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茶产品中英文介绍:一、绿茶1、春眉茶 Chunmee Tea 432-22春眉茶,其外形纤细如眉,峰毫显露,色泽绿润,内质香气飘香持久,汤色嫩绿明亮,滋味鲜醇爽口,叶底嫩绿匀齐。Chunmee Tea (eyebrow tea) gets its name from the curve of the processed leaf. It was thought, when viewing the beautifully shaped leaf, that it resembled that of a womans finely formed eyebrow - as opposed to an older mans bristly brow. Great skill is required to produce this very high-quality green tea. The fine eyebrow-shaped leaves produce a clear, yellow-greenish brew with a distinctive sweet, plum-like flavor.2、绿珠茶 Gunpowder Tea 32-24绿珠茶,揉叶成丸,浑圆紧实,落杯有声,色泽绿润,香味浓郁,被誉为“绿色珍珠”。Gunpowder Tea is Chinese green tea named for the way the tea leaves are rolled into small pellets, which look like old-fashioned gunpowder. Rolling the tea leaves helps preserve its freshing flavor, produce an aromatic, light liquor which opens with a crisp astringency and develops into a well-rounded sweetness with a lingering, mellow finish.3、野山茶 Wild Tea 480-84野山茶,以采自远离人类生活区,无任何污染的高山原生态茶园的优质茶片为原料,采用古老的手工制作方式精心制作而成,加工过程,不采用任何现代机器设备和工艺,不添加任何辅助原料,能够较大程度的保留茶叶中儿茶素、茶多酚等营养物质不流失,从而保持了茶叶最原始的风味。This product is made from the fresh and quality wild tea growing 1000M above the sea level in organic tea garden. With the guidance from the senior tea technical staffs, this product is a kind of tea by manual work with no pollution, no poison on it.It has tight, curly and tippy shape .Its dried tea color takes on green jade and bloom. It has heavy and strong fragrance and fresh, sweet and mellow taste. The tea residue takes on tender green and bright. This product is a superior one in tea.4、初茶 Original Tea 20-13初茶,以山谷茶园的春季茶片为原料,经过初步加工、分检、筛选而成。虽然外形没有精制茶美观和规格统一,但由于加工环节少,更好了保存了茶叶原有的香气和口味,能够较大程度的保留茶叶中儿茶素、茶多酚等营养物质不流失,是中国最普通最受欢迎的待客用茶。This tea was processed very simply. It reserve whole of nutrients in the fresh tea leaves. So it was called the real tea.However the shape of original tea isnt very beautiful as the simply processing. But the nutrition is best and with competitive price.5、芽茶 Bud Tea 1296-216春茶以芽茶最为细嫩,于清明与谷雨之间,采摘一芽一、二叶制成,芽叶完整,净度良好,外形紧细成条似莲心,芽叶肥壮显茸毫,色泽黄嫩油润,汤色橙黄明亮,香气清鲜,滋味醇爽。The bud tea is a full-flavored green tea. It grows in organical tea garden, was picked one bud and two tiny leaves in early spring and hand-processed according to ancient methods. Its a full-leaf tea, not dust, offering rich tea. It cant be boiled and drunk many times. Its the freshest and highest quality loose leaf tea.二、红茶1.小种红茶Lapsang Souchong860-44我国福建省之特产,由十采用松柴明火加温萎凋和干燥,干茶带有浓烈的松烟香。正山小种红茶以福建崇安县星村桐木关所产的品质最佳,称“正山小种”或“星村小种”。外形条索粗壮长直,身骨重实,色泽乌黑油润有光,内质香高,具松烟香,汤色呈糖浆状的深金黄色,滋味醇厚,似桂圆汤味,叶底厚实光滑,呈古铜色。汤色红亮,滋味甘醇,具有天然的桂圆味及特有的松烟香。This special type of black tea from the Fujian province of China comes this very distinctive tea with its exotic smoky flavor. After plucking, the leaves are withered over cypress or pine wood fires. After the rolling process, they are placed into wooden barrels until they begin to emit their own pleasant aroma. As a final step they are placed in bamboo baskets and hung on racks over smoky pine fires where they dry and absorb the essence of the smoke.2.