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microscopicmess341由于收纳了教材上所有文章和翻译,使得排版内容篇幅较长。如果你只想借此获取完形填空的15分,则可以考虑删除其中所有的中文翻译,这样篇幅可以减少一半左右。祝您好运!mmicroscopicmess361taking pictures of the worldmeet annie griffiths belt,a national geographic photographer.belt has worked for national geographic since 1978, and has taken pictures on almost every continent in the world.in fact,antarctica is the only continent belt hasnt seen yet.belts photographs are well known for their beauty and high quality.they also reflect very different cultures and regions of the world.belt has photographed the ancient city of petra, jordan , as well as the green landscapes of the lake district in england.recently, her pictures appeared in a book about undeveloped natural places in north america.everywhere that belt goes, she takes pictures of people.belt has found ways to connect with people of all ages and nationalities even when she does not speak their language. the greatest privilege of my job is being allowed into peoples lives, she has said.the camera is like a passport, and i am often overwhelmed by how quickly people welcome me ! knowing how to break the ice has helped to make belt a successful photographer, but experts say that anyone can learn to connect with new people.when people speak the same language, greeting and small talk can make strangers feel more comfortable with each other.when people dont speak the same language , a smile is very helpful.having something in common can also help break the ice.for example , belt has traveled with her two children , so when she takes pictures of children or their parents, they all have that family connection in common.even bad weather can help people to connect when they are experiencing it together.belt has some advice if you are thinking about a career in photography.you can volunteer to take pictures for a local organization that cant afford to hire a professional photographer.you can also take a good, honest look at your best photographs.if youre a real photographer, your photos are good because of your personal and technical skills.belt also recommends studying and learning from photos taken by professional photographers.remember, the next time you look as a beautiful photograph, you might be looking at the work of annie griffiths belt.and the next time you meet a new person, dont be afraid to break the ice.the connection you make could be very rewarding.镜头中的世界让我们来认识摄影师艾妮?格里菲斯?贝尔特。贝尔特从1978年以来就一直在为国家地理杂志拍摄照片,她的拍摄足迹几乎遍布世界上的所有大洲。事实上,南极洲是贝尔特唯一没亲眼见过的大洲。贝尔特的拍摄作品因美轮美奂和质量上乘而广为人知,它们也反映了世界上不同的文化和地区。贝尔特曾经为约旦古城佩特拉和英格兰湖区的美景拍过照片。最近,在一本介绍北美未开发的自然区域的书中出现了她的摄影作品。无论去哪里,贝尔特都在所到之处拍下人物照片。贝尔特已经找到在语言不通的情况下和不同年龄、不同民族的人进行沟通的方法。“我的工作的最大优势就是可以走进人们的生活,”她说,“照相机就像通行证一样,而且我常常由于人们迅速地接纳我而被搞得手足无措!”知道如何打开话题帮助贝尔特成为了一名成功的摄影师,但是专家们声称任何人都能学会如何同陌生 人打交道。当语言相通时,打招呼和相互寒暄能使陌生人之间感到更舒适。当语言不通时,微笑就会变得很有用。彼此的共同点也有助于打开话题。比如,贝尔特常 和她的两个孩子一起旅行,所以当她为孩子们或孩子们的父母拍照时,他们就有了相同之处:家庭联系。甚至一起体验坏天气也可以帮助人们增进相互间的交流。如果你正在考虑从事摄影行业,贝尔特对此有一些建议。你可以当个志愿者为没钱请专业摄影师的地 方机构拍摄照片。你也可以用诚实的态度仔细端详自己最好的摄影作品。如果你是一位真正的摄影师,你的作品会因为你的个人特色和精湛的技艺而变得出类拔萃。 贝尔特也推荐向专业摄影师的作品学习。记住,当你下一次看到漂亮的照片时,也许你看的正是艾妮?格里菲斯?贝尔特的作品。当你下一次遇见陌生人时,不要害怕打开话题。你为沟通所做的一切都是非常值得的。