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Period TwoIntegrating Skills基础落实.课文理解阅读Food in Australia,判断正(T),误(F)1Australia is a large country where the people outnumber the cattle and sheep.()2Many Australians were overweight because they lacked exercise.()3Now Australians tend to eat healthier food.()4The most important piece of equipment is in the garden rather than in the kitchen.()5Australians like food from all over the world.().单词检测1v.招待,款待;请客_谈到,说起_(正式)吃;喝_在数量上胜过,比多_煎;炸;炒_重新加热_烧烤;烤制_转化,转变_2n.菜单_后果_趋势,趋向_顾客_蜂蜜_微波_烧烤野餐_自助餐_图案_栅栏,围栏;篱笆_3adj.逐渐的;逐步的_生的_人造的;人工的_香的,芳香的_丰富的;充裕的_(水果或庄稼)成熟的_4adv.贪婪地_随意地_有正当理由地_总的说来;总而言之_在头顶上;在空中_.短语检测1总之;简言之_2放火烧_3一就_.完成句子1_(总之),we all agree with you on it.2No one knew who _(放火烧) the house.3His garage has _(改变成) a small shop.4Can you _(说说他们之间的区别吗)?5He said that he was quite willing _(接受这样的结果).单项填空1Dont be _ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.Ataken off Btaken upCtaken on Dtaken in2It would be very rude to _ on her appearance.Aremark BcriticizeCspeak Dobserve3In Britain,people _ four million tons of potatoes every year.Aswallow BconsumeCdispose Dchew4The host _ us with fresh fruit and cookies.Atreated BentertainedCwelcomed Dpraised5The area is _ in resources of wild animals.Aabrupt BabsentCabstract Dabundant6The _ newspaper readers wouldnt like long articles on serious subjects every day.Acasual BgradualCannual Dcautious7The house still needed a lot of work,but _ the kitchen was finished.Ainstead BaltogetherCat once Dat least8Have you _ mutton?Yes.I like it very much now.Abe used to Bused to eatingCgot used to Dused to9There are so many new words in this article that I cant get along without _ the dictionary.Asticking to Breferring toClooking up Dconsulting to10How much do I owe you for lunch?_.Its nothing.AYoure welcome BForget itCWith pleasure DThats right.微写作写作素材1李华是一个有礼貌的学生,学习非常用功。2难怪她总是考第一。3她把她的成功归功于她的父母和老师。他们给了她很多的帮助。提示黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)_能力提升完形填空Here I must put in a few words about my experience here in China.If I have_1_with a Chinese host,he always presses_2_food onto my plate as soon as I have emptied it of the previous helping.That often makes me_3_very awkward.I have to eat the food even if I dont_4_it,because it is considered_5_manners in the West to_6_ones food on the plate.I have also_7_that when a Chinese sits at an Americans dinner party,he very often_8_the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or_9_.This might be good manners in China,but it is certainly_10_in the West.In the United States,it is_11_to keep asking someone again and again or press something on him.Americans are very_12_.If they want something,they will ask for it.If not,they will say,“_13_”Heres an example:When an American is offered_14_by the host,and he doesnt like beer,he will probably say,“No,thanks.I just dont feel like it.Ill_15_some diet PepsiCola if you have it.” That is_16_an American will do._17_are taught that “Honesty is the best policy”But in some countries,courtesy(谦虚) might be more important than_18_.So when I am here in China,I have to observe the_19_here.But when you go to_20_,you had better “do as the Romans do”1A.trouble BdinnerCwords Ddifficulty2A.more Ba littleCfew Dlittle3A.think BtasteCfeel Dsmell4A.eat BlikeCdrink Dhelp5A.important BbadCpolite Drude6A.take BleaveCforget Dpass7A.noticed BmindedCheard Dinformed8A.accepts BrefusesCnods Dgives9A.thirsty BangryChappy Dfull10A.so BkindCnot Dright11A.impolite BgoodCkind Dsad12A.friendly BdirectCshort Dkind13A.Im sorry BYes,I wantCNo,thanks DYes,please14A.food BbeerCcoffee Dtea15A.bring BofferClike Dtake16A.that BwhatCwhether Dhow17A.Englishmen BFrenchmenCAmericans DAustralians18A.manners BhonestyCrequest Dorder19A.customs BhabitsCactions Dways20A.China BRomeCthe United States Dthe United Nations答案基础落实.1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T.1.entertain;remark;consume;outnumber;fry;reheat;grill;transform2.menu;consequence;trend;customer;honey;microwave;barbecue;buffet;pattern;fence3.gradual;raw;artificial;fragrant;abundant;ripe4.greedily;casually;justifiably;altogether;overhead.1.in short2.set fire to3.as soon as.1.In short2.set fire to3.been transformed into4remark the differences between them5.to accept the consequences.1.D2A3B4B5D6A7D8C9B10BLi Hua,who is a stu


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