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髙盚頃镴嗅鼼辞斵趤滖狞麷仁黊囵乌戏藽肚MTL/ SGS TEST LIST (1)(Seating)(Combines Adult and Childrens sizes,:Chairs, Barstools, Ottomans,)Quality test standard/methodCriteria(标准)Results1.labeling / Design/Features(标签/设计特点)The actuality must keep consistency(一致性) with the claim(要求).2.Instructions指示 说明Shall be included if necessary. Shall include assembly, mounting(装备), use, maintenance(维护), cleaning and safety information as required in the language(s) applicable to the destination(目的地) country(s) with no errors or spelling mistakes.(地名写错) Shall be easy to follow and duct size/weight产品尺寸 重量Report actual. Shall comply with any claims (-0%, +3%)4. Costco Plastic Bag Warning StatementIf plastic bags (of any thickness) with a perimeter(周长) of 14 inches or greater are used in inner packaging, the following warning statement must be printed on at least one side of each bag in English, French and Spanish:5. Lead In Surface Coating(被复盖)Shall not exceed 600 ppm (0.06% by weight) total lead6. Workmanship(工艺)/ Level No major defects(缺点)。 No components(成分) missing, malformed(畸形的) or fractured (破裂) No hardware missing Smoothly ground welds(接合), not over-ground and free of pits(凹陷) and splatter(说话结巴) No burrs(喉音) No loose components and unsecured fastening where rigidity(硬度) is required In the case of wood (e.g. laminates(薄板) proper and uniform(一致的) adhesion(支撑) No scratches, dents(凹痕), cracks(裂缝), marred(损坏) or discolored surface In the case of molded plastic, consistent and concise form and no defects evidencing(明显的) of overuse(过度的) of mold。 Finished edges and seams(衔接口) Accurate and consistent(调和的) painting Components even in color, uniform clarity All seams and components in even alignment(结盟) Accurate and consistent painting Components even in color, uniform clarity(清楚)7. Sharp Points and EdgesShall have no sharp edges or sharp points on any component other than those required for functional use.8. Cross Cut AdhesionPlating / finish must stay affixed using a utility(万能)knife, cut a grid of 16 squares. Use 3M masking tape (#202), apply to the grid. Remove to see if plating / finish remains intact.(完整无缺)9. Flammability(可燃性) of Upholstery MaterialsMust comply with California Bureau of Home Furnishings Bulletin 116/11710. Finger EntrapmentShall meet the requirements intended to eliminate (消除) the possible hazard (危险) that may be caused by changing clearances or permanent(永久的) entrapment and pinching(收宿)of fixed openings.(13mm)11. Resistance To Hot WaterPour 25 mL. of boiling water and allow cooling. Dry surface, Shall be no graying(灰色) or spotting(斑点)11 Effects Of Extreme Temperature24 Hours At -32 F And 140F - No failure12. Resistance(抵抗力) To Corrosion(侵蚀) (Metal Components)Shall withstand(抵挡) 24 hours in 1% salt spray (fog) with no corrosion or visual change.13. Effects Of Humidity(湿度)No change after 24 hours. 95% RH & 100F14. Stain(污点) Resistance- (Do not test on picnic table/ benches/stora.ge racks)Various food materials should resist permanent staining.( After 2 hours, remove)1. Frenchs Mustard t/2. Heinz Ketchup/3. Ragu Spaghetti sauce (original)/4. Folgers Instant Coffee/ 5. Welchs Grape Juice/6. Kraft BBQ Sauce (original) / Red Wine 15 Resistance to Scratching / Marring Other SurfacesNo scratching or marring of surface (3 cycles of 6” back and forth.) Conduct with and without levelers. Note if levelers become bent or come off. Note any damage / defects (bent/broken levelers)16. Caster Performance (If Supplied)Max 5 lb pull to move under 200 lb load17. Rear Stability背后的稳定性Min 35 Lbs. (30 Lbs. children) tipping force with a 173 Lbs. (100 Lbs. children) weight placed on the seat (Strap). Force is applied in rearward direction against 1inch obstruction. Report result when seat is in minimum, midpoint and maximum position18. Front Stability(Excludes(把 除外) Barstools & Ottomans)The chair is obstructed(阻塞) by 1 inch bar in the front base, tipping force is measured in the 45 to the test platform. The tipping force shall not be less than 40% of the total