own your childrens educationhelping them isnt about showing your kids how to do the work.its about being genuinely interested and having regular conversations about what theyre learning,says j.gary knowles,a professor at the ontario institute for studies in education,part of the university of toronto.rozon has a slew of suggestions for how to get more,-involved.get to know the teacher.discuss ways to tailor the assignments to your childs learning style.spend time in the classroom.ask for outlines of unit studies so you can find supplementary materials at the library or through videos.read your childs textbooks:if you work a few pages ahead,youll be able to help them with problems they encounter.reading is another must,says rozon.even after your children can read themselves,hearing somebody else read aloud is important.we nearly always have a book on the go; we read for at least a half hour before bedtime.the more engaged a parent is, the more the child benefits,adds bruce ami.the evidence is clear:parental involvement is one of the most important factors in school success.arai cites the national longitudinal survey of children and youth,sponsored by human resources development canada(hrdc),which is measuring all aspects of child development.the hours children spend in class are but one element of their education,states hdc,which says parental support,along with teacher support and a positive attitude towards school.all contribute to academic success.i see every moment of every day as a learning experience. says goforth.the most satisfying part of it is seeing the,love of learning continued.im not squelching my childrens desire to learn by insisting they learn.they learn because they want to.adds jeanne lambert,mother of carey graham: make the time,take the time,guide,lead,and encourage.if nothing else,your children learn you care,and thats the most important lesson you can give them.“拥有”孩子的教育多伦多大学安大略教育学院的教授j.gary knowles说:“帮助孩子不是告诉孩子怎样做。你要 对他们所学的东西真正感兴趣,并和他们经常进行对话。”怎样才能更多地参与,rozcm给了许多建议。“与老师相识,并讨论怎样量体裁衣地布置一些 适合你孩子学习风格的作业。花些时间在教室里。索要每个单元的提纲,这样的话,你可以在图 书馆或者电视里找到补充材料。阅读孩子的教科书:如果你能提前读几页,你就能帮他们解决遇 到的问题了。”rozcm认为朗读是另外一件必须做的事情。“即使你的孩子已经能自己阅读了,听别人大声朗读也是重要的。我们几乎总是有一本书在读,每天睡前我们至少阅读半个小时。”bruce arai说,父母投入越多,孩子获益越多。“有证据清楚地表明:父母的参与是孩子在 学校的学习得以成功的重要因素之一。” arai引甩了加拿大人力资源发展部(hrdc)发起的一 项对孩子发展的各个领域进行测量的全国青少年纵向调查。hrdc表明,“孩子在课堂的时间 只是他们所受教育的一部分”,父母的支持、老师的帮助和对待学习的积极态度都会促进学业的成功。goforth说:“我把每一天的每一刻都看做是学习的经历。” “最满意的部分就是看到对学习的 热爱得以延续。我不会一味地压制我的孩子对学习的渴望。他们学是因为他们想学。”carey graham的妈妈jeanne lambert补充说:“抽出时间,花点心思,去指引、引导和鼓励。 即使没有别的收获,你的孩子也会知道你在乎他们,这是你能够给孩子上的最重要一课。”across the desertsthe sahara desert isthe largest desert in the world. it stretches across africa from senegal toegypt. the sahara desert is an unfriendly environment. during the day its very hot, and at night its sometimes very cold. it is also difficult to find water in the sahara.in 2006, kevin lin, ray zahab, and charlie ngle decided to do something very difficult. they made the decision to run across the saharadesert 4,300 miles (6,920km). it seemed impossible to do, but they wanted totry. the three men liked to test themselves, and this would be a very big test.on the morning of november 2, kevin, ray, and charliestarted their trip across the sahara. every morning they began running at 5:00.at11 a.m. they stopped and rested until 5 p.m. then they ran again until 9:30 in the evening. each day they ran about 40 miles (64 km). every day it was thesame thing. they got up and ran. they listened to music on their ipods, andthey ran and ran.kevin, ray, and charlie needed to eat a lot of food duringtheir trip. most people need about 2,000 calories of food each day. kevin, ray,and charlie needed between 6,000 and 9,000 calories every day. thats a