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swing 的第三人称单数和例句swing 的第三人称单数:swingsswing 的用法:swing 的用法 1:swing 作名词时意思是“秋千”,转化为动词时,其基本意思是“摇摆”,指像秋千一样有规律地前后或来回地摆动或以一点为中心地转动。swing 引申还可表示“剧变,改变态度”“突变” “下跌” 。swing 的用法 2:swing 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。swing 的用法 3:swing 的过去式和过去分词都是 swung。swing 第三人称单数例句:1. educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes.教学实践中经常会出现突然的变化与改革。2. larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。3. dieters suffer from violent mood swings.节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。4. if the wind swings round, we will have to change the sails.如果风向突然变了, 我们得换帆.5. we saw the park keeper telling a bunch of older boys to get off the swings.我们看到公园管理员让一些大男孩从秋千上下来。6. the quantity of “ hot money “ exaggerated still further the swings between currencies.大量的 “ 追逐高利的流动资金 ” 进一步扩大了各种货币之间比值的浮动幅度.7. what you gain on the swings youll probably lose on the roundabouts.有所得也可能有所失.8. there are swings and slides in the childrens playground.在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯.9. the head swings like a stone on a rope.脑袋象由绳子吊着的一块石头般不断地晃着.10. a door swings on hinges.门靠铰练转动.11. he swings his arms as he walks.他走路时摆动手臂.12. the swings back and forth.秋千前后摇摆.13. he swings from wild optimism to total despair.他由极其乐观一变而为完全绝望.14. the consecutive swings were becoming smaller and smaller as the candelabrum was slowly coming to rest.随着烛架慢慢地将要停下来,连续的摆动越来越小了.15. he is liable to abrupt swings in mood, eg from happiness to despair.他情绪极不稳定(如由高兴突然变为绝望).swing 的第三人称单数:swingsswing 的用法:swing 的用法 1:swing 作名词时意思是“秋千”,转化为动词时,其基本意思是“摇摆”,指像秋千一样有规律地前后或来回地摆动或以一点为中心地转动。swing 引申还可表示“剧变,改变态度”“突变” “下跌” 。swing 的用法 2:swing 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。swing 的用法 3:swing 的过去式和过去分词都是 swung。swing 第三人称单数例句:1. educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes.教学实践中经常会出现突然的变化与改革。2. larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。3. dieters suffer from violent mood swings.节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。4. if the wind swings round, we will have to change the sails.如果风向突然变了, 我们得换帆.5. we saw the park keeper telling a bunch of older boys to get off the swings.我们看到公园管理员让一些大男孩从秋千上下来。6. the quantity of “ hot money “ exaggerated still further the swings between currencies.大量的 “ 追逐高利的流动资金 ” 进一步扩大了各种货币之间比值的浮动幅度.7. what you gain on the swings youll probably lose on the roundabouts.有所得也可能有所失.8. there are swings and slides in the childrens playground.在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯.9. the head swings like a stone on a rope.脑袋象由绳子吊着的一块石头般不断地晃着.10. a door swings on hinges.门靠铰练转动.11. he swings his arms as he walks.他走路时摆动手臂.12. the swings back and forth.秋千前后摇摆.13. he swings from wild optimism to total despair.他由极其乐观一变而为完全绝望.14. the consecutive swings were becoming smaller and smaller as the candelabrum was slowly coming to rest.随着烛架慢慢地将要停下来,连续的摆动越来越小了.15. he is liable to abrupt swings in mood, eg from happiness to despair.他情绪极不稳定(如由高兴突然变为绝望).swing 的第三人称单数:swingsswing 的用法:swing 的用法 1:swing 作名词时意思是“秋千”,转化为动词时,其基本意思是“摇摆”,指像秋千一样有规律地前后或来回地摆动或以一点为中心地转动。swing 引申还可表示“剧变,改变态度”“突变” “下跌” 。swing 的用法 2:swing 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。swing 的用法 3:swing 的过去式和过去分词都是 swung。swing 第三人称单数例句:1. educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes.教学实践中经常会出现突然的变化与改革。2. larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.拉里开始出现严重的头痛和剧烈的情绪波动。3. dieters suffer from violent mood swings.节食者会有激烈的情绪波动。4. if the wind swings round, we will have to change the sails.如果风向突然变了, 我们得换帆.5. we saw the park keeper telling a bunch of older boys to get off the swings.我们看到公园管理员让一些大男孩从秋千上下来。6. the quantity of “ hot money “ exaggerated still further the swings between currencies.大量的 “ 追逐高利的流动资金 ” 进一步扩大了各种货币之间比值的浮动幅度.7. what you gain on the swings youll probably lose on the roundabouts.有所得也可能有所失.8. there are swings and slides in the childrens playground.在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯.9. the head swings like a stone on a rope.脑袋象由绳子吊着的一块石头般不断地晃着.10. a door swings on hinges.门靠铰练转动.11. he swings his arms as he walks.他走路时摆动手臂.12. the swings back and forth.秋千前后摇摆.13. he swings from wild optimism to total despair.他由极其乐观一变而为完全绝望.14. the co


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