chair weight.19. Tip Resistance (Stools Only)Min 10 degree with 150 Lbs. (Children 100 Lbs.) distributed load, no tip-over20. Stability (Stools Only)Min 20 Lbs. pull force after 150 Lbs. (Children 100 Lbs.) distributed load on the seat, no tip-over21. Base Durability(耐用力)No structural(结构的) failure or permanent(永久的) deformation(变形) under 400 Lbs. (225 Lbs. children) static (静力的) load for 60 minutes. For multi seatback positions, report result when seat back is in minimum, midpoint, and maximum positions for 20 minutes each.22. Front Seating Capability(Excludes Barstools & Ottomans)No failure under 300 Lbs. (135 Lbs. children) loading at edge (6 In.)23. Impact(碰撞) Durability (*If applicable perform with and without cushion(垫子))No structural breakage, max inch deformation(变形) when 225 Lbs. (200 Lbs. folding chairs, 175 Lbs ottomans, 100 Lbs. children) test load free falls from 6 inch to the center of the seat. For multi seatback positions, report result when seat back is in minimum, midpoint, and maximum positions. If chair has levelers, conduct test with levelers fully extended then rotated(旋转) inward (向内的) two revolutions.24. Back Pull Durability后拉力 耐久力No failure at 100 Lbs. (60 Lbs. children) for 1 min. applied(应用) to 90 from back at 16 inch above the seat.25. Arm Strength Test (Vertical垂直的)No permanent deformation at 300 Lbs. (90 Lbs. children) for 1 min. The vertical(吹垂直的) load is uniformly(均一的) applied through a 5 inch wide board across both arms No failure / deformation26Arm Strength Test (Horizontal水平的)No permanent deformation at 75 Lbs. (45 Lbs. children) for 1 min. The load is applied to the armrest horizontally at the most forward point of the armrest area.27. Leg Strength腿力量No failure or permanent deformation at 75 Lbs. (40 Lbs. Child / folding chairs) applied to each leg at 1 inch from the end of the leg. Force is applied in four directions (Forward, rearward, side and side) for 1 minute.36. Moisture Content (%) (Solid Wood Only)湿度8% - 12% (Do not test on MDF)37. Lightfastness (耐光性)Class 4.0 20 hrs - Test up to 5 major/main componentsMTL/ SGS TEST LIST (2)(CD Storage/Rack/Cabinet/5.drawer chest/4.drawer chest)Quality test standard/methodCriteriaResults1.labeling / Design/FeaturesThe actuality must keep consistency with the claim.2.InstructionsShall be included if necessary. Shall include assembly, mounting, use, maintenance, cleaning and safety information as required in the language(s) applicable to the destination country(s) with no errors or spelling mistakes. Shall be easy to follow and duct size/weightReport actual. Shall comply with any claims (-0%, +3%)4. Costco Plastic Bag Warning StatementIf plastic bags (of any thickness) with a perimeter of 14 inches or greater are used in inner packaging, the following warning statement must be printed on at least one side of each bag in English, French and Spanish:5. Lead In Surface CoatingShall not exceed(超越) 600 ppm (0.06% by weight) total lead6. Workmanship/ Level No major defects No components missing, malformed(难看的) or fractured(破裂) No hardware missing Smoothly ground welds(接合), not over-ground and free of pits and splatter No burrs No loose components and unsecured fastening where rigidity (硬度)is required In the case of wood (e.g. laminates薄片) proper and uniform adhesion No scratches, dents, cracks, marred or discolored surface In the case of molded plastic, consistent and concise form and no defects evidencing迹象 of overuse of mold. Finished edges and seams Accurate and consistent painting Components even in color, uniform clarity7. Sharp Points and EdgesShall have no sharp edges or sharp points on any component other than those required for functional use.8. Cross Cut Adhesion(粘着力)Plating (电镀) / finish must stay affixed(粘贴) using a utility knife, cut a grid(格子) of 16 squares. Use 3M masking tape (#202), apply to the grid. Remove to see if plating / finish remains intact.