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星期4 Thursday 听力新闻自测自测试题Test 3News Item 11. It can be inferred that the theme of the UN summit in Mexico isA climate change.B gas emission cuts.C the Kyoto Protocol.D the function of the World Bank.2. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?A The summit has reached no agreement.B There is strong disagreement between the developed and the developing countries in the summit.C The Kyoto Protocol is in the interests of the developed countries.D the World Bank sometimes are regarded as a western-dominated institution.News Item 23. The silk Cavalry flag mentioned in the newsA was auctioned for about $2b.B once belonged to the Native Americans.C has been kept in the Detroit Institute of Arts since 1876.D are exhibited to the public regularly.News Item 34. According to Ban Ki-moon, the number of infections and deaths in the cholera in Haiti could be A 2,000.B 90,000.C 180,000.D 184,000.5. Who are finally responsible for the cholera epidemic?A The UN Nepalese troops.B The French disease experts.C The violent demonstrators.D Not verified yet.Test 4News Item 11. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the nuclear arms reduction treaty?A It helps to improve the relations between the United States and Russia.B It limits the number of strategic warheads each side can possess to 1,500.C It updates a verification mechanism.D It has been ratified by the presidents of Russia and the United States.2. Based on the treaty, the number of strategic warheads each side can possess has dropped byA 2200.B 1500.C more than 30%.D less than 30%.News Item 23. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the news?A The US federal budget deficit is likely to reach nearly $1.5tn.B The federal budget deficit is nearly 40% above the earlier predictions. C It is urgent for the US to reduce the deficit.D The deficit will fall with the extension of tax breaks and spending policies.News Item 34. The reasons for the Hungarian authorities to amend the media law include all the following EXCEPT thatA the law has provoked protests in the country.B the law threatens media freedom in Hungary. C the law also restricts the freedom of foreign media.D the law clouded Hungarys current presidency of the European Union.5. What is the reaction of the Hungarian authorities to the concerns of the EU commissioner?A They take them seriously.B They take them easily.C They think these are issues directly related to the EUs Charter of Fundamental Rights.D They havent made any response yet.答疑解惑Test 3News Item 1【听前预测】根据各题干和选项相关信息可以推测,本则新闻是关于联合国峰会的报道。听音时注意捕捉峰会的主题、峰会的结果、以及其他一些细节信息。【听力原文】The UN climate change summit in Cancun, Mexico is drawing to a close with no agreement so far on future cuts to greenhouse gas emissions. Some rich countries have been resisting calls for further cuts under the Kyoto Protocol. Japan appears dead set against accepting further emission cuts under the Kyoto Protocol; so does Russia. But developing countries say those nations must uphold promises they made a decade ago. The US and other western countries want the World Bank to control money raised to help poorer countries deal with climate change. Those developing countries cant accept that as they regard the bank as a western-dominated institution.【答案解析】1选B。信息辨认题。本题问墨西哥峰会的主题,实则是新闻的主旨,听音时注意捕捉开头信息。新闻开头提到,峰会接近尾声,却还没有就温室气体排放达成协议。一些富裕的国家拒绝按照京东议定书的规定进一步减少气体排放。接下来都是在围绕温室气体排放这一主题说明发达国家和发展中国家之间的分歧。因此本题答案为B“减少气体排放”。2选C。信息推断题。根据上题解析可知,选项A、B正确。新闻中提到,日本和俄罗斯反对按照京都协定书(Kyoto Protocol)的规定进一步减少排放量,而发展中国家则表示这些国家必须遵守十年前的承诺。因此选项C“京都协定书符合发达国家的利益”错误,为答案。新闻最后提到,美国和其他西方国家希望由世界银行来控制为贫困国家筹集的用于对抗环境变化的资金,而那些发展中国家却拒绝接受这一点,因为他们认为世界银行是由西方国家主宰的机构。因此选项D也正确。News Item 2【听前预测】根据题干和选项相关信息可以推测,本则新闻是关于一面丝质骑兵旗帜的报道,听音时注意捕捉其历史、现在存放情况、以及拍卖价格等信息。【听力原文】The only surviving American flag from one of the most famous battles of the American West, Custers Last Stand, has been sold for approximately $2m at Sothebys in New York. The silk Cavalry flag was carried into the 1876 battle at Little Bighorn, where General Custer led 200 soldiers against a much stronger force from the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne tribes. The battle was a huge victory for the Native Americans, but the public frenzy to avenge Custers death accelerated the governments efforts to confine the Plains Indians. Since 1895, the silk flag has been the property of the Detroit Institute of Arts and hasnt often been on display to the public. Its not yet clear who bought it at auction.【答案解析】3选B。信息推断题。本题中涉及数字,听音时要注意做相关记录。根据新闻内容可知,这面丝质的骑兵旗帜在纽约苏富比拍卖行以大约200万美元的价格出售;自1895年以来,其成为底特律艺术馆的财产,不经常向公众展览。由此可以看出,选项A、C中的数字均错误,D中regularly错误。新闻开头提到,这面旗帜是美国“卡斯特最后的战役”中唯一幸存的一面旗帜,后面又提到,公众为卡斯特将军报仇的愤怒加速了政府限制美洲平原印第安人的努力,由此可以推断卡斯特将军是美洲印第安人的首领,这面旗帜也就属于印第安人。