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(一) (MET91) On the night of the play. Jack was at the theater early and he was already dressed in a policemans clothes long 1 the end of the first scene. He certainly looked the part all right he thought as he 2 himself in the mirror. He 3 thought of going out into the street to see 4 he could pass as 5 out there. Just for 6 , of course. Then he suddenly felt nervous. After all it was his first time to 7 a part in a play. 8 could he face all those people 9 the play? he put his head in his hands and tried to 10 his lines (台词), but nothing 11 to his mind. A knock on the door made him look 12 . He was to go on stage (舞台) in the second scene. Have I 13 my part and ruined (破坏) the play for everybody? he thought to himself. But 14 was only the manager. She 15 how nervous he was and 16 he should stand near the stage 17 he could watch and follow the play. It was a good 18 of getting rid of his nervousness she said. She was right, it seemed to 19 . In fact the more he watched the play, the 20 he felt himself part of it. At last the 21 came for him to appear on the stage. But suddenly the manager came to him again, 22 worried as she placed a hand on his arm to 23 him back. Has anything gone 24 ? Jack asked. Im afraid youre going to be 25 . she said, Theyve jumped three pages of the play and have missed your part out completely. 1. A. before B. by C. after D. at2. A. looked B. showed C. admired D. enjoyed3. A. just B. even C. still D. already4. A. how B. why C. as if D. whether5. A. a policeman B. an inspector C. an officer D. a manager6. A. joke B. fun C. play D. exercise7. A. make B. join C. have D. give8. A. Where B. Why C. When D. How9. A. following B. attending C. watching D. observing10.A. read B. remember C. understand D. learn11.A. came B. went C. happened D. got12.A. away B. up C. out D. down13.A. passed B. left C. missed D. failed14.A. this B. that C. she D. it15.A. wondered B. imagined C. noticed D. examined16.A. agreed B. suggested C. persuaded D. encouraged17.A. where B. when C. that D. there18.A. idea B. way C. path D. plan.19.A. do B. win C. work D. act20.A. less B. harder C. better D. more21.A. hour B. minute C. moment D. period22.A. feeling B. looking C. sounding D. growing23.A. hold B. take C. catch D. push24.A. bad B. late C. mad D. wrong25.A. frightened B. excited C. disappointed D. pleased(二) (NMET91) It was a cold winters afternoon. Robert stopped for a moment as he crossed the bridge and looked down at the river below. There were hardly any 1 on the river. 2 the bridge, however, almost direct below, 3 was a small canoe, with a boy in it. He was 4 wearing many clothes. Robert 5 . He shivered and walked on. 6 he heard a cry. Help! Help! The cry 7 from the river. Robert looked down. The boy was 8 the water and his canoe was 9 away. Help! Help! he called again. Robert was a good 10 .Taking off his clothes, he 11 into the river. The 12 water made him tremble all over, 13 in a few seconds he reached the 14 Dont be afraid, he said and started to swim towards the river bank, 15 the boy with him. But at that 16 he noticed a large motor boat under the bridge. There were several people on the boat, all 17 in his direction. Robert 18 to swim towards the boat. Give me a hand, he shouted 19 he got near the boat. He 20 up into a row of faces. Its funny, he thought. They look so 21 . Silently they helped the boy into the boat and 22 him in a blanket. But they did not move to 23 Robert. Arent you going to pull me 24 too? Robert asked. You! said one of the man. Robert noticed that he was standing next to a large 25 . You! Why we were making a film and you spoiled a whole afternoons work. You can stay in the water!1. A. fish B. boats C. waves D. sound2. A. From B. Towards C. Near D. Behind3. A. there B. it C. where D. that4. A. then B. also C. only D. not5. A. noticed B. saw C. guessed D. said6. A. Till then B. Just then C. Far away D. From there7. A. happened B. went C. arrived. D. came8. A. on B. within C. in D. under9. A. running B. floating C. flowing D. pulling 10.A. swimmer B. guard. C. soldier D. player.11.A. threw B. looked C. jumped D. turned 12.A. deep B. cool C. dirty D. cold 13.A. but B. so C. and D. or 14.A. canoe B. bank C. boy D. bridge 15.A. pushing B. dragging C. holding D. catching16.A. place B. period C. second D. moment17.A. seeing B. smiling C. looking D. shouting18.A. decided B. went C. agreed D. promised19.A. while B. till C. for D. as20.A. turned B. looked C. hurried D. stood21.A. nervous B. afraid C. excited D. angry22.A. wrapped B. left C. placed D. threw23.A. save B. thank C. wrap D. help24.A. on B. out C. away D. off25.A. boat B. blanket C. camera D. screen(三) (91上海) Why is a space left between the rails of a railway line where one piece joins the next? The space 