功夫红茶 Gongfu black tea 180-12功夫红茶是我国特有的红茶品种,也是我国传统出口商品.我国功夫红茶种类多、产地广.按地区命名的有滇红功夫、祁门功夫、浮梁功夫、宁红功夫、湘江功夫、闽红功夫(含但洋功夫、白琳功夫、政和功夫)、越红功夫、台湾功夫、江苏功夫及粤红功夫等;按品种又分为大叶功夫和小叶功夫.大叶功夫茶以乔木或半乔木茶树鲜叶制成,小叶功夫茶以灌木型小叶种茶树鲜叶为原料制成.Gongfu black tea is a traditional product of China, especially famous for its delicacy in shape, color, fragrance and flavor. Main tea provinces: Anhui, Yunnan, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Shichuan, etc.三、白茶1.银针茶400-320采用福鼎大白茶、福鼎大毫茶为原料,经传统科学工艺加工而成。其毫心肥壮,银白闪亮;香高而持久,滋味鲜醇嫩爽,毫香显浓;汤色杏黄清澈,具有退热、祛火、降糖、调压、解毒、抗辐射之功效。White tea from China. Silver Needle is among the most revered of Chinese teas, produced in the Fuding and Zhenhe districts of its Fujian province. Gathered only in the few days of early spring, the preparation of this tea is governed by strict requirements to ensure a premium product. This dedication to perfection is evident in the cup, which is sweet and delicate with a clean, airy fragrance. Our Sublime Needle is a Special Grade (Bai Hao) version of this exquisite tea.2.叶茶288-46白牡丹Bai Mu Dan(White Peony Tea )288-46白牡丹,原产地是福建省福鼎县。绿叶夹银白色毫心,形似花朵,冲泡之后绿叶托着嫩芽,宛若蓓蕾初开,故名白牡丹。其特征是外形毫心肥壮,叶张肥嫩,呈波纹隆起,叶背遍布洁白茸毛,叶缘向叶背微卷,芽叶连枝。汤色杏黄或橙黄清澈,叶底浅灰,叶脉微红,香味鲜醇。有润肺清热的功效,常当药用。White teas are the most delicate of all teas. They are steamed & dried only, so the leave appearance is essentially unaltered. Bai Mu Dan is made from the bud and leave. The silvery bud is enfolded by green leaves, and it looks like a flower. When steeped,the green leaves unfold resembling petals of a peony blossom. That just as a inchoately blooming white peony, hence the tea is named white peony tea. There is a fine white down that covers the long slender bud. When infused the flavour is slightly smoky and slightly sweet and the cup colour is a pale yellow. This is an excellent Bai Mu Dan, which is great any time of the day or night. Medically white tea is refreshing and is good for the stomach. It can also be used to dispel the heat.四、黄茶1.黄大茶霍山黄大茶Huoshan Yellow Tea 60-16黄茶的品质特点是“黄叶黄汤”。这种黄色是制茶过程中进行闷堆渥黄的结果。黄茶分为黄芽茶、黄小茶和黄大茶三类。黄大茶是我国黄茶类产量最多的一种,产于安徽霍山和湖北英山等地。产品特点:梗壮叶肥、叶片成条,梗叶相连,形似钓鱼钩,梗叶金黄油润,汤色深黄,叶底黄色,味浓厚耐泡,具有突出高爽的焦香味。Yellow Tea is a non-fermented or non-oxidized tea. It is very similar to Green Teas except with an additional step that results in the finished tea leaves having a natural light yellow color. Golden Needles also known as Jin Yin Zhen consists of only singular young tender buds hand picked before they open and mature. During the imperial period in China, Yellow tea was highly prized for this slight yellow tea leaf color, the color of royalty.2.黄小茶3.黄芽茶霍山黄芽Huoshan Yellow Bud Tea 2000-200霍山黄芽产于唐朝,明代及为贡品。主产于安徽霍山县海拔600米以上山区。其品质特点是外形条直微展、匀齐成朵、形似雀舌、嫩绿披毫,香气清香持久,滋味鲜醇浓厚回甘,汤色黄绿清澈明亮,叶底嫩黄明亮。