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,chapter 4,本章提供了富有生活气息的小诗作为学习材料,以诗歌欣赏为主,让学生有机会接触诗歌这一文体。通过阅读、朗诵或仿写,提高学生的英语水平和能力。 在学习欣赏英语的诗歌的同时,既陶冶了学生的情趣, 又扩展了学生的知识,而且还缓解了学生的压力.通过相关的练习提高学生综合运用英语的能力和实效性.,本单元概述,reading- 2 listening - 1 language- 2 speaking- 1 writing - 1 more practice- 1,课时安排,reading,简 单 介 绍 诗 歌 的 特 点, a poem is a kind of expressive language written form. 诗歌是语言表达的一种书面表达方式。 it is an economical way to express ideas. 诗歌是一种精练的表达思绪的方法。 most poems are rhymed and some words sounds in them are similar. 诗歌大多有韵律,讲究选用一些发音上有相似点的词。 each word in a poem is carefully chosen. 诗歌中每一词都经斟酌。 usually a word, a phrase or a sound will be repeated throughout poems. 通常有些词语在同一诗中会反复出现。 the name of the poet is sometimes put at the end of the poem. 诗歌作者的名字有时会出现在诗歌的最后。,教学目标,知识目标 :1. 识记单词、短语和句型。 2. 掌握简单的诗歌的特点。 能力目标 :1. 培养学生欣赏诗歌的能力。 2. 提高学生的阅读能力。 德育目标 :1. 热爱生活、热爱家庭。 2. 正视自我、珍爱自我。,.a look & think 习题引出第一二首小诗。 .诗歌学习 p.48some days 听课文录音 , 观察这首诗的特点。 2.模仿课文录音朗读。可以反复朗读。 3. 体会作者的情感。 (注意第一首诗歌里的 “ing” form 如reading, writing) 4.做练习p.50 c find the facts (c1&c2)检验学生对第一首的了解,巩固和加深学生对这首诗的认识理解。,课程设计,p.49never a dull moment 1.听课文录音 2.找找歌的特点在这首诗中的体现。 3.模仿课文录音朗读,体会作者的情感。 4.指导学生精读诗歌,着重阅读诗歌中的部分句子或是段落的特点。 5.进一步学习重要词汇和表达方式,对学生难懂的语言点进行讲解。 6.分段朗读和体会,并做练习p.51 c3加深对诗歌的理解 7.为了检查学生的诗歌理解情况 ,可做仿写练习 i found it interesting .( p.60a),bite (bit ; bitten) bored cheerful completely din dull exciting knock lively adj. peaceful,重难点,mess mile racket recite serious screamer slam (slamming/slammed) terribly uninteresting wonder,a mess be bored (be)similar to (be) different from break down cry out loudly fall down for sure hate doing in cycles in what ways,miles and miles keep lively /shouting knock on the door run rings slam doors some days so many &so much stone deaf the racket/ din the nosiest the whole,重难点,重难点,i wonder if /why- i didnt find it interesting. there wasnt much on. a dull old day. all right. theres doors always slamming. did time pass slowly or quickly for the boy?,there wasnt much on that night be on 表示发生,可指电影、电视剧的播放或是话剧、音乐剧等舞台演出的上演。 three new films will be on this weekend. 这周末,有三部新电影上映。 the drama is on in fifteen minutes. 话剧再过十五分钟就上演了。,a dull old day. all right. all right 确实 are you sure its mary? oh, its her all right. all right 情况不错;健康 how are you getting on these days? im all right. thats all right. 不要紧;没什么;别客气。(用来回答对方的感谢或道歉。) thanks for helping me change the bulb. thats all right.,if you like to keep lively, . lively adj. 活泼的,充满朝气的 he told a lively story. 他讲了一个生动的故事。 lovely adj. 可爱的;美好的 kate is a lovely girl. 凯特是个可爱的女孩。 alive adj. 活着的;有生气的。可修饰人或物, 在句中作表语、宾补或后置定语, 但不能用作前置定语。 the fish is still alive. 那条鱼还活着。,and knock on the door. knock 敲,击 someone was knocking on / at the door. 有人在敲门。 there was a knock on / at the window. 有敲窗户的声音。,if you hate being bored, . bored 厌烦的;无聊的,(主语一般是人,意思是“某人本身感到无聊“, 用来说明某人的状态。) im bored. lets go to the cinema. 我闷了,咱们去看电影吧。 boring 无趣的;乏味的,(用于修饰事物本身单调乏味,或令人觉得无趣。