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Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Part A1、For Questions1-5,you will hear a radio announcement describing tonights programs.While you listen,fill out the table with the information you have heardSome of the information has been given to you in the tableWrite only 1 word in each numbered boxYou will hear the recording twice.You now have 25 seconds to read the table below Radio Program Annoucement the day for Wisdom People Talking 1 time for My Favorite Discs 2 account by James Farmer of his travels by 3 usual pop music on Radio 4 interviews with live pop stars from 6 to 5 _ 2、 _3、 _4、 _5、 _ Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Part B6、 For Questions 6-10,you will hear a pasgage about toneliness:While you listen,complete the sentences and answer the questionUse not more than 3 words for each answerYou will hear the recording twiceYou now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below Many people Can remember feeling verylonely when we wereThe feeling of loneliness is very difficultIn order to survive,we all put on a 6 78 It is easy to get the feeling that everyone ex cept you is living a fullrich and busy life in 9 You tend to assume that your destination isless 10 _ 7、 _8、 _9、 _10、 _Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Part C11、Questions 11-13 are based on the following passage about the London MarathonYou now have l5 seconds to read Questions 11-13 How many people applied but didnt run the race?A16000B10,000C67,000D54,000 12、 Which of the following is NOT true?AMost competitors did not finish the race within two hoursBMost competitors were interested in the raceCMost competitors were trying to run as fast as they couldDMost competitors wanted to know if they could run 26 miles 13、 Where did one of the runners fall down?A50 meters from the endB15 meters from the endC10 meters from the endD5 meters from the end 14、Questions 14-16 are based on the following passageYou now have l5 seconds to read Questions 1416 Which of the following is covered in BCD Intemational programs?AInterviews with radio producersBA large variety of pop songsCNews from the music libraryDStories about the good old days 15、 Which program gives us the ideas behind the pop songs?AThe History of PopBThe Road to MusicCPop WordsDAbout the Big Hits.16、 For native speakers understanding English pop songs isAeffortlessBimpossibleCdifficultDunnecessary 17、Questions 17-20 are based on the following monologue about yawnYou now have 20 sec-onds to read Ouestions 1720 Whats the main topic of the monologue?ADifferent animalsyawnsBHumans yawnCFishs yawnDSocial animalsyawns 18、 What is the speakers main point?AAnimals yawn for a number of reasonsBYawning results only from fatigue or boredomCHuman yawns are the same as those of other animalsDOnly social animals yawn 19、 According to the speaker,when are hippos likely to yawn?AWhen they are swimmingBWhen they are quarrelingCWhen they are socializingDWhen they are eating 20、 What physiological reason for yawning is mentioned?ATo exercise the jaw musclesBTo eliminate fatigueCTo get greater strength for attackingDTo again more oxvffenSection II Use of English (15 minutes) 21、根据以下资料,回答21-40题: Computers are now being pushed into schoolsWe know that multimedia will make _ 21_ easy and funChildren will happily learn from _ 22 _ characters while taught by expealy _23_softwareWho needs teachers when youve got _24_ education? These expensive toys are diffi-cult to use in the classrooms and _ 25 _ extensive teacher trainingSureKids love video games _26_ think of your own experience:Can you_ 27 _even one educational filmstrip of many years ago? Ill _28 _ you remember the two or three great teachers who made a _ 29_ in your life Then theres cyberbusinessWere promised _30_ catalog shoppingjust point and crick for great dealsWell 0rder airline tickets _ 31_ the network,book restaurants and negofiate sales_ 32_ Stores will become obsoleteSo how come my local mall does more _33_ in all after-noon than the entire Internet _34_ in a month?Even if there were a trustworthy way to _35_ money over the Internet,the network is _36_ a most essential ingredientof trade and commerce: salespeople Whats absent from this electronic wonderland?People contactComputers and networks _37 _us from one anotherA network chat line is a limp _38_ for meeting friends over coffeeNo interactive multimedia display comes _ 39_ to the excitement of a _40_ concertThis virtu-al reality where frustration is legion andin the holy names of Education and Progress-important aspects of human interactions are relentlessly devalued Aschoolwork Bexercise Cteamwork Dresearch22、Astimulated Banimated Cdeveloped Dinterested 23、Aguided Bprepared Ctailored Dsold 24、Acomputer-aided Bcomputer-presented Ccomputer-designed Dcomputer-developed25、Apromise Bintroduce Cencourage Drequire26、Abut Bjust Cand Dtherefore27、Aappreciate Brecall Ccomment Dproduce28、Arecommend Bguess Cbet Durge 29、Aresult Bmark Cimpression Ddifference 30、Aimmediate Bfree Cversatile Dinstant31、Aover Bwith Cby Din32、Adecisions Bagreements Ccontracts Dplans 33、AcommunicationBcommerce Cbusiness Dprogram 34、Areserves Bhandles Csubscribes Dtransmits 35、Amail Bdeposit Csend Dsave 36、Amissing Bdisappearing Cexpelling Dretaining 37、Adismantle Bconfine Cdiscriminate Disolate 38、Aoccasion Bsubstitute Cchange Dcompromise 39、Anear Bup Cclose Dback 40、Alife Balive Cliving