Huoshan Yellow bud was already well-known as a famous tea in Tang dynasty. While the production skill of Huoshan yellow bud has ever been lost in the hundreds years before 1971.Huoshan yellow bud is mainly produced in the Huoshan area of Anhui province. The tea leave looks like the tongue of sparrow. The tea is fine and tender, covered by hairy tip. Because of a special processing step named yellowing, the tea leave show yellow in color. The cup color of Huoshan yellow bud is olivine. It smells fresh and refreshing, somewhat with chestnut fragrance. The taste is mellow and thick. The tealeaves after infusion are tenderly yellow.The name Huangya means Yellow Sprout. ? The beautiful leaves are a mixture of jade green, yellow and white colors. ? Single small leaves with hairy tips create this nutty and smooth Tea with a gentle, sweet finish.五、普洱茶1.普洱饼茶Pu-Erh Cake Tea 3000-30普洱茶:中国十大名茶之一。原产地是云南普洱市。作为皇家贡茶大至始于雍正四年(1726年),被视为进贡朝廷的珍品。普洱茶是典型的后发酵茶,成品后还持续进行着自然陈化过程,具有越陈越香的独特品质。分为生茶和熟茶。生茶:生茶是以自然的方式陈放,未经过渥堆发酵处理为生茶。生茶茶性较烈、刺激,新制或陈放不久的生茶有强烈的苦涩味,汤色较浅或黄绿。生茶适合存放几年才饮用,长久储藏,年复一年,香味越来越醇厚,价格也年年上升。熟茶:普洱茶在制作过程中经过人工渥堆发酵,使茶性趋向温和,称谓熟茶。熟普具有温和的茶性,茶水丝滑柔顺,醇香浓郁,更适合日常饮用。质量上乘的熟普,也值得珍藏。熟普的香味也仍会随着陈化的时间而变得越来越柔顺、浓郁。按照外形普洱又可以分为饼茶、砖茶、沱茶、散茶和工艺茶。Pu-Erh Tea is one of the ten most famous teas in China. PuEr is a large leafed tea from the Yunnan province in China and has been famous as a medicinal tea. The earliest records of PuEr tea date back to the Tang Dynasty ( 618AD-906AD ) when it was the favorite tea of the nobleman of this time. Puer tea over the centuries has been used as a form of currency in China and an important international trading item. Pure tea was at one time very well known in northern Canada among the northern native people, who were trading across the Bering Strait. PuEr tea derives its name from the market town of Pu-er, where it was originally processed and sold, but it is grown on the Nuoshan Mountains. It is said that the unique taste of? PuEr Tea was developed because it took weeks to transport the tea leaves by horseback to the town to be processed. During this transportation period the tea leaves would begin to ferment in the humidity and release a strong, fragrant aroma, which people found quite pleasant. A special technique of tea fermenting developed and Puer was thus created.The secret of making Puer tea has been closely guarded in China for centuries. The tea leaves are collected from growers of a special broad-leaf tea tree, which are said to be related to ancient prehistoric tea trees. The leaves go through two types of fermentation, which gives this tea its unique characteristics; a mild, but distinctively earthy flavour. Puer requires a minimum of 10 years to mature and gets only better with age. Puer teas are much like fine wines, which become smoother and more balanced with age. PuEr teas are much lower in tannins than other teas due to the special processing method which it undergoes.