1 to let the rail expand (膨胀)when it gets 2 . On a hot day, the metal expands and if it 3 to do this, the rails would bend 4 shape. This caused railway 5 in the past. 6 solids expand much less than liquids or gases, the 7 increases (增加量) can add up to a lot, when there are long 8 of rail. For example, the difference in length of rail, in summer and winter, 9 the distance between London and Edinburgh, is about 1/4 mile. We 10 keep in our minds and must not forget the expansion of metal when we build a very long metal bridge 11 . So spaces are left in the places 12 the metal is joined. When 13 colder, it becomes smaller in size. We can make use of the 14 that solids expand when they are heated, and become smaller in size when they get colder, and 15 they do it at different 16 . For example, when an iron band (铁箍) has to fit tightly 17 a wooden wheel, first we make it 18 than the wheel, then we 19 it, so that it goes on easily. When it gets colder, it becomes smaller in size and 20 the wheel very tightly.1. A. leaves B. is left C. left D. has left2. A. hot B. wet C. cold D. dry3. A. is not allowed B. is allowed C. were not allowed D. were allowed4. A in B. off C. out of D. with5. A. incidents B.happenings C. trouble D. accidents6. A. Although B. If C. Because D. After7. A. more B. some C.bit D. small8. A. differences B.lengths C. railways D. ways9. A. on B. in C. over D. from10. A. have to B. can C. may D. need11. A. either B. again C. else D. too12. A. that B. which C. where D. when13. A. solids get B.the solids get C. solid gets D. a solid gets14. A. reason B. fact C. cause D. way15. A. which B. where C. that D. so16. A. speeds B.expansions C. conditions D. lines17. A. on B. round C. with D. within18. A. a little smaller B.a little longer C. much smaller D. much larger19. A. cool B. heat C. warm D. wash20. A. carries B. makes C. keep D. holds(四) (MET92) On Thursday afternoon Mrs Clarke locked the door and went to the womens club as usual. It was a pleasant way of passing time 1 an old woman who lived 2 . When she came home she sensed something 3 .Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all 4 and there was no 5 of forced entry (进入). Had 6 been taken? She went from room to room, 7 , and found her camera and spare watch 8 . The following Thursday she went out at her 9 time, but didnt go to the club. 10 she took a short walk in a park nearby and came home, 11 herself in through the back door. She settled down to wait and see what would 12 . It was 4 oclock when the front doorbell rang. Mrs Clarke was 13 tea at the time. The bell rang again, and 14 she heard her letter-box being pushed open. 15 the kettle(壶) of boiling water, she moved quietly 16 the door. A 17 of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a 18 . The wire turned and caught around the knob (圆形旋钮) on the doorlock. Mrs Clarke raised the kettle and 19 the water over the hand. 20 was heard outside as the 21 fell to the floor and the hand was pulled back, which was 222 by the sound of running feet. It wasnt long 23 the police caught the thief. And Mrs clarke was greatly 24 at the club for her successful 25 .1. A. by B. to C. with D. for2. A. lonely B. alone C. away D. busily3. A. terrible B.uncomfortable C. unusual D. bad4. A. locked B. opened C. broken D. fixed5. A. scene B. show C. sign D. sight6. A. anything B.nothing C. money D. jewels7. A. looking B. examining C. searching D. checking8. A. losing B. missing C.leaving D. disappearing9. A. same B. spare C. special D. usual10.A. Therefore B. However C. Instead D. Again11.A. pushing B. letting C. pulling D. leading12.A. appear B. follow C. happen D. continue13.A. cooking B. making C. burning D.serving14.A. the next moment B. for a while C. in time D. at once15.A. .Putting down B. Laying aside C. Picking up D.Taking away16.A. towards B. away from C. from behind D.near17.A pile B. set C. lot D.piece18.A. kinfe B. hand C. letter D. key19.A. spread B. dropped C. poured D. covered20.A. A sad voice B. A strange noise C. A warning shout D. A sharp cry21.A. key B. kettle C. door-lock D. wire22.A. followed B. caused C. produced D. ended23.A. before B. since C. until D. when24.A. surprised B. admired C. inspired D. supported25.A.self-satisfaction B. self-protection C. self-respect D. self-service(五) (NMET92) The lecture on smoking was over at last. As we boys were rushing towards the playground, Jim slipped by the table. The watch, which Mrs Smith had 1 on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared. We were 2 to go back for class again when the headmaster called us 3 and said, Ive got a little 4 for you boys. Mrs Smith has just lost her watch on the playground. This kind of thing has happened 5 , she says-it just 6 off her wrist. So look around for it, will you? 7 if youre clever enough to find it. Lets 