lot offood! they also needed to drink a lot of water.the three men had some problems on their trip, and many times they wanted to quit and go home. it was often very hot (140f/60c)during the day, and the heat made them sick. their legs and feet hurt.sometimes it was very windy, and they couldnt see. one time they got lost. butthey didnt quit. after 111 days, kevin, ray; and charlie successfully finishedtheir trip across the sahara desert. they hugged each other and put their handsin the water of the red sea. then they ran to a hotel to take a long shower.穿越沙漠撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。它从塞内加尔到埃及横跨非洲。撒哈拉沙漠的环境不好。白天非常热,晚上有时又很冷。在撒哈拉沙漠中很难找到水。2006年,kevinlin,rayzahab和charlie决定做些困难的事情。他们决定跑步穿越4300英里(6920千米)的撒哈拉沙漠。这似乎是不可能完成的,但是他们还想尝试一下。他们三人喜欢挑战自己,而这将是一个很大的挑战。11月2日的早晨,kevin,ray和charlie开始了他们跑步穿越撒哈拉的旅程。他们每天早晨5点开始跑,到上午11点停下来休息,然后到下午5点继续跑,一直跑到下午9点半。他们每天大概跑40英里(64千米)。每天如此,起床,跑步。听着ipod里的音乐不休停地跑。在旅途中,kevin,ray和charlie需要吃很多事物。大多数的人每天需要2000卡路里的热量,而他们三人每天需要60009000卡路里。那真是很多食物!他们每天也需要喝大量的水。 三人在途中也出现了很多问题,很多次他们都想放弃回家。白天通常很热(140华氏度60摄氏度),高温导致他们生病,他们的腿和脚都受了伤。有时候天刮起了大风导致他们什么也看不见。有一次他们迷了路,但是他们没有放弃。111天以后,kevin,ray和charlie成功完成了他们穿越撒哈拉沙漠的旅途。他们彼此拥抱,把手伸进红海的海水里,然后他们跑进旅馆好好洗了个澡。smokingsince 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard.the trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk.research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of some other organs of the body.male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males.female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.apart from statistics,it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco does to the human body.smoke is a mixture of gases,vaporized chemicals,minute particles of ash and other solids.there is also nicotine,which is powerful poison,and black tar.as smoke is breathed in,all those components form deposits on the membranes of the lungs.one point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides.most lung cancer begins at this point.filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only slightly reduce, not eliminate the hazards.抽烟自 1939年以来,人们进行了无数次研究,以确定抽烟是否危害健康,证据的趋向是一致的,显示出抽烟对健康有严重危害。研究组进行的研究确凿无疑地表明抽烟与人的预期寿命的缩短有关。这个领域的大部分研究人员部认为抽烟是肺癌和喉癌产生的重要原因,并且和人体其他某些器官的癌症有关。抽烟的男性因心脏病而死亡的机率高于不抽烟的男性。女性吸烟者被认为受的影响较小,因为她们不深吸烟。除了统计之外,看一看吸烟对人体的影响也可能会有帮助。烟是各种气体、蒸发的化学物质、微小的灰和其他固体颗粒的混合物。里面还有很强的毒素尼古丁和黑焦油。当烟被吸入时,所有这些成分形成肺膜上的沉淀物,其集中的一点是气管和支气管分叉的地方。大部分肺癌开始于这一点。过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草被宣称使抽烟在某种程度上安全一些,但是它们只能稍微降低而不是消除危害。plants and mankindbotany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in the history of human knowledge.we dont know what our stone agel ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe ofpreindustrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must beextremely ancient. this is logical. plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things,even for other plants. they have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, notonly for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and many otherpurposes. tribes living today in the jungle of the amazon4 recognize hundreds of plants and knowmany properties of each. to them botany has no name and is probably not even recognized as aspecial branch of knowledge at all.unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from directcontact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. yet everyone comesunconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge5, and