( please note that the following list of benefits are for interest only and should not be taken as absolute fact! Always check with your physician! )PuEr tea has been celebrated since the Tang Dynasty ( 618AD-906AD ) for its health benefits and curative powers in certain diseases. Modern medical science has recently shown that the health benefits of Puer tea may be more than just Chinese folklore. Since 1970 France, Japan and China have been conducting many scientific studies on PuEr tea which suggest that it may: reduce cholesterol in the blood stream reduce body weight; help to reduce high blood pressure, heart & liver diseases related to high saturated fat diets detoxify the liver; help prevent intestinal infection, digestive problems and constipation; help to prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body due to its anti-oxidants.There are puer loose leaves tea, cake tea, brick tea, birds nest tea, arts and crafts puer tea.2.普洱散茶Pu-Erh loose leaves Tea 600-363.普洱砖茶Pu-Erh Brick Tea 600-364.普洱沱茶Pu-Erh Birds Nest Tea 600-605.普洱工艺茶Pu-Erh Arts and Crafts Tea六、乌龙茶1.福建乌龙1.铁观音Ti Kuan Yin 1600-36安溪铁观音,中国十大名茶之一。乌龙茶的极品。其品质特征是: 茶条卷曲,肥壮圆结,沉重匀整,色泽砂绿,整体形状似蜻蜓头、螺旋体、青蛙腿。冲泡后汤色金黄浓艳似琥珀,有天然馥郁的兰花香,滋味醇厚甘鲜,回甘悠久,俗称有“音韵”。铁观音茶香高而持久,可谓“七泡有余香”。外形:条索肥壮、圆整呈蜻蜓头、沉重,枝心硬,色泽乌黑油润,砂绿明显。内质:香气浓郁持久,音韵明显,带有兰花香或生花生仁味、椰香等各种清香味;茶汤金黄、橙黄,滋味醇厚甘鲜,稍带蜜味,鲜爽回甘。叶底:枝身圆,梗皮红亮,叶柄宽肥厚(棕叶蒂),叶片肥厚软亮,叶面呈波状,称“绸缎面”。Ti Kuan Yin tea is one of the ten most famous teas in China. which translated as Iron Goddess of Mercy, is worldwide well-known Chinese Oolong tea. The dry tea leaves of Ti Kuan Yin is much heavier than other Chinese tea. In China, it is described by such words as weigh like iron. The unique flavor of Ti Kuan Yin tea praised by Chinse tea farmers as the present bestowed by Kwan-yin ( Kwan-yin: A goddess in Chinese fairy tale). Hence, Ti Kuan Yin tea is so called. The original producing area of Ti Kuan Yin tea is Xiping village of Anxi county in Fujian province. Till now, the production of Ti Kuan Yin tea in Anxi has lasted more than 200 yeas. The appearance of Ti Kuan Yin tea is dragonfly head, spiral body, frog leg, mogalsar geen leaf covered with white frost. heavy body. When steeping, Ti Kuan Yin tea is firstly tasted mellow with strong fragrance. After veral infusions, the Ti Kuan Yins fragrance is still remain. At the same time, a sweet aftertaste quickly rise from the throat. Indeed, its hard to correctly describe the Ti KuanYins flavor. Right or wrong, Ti Kuan Yins unique flavored is named as Kuan Yin flavor. Also, Ti Kuan Yin tea wins the reputation fo lingering fragrance remain after seven times infusions.2.肉桂 Rou Gui 600-66肉桂,又名玉桂,为武夷山名丛之一。远在清朝已负盛名,肉桂除了具有岩茶的滋味特色外,更以其香气辛锐持久的高品种香备受人们的喜爱。据行家评定,肉桂的桂皮香明显,佳者带乳味,香气久泡尤存,冲泡四、五次仍有余香;入口醇厚回甘,咽后齿颊留香;汤色橙黄清澈,叶底黄亮,红点鲜明,呈绿叶红壤边状;条索匀整,紧结卷曲,色泽褐绿,油润有光,部分叶背有青蛙皮状小白点。Rou Gui is the latest tea added to Wu Yis famous five bushes (previously only four consisting of Tie Luo Han, Shui Jin Gui, Da Hong Pao and Bai Ji Guan; referred to as Si Da Ming Cong). All these teas originate from Mount Wuyi in Northern Fujian of China. This tea leaves is picked with special care by only choosing the best leaves.2.广东乌龙1.凤凰单枞 Phoenix single bush 800-300凤凰单枞茶,系在凤凰水仙群体品种中选拔优良单株茶树,经培育、采摘、加工而成。