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11 1. flight 2. foreign 3. fresh 4. fire 5. fortunate 6. foolish 7. friendship 8. gain 9. fluent 10.funny 11.fit 12.file 13.forever 14.frightening 15.gardener 16.fountain 17.flood 18.final(s) 19.foggy 20.furniture 21.fireman 22.found 23.former 24.flat 25.fund 26.forgetful 27.易弯曲的,柔韧的;有弹性 的,灵活的 28.焦点;焦距 29.形成 30.功能;作用 31.修理;安装;固定 32.频繁的,时常的 33.数字;人影;体型;大人物 34.而且,此外 35.履行;实现;完成;满足(需 要等) 36.坦白的 37.垃圾 38.折叠 39.未预见到的;不可预见的 40.画廊,(艺术品)陈列馆(或 室);走廊 41.自由 42.燃料 43.火焰 44.欺骗,愚弄 45.财政;金融;资金 46.冰冷的 47.车库;汽车修理厂 48.漂浮 49.强有力的;有说服力的 50.毛皮;(常复数)毛皮制品 1. be fond of 2. weather forecast/report 3. be filled with, be full of 4. a heavy/thick fog 5. for free 6. fast food 7. as follows 8. to be frank (with you) 9. forgive sb. for, forgive sb. sth. 10.let/set off fireworks 11.first of all = to begin with =in the first place 12.make a film 13.in the form of 14.be fit for sth. 15.raise/lower the national flag 16.the air force 17.narrow the gap 18.make fun of, make a fool of 19.flat tyre 20.forget doing/having done 21.on fire 22.firmly believe that =hold a firm belief that 23.fruit bowl 24.focus on 25.on the ground/ first floor 26.in front of 27.fried chicken 28.turn on/ off the gas 29.go fishing 30.in the following years =in the years that follow/followed 31.in the future 32.be fined for 33.at the foot of the mountain 34.frozen duck 35.for fun 36.generation gap 37.be for 38.bird flu 39.force sth. on sb. 40.fill in/out 41.food for thought 42.forbid sb. to do = forbid ones doing 43.gas station 44.keep ones eyes fixed on, with ones eyes fixed on 45.folk music/song 46.catch fire 47.force sb. to do sth. 48.理解;计算出;合计为 49.lay a solid foundation/ basis for 50.make a fortune 1.Not everyone is fit for the position as a salesman. 2.The local government forbids parking cars on busy streets. 3.Many citizens favor the underground because it is free from the traf- fic jam. 4.Schools should focus (their attention) on cultivating students love for science. 5.He enjoyed laughing at others, only to find himself laughed at. 6.She forgot typing the document, and as a result, she typed it again. 7.We firmly believe that this hi-tech product will be accepted one day. 8.No wonder her classmates make fun of her because she always wears strange clothes. 9.Most of the people who attended the meeting were not for the plan. 10. He was fined 200 yuan for parking against the traffic rules. 11. Wed better not make friends with those who always fail to keep their promises. 12. Even if he apologizes to me, I will never forgive him for being rude. Even if he apologizes to me, I will never forgive him for his rude- ness. 13. With/ Keeping his eyes fixed on the photo album, he recalled much fun in his childhood. 14. I like reading essays by famous people, which are full of mans wis- dom. 15. Only through careful observation and analysis can we find out what the problem is. 16. For conveniences sake, he told his colleagues the good news in the form of text messages. 17. He is fond of chatting on the Internet in his spare time. 18. Soon after the building caught fire, the fire brigade arrived. 19. He was forced to quit school because his family was poor. 20. While you are watching the sun rising slowly, you will be filled with hope. 12 1. graduate 2. halfway 3. grey, gray 4. golf 5. hamburger/burger 6. grown-up 7. grain 8. generous 9. grocery 10.handsome 11.grass 12.goods 13.growing 14.genius/ gift 15.grandparent 16.hall 17.government 18.gym/ gymnasium 19.greenhouse 20.geography 21.hairdresser 22.grade 23.handbag 24.greet 25.grape 26.