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(section b 3a-3c说课稿) by dong yujiao,新目标英语八年级下,unit 5 if you go to the party, you will have a great time!,说课提纲,六、板书设计,二、学情分析及难点目标,一、教材分析及重点目标,三、教与学目标,五、教学过程,四、教、学方法,一、教材分析及重点目标 (一)概述单元内容 九年义务教育英语课程标准对初中语法学生明确要求:一、了解常用语言形式的基本结构,在实际运用中体会和领悟语言形式的表意功能;二、理解和掌握描述人和物的表达方式。而教材编者编辑本单元教学内容的意图旨在以talking about consequences为主线,让学生感受条件状语从句所发生的各种情境;掌握条件状语从句的句型与时态上的微妙差异。本单元的语法项目为if引导的真实条件句。学习本单元内容,既巩固了前面所学的一般现在时和一般将来时,也为九年级虚拟语气的学习奠定了基础,它是学生在整个初中阶段学习英语的重要纽带。,(二)详解说课课时 我说课的内容是section b 3a,3b,3c,是第五单元的第五课时,该课时为阅读课,阅读课是训练学生阅读理解能力的重要途径,也是学生学习新知识和巩固旧知识的主要载体。作为本单元第5课时,是通过阅读理解和书面表达巩固和运用对由if所引导的条件状语从句,它是历年来中考的考点。从考试的角度出发,阅读题和书面表达也都是考试的主要部分,是重中之重。,(三)教学重点 (1)学习和运用词汇及语言点:injured, chance, against, charity, make a living , all the time, have a difficult time doing。 (2)培养阅读理解和总结规律的能力,提高写作水平。 (3)巩固并掌握if引导的条件状语从句。,二、学情分析与难点目标 (一)学情分析 我所任教的班级为全区统招的实验班,学生的英语基础较好,在近两年系统学习中,绝大部分学生已经掌握一般现在时和一般将来时,并具备了较强的听、说、读,写的语言技能。其中,大部分学生在课堂上能利用语言交流的机会,积极地感知、体验英语,并对课本知识进行外延和拓展。但由于我校开展小组合作学习较晚,部分学生缺乏小组合作意识,一些学生不擅长有选择性的运用阅读策略;学生的抽象思维正在发展之中,不善于发现和总结语言规律。,(二)学习难点: (1)有选择性的运用阅读策略,在情景中探究语言规律和特点。 (2)掌握并比较熟练地运用if引导的条件状语从句进行书面表达。,三、教学目标 1、通过情景体验、训练巩固及反馈评价等过程,开展听、说、读、写、用injured, chance, against, charity, make a living , all the time, have a difficult time doing等词汇和知识点。 2、通过独立学习、小组讨论交流、组内互评,运用适当的阅读的技巧,提取文章信息。 3、通过合作学习,教师引导,总结语言规律:在学习和运用中体验一分为二的辩证思想。,四、教、学方法 (一)教法运用: 任务型教学法、情景教学法、 学案导学法、兴趣教学法、 认知法 (二)学法指导: 以兴趣学习法作牵引,小组合作学习为主线的学习方式 (三)教学器材: 多媒体、录音机、导学案,五、教学流程,step i 候课:课前准备 欣赏音乐,留意歌词中红色字体的部分,回忆if引导的条件状语从句的用法。,tomorrow and today beside you all the way if the world should stop revolving spinning slowly down to die id spend the end with you and when the world was through then one by one the stars would all go out and you and i would simply fly away if a picture paints a thousand words then why cant i paint you? the words will never show the you ive come to know if a face could launch a thousand ships then where am i to go? theres no one home but you youre all thats left me too and when my love for life is running dry you come and pour yourself on me,step ii 导入新课、引入部分新词 1.展示姚明、刘翔的图片引入话题 if youre a professional athlete, what will happen, will you be happy? 2.并引入词汇injured, charity.,step iii 阅读与理解 1.快速阅读,判断正误。 2.仔细阅读,完成表格信息。 3.小组讨论结合上下文意翻译短语。,4. 记录语言点,并造句。 5.通读全文,勾画难理解的地方并提问。 6. 跟读磁带。 step iv 书面表达 讨论本文的writing strateges. 根据3a和3c仿写。 反馈矫正。 4. 组内纠错。 step v 家庭作业 完成书上p38的3b,七、板书设计,thank you !,if youre a professional athlete, what will happen, will you be happy?,if you become an professional athlete,you will?,if you become a professional athlete, you will become famous and people all over the world will know you .,if you are famous, you will?,have much money,if you have much money, you will ?,give it to the charity,now,what else do you think about the professional athletes?,sometimes they will be very dangerous and get injured.,1. many young people think becoming a professional athlete is a dream job.,2. professional athletes never have any problems.,3. many famous people complain that they are not happy.,tell “t” or “ f ” .,t,f,t,reading strategy: it is a good idea to read the first and the last sentence of each paragraph.,you will be able to make a living doing something you love,people all over the world will know you,people will watch you all the time,your job will sometimes be very dangerous,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are,read the article and complete the chart.,you can do a lot of work to help people,1、 if you play sports for a living.your job will sometimes be very dangerous.,do sth. for a living = make a living by doing sth.,zhou jielun makes a living (by) singing songs.,zhou jielun sings songs for a living.,2.becoming a profession athlete seems like a dream job,eg. it seems like a fine day today. (seem/look/sound like sth) that seems impossible. (seem/look/sound adj.),4、have a difficult/hard time (in) doing sth. have a difficult /hard time with sth.,很吃力,很费力地干某事,eg.he has a difficult time in learning englis


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