单枞茶实行分株单采,当新茶芽萌发至小开面时(即出现驻芽),即按一芽、二三叶标准,用骑马采茶手法采下,轻放于茶罗内。有强烈日光时不采,雨天不采,雾水茶不采的规定。一般于午后开采,当晚加工,制茶均在夜间进行。经晒青、晾青、碰青、杀青、揉捻、烘焙等工序,历时10小时制成成品茶。其外形条索粗壮,匀整挺直,色泽黄褐,油润有光,并有朱砂红点;冲泡清香持久,有独特的天然兰花香,滋味浓醇鲜爽,润喉回甘;汤色清澈黄亮,叶底边缘朱红,叶腹黄亮,素有“绿叶红镶边”之称。具有独特的山韵品格。Phoenix single bush come from GuangDong Caoan districts Phoenix Mountains.The outstanding single bush with idiosyncracy in the Phoenix Narcissus variety colony is selected and plucked to produce Phoenix single bush. According to the various nuances in taste and fragrance, Phoenix single bush can be further categorized into more than 80 varieties, such as Huang Zhi Xiang,Rou Gui Xiang, Xing Ren Xiang etc.Long,twisted leaves show with yellow auburn color. When infused, the gentle natural floral aroma and mellow, brisk taste will farthest satisfy your palate and nose. Phoenix single bush is definitely differentiated from other Single bush Oolongs by its special mountain rhythm. The liquor of the cup is clear like tea oil.The tealeaves after infusion are green with red edge.3.台湾乌龙1.台湾阿里山乌龙茶 Taiwan Ali Mountain Oolong Tea 1400-240Taiwan Ali Mountain Oolong Tea grows at Ali Mountain , 1300 of elevation. In the thick fog surrounds perennially, the temperature is low, the tea produced draws on day. Moon. Quintessence revealed. So its fragrant smell is original and special, fragrance overflows in the entry sweetly and fragrantly, for its special point.台湾阿里山乌龙茶,采用海拔1300公尺以上之阿里山茶叶制成。保持茶叶自然香味,能够较大程度的保留茶叶中儿茶素、茶多酚等营养物质不流失,清香淡雅、鲜醇甘厚、回味绵长。七、茉莉花茶1.茉莉花绿茶:Jasmine Green Tea 1500-1445-8茉莉花茶,中国十大名茶之一。属再加工茶,在茶叶中加入茉莉花朵熏制而成,故名。此茶集茶叶与花香于一体,既保持了浓郁爽口的茶味,又有鲜灵芬芳的花香。此茶外形秀美,毫峰显露,香气浓郁持久,泡饮鲜醇爽口,汤色黄绿明亮,叶底匀嫩晶绿,经久耐泡。茉莉花具有很好的消炎排毒的作用,不仅为良好的高香饮料,而且有一定的药理效果。Jasmine Tea is one of the ten most famous teas in China. Jasmine Tea is a famous tea made from Green or Pouchong (Chinese Green) tea leaves that are scented with jasmine flowers. The jasmine flowers are harvested during the day and stored in a cool place until night. During the night, the flowers bloom with full fragrance. The flowers are layered over the tea leaves during the scenting process. The quality of Jasmine tea is determined by the quality of green tea used as its base and the effectiveness of the scenting.八、名优茶一、名优绿茶1.崂山绿茶-1-10级Mountain Lao green tea-Grade 1-107800-130中国北方第一名茶!原产地青岛崂山是中国茶类种植经纬度最高的地区,气候温暖湿润,光照较强霜期也较南方长,昼夜温差大,茶树生长发育慢,有充分时间积累养分,故而崂山茶内含营养物质丰富,有大量的多酚类、咖啡碱、芳香物质和蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素等有益人体健康的成份。其氨基酸含量高出国家标准的十余倍!其特点是叶片厚、香气高、耐冲泡、汤色清绿、醇浓干爽,其独特的“豌豆鲜、板栗香”味令人回味无穷。Mountain Lao is of the highest latitude in China where tea garden is located. The special marineclimate and the excellent mineral water and fetile soil provide the best environment for the growth of tea bushes.Therefore the tea I grow herein has many characteristics:a long period of growth, an excellent quality and the thick tea leaves, which can can be boiled and drunk many times. You will enjoy the fragrance and color of the tea, its clear and bright sight and mellow taste. Its special feature of being fresh like peas and tasty like chestnuts will make you remember it forever!Mountain Lao green tea category:Basis season:Spring tea, summer tea, autumn tea, winter tea(Greenhouse plastictea)Basis quality:Organic tea (with no pesticide or chemical), big farmland teaBasis shape:Bud type, sword type, fishery typeBasis craft:The traditional handicraft, machine processes2.