DliveSection III Reading Comprehension (60 minutes)Part A41、根据以下资料,回答41-60题: A finding in recent years shows that men cannot manufacture blood as efficiently as women canThis makes surgery riskier for menBecause they do not breathe as often as women,men also need more oxygenBut men breathe more deeply and this exposes them to another riskThey draw more of the air when it is polluted Mens bones are larger than womens and they are arranged somewhat differentlyThe femi-nine walk that evokes so many whistles is a matter of bone structureA man has broader shoulders and a narrower pelvis,which makes him stride out with no waste motionA womans wider pel-vis,designed for childbearin9,forces her to put more movement into each step she takes with the result that she displays a bit of jiggle and sway as she walks If you think a man is brave because he can climb a ladder to clean out the roof guttersdont forget it is easier for him than for a womanThe angle at which a womans thigh is joined to her knees makes climbing difficult for her,no matter whether it is a ladder or stairs or a mountain that she is tackling A mans skin is thicker than a womans and not nearly as softThis prevents the suns radia-tion from getting through,which is why men wrinkle less than women doWomen have a thin lay-er of fat just under the skin and there is a plus to this greater fat reserveIt acts as an invisible fur coat to keep a woman wanner in the winterWomen also stay cooler in summerBecause the fat layer helps insulate them against heatMens fat is distributed differentlyAnd they do not have that layer of it underneath their skinIn fact,they have considerably less than women and more lean mass41 percent of a mans body is muscle compared to thirtyfive percent for women,which means that men have more mus proportion of muscle to fat makes it easier for men to lose weightMuscle bums up five more calories a pound than fat does just to maintain itselfSo when a man wants to lose weightthe pounds roll off much fasterFor all mens muscularity they do not have the energy re-serves women d0They have more startup energy,but the fat tucked away in womens nooks and crannies provides a rich energy reserve that men lack Cardiologists at the University of Alabama who tested healthy women on treadmills discovered that over the years the female capacity for exercise far exceeds the male capacityA woman of six-ty who is in good health can exercise up t0 90 percent of what she could do when she was twentyA man of sixty has only 60 percent left of his capacity as a twentyyearold That boys suffer more from air pollution can possibly be justified by the fact that_Athe male have larger bones than the femaleBwomen can manufacture blood more efficiently than menCmen usually breathe more deeply than womenDwomen breathe as often as men42、 The different ways men and women move their body indicate that_ Abone structures in men and women are arranged differentlyBwomens bones are more ready to movementCmen always move their bodies with waste mouonsDwomen are good at climbing upwards43、 It can be concluded from the passage that_ Amen suffer more from suns radiation than women doBmen will be more exhausted than women after a long tnpCthe higher proportion of fat in womens body makes them easier to lose welghlDan aged man can still exercise his body as he was young44、 The best title for the above article is_ AWhy Men Lack Capacity for Exercise over the YearsBHow Mens Bones Are Arranged Differently from WomensCStudies on Differences and Similarities between Men and WomenDMen and Women:Some Differences45、 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AMore oxygen needs to be prepared when a man 18 having surgeryBMans courage has nothing to do with males body structureCA woman usually stays cooler in summer and warmer in winterDIt is easier for a man to lose his weight46、根据以下资料,回答46-65题:More than 30000 drivers and passengers who sit in the front of the vehicles are killed or seriously injured each yearAt a speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a thlrd-floor buildingWearing a seat belt saves lives:it reduces your chance of death or senous lnjury by more than a half Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over l4 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do notVOU will be fined up t050It will not be up to the drivers to make sure You wear your beltBut it will be the drivers responsibility to make sure that children under l4 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind However,when you,re reversing your Car,you do not have to wear a seat belt;or when You are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle;or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing itMake sure these circumstances apply to You before You decide not to wear your seat beltRemember that you may be taken to court for not domg so,and you may be fined if you cannot prove that you have been excused from wearmg it How many people in the front of the vehicles are killed or seriously injured every year?A30,000B60,000CApproximately 30,000DAbove 30,000 47、 Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle Areduces road accidents to more than a halfBsaves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hourCreduces the death rate in traffic accidentsDsaves more than 15,000 lives each year48、 It iS the drivers responsibility t0 Amake the front seat passengers wear a seat beltBmake the front seat children under l4 