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会宁一中2016-2017学年度高二第一次月考英 语 试 卷本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。考生作答时,将答案做在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效(如果有机读卡,I卷涂机读卡)。考试结束后,保留试卷,只交答题卡。注意事项:1答题前,考生务必先将自己的学校、班级、学号、姓名、考号和座位号填写在答题卡和机读卡上。2用2B铅笔涂机读卡,用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔答题、字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号在规定的区域内作答,超出答题区域答题无效。4保持答题卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。第I卷第一部分 词汇考查(共一节,满分30分)第一节(共30个小题;每小题1分,满分30分)1._ n. 画家;油漆工 2._ n. 油画3. _ adj. 科学的4. _ n. 科学5. _v. 打败,战胜6. _v. 照顾;护理;出席;参加7. _n./v. 挑战8. _v. 预见,预知9._ v. 专家;行家 10._ n. 专家意见11. _ adj. 确定的12. _ n. 确定,确实13. _adj. 不确定的14. _n. 矛盾,冲突15. _v. 创造 16. _adj. 有创造力的;创造性的17._ v. 联合,团结 18._ n. 联合;联盟;协会19. _ adj. 教育的20. _ n. 描写;描述21. draw a _ 得出结论22. _ from 除 之外23. _up 打扫;横扫24. be _ _ 对严格25. _ _ 讲得通,有意义26. _ _由 组成27. _ _from 挣脱;脱离 28. _ _省去;遗漏;不考虑29. _ _ _of 代替30. _ _移动;溜进 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15个小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项。 AFor thousands of years,man has enjoyed the taste of apples. Apples,which are about 85 percent of water,grow almost everywhere in the world but the hottest and coldest areas. Among the leading countries in apple production are China,France and the United States.There are various kinds of apples. But a very few make up the majority of those grown for sale. The three most common kinds grown in the United States are Delicious,Golden Delicious,and McIntosh.Apples are different in colour,size and taste. The colour of the skin may be red,green,or yellow. They have various sizes,with delicious apples being among the largest. The taste may be sweet or tart. Generally,sweet apples are eaten fresh while tart apples are used to make apple sauce.Apple trees may grow as tall as twelve metres. They do best in areas that have very cold winters. Although no fruit is yielded during the winter,this cold period is good for the tree.31.It can be learned from the text that _.A.Apples have a history of a thousand years.B. Apples grow everywhere in the world.C.Apples are made up of water.D.Apples consists of many different kinds.32China,France and the United States are considered to_.A.have the coldest winter among apple producing countriesB.be large producers of applesC.be large producers of apple sauceD.have the longest history in apple production33. The underlined word “yielded” in the last sentence means “_”Asold Bimproved Cincreased Dproduced B Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someones life? If yes, dont care about sex or age! Come and join us, then youll make it! Position: Volunteer Social Care Assistant (No Pay with Free Meals) Place: Manchester Hours: Part Time We are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left. Dont miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others! Role: You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives. You will help them to develop new skills. You will help them to protect their rights and their safety. But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued. Skills and Experience Required: You will have the right values and great listening skills. You will be honest and patient. You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since youll have to help those people with different learning disabilities. Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you.34.The text is meant to_ . A.leave a noteB.send an invitation C.present a document D.carry an advertisement35.What does the underlined part mean? A.Youll make others lives more meaningful with this job. B.Youll arrive home just in time from this job. C.Youll earn a good salary from this job. D.Youll succeed in getting this job.36.The volunteers primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities _. A.to get some financial supportB.to properly protect themselves C.to learn some new living skillsD.to realize their own importance37.Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer? A.The one who can drive a car. B.The one who has done similar work before. C.The one who has patience to listen to others. D.The one who can use English to communicate.CLast night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,distance of about eighty miles. It was late. Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left, and I became increasingly impatient.At one point along an open road, I came to a crossing with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I drove near the light, it turned red and I made a stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of car lamps, but there I sat, waiting for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.I started wondering why I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of being caught, because there was clearly no policeman around, and there certainly would have been no danger in going through it.Much later that night, the question of why Id stopped for that light came back to me. I think I stopped because its part of a contract(契约)we all have with each other. Its not only the law, but it is an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: we dont go through red lights.Trust is our first inclination(倾向). Doubting others does not seem to be natural to us. The whole construction of our society depends on mutual(相互的)trust, not distrust. We do what we say well do; we show up when we say well show up; and we pay when we say well pay. We trust each other in these matters, and were angry or disappointed with the person or organization that breaks the trust we have in them.I was so proud of myself for stopping for the red light that night.38.Why did the author get impatient while driving?A.He was lonely on the road. B.He was slowed down by a truck. C.He got tired of driving too long. D.He came across too many traffic lights.39.What was the authors immediate action when the traffic light turned red?AStopping still. B.Driving through it. CLooking around for other cars. D.Checking out for traffic police.40.The event made the author strongly believe that _. A.traffic rules may be unnecessary B.doubting others is human natureC.patience is important to drivers D.a society needs mutual trust41. Why was the author proud of himself?A.He kept his promise. B.He held back his anger.C.He followed his inclination. D.He made a right decision.DChina is a land of bicycles. At least it was back in 1992 when I travelled the country. Back then everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle. Millions of them, all black. Cars were rare. Yet since my arrival in Beijing last year, Ive found the opposite is true. There are millions of cars. However, people still use their bicycles to get around. For many, its the easiest and cheapest way to travel today. Bicycles also come in different colourssilver, green, red, blue, yellow, whatever you want.Its fun watching people biking. They rush quickly through crossroads, move skillfully through traffic, and ride even on sidewalks(人行道). Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just cant provide.Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture, I decided to buy a bicycle. Great weather accompanied my great buy. I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.My first ride home was orderly(守秩序的). To be safe, I stayed with a “pack” of bikers while cars on the streets came running swiftly out of nowhere at times. I didnt want to get hit. So I took the ride carefully.Crossing the streets was the biggest problem. It was a lot like crossing a major highway back in the United States. The streets here were wide, so crossing took time, skill and a little bit of luck.I finally made it home. The feeling on the bicycle was amazing. The air hitting my face and going through my hair was wonderful. I was sitting on top of the world as I passed by places and people. Biking made me feel alive.42According to the author, why are bicycles still popular in China today?ABecause they are fast and environment friendly.BBecause they are traditional and safe.CBecause they are convenient and inexpensive.DBecause they are colourful and available.43The author decided to buy a bicycle because he intended _.Ato improve his riding skills Bto ride it for fun Cto use it for transportDto experience local culture44How did the author feel about his street crossing?AIt was wonderful.BIt was boring. CIt was difficult.DIt was lively.45Which of the following best describes the authors biking experience?AThe author took great pleasure in biking.BThe author enjoyed showing off his biking skills.CThe author was annoyed by the air while riding.DThe author was praised by the other bikers.第二节(共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。 What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, red? 46 Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist. At least, this is what psychologists (心理学家)tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings. 47 If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly. 48 A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. 49 A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀) than any other bridge in the areauntil it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue. 50 It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.A. On the other hand, black is depressing.B. They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favorite color as grow up-we are born with our preference.C. The rooms are painted in different colors as you like.D. If you do, you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.E. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.F. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colors.G. Colors do influence our moodsthere is no doubt about it第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The Fitting-in of Suzy KhanThe first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often 51 about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted (领养) by a family in town who 52 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this 53 girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her.But how could I help her 54 in with us? There had to be a 55 .One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had 56 her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) 57 copy.I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 58 show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had 59 . “Why, its wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who then showed us a poster she had painted 60 the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just dont have enough 61. Could you help me, Suzy?”On the day of the talent show, Suzys 62 were everywhereall over the hall and all over the school, each one different.“And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a(n) 63 award. Im sure youve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students 64 them.”I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw 65 well?” Mr. Brown waited a while before saying,“ 66 this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a 67 , too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new studentSuzy Khan!” Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artists set. “Thank you,” she cried. I 68 , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, shed probably never 69anything in her whole life. Everyone started to 70 their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.51. A. jokedB. cared C. trainsD. worried52. A. reportedB. decided C. complainedD.questioned53. A. richB. proud C. tiny D. popular54. A. comeB. fallC. fitD. tie55. A. mannerB. patternC. choiceD. way56. A. readB. taken C. openedD. put57. A. freeB. perfectC. finalD. extra58. A. areB. talkC. quizD. talent59. A. coloredB. writtenC. carvedD. drawn60. A. atB. afterC. forD. around61. A. roomB. timeC. paperD. interest62. A. giftsB. booksC. photosD. posters63. A. specialB. academicC. nationalD. royal64. A. paintedB. foundC. printedD. collected65. A. veryB. thatC. quiteD. too66. A. IfB. ThoughC. UnlessD. Since67. A. prizeB. rankC. restD. place68. A. repliedB. realizedC. rememberedD. regretted69. A. offeredB. valuedC. ownedD. controlled70. A. clapB. waveC. raiseD. shake第II卷第二节(共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 It happened at a weekend in the 1970s. Mum gave me two tickets for a film, telling me she was too busy to go together with me with the 71 (end) housework. She told me to keep the money if I could sell the extra ticket. I was very happy. At that time, a ticket cost only 20 fen. But to me, a little girl of twelve, 20 fen seemed quite a lot. I reached the cinema 72 (hurry). Holding the ticket in my hand,I began to look for a buyer. Just then a handsome young man, 73_ noticed me and the ticket, came towards me with a big smile,“Youve got 74_ extra ticket? ” “Yes,” I nodded. “Thats great. Say how much?” “20 fen.”“Oh,” he thought for a while and then took out a ten-yuan note 75 his wallet. “Im terribly sorry, 76 Ive only got this note.” Seeing I was confused, he added, “Then how about waiting for a while 77 I have changed it in the cinemas store?” “Without much thinking, I agreed. Then we went to the cinema together. He walked very fast. I could hardly keep up with 78 . Soon he disappeared, I stood there 79 (puzzle). Suddenly I realized the handsome young fellow 80_ (cheat) me.” Before long I found that hed sold the ticket to a little boy. He earned 20 fen, but lost his honor!第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有十处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线划掉()。修改:在错的词下划一横_线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One day I saw a second hand bicycle, that was only one hundred yuan. I asked my father the money. But he said he could only give me ha


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