巨人;伟人 27.指导;引导 28.闲谈;说长道短 29.感激 30.温和地 31.悲伤 32.海湾 33.胶水 34.渐渐的,逐步的 35.手势 36.重力,引力;严肃,庄重 37.全球的,全世界的;总体的 38.守卫 39.基因 40.语法的 41.处理;应付 42.鬼魂 43.保证,担保 44.优雅的 45.一代人 46.贪婪的 47.光荣,荣誉;荣耀;辉煌 48.有罪的,有过错的;内疚的 49.抓住;理解,领会 50.细菌,病菌 1. be good/ poor at 2. grow up 3. get over 4. put up/ raise ones hand 5. graduate from, graduation from 6. glance at=cast a glance at 7. achieve/reach ones goal 8. hand in 9. have a gift/talent/ genius for 10. say goodbye to sb. 11. tour guide 12. sun glasses 13. give in (to) 14. with the growth of 15. make a gesture 16. at hand 17. get through 18. go back to 19. feel guilty about 20. take sth. for granted/ take it for granted that 21. form/ develop a good/ bad habit 22. gaze at 23. give/ lend sb. a hand 24. have a common goal 25. get along with 26. in half= into halves 27. be grateful to sb. for 28. go bad 29. foreign guest 30. from generation to generation 31. sth./ sb. give out 32. be guilty of 33. go around/round 34. a year and a half= one and a half years 35. do good to= be good for 36. on one hand/ on the other hand 37. Thank goodness! 38. give up 39. golden opportunity 40. go on doing/ with sth. 41. group singing 42. generally speaking= in general 43. leave without saying goodbye 44. play the guitar/ piano/ violin 45. have the habit of doing= be in the habit of doing 46. go / pass by 47. score/ win a goal 48. have a bad/ clear/ neat hand- writing 49. give away 50. do more good than harm 1. Though he has grown up in the city, he doesnt like fashion at all. 2. Watching too much TV does no good to children. 3. During my stay in America, I got along well with the Greens. 4. Losing my job taught me never to take anything for granted. 5. The professor required us to hand in our research report at the end of the term. 6. He sets aside some time every day to go over what he has learned. 7. For/ Because of lack of money, they had to give up developing the new software. 8. With the growth of the population, many new problems have appeared in modern society. 9. The little boy gazed at the night sky, imaging himself traveling in space by spaceship. 10.We are determined to achieve our common goal. 11.He has been devoted to cancer research since he graduated from uni- versity. 12.I have formed the habit of jogging every early morning. 13.To tell you the truth, I really regret not helping him get over the diffi- culty. 14.Id rather buy more apples, or it will be awkward if I havent got enough to go around. 15.We are very grateful to our teacher for providing us with many good books. 16.The teacher was about to give out the test papers when a cell phone rang. 17.Men are generally not good at bargaining with shopkeepers when shopping. 18.Do you think this child has a gift for music? 19.Peter knew that he was guilty of lying. 20.Only those who have gone through hardships understand the true meaning of life. 13 1. healthy 2. historical 3. homesick 4. height 5. host 6. hardworking 7. highrise 8. human 9. headphone(s) 10.honey 11.hold 12.however 13.happiness 14.helpless 15.hunger 16.stomachache 17.homeland 18.heat 19.hopeful 20.harbour/ harbor 21.hero 22.honesty 23.headmaster 24.housework 25.hearing 26.harmful 27.可敬的;光荣的 28.家庭 29.因此 30.几乎不 31.(常the horizon)地平线; (常复数)视野,眼界 32.幽默的 33.头盔;安全帽 34.租用;雇佣 35.(报纸等的)标题;(用复 数)新闻广播的内容摘要 36.神圣的;虔诚的 37.艰难困苦 38.犹豫的、 39.(被)钩住 40.(常the heavens)天空;(常 Heaven)天堂,天国;(常 Heaven)上帝 41.高技术,尖端技术 42.和谐 43.使恐惧 44.直升飞机 45.最显著的部分,最精彩的部 分 46.手边的;便利的;手巧的 47.空心的;空洞的 48.人质 49.暗示 50.