冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Let’s go综合检测附解析_第1页
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冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Lets go综合检测附解析综合能力演练I. 单项选择。1My mother _ to work _ her bicycle Ago;by Bgoes;by Cgo;on Dgoes;on2Dont worry! Let me _ you the way Ashow Bshows Cto show Dshowing3 _ is the pencil? One yuan AHow many BHow much CHow long DHow far4There are some red apples _ the tree Aat Bof Cin Don5_? YesId like to buy a pair of shoes AWhat are you doing BDo you want to buy something CWhat do you want DCan I help you6They old man lives _, so sometimes he feels _. A. alone; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. lonely; lonely7_ do you come to school every day? On foot AHow BWhen CWhy DWhere8_,how can I go to the park? Go down this street and _ right AExcuse me;turn BHello;take CExcuse;take DHi;turn9Would you like _ with me,Li Ming? All right Ato go shopping Bgo shopping Cto shopping Dgoing to shop10Is the library far _ here? Aaway Bfrom Cto Din11 Whats your brother _? He is lying on his bed Aplaying Bhaving Csinging Ddoing12_ do you feel? I feel happy AHow BWhat CWhere DWhen13Why are you walking to school? Because my _ is broken Aradio Bwatch Cbike Dbag14The farmers are working _ the farm Ain Bat Con Dfrom15The boys and girls _ good friendsThey_ now Aare;is playing Bare;are playing Cbe; be playing Dis;are playingII. 完形填空。 Peter is my best(最好的) friendHe 1 very early in the morningHe dresses, 2 and goes out into the open airThen he has 3 breakfastEvery day he goes to school 4 There are four classes in the morningAfter class,he 5 some books 6 is at twelveAfter lunch he 7 a short restIn the afternoon he has two classesThen he has half an hour 8 sports(运动)He plays ping-pong 9 footballIn the evening he does his 10 at homeHe goes to bed at ten thirty 1Aget Bgets up Cgets Dgetting2Awashes Bwash Cwears Dto wear3Aa Ban C/ Dthe4Aon his bike Bon bike Cby his bike Dby the bike5Areads Bwatches Csees Dlooks6ABreakfast BSupper CLunch D/7Ahas Bhave Ctake Dtakes8Ain Bon Cfor Dwith9Aand Bor Cso Dbut10Aworks Bhousework Chomework DhomeworksIII. 阅读理解。A I go to a supermarket with my motherIt is very bigIt has a clothes store,a fruit store and a vegetable storeFirst we go to the clothes storeMy mother buys a nice sweaterShe asks the clerk the price of the sweaterThe clerk says its $38My mother takes itShe likes it very muchAnd she buys me a jacketI want to know how much it isSo I look at the price card,it says $45Then in the fruit store,we buy some apples,bananas and pearsWe dont need vegetables,so we dont go to the vegetable storeWe bring our things home1There are _ stores in the supermarket A1 B2 C3 D42My mother buys _ in the supermarket Aa nice sweater Ba sweater and some fruit Ca nice sweater,a jacket and some fruit Da sweater and a jacket3Mother pays _ for the clothes A$83 B$38 C$45 D$854_ tells me the price of the jacket AMother BThe clerk CFather DThe price card5We dont buy vegetables because _Awe dont need vegetablesBthere are no vegetablesCwe dont go to the vegetable storeDthere is no vegetable store in the supermarket BMr. Smith is thirty years old and he is tallHe is a worker in a big storeThe store is not far away from his house,so he rides a bike to work every dayHe doesnt work in the morningHe only works at nightEvery morning he comes home at about 6:30He has breakfast at sevenAfter breakfast he goes to bedHe gets up at about 2:30 in the afternoonBut he has lunch at eightHe starts(开始) to work at nine in the eveningHe works in the store every nightHe likes his work every much根据短文内容回答问题:6How old is Mr. Smith? _7How does Mr. Smith go to work? _8When does Mr. Smith have his breakfast? _9When does Mr. Smith get up? _10Where does Mr. Smith work? _IV. 书面表达。根据下列汉语提示,简单介绍一下Tom一家人的情况。词数:不少于60。1. Tom在图书馆工作,他每天骑自行车去上班,他喜欢看书;2. 妈妈在杂货店(grocery store)工作,步行去上班,她卖水果和蔬菜;3. 爸爸是一位商人(businessman),开车去上班;4. 妹妹在服装店工作,她乘公共汽车去上班,她卖衣服。_【答案与解析】I. 单项选择。1. D。根据句意可知本句应该用一般现在时,主语是my mother,所以用谓语动词的单三形式goes;on ones bike意为“骑自行车”。2. A。let sb. do sth. 意为“让某人做某事”。3. B。根据答语可知问句是在问价格,对价格的提问用how much。4. D。in the tree 表示外来的事物,不是树上长出来的;on the tree是树上长出来的。苹果是树上长的,所以用on。5. D。根据答语可知是售货员问顾客买什么东西,用Can I help you?来表示。6. A。修饰动词live应该用副词alone,live alone意为“单独一个人住”;feel后应加形容词lonely,意为“感到孤独”。7. A。根据答语可知问句是在问上学的方式,对方式的提问用how。8. A。问路前应说Excuse me,意为“对不起,打扰了”;turn right意为“向右转”。9. A。would you like后加动词不定式,即would you like to do sth.;go shopping意为“去购物”,go后接doing的形式。10. B。far from意为“离远”。11. D。根据答语可知问句是在问“你弟弟在干什么?”,所以选do,本句应该用现在进行时。12. A。根据答语可知问句是问“你感觉怎么样?”所以选how。13. C。问句是在问“你为什么步行来学校?”,所以答语应该是“我的自行车坏了”。14. C。on the farm 意为“在农场”。15. B。主语是the boys and girls所以be动词用are;根据now可知选现在进行时。II. 完形填空。1. B。根据文意可知是早上起床早,选get up。2. A。根据常识可知“他穿衣,洗漱,然后去户外”,洗漱应该选wash,而且要和dresses并列,用单三形式washes。3. C。吃早餐用have breakfast,一日三餐前不加冠词。4. A。on ones bike = by bike意为“骑自行车”。5. A。看书应该用“read books”。6. C。十二点应该吃午餐。7. A。have a rest意为“休息”,主语是单三用has。8. C。介词for 在此表示“为了”。9. A。他打乒乓球和踢足球,用and。10. C。晚上他做家庭作业,homework是不可数名词。 III. 阅读理解。A1. C。根据“It has a clothes store,a fruit store and a vegetable store”可知答案。2. C。根据“My mother buys a nice sweater”和“And she buys me a jacket”及“we buy some apples,bananas and pears”可知答案。3. A。根据文意可知sweater是$38;jacket是$45,一共是$83。4. D。根据“So I look at the price card,it says $45”可知答案。5. A。根据“We dont need vegetables,so we dont go to the vegetable store”可知答案。B6. He is thirty years old.7. He rides a bike to work./ He goes to work by bike.8. He has breakfast at seven9. He gets up at about 2:30 in the afternoon10. He works in the storeIV. 书面表达。There are four people in Toms family. They are Toms father, mother, sister and Tom. Tom works in a library. H


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