



2017年天津市初等水平英语等级考试(五级)词汇部分训练题1. 等车停稳后再下车。Dont get off _ _ _ _. 2. 莎士比亚的喜剧每年有百万的观众欣赏。Shakespeares plays are seen _ _ _ _ every year.3. 闲杂很多人都以彰显个性的方式穿衣。Now many people _ _ _ _ that shows off their personality.4. 这个项目是2001年设立的,用来帮助年轻的男女运动员。_ _ _ _ in 2001 to help young sportsmen and sportswomen.5. 经管所有的照片都很精彩,但是我们不能给每个人都发奖。Even though all of the photos are excellent, we cant _ _ _ _ .6. 即使下雨,他们仍继续工作。Even if it was raining, they _ _ _ _.7. 那个孩子满屋子跳舞,以向大家显示一番。_ _ _ _ the room to show off to everybody.8. 你为什么不顺便进去看一看?Why dont you drop in _ _ _ _?9. 他们都很累,很快就睡着了。They were all tired, _ _ _ _. 10. 汤姆下了公交车,走进了学校。Tom _ _ _ _ and went into the school.11. 我们永远难以回报你的友善,耐心以及你们传授给我们的知识。We can _ _ _ _ for your kindness, your patience,and gift of knowledge which you have offered us.12. 玛丽正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。_ _ _ _ her engagement ring.13. 这所房子去年是属于我姑姑的。This house _ _ _ _ last year.14. 你认为哪一种兴趣占用的空间最少?_ _ _ _ think takes up the least space?15. 你不应该用你的零用钱毕竟那是你父母给你的钱。You shouldnt _ _ _ _ -after all your parents give you the money.16. 昨天我从自行车上摔下来,受伤了。I _ _ _ _ and got ,hurt yesterday.17. 他伸出手够到了树上的那朵花。He _ _ _ _ for the flower on the tree.18. 昨天晚上因为外面的噪音我很难入睡。It was difficult for me to fall asleep _ _ _ _ outside last night.19. 在英国人们要靠路德左边同行。In England people should _ _ _ _ hand side of the street. 20. 我们昨天出发早,准时到达了那里。We set off yesterday and _ _ _ _ .21. 我不喜欢晚上外出。I _ _ _ _ in the evening.22. 这要视天气而定。It would _ _ _ _ .23. 尽管他生活的很贫穷,但她从来没要求过别人帮助他。Though she lives a poor life, she has _ _ _ _ from others.24. 我在你前面下车,你可以坐我的座位。Im _ _ _ _ ,then you can have my seat.25. 他们喜欢看电视,不愿看杂志。They would _ _ _ _ rather than look through magazines.26. 我奶奶伸出手摸了摸她的宠物狗。My grandmother reached out her hand to _ _ _ _ .27. 我正站在大峡谷的边缘往下看。I was standing _ _ _ _ the Grand Canyon and looking down.28. 在天津,天气要到三月份才转暖。It _ _ _ _ March in Tianjin.29. 大洋洲主要是由澳大利亚和新西兰组成的。Oceania is _ _ _ _ Australia and New Zealand.30. 同学们非常盼望能再见到你。The students are really _ _ _ _ you again.31. 你的成功取决于你努力的程度。Your success depends on _ _ _ _ at your lessons.32. 汤姆很友好,我想我们能够相处得很好。Tom is friendly, I think we _ _ _ _ with each other.33. 在这次车祸中,至少有20人丧生。At least 20 people lost their lives _ _ _ _. 34. 他在天津长大,过着幸福的生活。He grew up in Tianjin and _ _ _ _.35. 很抱歉我昨天把那本旧杂志扔了。I am sorry I _ _ _ _ magazine yesterday.36. 比起乘公交车,我更愿意步行去那儿。I _ _ _ _ rather than take a bus.37. 我们已经算出这次聚会我们需要多少钱。_ _ _ _ how much we need for the party.38. 商品的价格取决于其质量。_ _ _ _ depends on the quality.39. 没有人同意我的意见,所以我将放弃那个计划。_ _ _ _,so Ill give up the plan.40. 我唱自己的歌,也弹吉他。I _ _ _ _and I play the guitar as well.41. 看! 他们正在那边照相呢!Look! They are _ _ _ _.42. 她通常把正确的语法写在出错的地方。She usually writes down the correct grammer _ _ _ _.43. 迪克有个笔友,他们经常互相发送邮件。Dick has a pen friend and _ _ _ _ to each other.44. 人们初次见面的时候通常是握手。_ _ _ _the frist time they meet.45. 我们究竟能为希望工程做些什么呢?What on earth _ _ _ _ Projeat Hope?46. 这台电脑一定出了什么毛病。There _ _ _ _with the computer.47. 请明天早上六点钟叫醒我!_ _ _ _at 6 oclock tomorrow morning!48. 联合国在国际关系中担当着重要的


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