憎恨 1. be helpful to 2. head for 3. in history 4. lose heart 5. sth. happen to sb. 6. hide sth. from sb. 7. the summer/ winter holiday(s)/ vacation 8. have something/ nothing/ much/ little to do with 9. hold back 10.horror film 11.physical and mental health 12.be honored for 13.hang up 14.heart to heart 15.at home and abroad 16.air hostess 17.have a bad/ slight headache 18.take up/ develop/ form/ culti- vate a hobby 19.do harm to = be harmful to 20.help oneself (to) 21.hold (the view) that 22.historical novel 23.stay in/ at a hotel 24.hear about/ of 25.heated discussion/argument 26.take a holiday/ vacation, on holiday/ vacation 27.have a good/ bad harvest 28.cant help doing= cant help but do= cant but do 29.hold on 30.keep/ remain/ stay healthy = maintain health 31.broaden ones horizons/ view 32.It (so) happens that= sth. / sb. happen to do 33.hesitate to do 34.in my humble opinion 35.hear from sb. 36.catch/ get/ seize/ take hold of 37.have to do 38.historic invention 39.to be honest (with you) 40.hardly/ scarcelywhen = no sooner than 41.have on/ with/ about sb. 42.in honor of 43.in horror 44.There happen(s) to be 45.without hesitation 46.heart disease/ trouble 47.keep early/ late hours 48.in hospital 49.be in good / poor health 50.be known to every household 1. Reading in the sun does harm to ones eyes. 2. It is said that drinking a cup of hot milk helps to sleep well. 3. Tom can answer his teachers questions correctly without hesitation. 4. Nobody expected that the incident had anything to do with the man with few words. 5. I hope to receive your photo as soon as possible. I hope that I can receive your photo as soon as possbile. 6. Have you ever heard that song sung in Italian? 7. Thanks to the doctor, the patients operation was not held up. 8. It seems that something unexpected has happened to their family. 9. On seeing the cartoon drawn by Jack, his mother couldnt help laugh- ing. 10.Who is the monitor going to have write an article for the wall newspa- per? 11.He did so badly in this exam that he decided to hid the score form his parents. 12.Next week we will hold a farewell party in honor of the retired work- ers. 13.No doubt nothing can prevent them heading for victory. 14. He had hardly arrived home when his wife started complaining. Hardly had he arrived home when his wife started complaining. 15.Developing a hobby does good to physical and mental health. 16.As long as we dont lose heart, we will eventually overcome the tem- porary difficulty. 17.I badly need a secretary now as I have many documents to be typed. 18.Its a great honor for me to undetake the special task. 19.Dont hesitate to ask your teachers for help if you cant understand anything. 20.It happened that they were out when we called. They happened to be out when we called. 14 1. improve 2. increase 3. impatient 4. information 5. international 6. industrial 7. hurried 8. inconvenience 9. interrupt 10.importance 11.informal 12.illness 13.interviewer 14.injure 15.indoor 16.interpreter 17.immediate/ instant 18.include 19.ideal 20.invention 21.inspiring 22.Indian 23.非法的 24.暗示 25.独立;自主 26.检查;视察;检阅 27.无法想象的 28.侵入;侵略 29.给人深刻印象的 30.聪颖的;有材质的 31.移民 32.表明;显示;象征 33.确认;鉴定 34.意图,目的 35.进口; (常imports)进口品 36.清白的,无罪的;天真的, 单纯的 37.举例证明;插图于(书籍等) 38.给。保险 39.继承 40.模仿 41.不顾;忽视,视而不见 42.不可避免的 43.形象 44.个人的;个体的 45.安装 46.有影响力的 47.想象的,虚构的 48.开始的,最初的 49.询问 50.介绍;引进;入门 1. inform sb. of/ that 2. have/ get a (general/ rough) idea of 3. be intended for/ to do 4. sth. deeply impress sb. = sb. be deeply impressed by sth, 5. in an instant 6. the Internet 7. in that 8. instruction book 9. hurt ones feelings 10.have/ take/ show (an) interest in, be / become interested in 11.be independent of 12. inspire sb. to do sth. 13.Do you have any idea of/ wh-.? 