西湖龙井-1-10级 Longjing (Dragon Well) Tea-Grade 1-106600-400西湖龙井,中国十大名茶之一。以色、香、味、形四绝而享誉世界,它色绿、形美、香郁、味醇,干看龙井茶外形扁平光滑,状似剑片,色如绿笋。龙井茶按具体产地之区分,在历史上有“狮、龙、云、虎”四个品类,以狮子峰所产最佳,因其香高持久被誉为“龙井之巅”。乾隆皇帝曾在狮峰湖公庙饮龙井茶,并亲封庙前十八棵茶树为御茶。极品狮峰龙井闻之高香,然啜之味淡、但入腹便觉有一种太和之气,弥漫齿颊之间。据说当年乾隆游江南时,一位老和尚向乾隆奉茶,乾隆喝完便有此种感觉,赞道:“佳茗者,无味之味乃至味也。雅兴大发而做此诗说的正是狮峰龙井。龙井茶中所含氨基酸、儿茶素、维生素C等均比其它茶叶丰富,有生津止渴、提神益思、消食化腻、消炎解毒之功效。Longjing Tea is one of the ten most famous teas in China. It is said that Longjing tea is the beauty among all the tea, while the Xihu Longjing tea is the most beautiful among the Longjing tea. Xihu in Hangzhou, is the favorite place for the intellectuals from the ancient time to now, as a result Xihu Longjing tea has combined not only the green color, the strong fragrance, aromatic taste and beautiful shape, but also with the famous mountains, temples, lakes, springs and tea which are famous in it. From one cup of Xihu Longjing tea you can surely feel the traditional and proud culture of Longjing tea.3.开化龙顶-1-10级 Kaihua Longding-Grade 1-10 2040-300开化龙顶,浙江十大名茶之一。属于高山云雾茶,历史悠久,据记载,明崇祯四年已经成为贡茶。其特点是壮芽显毫,形似青龙盘白云,沸水冲泡后,芽尖竖立,如幽兰绽开,汤色清澈明亮,味爽清新,齿留遗香,冲泡三次,仍有韵味。成品色泽翠绿多毫,条索紧直苗秀;香气清高持久,具花香,滋味鲜爽浓醇,汤色清澈嫩绿;叶底成朵明亮。The Kaihua County is located in the Golden Tea Triangle Area, the springhead of the Qiantangjiang River where seven counties march together, which belong to Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces respectively. It has very special geographical environment, described as there exists cloud and frost here and there when clear, and rain and mist all around the mountains when rainy. This special mountain area with wreathing cloud and mist all year long has the most cloud and mist in our province. It is said that There exists best quality tea in the high mountain and heavy clouds. Ever since the ancient time, Kaihua has been the very place producing the high quality tea. In the fourth Chongzhen reign year in Ming Dynasty (A.D.1631), Kaihua Longding tea had been listed as the tea of tribute.4.安吉白茶-1-10级 Anne Ji White Leaf-Grade 1-10 3600-600安吉白茶,浙江十大名茶之一。是一种非常特异的品种,其形如凤羽,茎翠叶白,色如玉霜;汤色鹅黄,甘甜清澈,香气馥郁。其氨基酸总含量高达10。6%,为普通绿茶的2-3倍以上,其中茶氨酸含量接近常茶的氨基酸总量,比普通茶叶高1-2倍,这种茶氨基酸能够使血液免疫细胞干扰素分量提高5倍,从而能更大的提高人体的免疫力。This is one kind of green tea and One of Zhejiangs “Ten Famous Teas”! The spring tender shoot leaf is white, and from white gradually turn into white green, summer autumn tea become green. Its amino acid content higher than ordinary green tea for more than 2-3 times! You?will?enjoy?the?fragrance and color


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