condition at postpartum, my waist often hurt, the doctor advised me to have a long-term home care, and during the short time i must not wear high heels to work, i am very grateful to the company for my training, i


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