14.introduce into/ to 15.be infected with/ by 16.job interview 17.job hunting 18.lose interest in 19.leave/ have/ make a impres- sion on sb. 20.for an instant 21.the general / main idea 22.increase by/ to 23.intend to do 24.be of interest to sb. 25.if only 26.give sb. an idea of 27.attach importance to 28.place of interest 29.身份证 30.stimulate ones imagination 31.income tax 32.introduce to sb. 33.in a hurry 34.in the interest of 35.be inferior to (in) 36.instead of 37.It is impossible that/ (for sb.) to do 38.have a great influence on = in- fluence greatly, have/ make a great impact on 39.only if 40.in ink 41.imagine (sb./ sb.s) doing 42.arouse / raise ones interest 43.impress sb. with sth. = impress sth. on/ upon sb. 44.intellectual property 45.have no idea of/ wh- 46.for instance 47.hurry up 48.insist on 49.a big/ samll income 50.share the same interests 1. Its hard to imagine Peter(s) making a speech on the platform. 2. Many young people were inspired to devote time and effort to serving the public. 3. Please allow me to introduce some foreign friends to you. 4. The family environment can have a great influence on the childs per- sonality. 5. The great changes in Shanghai in the past decade have deeply im- pressed me. I have been deeply impressed by the great changes in Shanghai in the past decade. 6. Written in a hurry, the article is full of mistakes. 7. This experiemnt is intended to test the theory that he put forward. 8. You are so thoughtful in informing me of it in time. 9. He applied for the job in order to be independent of his parents. 10.Only if you seize every chance can you succeed. 11.Instead of complaining about the failure, they trained even harder to win the next match. They didnt complain about the failure; instead, they trained even hard- er to win the next match. 12. It is impossbile for you to improve your translation level if you ignore the sentence patterns. 13. After entering university, he became interested in science fiction. 14. Washing hands often can avoid being infected with disease. 15. Hurry up, or we will miss the train to Sydney. 16. He insisted on keeping to his post regardless of his own safety. 17. Since blog is fast and convenient, it has made a great impact on soci- ety. 18. We intend to advertise our new product on TV. 19. The way you speak leaves a good impression on the customers. 20. So far scientists have got a general idea of computer virus. 15 1. kindness 2. journey 3. laziness 4. labor/ labour 5. jazz 6. laundry 7. juice 8. kitchen 9. invitation 10.league 11.lawn 12.iron 13.journalist 14.kinergarten 15.jacket 16.lawyer 17.last 18.jogging 19.leaflet 20.隔离;孤立 21.公正;公平;正义 22.近来,最近 23.妒忌的;羡慕的 24.看不见的 25.知识渊博的 26.激光 27.喷气式飞机(或发动机) 28.放置;下蛋 29.陪审团;评判委员会 30.地主;房东;(旅馆、酒馆 等的)店主 31.投资 32.跳 33.诱拐;绑架 34.共同的;联合的 35.项目;条款;物品 36.泄露 37.使卷入;涉及 38.审判;判断;批判 39.风景(画) 40.领导 41.发行;发布(命令、声明等) 42.珠宝;首饰 43.后半的;(两者中)后者的, (当代词用,用the latter)后 者 44.调查 45.标签 46.笑(声) 47.层 48.入迷的;渴望的;敏锐的 49.不规则的 50.发射;开始实施 1. knock down 2. join sb. in sth./ doing 3. be keen on 4. know about, learn about 5. on an island 6. acquire/ obtain/ get knowledge 7. keep from doing 8. part-time/ full- time job 9. by hand 10.traffic jam 11.the key to 12.last but not least 13.join the army/ club 14.label(as) 15.keep to 16.be/ get involved in 17.be known to 18.laugh at 19.play a joke on sb. 20.keep away from 21.high/ long jump 22.keep/ break the law 23.isolate from 24.last well 25.just a minute/ moment 26.have a good knowledge of 27.to ones geat joy 28.knock at/ on the door 29.keep sth. from sb. 