人教版小学六年级英语下册unit4 my holiday单元测试1_第1页
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人教版小学六年级英语下册unit4 my holiday单元测试卷Part A (1)词汇积累练一、英汉互译。(10分)1学汉语_ 2.拍照_ 3买礼物_ 4.eat good food_ 5sing and dance_二、写出下列单词的过去式。(15分)1sing_ 2.dance_3eat_ 4.take_ 5learn_语句应用练三、火眼金睛,选一选。(18分)( )1.I sing songs. I am a_Asing Bsinger Csang( )2.He is_a big cake.Aeats Beating Cate( )3.My mother likes_Adances Bdanced Cdancing( )4.She_to a park every day.Agoes Bgo Cgoing( )5.I_good food in Dalian last holiday.Aeat Beats Cate( )6.Mike_a mountain last weekend.Aclimbs Bclimbed Cclimb四、按要求改写句子。(18分)1He failed the Chinese test.(变为一般疑问句)_he_the Chinese test?2Did you read books?(作否定回答)_,_ _3He is a student.(变为复数句子)_ _ _五、你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?找出来并改一改。(20分)( )1.What did you do on you holiday?_A B C( )2.Wu Yifan is busy last weekend._A B C( )3.Did you learned English on your holiday?_A B C( )4.What did you usually do on the weekend?_A B C( )5.We went with plane on our holiday._A B C六、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(9分)1Its time to _ (go)home. 2What did you _(see)?3We must _(study) hard.竞赛提升练七、选择填空。(10分)( )The birds _ the tree are black,and the oranges _ the tree are orange.Ain;in Bin;on Con;on 答案全析全解一、1.learn Chinese 2.take pictures 3.buy presents 4吃美食 5.载歌载舞二、1.sang 2.danced 3.ate 4.took 5.learned/learnt三、1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B四、1.Did,fail 2.No,I didnt 3.They are students五、1.C your 2.A was 3.B learn 4.B do 5.B by六、1.go 2.see 3.study七、B (外来物在树上用介词in,树上长的东西用介词on。) Unit 4 My HolidayPart A (2)词汇积累练一、翻译短语。(20分)1学数学 2吃美食 3堆雪人 4爬山 二、按要求填空。(10分)1she(形容词性物主代词)_2sang(动词原形)_语句应用练三、排排队,组句子。(30分)1go,where,did,you,your,on,holiday(?)_2there,you,did,what,do(?)_3danced,sang,and,with,friends,our,we,new(.)_4you,did,how,go,Canada,to,your,holiday,on(?)_5you,did,good,have,time,a(?)_四、你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?找出来并改一改。(10分)( )1.I went Xinjiang._A B C( )2.I went_to by_train on my holiday._A B C 阅读理解练五、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)Dear Mike,How are you? My brother and I are having a happy holiday. Yesterday we went to the nature park. We went there by car. We sang and danced. And we ate lunch there. The food was very delicious. In the afternoon, we went shopping. I was very tired.We are going to learn many other things during the holiday.We are sure well have fun.What about your holiday?Please tell me.Amy( )1.Amy and her brother are having a happy holiday.( )2.They went to the nature park by bus.( )3.They went shopping.( )4.Amy wasnt tired.Because she was happy.实践运用练六、课下和你的同桌运用句型“What did you do on your holiday?I.”谈论一下你们的假期生活吧!(23句话)(10分)_ 答案全析全解一、1.learn math 2.eat good food 3.make a snowman 4.climb a mountain二、1.her 2.sing三、1.Where did you go on your holiday? 2.What did you do there? 3.We sang and danced with our new friends. 4.How did you go to Canada on your holiday? 5.Did you have a good time?四、1.B went to或C to Xinjiang 2.B went五、1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F六、范例:A:Hello,Mike.B:Hi,Amy.What did you do on your holiday?A:I took many pictures.What about you?B:I ate good food. Unit 4 My HolidayPart A (3)词汇积累练一、小小翻译家。(20分)1每天_ 2.去饭店_3去公园_ 4.乘飞机_语句应用练二、火眼金睛,选一选。(24分)( )1.I_fun last Saturday.Ahave Bhas Chad( )2._Monday I washed my clothes.AIn BOn Con( )3.I_my mother very much.AMiss Bmiss Cthink( )4.He reads newspapers _ the morning.Aon Bin Cat( )5.The woman is an_teacher.AChinese Bmath Cart( )6.Ill_my room next week.Acleaned Bcleans Cclean( )7._was your last trip?Awhen BWho CWhen( )8.I cant go out now because I have_homework to do.Amany Bmuch CA 三、用be动词的适当形式填空。(15分)1He will _ back home tomorrow.2We _ friends.3He _ going to watch TV this evening.4My sister _ a university student.5Mike and I _good at English.四、排排队,组句子。(10分)1my,with,cousins,I,good,ate,food(.)_2many,we,took,pictures,Beijing,in(.)_五、根据实际情况回答问题。(6分)Where did you go last trip?_表达交流练六、书面表达。(9分)以“Last Week”为题写一篇作文,介绍你上一周的活动。要求:1.字迹工整。2.语法正确。3.不少于8句话。_C部分拓展练七、选出画线部分发音不同的单词。(16分)( )1.A.what Bwhere Cwhose( )2.A.thin Bthere Cthen( )3.A.how Brow Cknow( )4.A.climbed Bvisited Cplayed 答案全析全解一、1.every day 2.go to a restaurant 3.go to a park 4by plane 二、1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B三、1.be 2.are 3.is 4.is 5.are四、1.I ate good food with my cousins. 2We took many pictures in Beijing.五、I went to Shanghai.(答案仅供参考)六、范例:Last WeekLast week I was very happy. On Monday I visited my grandparents. On Tuesday I went


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