8 it clear the boy who does 9 will get a useful reward. At once we started looking for the watch. Everybody wished to be the 10 one. Suddenly, Jim stopped and bent down as if to 11 something. And 12 he was in front of Mrs Smith, all smiles, 13 the watch to her. Mrs Smith, however, didnt seem at all looked 14 .In fact, she looked angry. She took the watch without 15 a Thank you. Jim got 16 -a large piece of paper from the headmaster, who 17 him to write a composition 18 the dangers of smoking. What could 19 Jim write about? He hadnt listened to the lecture and had nothing to say on the 20 .1.A.seen B.dropped C.found D.laid2.A.about B.able C. sorry D.sure3.A.forward B.together C. straight D.out4.A.fun B.trick C. job D.prize5.A.before B.now C. here D.there6.A.goes B.throws C. slips D.falls 7.A.Say B.See C. Guess D.Check8.A.get B.put C. make D.keep9.A.this B.such C. that D.so10.A.lucky B.quick C. early D.worthy11.A.put down B.give away C. find out D.pick up12.A.the following moment B.the next moment C. for a moment D. just a moment13. A. handing out B. turning in C.giving up D. sending back14. A. pleased B. hurt C. interested D. worried15. A. just B. ever C. even D. almost16. A. her punishment B. her prize C.his job D. his reward17. A. had B. made C. told D. helped18. A. of B. on C. in D. at19. A. poor B.nervous C. quick D. good20. A. lecture B. point C. matter D. subject(六) (MET93) Where is the bus? I asked myself. I was going to be late 1 the manager wasnt going to be 2 . Thank God, here it is! The bus 3 round the corner and I got on. Ten minutes later I was walking into the 4 where I work.Twenty-five past nine. I 5 the manager doesnt notice. But no 6 luck! Smith! shouted the manager. Late again. Whats your 7 this time? Im afraid the bus was late, Mr Brown. 8 up earlier tomorrow! Anyway, go to your 9 at the counter. Well be opening in a few minutes. My first customer was a pretty gril wearing a red dress. 10 her was a young man of about 25. He seemed very 11 , and every few seconds he looked 12 the main entrance. The girl 13 about opening a bank account. I gave her the necessary 14 and she walked out. 15 , I noticed a tall man by the door, carrying something 16 with brown paper. Turning to my next customer, I was terrified to see a gun 17 out of his coat. The next moment a lound noise 18 my ears. Everything went black. I was falling After 19 seemed a very long time, I opened my eyes and found myself in bed! 20 shaking from the memory of this terrible dream, I got dressed and ran out of the house. As 21 , the bus wasnt on time, and I got to the bank at 9:25. Smith! the manager cried out in a voice like thunder. 22 of your excuses! Go start work at once! To my 23 , the first customer was a girl 24 a red dress and behind her stood a man carrying something wrapped in brown paper. The 25 ! Wasnt that surprise of my life! 1.A.as B.but C.and D.or2.A.pleased B.worriedC.sorry D.patient3.A.ran B.came C.rode D.drove4.A.hotel B.shop C.bank D.restuarant5.A.believe B.expect C.guess D.hope6.A.much B.such C.more D.this7.A.excuseB.idea C.cause D.answer8.A.HurryB.Set C.Catch D.Get.9.A.businessB.job C.place D.spot10.A.BeforeB.Behind C.Beyond D.Against11.A.nervous B.shy C.calm D.angry12.A.downB.for C.towards D.through13.A.cared B.talked C.asked D.worried14.A.informationB.offer C.introduction D.support15.A.AgainB.Then C.Thus D.However16.A.hiddenB.rolled C.filled D.covered17.A.gettingB.aiming C.appearing D.sticking18.A.took B.shock C.filled D.tore19.A.whatB.when C.that D.which20.A.EvenB.Still C.Just D.Ever21.A. usual B.past C.such D.yet22.A.Less B.Plenty C.More D.None23. A. belief B. surprise C. joy D. regret24. A. of B.with C. on D. in25. A. dream B. story C. affair D. incident(七) (NMET93) Jenkins was a jewller , who had made a large diamond ring worth 57,000 for the Silkstone Jewellery Shop. When it was ready, he made a copy of it which looked 1 like the first one but was worth only 2,000.This he took to the shop, which 2 it without a question. Jenkins gave the much more 3 ring to his wife for her fortieth birthday.Then, the husband and wife 4 to Paris for a weekend. As to the 5 ring, the shop sold it for 60,000. Six months later the buyer 6 it back to Silkstdhes office. Its a faulty diamond, he said.It isnt worth the high 7 I paid. Then he told them the 8 . His wifes car had caught fire in an 9 . She had escaped. 10 the ring had fallen off and been damaged in the great 11 of the fire. The shop had to 12 . They knew that no fire on earth can 13 damage a perfect diamond. Someone had taken the 14 diamond and put a faulty one in its place. The question was: who 15 it? A picture of the ring appeared in the 16 .A reader thought he 17 the ring. The next day, another picture appeared in the papers which 18 a


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