few people will fail to recognizea rose, an apple, or an orchid. when our neolithic ancestors, living in the middle east about10,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted forricher yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and humans wastaken. grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops.from then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a fewplants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild and theaccumulated knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in thewild would begin to fade away.植物与人类植物学,即对植物研究的科学,在人类文明发展的历史长河中占据着特殊地位。我们不知道旧石器时代的祖先们对植物究竟了解多少,但根据我们对现存的前工业社会的研究,可以肯定对植物及其特点的详细了解一定非常久远。这种分析是合乎逻辑的。植物不仅是其他一切生物所需食物的根基,甚至也是其他类型植物的食物来源。它们对于人类的幸福始终是相当重要的,它们不仅仅为人们提供食物,还提供衣服、武器、工具、染料、药品、住所和许多其他东西。生活在亚马逊河的丛林中的原始部落,能识别成百上千种不同植物,知道每一种植物的属性。他们没有植物学这个概念,甚至可能没有意识到它是知识界的一个分支。不幸的是,我们的工业化程度越高,人类与植物间的直接联系就越少,而且对植物学知识的了解也就变得越来越模糊。然而每个人都会在无意识中获得大量的植物知识,很少会有人分辨不出玫瑰、苹果或兰花。大约一万年前,当居住在中东的新石器时代的老祖先们发现某些草可以用来种植,而且到了来年再把种子种在地里可以得到更好的收成时,人们与植物之间的联系迈出了崭新伟大的一步。谷物的发现创造了人类农业发展史上的奇迹,即耕种庄稼。从那时起,人类就越来越多地从可控制的几种植物的生产中获取生计,而不是从野生的众多种类中东采一点,西摘一点。在数万年的经验中积累起来的知识以及与大自然中各种植物的紧密联系也就开始消失。the making of a success storyikea is the worlds largest furniture retailer, and the man behind it is ingvar kamprad,one of the worlds most successful entrepreneurs. born in sweden in 1926, kamprad was a naturalbusinessman. as a child, he enjoyed selling things and made small profits from selling matches,seeds, and pencils in his community. when kamprad was 17, his father gave him some money asa reward for his good grades. naturally he used it to start up a business - ikea.ikeas name comes from kamprads initials (i.k.) and the place where he grew up(e and a). today ikea is known for its modern, minimalist fumiture, but it was not afumiture company in the beginning. rather, ikea sold all kinds of miscellaneous goods.kamprads wares included anything that he could sell for profits at discounted prices2, includingwatches, pens and stockings.ikea first began to sell fumiture through a mail-order catalogue in 1947. the furniturewas all designed and made by manufacturers near kamprads home. initial sales were veryencouraging, so kamprad expanded the product line. fumiture was such a successful aspect of thebusiness that ikea became solely a fumiture company in 1951.in 1953 ikea opened its first showroom in almhult, sweden. ikea is known today for itsspacious stores with fumiture in attractive settings, but in the early 1950s, people ordered fromcatalogues. thus response to the first showroom was overwhelming: people loved being able to seeand try the furniture before buying it. this led to increased sales and the company continued tothrive. by 1955, ikea was designing all its own furniture.in 1956 kamprad saw a man disassembling a table to make it easier to transport. kampradwas inspired. the man had given him a great idea: flat packaging. flat packaging. would meanlower shipping costs for ikea and lower prices for customers. ikea tried it and sales soared. theproblem was that people had to assemble fumiture themselves, but over time, even this grew intoan advantage for ikea. nowadays, ikea is often seen as having connotations of self-sufficiency.this image has done wonders for the company, leading to better sales and continued expansion.today there are over 200 stores in 32 countries. amazingly, ingvar kamprad has managedto keep ikea a privately-held company. in 2004 he was named the worlds richest man. hecurrently lives in switzerland and is retied from the day-to-day operations of ikea. ikea itself,though, just keeps on growing.