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书桌的英语知识书桌的英语意思desk书桌的相关英语例句1. he folded the papers and stuck them in his desk drawer.他将文件叠起来,塞进自己的书桌抽屉里。2. on his desk is a mass of books and papers.他的书桌上有大堆的书籍和文件。3. the housekeeper moved smartly to the vicars desk to answer the call.管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。4. after a fruitless morning sitting at his desk he had given up.他在书桌前徒劳地坐了一上午之后便放弃了。5. he sat behind a desk laboriously writing with an army issue pen.他坐在书桌后吃力地写着,用的是一支部队发的钢笔。6. she searched her desk for the necessary information.她在她的书桌上搜寻必要的信息。7. the large desk was heaped with papers.大书桌上堆满了文件。8. she slung her coat over her desk chair.她把外套搭在书桌前的椅子上。9. the desk has a secret compartment.这书桌有一个暗格。10. youll only get the desk through the door if you turn it edgeways.你要把书桌侧着才能搬过这道门。11. his desk is covered with electronic gadgetry.他的书桌上摆满了各种电子装置。12. there was a complete stranger sitting at my desk.我书桌前坐着一个从未见过的陌生人。13. he filched a piece of chalk from the teachers desk.他从老师的书桌上偷取一支粉笔.14. he scrounged around in his desk drawer for a paper clip.他在书桌抽届里翻来翻去找纸夹.15. the desk is placed at the further end of the room.书桌摆在房间里较远的一头.书桌的英文例句我妹妹无法把她的书桌搬入新居,我就是这样才得到它的。my sister couldnt take her desk with her to the new house: thats how i came to acquire it.那是什么?那是一张书桌。what is that? that is a desk.你的书在那里?在书桌上。where are your books? on the desk.这个书桌是木制的。the desk is made of wood.他拼命在她的书桌里搜寻那封信。he was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.他手脚摊开趴在书桌上。he lay in a sprawl over the desk.这张书桌正好和那张旧书桌一样宽。this desk is just as wide as that old one.那书桌上的书比这书桌上的书少。there are fewer books on that desk than those on this one.这书桌上的书比那书桌上的多。there are more books on this desk than those on that one.书桌的双语例句他坐在她的书桌前,一副生气的样子。he sat pouting in front of her desk.她在书桌抽屉里翻找她的笔记本。she rummaged in the desk drawers for her notebook.那个自私的学生总是占用最大的书橱和书桌。that selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk.书桌要怎么分呢?what about the desks?在他书桌下面的那个大抽屉里。tom: in the big drawer under his desk.艾咪把书推到书桌的另一边给他。amy shoved the book across the desk to him.他的办公室里有一些小雕像,就在他书桌后面一个高高的橱柜上面。he had some statuettes in his study. they stood on a high cupboard behind his desk.如果你有无限的空间,除了一个柜子和一个梳妆台,你可以寻找一个由很多家具组成的卧室集锦家具,像大型衣橱或是搭配的书桌和梳妆台。if you have unlimited space, look for a bedroom suite that comes with a number of pieces, such as an armoire or matching desk and dressing table in addition to a chest and dresser.这只狗便跑向一个书桌,拉出一张纸和一支铅笔,画出了一个完美的三角形。the dog trotted over to a desk, pulled out a paper and pencil, and drew a perfect triangle.波林的桌子和椅子仍在在法国巴黎的爱丽舍宫,而他的沙发,书柜和书桌,也装饰着其他的房间。his tables and chairs are still in the elysee palace in paris and his sofas, bookcase and deskadorn other rooms.我低头看着书桌,以防答案就在那儿,可是我的书上只是胡乱涂着一只在解剖学上正确无误的心脏。i looked at my desk in case the answer was there, but the only thing on my page was a doodleof an anatomically correct heart.你的书在那里?在书桌上。where are your books? on the desk.书桌的英语意思desk书桌的相关英语例句1. he folded the papers and stuck them in his desk drawer.他将文件叠起来,塞进自己的书桌抽屉里。2. on his desk is a mass of books and papers.他的书桌上有大堆的书籍和文件。3. the housekeeper moved smartly to the vicars desk to answer the call.管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。4. after a fruitless morning sitting at his desk he had given up.他在书桌前徒劳地坐了一上午之后便放弃了。5. he sat behind a desk laboriously writing with an army issue pen.他坐在书桌后吃力地写着,用的是一支部队发的钢笔。6. she searched her desk for the necessary information.她在她的书桌上搜寻必要的信息。7. the large desk was heaped with papers.大书桌上堆满了文件。8. she slung her coat over her desk chair.她把外套搭在书桌前的椅子上。9. the desk has a secret compartment.这书桌有一个暗格。10. youll only get the desk through the door if you turn it edgeways.你要把书桌侧着才能搬过这道门。11. his desk is covered with electronic gadgetry.他的书桌上摆满了各种电子装置。12. there was a complete stranger sitting at my desk.我书桌前坐着一个从未见过的陌生人。13. he filched a piece of chalk from the teachers desk.