因此选项B正确,为答案。News Item 3【听前预测】浏览各题干和选项获得关键词infections,deaths,cholera epidemic,Haiti,responsible,据此推测,本则新闻可能是关于海地霍乱流行的报道,其中涉及感染和死亡的人数,该疾病流行的原因等。【听力原文】Officials in Haiti say more than 2,000 people are now known to have died in the cholera epidemic sweeping through the country. About 90,000 are reported to have contracted the waterborne disease. On Friday, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, warned that the number of infections and deaths could be twice as high.An investigation into the cholera epidemic in Haiti is reported to have blamed United Nations peacekeepers from Nepal. The study by a French medical professor has been submitted to the French government and the UN. Reports say the French disease expert concludes the most likely explanation for the cholera epidemic is contamination from a base of UN Nepalese troops, located on the river system where the epidemic broke out. A UN spokesman called this one report among many on the topic and said the mission in Haiti has neither accepted nor dismissed the findings, but he said it is taking them seriously and will follow up on any additional information, consulting with a broad range of specialists. Accusations against the peacekeepers led to violent demonstrations in Haiti last month, but the UN continues to say there is no scientific evidence they brought cholera to the country.【答案解析】4选D。信息推断题。题干关键词Ban Ki-moon。本题为数字题,听音时注意捕捉数字信息并作相关记录。新闻第一句话就提到,海地官员表示,在全国蔓延的霍乱流行已造成2,000多人死亡,90,000多人感染这种疾病。接下来又说,联合国秘书长潘基文警告称,感染疾病和因病死亡人数至少是官方数字的两倍,也就是至少是前面两个数字之和的二倍,即184,000。因此可能的数字就是选项D 184,000。5选D。信息辨认题。题干问最终为这次霍乱流行负责任的人,新闻中说法国疾病专家的相关调查对来自尼泊尔的联合国维和人员提出谴责,该军队的基地位于霍乱疫情爆发的河流系统。而联合国却坚称没有科学证据表明是维和人员将疫情带到海地,并表示会严肃对待这个问题,咨询更多专家。由此不能得出究竟是谁导致了该霍乱的流行,因此答案为D“还未证实”。Test 4News Item 1【听前预测】根据题干和选项相关信息可以推测,本则新闻可能是关于美国和俄罗斯之间一项核武器削减条约的报道,听音时还要注意捕捉新闻中的数字信息。【听力原文】A nuclear arms reduction treaty thats been a cornerstone of President Obamas attempts to rebuild US relations with Russia has come into effect. The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov exchanged papers ratifying the Start treaty during the international security conference in the German city of Munich. Hillary Clinton and Sergei Lavrov grinned broadly as they exchanged the ratification documents signed by the presidents of Russia and the United States. The agreement limits the number of strategic warheads each side can possess to just over 1,500, down from 2,200. It also updates a verification mechanism, but its greatest significance may be in cementing the improvement in relations between the United States and Russia.【答案解析】1选D。信息辨认题。根据新闻内容可知,该核武器削减条约是奥巴马总统试图重建美国与俄罗斯之间关系的努力的基石;在德国慕尼黑的国际安全会议上,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿和俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫交换了文件,对核武器削减条约进行确认;该条约将双方所持有的核武器数量从2,200降低到1,500;该条约还更新了查证制度。因此选项A、B、C均正确,D中presidents错误,为答案。2选C。信息推断题。本题为数字题,听音时注意作相关记录。根据上题解析可知,该条约将双方所持有的核武器数量从2,200降低到1,500,因此通过计算即可得出答案为C more than 30%。News Item 2【听前预测】根据选项关键词US federal budget deficit,reach,reduce,fall可以推测,本则新闻可能是关于美国联邦预算赤字过高的相关报道。【听力原文】The US Congressional Budget Office says the federal budget deficit is likely to hit an all-time high of nearly $1.5tn. It said this was nearly 40% above earlier predictions. The financial crisis and the resulting recession did extensive damage to the US government finances. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the CBO, its now on course for the third consecutive year of borrowing more than $1tn. In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Obama acknowledged the need to reduce the deficit. It could fall sharply over the next few years if tax breaks and spending policies expire as planned. But they have already been extended, and therell be political pressure for that to happen again.【答案解析】3选D。信息辨认题。根据新闻内容可知,美国联邦预算赤字有可能达到接近1.5兆美元,比此前的估计高出40%;在周二的国情咨文讲话中,奥巴马总统承认了削减赤字的必要性;未来的几年,如果减税政策和支出政策按照计划过期,赤字会锐减,但这两项政策均已延期。因此选项A、B、C均正确,D中extension错误,应为expiration。News Item 3【听前预测】浏览各题干和选项获得关键词reasons,Hungarian authorities,amend,media law,reaction,concerns,EU commissioner,据此推测,本则新闻可能是关于匈牙利当局将要对一部媒体法律进行修改的报道,其中涉及修改的原因,以及当局对欧盟媒体专员担忧的反应等。【听力原文】The Hungarian authorities have agreed to amend a media law which has provoked protests at home and clouded its current presidency of the European Union. Critics say the law threatens media freedom in Hungary. The European Union commissioner for the media, Neelie Kroes, raised three main concerns in her contacts with the Hungarian authoritiesthe registration of media, the rules on the provision of balanced information and the fact that the legislation appears to apply to foreign media as well. The Hungarian government says the


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