主语为某事或某物。) it was such a boring book that he stopped reading it. 这本书非常乏味, 他没有读下去。,i was _ because of this _ book.,bored,boring,find the meanings,a b miles a running in circles terribly b active and happy dull c the person who cries out loudly all right d very lively e shutting with a loud noise slamming f certainly, for sure running rings g the loud noise 8.the screamer h. compeletely deaf 9.stone deaf i a mile is 1,609 meters the racket/ the din j uninteresting,1. how many things did the boy do ? eight. they are listening, talking, walking, reading, writing, watching tv, sitting and sleeping. 2. why did the boy do so many different things? because he was bored. 3. how far did the boy walk? miles and miles. 4. did the time pass slowly or quickly for the boy? slowly.,find the facts,find the facts,never a dull moment 1. who do you think is speaking in the poem? a is it a child or an adult? b is it a male or a female? 2. who lives in the house? make a list of the family members.,a child,a male,eight characters live in the house: the speaker, his dad, mum, sister, brother, grandfather, the baby and the dog.,find the facts,3. the speaker in the poem says it is the noisiest house. make a list of all the noisy words in the poem. 4. how can a visitor know which house is the speakers?,knock, slamming, falling down, shouting, breaks things, screamer, roars, slams, racket, din,you can hear the noise from ten miles away and the outsides a mess.,5. imagine you are the speaker in the poem. look at the picture of never a dull moment and write short sentences saying what each member of your family is doing.,find the facts,my dad is shouting loudly. my mum is breaking things. the baby is playing with a rattle. my brother is roaring. my grandpa is slamming the door. the dog is running rings.,6. what is the speaker doing in the picture on page 49?,he is looking around and watching what the others are doing.,read and think,in what ways are the speakers of the two poems similar? 2. in what ways are they different?,both of the speakers are young boys, and both poems are about the mood of the speakers homes.,in some days, the speaker is very bored and talks about himself only, while in never a dull moment, the speaker describes a very lively home and family.,read and think,3. in what ways are the two houses different?,the speaker of the first poem doesnt mention other family members, so we get the feeling that the speaker is lonely and the house is very quiet. the second poem uses a lot of noisy words and all the family members are described. we get the impression that the house is chaotic and busy.,read and think,which of the words given below would you use to describe never a dull moment and which would you use to describe “some days”?,angry peaceful beautiful pleasant cheerful quiet fast sad funny serious lively slow,some days: peaceful, quiet, sad, serious, slow never a dull moment: cheerful, fast, funny, lively, pleasant,成 绩 篇,listening,共通技巧,讓孩子知道能夠自理的好處,如:能夠結交朋友 多讚賞,少批評及懲罰(開始時可以實物,之後可改以口頭),教学目标,知识目标:继续学习诗歌并完成改错任务。 