他从老师的书桌上偷取一支粉笔.14. he scrounged around in his desk drawer for a paper clip.他在书桌抽届里翻来翻去找纸夹.15. the desk is placed at the further end of the room.书桌摆在房间里较远的一头.书桌的英文例句我妹妹无法把她的书桌搬入新居,我就是这样才得到它的。my sister couldnt take her desk with her to the new house: thats how i came to acquire it.那是什么?那是一张书桌。what is that? that is a desk.你的书在那里?在书桌上。where are your books? on the desk.这个书桌是木制的。the desk is made of wood.他拼命在她的书桌里搜寻那封信。he was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.他手脚摊开趴在书桌上。he lay in a sprawl over the desk.这张书桌正好和那张旧书桌一样宽。this desk is just as wide as that old one.那书桌上的书比这书桌上的书少。there are fewer books on that desk than those on this one.这书桌上的书比那书桌上的多。there are more books on this desk than those on that one.书桌的双语例句他坐在她的书桌前,一副生气的样子。he sat pouting in front of her desk.她在书桌抽屉里翻找她的笔记本。she rummaged in the desk drawers for her notebook.那个自私的学生总是占用最大的书橱和书桌。that selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk.书桌要怎么分呢?what about the desks?在他书桌下面的那个大抽屉里。tom: in the big drawer under his desk.艾咪把书推到书桌的另一边给他。amy shoved the book across the desk to him.他的办公室里有一些小雕像,就在他书桌后面一个高高的橱柜上面。he had some statuettes in his study. they stood on a high cupboard behind his desk.如果你有无限的空间,除了一个柜子和一个梳妆台,你可以寻找一个由很多家具组成的卧室集锦家具,像大型衣橱或是搭配的书桌和梳妆台。if you have unlimited space, look for a bedroom suite that comes with a number of pieces, such as an armoire or matching desk and dressing table in addition to a chest and dresser.这只狗便跑向一个书桌,拉出一张纸和一支铅笔,画出了一个完美的三角形。the dog trotted over to a desk, pulled out a paper and pencil, and drew a perfect triangle.波林的桌子和椅子仍在在法国巴黎的爱丽舍宫,而他的沙发,书柜和书桌,也装饰着其他的房间。his tables and chairs are still in the elysee palace in paris and his sofas, bookcase and deskadorn other rooms.我低头看着书桌,以防答案就在那儿,可是我的书上只是胡乱涂着一只在解剖学上正确无误的心脏。i looked at my desk in case the answer was there, but the only thing on my page was a doodleof an anatomically correct heart.你的书在那里?在书桌上。where are your books? on the desk.书桌的英语意思desk书桌的相关英语例句1. he folded the papers and stuck them in his desk drawer.他将文件叠起来,塞进自己的书桌抽屉里。2. on his desk is a mass of books and papers.他的书桌上有大堆的书籍和文件。3. the housekeeper moved smartly to the vicars desk to answer the call.管家迅速来到牧师的书桌前接电话。4. after a fruitless morning sitting at his desk he had given up.他在书桌前徒劳地坐了一上午之后便放弃了。5. he sat behind a desk laboriously writing with an army issue pen.他坐在书桌后吃力地写着,用的是一支部队发的钢笔。6. she searched her desk for the necessary information.她在她的书桌上搜寻必要的信息。7. the large desk was heaped with papers.大书桌上堆满了文件。8. she slung her coat over her desk chair.她把外套搭在书桌前的椅子上。9. the desk has a secret compartment.这书桌有一个暗格。10. youll only get the desk through the door if you turn it edgeways.你要把书桌侧着才能搬过这道门。11. his desk is covered with electronic gadgetry.他的书桌上摆满了各种电子装置。12. there was a complete stranger sitting at my desk.我书桌前坐着一个从未见过的陌生人。13. he filched a piece of chalk from the teachers desk.他从老师的书桌上偷取一支粉笔.14. he scrounged around in his desk drawer for a paper clip.他在书桌抽届里翻来翻去找纸夹.15. the desk is placed at the further end of the room.书桌摆在房间里较远的一头.书桌的英文例句我妹妹无法把她的书桌搬入新居,我就是这样才得到它的。my sister couldnt take her desk with her to the new house: thats how i came to acquire it.那是什么?那是一张书桌。what is that? that is a desk.你的书在那里?在书桌上。where are your books? on the desk.这个书桌是木制的。the desk is made of wood.他拼命在她的书桌里搜寻那封信。he was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.他手脚摊开趴在书桌上。he lay in a sprawl over the desk.这张书桌正好和那张旧书桌一样宽。this desk is just as wide as that old one.那书桌上的书比这书桌上的书少。there are fewer books on that desk than those on this one.这书桌上的书比那书桌上的多。there are more books on this desk than those on that one.书桌的双语例句他坐在她的书桌前,一副生气的样子。he sat pouting in front of her desk.她在书桌抽屉里翻找她的笔记本。she rummaged in the desk drawers for her notebook.那个自私的学生总是占用最大的书橱和书桌。that selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk.书桌要怎么分呢?what about the desks?在他书桌下面的那个大抽屉里。tom: in the big drawer under his desk.艾咪把书推到书桌的另一边给他。amy shoved the book across the desk t


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