发迹史宜家(ikea)是世界上最大的家具零售商。它的幕后经营者是ingvar kamprad,可谓世界上最成功的企业家之一。kamprad 1926年生于瑞典,天生就有做商人的资质。还是个孩子时,他就喜好卖东西,并在社区中通过售卖火柴、种子和铅笔赚了些小钱。kamprad 17岁时,他父亲给了他一些钱作为考试成绩优秀的奖励。当然了,他用这笔钱做了生意,成立了宜家。宜家这个名字取自kamprad全名的首字母(i.k.)和他成长地名称的缩写(ea)。如今宜家以其现代、风格简约的家具而闻名,然而发家时它却不是一个家具公司。那时,它出售的商品五花八门。kamprad销售任何可以打折低价出售并盈利的物件,包括手表、钢笔和长袜。宜家最初在1947年通过邮寄产品目录来出售家具。这些家具都是由kamprad家附近的生产商设计和制造的。起初的销售额非常喜人,所以kamprad扩大了生产线。因为家具销售成为宜家非常重要的一个生意份额,宜家于1951年成为了专营家具公司。1953年,宜家在瑞典的almhult开立了第一家展示厅。今天宜家因其店面的大空间和家具的引入摆设而闻名,但在20世纪50年代初的时候,人们只是通过产品目录订购。所以宜家的首间展厅备受瞩目,因为人们十分乐意能够在购买之前亲眼看到并试用这些家具。这样的销售模式促进了销售额的增长,使得公司继续茁壮成长。截至1955年,宜家已开始独立地设计其所有的家具。1956年,kamprad看到有一个人通过拆解桌子来方便装运,从而受到启发。这个人让他灵光一闪,想出了平板包装的点子。平板包装对宜家意味着更低的货运费以及对客户而言更低的售价。宜家如此示范,销售额因此一路飘升。虽然顾客自己拼装家具有些麻烦,但是时间一长,这样的亲手操作倒成了宜家的强项。现今,宜家被视为有独立自行的风格。这样的形象为公司在销售额和经营规模上带来了奇迹般的效果。今天宜家在32个国家开有超过200家分店。令人惊叹的是,ingvar kamprad设法将宜家保持为一家私有企业。2004年,他被冠名为世界上最富有的人。他如今住在瑞士,已脱离了宜家的日常经营。而宜家将继续成长。the paper chaserunning a house is a lot like running a business. says stephanie denton, a professional organizer based in cincinnati, ohio, who specializes in both residential and commercial paperwork and record keeping. to get a successful grip on organizing documents, bills, and other materials, denton suggests the following tips:create a space in which you can always do your paperwork. this is perhaps the most important element of a successful system. if you cant devote an entire desk to the task, at least invest in a rolling file cart to store active paperwork and a two-drawer file cabinet for family records. store the rolling file cart wherever it is most convenient and comfortable to do your work, whether that is the kitchen, office, or family room.when in doubt, throw it out. the first step to implementing a workable filing system is to eliminate paper you dont use, dont need, or that you could easily access again elsewhere. throw out duplicate statements, old catalogs, and all of the coupons, mailings, or offerings youll never have an opportunity to use or even read.set aside two days a month to pay bills. if a monthly due date doesnt fit into your cycle, call up the creditor and suggest a more convenient date. keep two manila folders at the front of your system for current bills one to correspond with each bill-paying day and file all incoming bills. keep a list in the front of each folder of what needs to be paid in case the invoice never arrives or gets misplaced.think of your filing system not as a rigid tool, but as a living, breathing system that can accommodate your changing needs. a good filing system is both mentally and physically flexible. everyones needs are different, says denton, but when devising a filling system, ask yourself: where would i look for this? create main headings for your filing system, such as investments, taxes, children, and so forth, and file individual folders under the main headings. never overstuff your files.文件整理stephanie denton是俄亥俄州辛辛那提地区的职业筹划人,专门负责居民和商业部分的文书和 记录工作。他说,“打理房子更像做生意”。如何成功地组织文件、账单和其他材料,denton提供 了如下建议: 创造一个可以一直做文书工作的空间。这或许是一个成功机制的最重要的部分。如果你没有 整张桌子的话,至少要有一个可以移动的小车来储存那些经常使用的文书,还要有一个带两个抽 屉的柜子来存放家庭记录。把这个可移动的小车放在你工作最方便、最舒适的地方,无论是厨房、 办公室还是家庭游艺室。 当有怀疑的时候,就把它扔出来。建立一个可行的档案系统,首先要把那些你不用、不需要 或者你可以在其他地方轻易得到的文件扔掉。扔掉那些复件、旧索引和


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