(完整无缺的)9. Glass Top Thickness (Raw Edge (mm)If less than 7.6 mm, tempered glass required. If 7.6 mm or greater, tempered glass not required.10. Glass top Thickness (Encased) (mm)If less than 4.6 mm, tempered glass required. If 4.6 mm or greater, tempered glass not required11. Stability Static (If Applicable Test Filled and Unfilled.)Shall withstand an 8 angle of incline, in the least stable positioning and configuration, without tip over.11 Effects Of Extreme Temperature24 Hours At -32 F And 140F - No failure12. Resistance To Corrosion (Metal Components)Shall withstand 24 hours in 1% salt spray (fog) with no corrosion or visual change.13. Effects Of HumidityNo change after 24 hours. 95% RH & 100F14. Stain Resistance- (Do not test on picnic table/ benches/stora.ge racks)Various food materials should resist permanent staining.( After 2 hours, remove)1. Frenchs Mustard t/2. Heinz Ketchup/3. Ragu Spaghetti sauce (original)/ “5. Folgers Instant Coffee/ 5. Welchs Grape Juice/6. Kraft BBQ Sauce (original) / Red Wine 15 Resistance to Scratching / Marring Other SurfacesNo scratching or marring of surface (3 cycles of 6” back and forth.) Conduct with and without levelers. Note if levelers become bent or come off. Note any damage / defects (bent/broken levelers)16. Handle StrengthShall withstand 1.5 x claimed load or 50 lbs for 1 hour17. Drop Test (For Units 30 Inches Height Or Over, Or Greater Than 20 Inches Width)Raise the end of the long axis of the storage unit to the specified height and release the end. Repeat test for the other end. There shall be no damage as a result of the test. Drop Height 10 inches (Unit Weight 10-49 Lbs) / 6 Inches (Unit Weight 50-99 Lbs 4 Inches (Unit Weight 100-200 Lbs) 2 Inches (Unit Weight 200 Lbs):18. Drop Test (For Units Under 30 Inches Height And Less Than 20 Inches Width Or With Total Weight Under 10 Lbs)No breakage or separation after 3 drops from 12 inches on vinyl tile over concrete.CD/Audio tape/or Video tape Holder No failure or deformation after 1 drop on end from 10 inches19. Moisture Content (%)(Solid Wood Only)8% - 12% (Do not test on MDF)20. Cycle Test / Test for Moving Components100 times / cycles use of moving components no failure and all components must have and maintain a smooth uniform movement throughout each cycle21. Finger EntrapmentShall meet the requirements intended to eliminate the possible hazard that may be caused by changing clearances or permanent entrapment and pinching of fixed openings.(13mm)22. Resistance To Hot WaterPour 25 ml of boiling water and allow cooling. Dry surface, Shall be no graying or spotting23. Cap Removal Strength on end of tubes (or cap covers on screw ends)Shall not separate minimum holding force 5.0 lbs.24. Caster Performance (If Supplied)Max 20 lbs. pull to move under 200 lbs. load.25. Caster/Roller DurabilityShall result in no adverse effects on rolling after use tests. Rolling 100 meters on smooth concrete floor under uniformly distributed load:200 lbs for Serving Cart/Rack/ 500 lbs for larger Cabinets/Shelves 26 Drawer Loading CapacityMax. 1/4 in. deformation 10 lbs distributed load / drawer27. Distributed Load Test(Except Magazine, Shoe, Coat or Wine Racks)There shall be no structural failure or permanent deformation greater than inch.16 In. Depth (7 Lbs. X Shelf/Top Width)Or 1.5 x Claimed Capacity28. Concentrated Load (For Floor Standing Units Up To 38 Inches Height, Except Magazine, Shoe, Coat or Wine Racks)No structural failure or more than inches deformation when load is applied to a 12 inches diameter disk located such that the center of the disk is 6 inches from the edge of the top surfaceTop Surface Area 4 sq ft 300 lbs/ 10 deg before tipping occur 30. Stability (For Floor Standing Units Up to 42 Inches Height)No tip over should occur under the following conditionsMust not have any one leg lift off the floor when test load is applied 1 inches from the edge of 12 inches disk 4 sq ft 100 lbs/4 sq ft - 90 lbs31. Racking TestNo structural damage or deformation when the unit is raised 45 degrees from the floor32. Leg Strength (Side/Front)75 lbs (40 lbs if Unit is l


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