30.invite sb. to sth./ to do 31.lose ones job 32.be late for class/ school/ work 33.all kinds/ sorts of 34.judging from 35.fly a kite 36.get to know 37.learn by oneself= teach one- self 38.the latest news 39.lead to 40.As we all know,= As is known to all,= It is known to all that 41.for lack of 42.just now 43.broaden/ enlarge/ widen ones knowledge 44.do a good job 45.keep up with 46.language lab 47.tell a joke 48.keep on doing 49.invitation to sth./ to do 50.learn sth. by heart 1. It was his carelessness that resulted in his failure in the exam. 2. Keep on trying and your dream will come true. 3. Though she lacked money, she managed to send her son to university. 4. The key to Roberts success is hard work rather than talent. 5. Since you are free this weekend, why not join us in going skating? 6. Spitting in public may lead to the spread of disease. 7. Most people arent willing to get involved in this meaningless argu- ment. 8. His advice keept me from making a serious mistake. 9. Its important for high school students to master proper study skills. 10.We can judge a persons character by his handwriting. 11.Lack of good education made him miss the job. 12.Weve invited all the neighbours to tonights party. 13.I will keep you informed of the progress of the case. 14.To his familys great joy, he was admitted into a key high school. 15.I know little about the life background of the poet. 16.He made it clear to us why he didnt come on time. 17.If you can learn from failure, you can avoid repeating the same mis- take. 18.Keep off the grass, or you will be severely punished. 19.He is keen on reading because reading can bring him knowledge and happiness. 20.He lived on a small island, isolated from modern life. 16 1. lecture 2. unlucky 3. lifelong 4. level 5. loss 6. limited 7. lively 8. leather 9. lover 10.licence, license 11.litre, liter 12.lonely 13.length 14.live 15.lower 16.online 17.learned 18.loose 19.lift 20.liver 21.unlocked 22.let 23.luggage 24.long-term 25.left 26.list 27.loud 28.librarian 29.litter 30.lemon 31.locate 32.不太可能的 33.奢侈,豪华;奢侈品 34.解放 35.贷款;借出 36.嘴唇 37.空闲(的),闲暇(的) 38.符合逻辑的;逻辑学的 39.液体 40.(使)变轻;(使)变亮 41.装载 42.文学的 43.法律上的;合法的 44.连接;联系 45.忠诚的,忠心耿耿的 46.火车机车,火车头 47.(使)变少 48.闪电 49.旁观者 50.(言论、行动等的)自由 1. look down on/upon 2. at least 3. make a list (of) 4. lie down 5. as you like/ please 6. have a(n) lesson 7. no litter 8. give sb. a lift/ ride 9. live up to 10.give/attend a lecture 11.traffic lights/ signals 12.相当多的;相当地 13.let sb. down 14.line up 15.without limit 16.ask for leave 17.no longer= not any longer 18.driving license 19.make/ earn a / ones living (by) 20.多达;简直 21.on the list 22.all ones life 23.be located in 24.answer (reply to) a letter 25.lose oneself= lose ones way= be/ ge lost 26.on ones left/ right 27.be loyal to 28.white/ black lie 29.look through 30.learn/ draw a lesson from 31.jump the red light 32.broadcast live 33.tell a lie 34.at a loss (for/ wh-) 35.leave for some place 36.lock up 37.live/ lead a life 38.the local people/ customs 39.come to life 40.lend sb. sth. = lend sth. To sb. 41.take a lift 42.It is likely that.= sth./ sb. be likely to do 43.teach sb. a lesson 44.in line 45.let out 46.lie in 47.lie in 48.limit to 49.leave sb. alone 50.long for sth. 1. We are looking forward to attending the opening ceremony of the art festival. 2. It is hard to believe that the millionaire lived an extremely simple life. 3. As Senior Three students, we shouldnt limit our dreams to college education. 4. They should learn a lesson from this incident, he


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