能力目标:提高学生的欣赏能力和纠错能力。 德育目标:热爱生活,热爱我们的家园。,共通技巧,讓孩子知道能夠自理的好處,如:能夠結交朋友 多讚賞,少批評及懲罰(開始時可以實物,之後可改以口頭),课程设计,.重点难点解析 教学重点 怎样抓住个别词的错误并加以改正。给学生一些提示,如诗歌的韵 律,词语 在句末的发音规律等 。 教学难点 一些诗中难懂的词和句子。如:blow it away /at play / gone away / has gone /for many a week= for many weeks . .默读并改错 .书写并大声朗读,line 2: july may line 5: planes ships line 6: brown gray line 10: home play line 14: table tray line 15: slowly quickly line 17: houses horses line 18: sandwiches hay line 24: week day,keys,language,知识目标:1.疑问代词who ,whose 的用法。 2.名词性物主代词的用法。 3. 代词one 、ones的用法。 能力目标:1.通过学习掌握亲属之间的 关 系及叫法。 2. 区别使用名词性物 主代词和形容词性物 主代词 。 德育目标:热爱家庭,热爱生活。,课程目标,.复习chapter 2学过的人称代词。 主格和宾格以及形容词性物主代词的用法。 .复习家庭成员的称谓。 可画一些family trees,让学生边复习边操练。 .复习名词所有格的用法。 .of 短语也可表所有关系。 名词所有格一般表示的是有生命的,如没有生命的名词一般用of连接。有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的东西的名词,也可以加“s”来构成所有格。,课程设计,.who &whose 用法上的区别 a. who指代主句中的人称性质的主语或宾语 。 b.对物主代词或名词所有格提问用- whose,-whose后加名词。whose在句中可作表语或定语。 c. whose 用来指人或物,只用作定语, 若指 物,它还可以同of which互换。 eg.please pass me the book whose (of which)cover is green.,.名词性物主代词&形容词性物主代词,tips:a.形容词性物主代词只可作定语,形容词性物主代词后必须接名词。名词性物主代词可作主语、表语、宾语,后不能接名词 。 b.名词性物主代词可构成短语“of +名词性物主代词”。 eg. the girl is a friend of mine,.one &ones 的用法 one, ones作代词,one代替单数,ones代替复数, 可以指人,也可指物。在句中可作主语,宾语和定 语。可代替前面出现的可数名词避免重复;前面可 用the, this, that, which等词修饰,还可用形容词来 修饰。,. it ,one &that it用来指特定的东西,复数用they, it只用来指物,它所指的特定东西是前文提到的某物,也可代同类同物; one代表前面提过的名词,并不特指,可代同类不同物。(one的所有格形式是ones) that代表一个对等部分,复数those。,i. 单项选择 1. this isnt _ pencil case. i left _ at home. a. my; mine b. his ; her c. my; my d. yours; your 2. i know the girl _ coat is red. a. who b. that c. whose d. which 3. is this skirt _? no, it isnt. its _. a. yours; her b. your; hers c. your; her d. yours; hers,4. _ camera is not as expensive as _, but it works well, too. a. my; his b. mine; him c. my; him d. mine; his 5. the headmaster will give _ a short talk tomorrow. a. we b. us c. our d. ours,1. their house is very different from _ (we). 2. do you know _ (who) book is on the desk? 3. the children went to the great wall with _ (them) parents last week. 4. could you come to _ (i) company and pick _ (i) up at 8 oclock? 5. _ (we) classroom is smaller but brighter than _(you).,ours,whose,their,my,me,our,yours,ii. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。,中考链接,【2011山东潍坊】17. the banana pie tastes delicious. could i have another_? one b. it c. this d. that 【2011山东济宁】17. is this your key, jenny ? no, _ is in my handbag. a. his b. hers c. mine d. yours 【2011山东潍坊】18. it cant be lucys bike. look! _ is under the tree. a. she b. her c. hers d. shes,a,c,c,speaking,教学目标,知识目标:1. 谈论你感到异样的 说法。 2.常用的征询意见的方法。 能力目标:1. 如何表达你对对方的担忧。 2. 提出建议,接受建议或拒绝建议。 德育目标: 关心他人,关爱朋友 ,珍爱父母。,.talk time 1.saying you are concerned whats the matter? whats wrong? whats up? whats the trouble? is


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