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名利场人物性格分析 英文版读后感.docx_第4页




名利场的故事以两条线索展开,从同一个起点出发,相互交织,最后到达同一个终点。其中一条线索讲述善良、笨拙、生活在富有家庭中的女子阿米莉亚塞德利;另一条线索讲述的是一个机灵、自私、放荡不羁恢穷的孤女丽贝卡夏普。两人于1813年乘坐同一辆马车离开平克顿女子学校。两人都在遭到家庭反对的情况下,于1815年结婚,分别嫁给即将参加滑铁卢战役的两名英国军官。新婚不久,那场具有历史意义的战役打响了。阿米莉亚的丈夫战死疆场;丽贝卡的丈夫战后生还。接下来的十年中,而贝卡生活一帆风顺,在社会的阶梯上不断攀升,直至有幸觐见国王,而阿米莉亚却因父亲破产承受着极大的不幸。到了1827年,命运发生了逆转,丽贝卡的生活落入毁灭的深渊,这其实是罪有应得;阿米莉亚却转而变得富裕幸福,可归因于善有善报。但是,作者以灵活的讽刺手法,使两位女主角最后的命运归于平衡,仿佛在一个大的轮回之后,回到故事开始时两人命运的起点。故事中,滑铁卢战役是两人命运的重要分水岭。战役之前,故事的焦点是两位女主角的婚事。两人的婚事分别受到男方家庭的反对,也都因此得不到家庭的支持,两位丈夫的遗产继承权均被取消。滑铁卢战役之后,故事的焦点是两个女主角的贞节问题。两个三角关系分别展开。丽贝卡对丈夫不忠,与放荡好色的贵族富豪斯泰思侯爵勾搭;阿米莉亚对自己去世的丈夫信守贞节,拒绝与十几年如一日忠实爱慕她的多宾结婚。主要人物关系:贝姬夏普(穷姑娘)和艾米利亚塞德利(富家女)是同窗兼好友 贝姬夏普与罗顿考利(考利家族最有可能的继承人结了婚)是夫妻 艾米利亚塞德利与迷人的军官乔治 是夫妻 乔治参战后死去 艾米丽亚后来嫁给了一直暗恋她的另一位军官 贝姬与斯丹恩勋爵私通 也因此和被丈夫抛弃 但最后和爱米的哥哥在一起了两人的婚姻都是不受家里人祝福的 主要人物 情节: 主要情节可分两条线索。一条线索描写已故穷画师的女儿贝姬在离开平克顿女子寄宿学校后,暂住在富家小姐爱米丽亚家中,企图勾引爱米丽亚的哥哥以进入上流社会。此事失败后,贝姬去毕脱克劳雷爵士家当家庭教师,同时施展逢迎、拍马和勾搭等乖巧手段。而当毕脱丧偶后向蓓基求婚时,她却已秘密嫁给了爵士的儿子罗登。另一条线索写纯洁的姑娘爱米丽亚钟情于轻浮空虚的军官乔治奥斯本,冲破重重障碍终于和他结婚。但丈夫很快就厌弃她,另寻新欢。爱米丽亚一味痴情,即使在丈夫死后仍不肯改嫁。结局:最后,贝姬道出乔治生前曾约自己私奔的事实,爱米丽亚才和都宾结了婚。贝姬后来又与年老丑陋的斯丹恩勋爵私通,因私情为丈夫窥破而遭抛弃。而斯丹恩则误以为罗登夫妇设局诈骗,也与贝姬一刀两段,贝姬就此潦倒。但是 贝姬本性是纯善的 就像她所说“如果有5000英镑 我也是个好女人”没有5000她也是个好女人 艾米丽亚的哥哥回来后 认识到自己当年的错误 最终和贝姬走到了一起edit becky sharpthe heroine, or more correctly the anti-heroine, is an intelligent young woman with a gift for satire. she is described as a petite sandy haired girl who has green eyes and a great deal of wit. fluent in both french and english, becky has a beautiful singing voice, plays the piano, and shows great talent as an actress. she is also completely amoral and without conscience. she does not seem to have the ability to get attached to other people, and lies easily and intelligently to get her way. she is extremely manipulative and, after the first few chapters and her failure to attract jos sedley, is not shown as being particularly sincere.never having known financial or social security even as a child, becky desires it above all things. nearly everything she does is with the intention of securing a stable position for herself, or herself and her husband after she and rawdon are married. she advances rawdons interests tirelessly, flirting with men such as general tufto and the marquess of steyne in order to get him promoted. she also uses her feminine wiles to distract men at card parties while rawdon cheats them blind.marrying rawdon crawley in secret was a mistake, as was running off instead of begging miss crawleys forgiveness. she also fails to manipulate miss crawley through rawdon so as to obtain an inheritance. although becky manipulates men very easily, she does not even try to cultivate the friendship of most women. lady jane, the dobbin sisters, and lady steyne see right through her. amelia and (initially) miss crawley are exceptions to the rule.edit amelia sedleyamelia is beckys opposite: pale, passive, and emotionally devoted to her husband and son. she marries george osborne against the wishes of georges father, and when george dies at the battle of waterloo she brings up little george alone while living with her parents. she is completely dominated by her spendthrift father (who steals and sells the annuity georges friends put together to try to support her) and her mother.after george osbornes death, amelia is obsessed with her son and with the memory of her husband. she ignores william dobbin, who courts her for years, and treats him shabbily until eventually he leaves. it is only after becky shows her georges letter to her that amelia realizes what a good man dobbin is, although she has already written to him to ask him to come back. she eventually marries dobbin.edit rawdon crawleyrawdon, the younger of the two crawley sons, is an empty-headed cavalry officer who is his wealthy aunts favorite until he marries becky sharp, who is of a far lower class. he permanently alienates his aunt, who leaves her estate to sir pitt instead. sir pitt has by this time inherited their fathers estate, leaving rawdon quite poor.the well-meaning rawdon has a few talents in life, most of which have to do with gambling and dueling. he is very good at cards and pool, and although he does not always win he is able to earn cash by betting against less talented gamblers. he is heavily indebted throughout most of the book, not so much for his own expenses as for beckys. not particularly talented as a military officer, he is content to let becky manage his career.although rawdon knows becky is attractive to men, he believes her reputation is spotless even though she is widely suspected of romantic intrigue with general tufto and other powerful men. nobody dares to suggest otherwise to rawdon because of his temper and his reputation for dueling. yet other people, particularly the marquess of steyne, find it impossible to believe that crawley is unaware