wear a seat beltCstop childrenriding in the front seatDwear a seat belt each time he drives49、 According to the text,which of the following people riding in the front does NOT have to wear a seat belt?ASomeone who is backing into a parking spaceBSomeone who is picking up the children from the local school.CSomeone who is delivering invitation lettersDSomeone who is under l4 50、 For some people,it may be better.Ato wear a seat belt for health reasonsBnot to wear a seat belt for health reasonsCto get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat beltDto pay a fine rather than wear a seat belt51、根据以下资料,回答51-70题:I remember the way the light touched her hairShe tumed her head,and our eyes met,a mo-mentary awareness in that raucous fifth grade classroomI felt as though ld been struck a blow under the heartThus began my first love affair Her name was Rachel,and I mooned my way through the grade and high school,stricken at the mere sight of her,tonguetied in her presenceDoes anyone,anymore,linger in the shadows of evening,drawn by the pale light of a window-her window-like some hapless summer insect? That delirious swooning,asexual but urgent and obsessive,that made me awkward and my voice crack,is like some impossible dream now I would catch sight of her,walking down an aisle of trees to or from school,and Id become DaralyzedShe always seemed so poised,so self-possessed At home,Id relive each encounter, writhing at the thought of my inadequaciesWe eventually got acquainted and socialized as we en-tered our adolescence,she knew I had a case on her,and I sensed her affectionate tolerance for me“Going steady”implied a maturity we still lackedHer Orthodox Jewish upbringing and my own Catholic scruples imposed an inhibited grace that made even kissing a distant prospect, howev-er fervently desiredI managed to hold her once at a dancechaperoned,of courseOur embrace made her gigglea sound SO trusting that I hated myself for what I d been thinkingAt any rate,my love for Rachel remained unrequitedWe graduated from high school,she went on t0 college,and I joined the Army When World War II engulfed USI was sent overseasFor a time we corresponded and her letters were the highlight of those grinding endless yearsOnce she sent me a snapshot of herself in a bathing suit,which drove me to the wildest of fantasiesI mentioned the possibility of marriage in my next letterand almost immediately her replies became less frequent,less personalHer Dear John letter finally caught up with me while l was awaiting dischargeShe gently explained the im possibility of a marriage between USLooking back on itI must have recovered rather quickly,although for the first few months I believed I didnt want to liveLike Rachel,I found someone else,whom I learned to love with a deep and permanent commitment that has lasted to this day According to the passage,how old was the author when his first love affair began? ABefore he entered his teensBIn his early teensCIn his middle teensDWhen he was just out of his teens 52、 How did the author behave as a boy in love?AHis first love motivated him toward hard studyBHis first love evoked sentimental memoriesCHe was overpowered by wild excitement and passionDHe fulfilled his expectations and desires 53、 According to the passage,what held them back from a loving kiss?AHer Jewish origin did not allow itBHis Catholic adherence forbade itCThey were not sure whether it was proper or ethical to kiss in line with their religious decorumDKissing was found to be inelegant or even distasteful 54、 According to the passage,what was Rachels response to the author s tender affection before the war?AShe recognized and accepted his love affectionatelyBShe thwarted his affection by flatly tuming him downCShe fondly permitted him to adore her without losing her own heart to himDShe didn t care for him at all and only took delight in playing with his feelings 55、 Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?AStatement and exampleBCause and effectCOrder of importanceDLinear description 56、根据以下资料,回答56-75题: In the late years of the nineteenth century“capital”and“labour”were enlarging and perfecting their rival organizations on modem linesMany an old firm was replaced by a limited liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managersThe change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic foundersIt was moreover a step away from individual initiative,towards collectivism and municipal and stateowned businessThe railway companies,though still private business managed for the benefit of shareholders,were very unlike old family businessMeanwhile the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting,trams and other services to the taxpayers The growth of the limited liability company and municipal business had important consequencesSuch large,impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class,an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners;and almost equally detached from the responsible management of businessDuring the nineteenth century,America,Africa,India, Australia and parts of Europe were being developed by British capital,and British shareholders were thus enriched by the worlds movement towards industrialisationTowns like Boumemouth and Eastboume sprang up to house large“comfortable”classes who had retired on their incomes,and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends a


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