of beckys tricks. steyne in particular believes rawdon is fully aware becky is prostituting herself, and believes rawdon is going along with the charade in the hope of financial gain.after rawdon finds out the truth and leaves becky for an assignment overseas, he leaves his son to be brought up by sir pitt and lady jane.edit sir pitt crawley, baronetrawdon crawleys elder brother inherits the crawley estate from his elderly father, and he also inherits from his wealthy aunt, miss crawley. sir pitt is very religious and has political aspirations, although not many people appreciate his intelligence or wisdom because theres not much there to appreciate. somewhat pedantic and conservative, sir pitt does nothing to help rawdon or becky even when they fall on hard times. this is chiefly because lady jane cordially hates becky.edit miss crawleythe elderly miss crawley is everyones favourite wealthy aunt. sir pitt and rawdon both dote on her, although rawdon is her favourite nephew and sole heir until he marries becky. while miss crawley likes becky and keeps her around to entertain her with sarcasm and wit, and while she loves scandal and particularly stories of unwise marriage, she does not want scandal or unwise marriage in her family.a substantial part of the early section of the book deals with the efforts the crawleys make to kowtow to miss crawley in the hope of receiving a big inheritance.edit george osbornegeorge osborne, his father, and his two sisters are close to the sedley family until mr. sedley (the father of jos and amelia) goes bankrupt following some ill-advised speculation. since george and amelia were raised in close company and were childhood sweethearts, george defies his father in order to marry amelia. before father and son can be reconciled, george is killed at the battle of waterloo, leaving the pregnant amelia to carry on as well as she can.raised to be a selfish, vain, profligate spender, george squanders the last of the money he receives from his father and sets nothing aside to help support amelia. after marrying amelia, he finds after a couple of weeks that he is bored. he flirts with becky quite seriously and is reconciled to amelia only a short time before he is killed in battle.edit william dobbinthe best friend of george osborne, william dobbin is tall, ungainly, and not particularly handsome. he is a few years older than george but has been friends with him since his school days even though dobbins father is a fig-merchant and the osbornes belong to the genteel class and have become independently wealthy. he defends george and is blind to his faults in many ways although he tries to force george to do the right thing. he pushes george to keep his promise to marry amelia even though dobbin is in love with amelia himself. after george is killed, dobbin puts together an annuity to help support amelia, ostensibly with the help of georges fellow officers.later, dobbin discreetly does what he can to help support amelia and also her son george. he allows amelia to continue with her obsession over george and does not correct her erroneous beliefs about him. he hangs about for years, either pining away over her while serving in india or waiting on her in person, allowing her to take advantage of his good nature. after amelia finally chooses beckys friendship over his in baden-baden, dobbin leaves in disgust. he returns when amelia writes to him and admits her feelings for him, marries her, and has a daughter whom he loves deeply.edit jos sedleyamelias older brother, joseph jos sedley, is a nabob, who made a respectable fortune as a tax collector in india. obese and self-important but very shy and insecure, he is attracted to becky sharp but circumstances prevent him from proposing. he never marries, but when he meets becky again he is easily manipulated into falling in love with her. jos is not a courageous or intelligent man, displaying his cowardice at the battle of waterloo by trying to flee and purchasing both of beckys overpriced horses. becky ensnares him again near the end of the book.edit publishing historylike many novels of the time, vanity fair was published as a serial before being sold in book form; it was printed in 20 monthly parts between january 1847 and july 1848. (as was standard practice, the last part was a double number containing parts 19 and 20.) the parts resembled pamphlets, and contained the text of several chapters between outer pages of steel-plate engravings and advertising. woodcut engravings, which could be set along with normal moveable type, appeared within the text. the same engraved illustration appeared on the canary-yellow cover of each monthly part; this colour became thackerays signature (as a light blue-green was dickens), allowing passers-by to notice a new t


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