



一、根据首字母提示完成单词。1.Qingkelong s_ is near our school.2. Last Friday was my grandmas biethday. And we had dinner in a r_.3. He usually walks to school. S_ he goes to school by car.4. There are three people in my f_. They are my dad,my mum and I.5. She works in a shop. She s_ clothes and toys.二、写出下列单词的反义词 sad_ small_good_ long_ tall_ clean_三、仔细观察,照例子改写同义句。Xiaoyongs shoes are not wet. His shoes are dry. The womans is not new. _Dongdongs shirt is not long. _The man is not old. _The boxes are not big. _四、读一读,圈出正确的答案。 Look ( at / to ) the pictures of our school. Sam (want / wants)to wear my T-shirt. There ( are / is ) tall trees. I (want / wants)to wear my T-shirt. There (is / are) a nice house now,. Both your (T-shirts / T-shirt)are wet. There wasnt a (child / children) in my family. It isnt (hers /her). There (isnt / wasnt) a small tree before. It isnt (hers / her)bag. How about (your / you) school? (Whose /Whos)coat is it? There are big (desk / desks ) in the classroom?五、选择( ) There a clock here now. A. wasnt B. isnt C.arent( ) There are some trees _. A. now B. before C.then ( ) Are there _ books here? A. some B. one C.any( ) We play basketball now. A. can B. are C.were( ) Feifei is in the UK her friend. A. of B. with C.for( ) Lets _ the birds together. A. feed B. feeding C.feeds( ) Does he like this school now? A. Yes,he do. B.No,he does. C.Yes,he does( ) 8Its small. _ its heavy. A. And B. So C.But( )9 _ a big supermarket ! A. how B. what C.how a( ) 10Please help me _ the bags in the car. A. put B. puts C.putting( ) 11 There is _ fruit. A. lot of B. a lot C.a lot of( ) 12 You are _ children. A. help B. helped C.helpful六、America/ years/ you / in / were / three /for/ ._here /clock/ there / werent/ before /a / ._ like / do / now / you / zoo/ the / ?_ house / this / the /was / pigs / ._ different / does/ London / look / now / ?_ 6 Easter/in /spring /the/ is / in /UK /._7 give / people / eggs /children /chocolate / ._七、读一读,用所给的特殊疑问词填空。WhereWhatWhenHow many _ is Easter? Its in spring. _ do the children go? They go to peoples houses. _ do people give the children? Chocolate eggs. _ do the children wear? They wear scary masks. _ months are there in a year? Twelve. _ is in the big eggs? Small eggs.八、回答问题 Doing shopping Its Saturday today. Lily is doing shopping with Mum. She is helpful. She can carry bags for Mum. Now they are in a big supermarket. There are many different things in the supermarket. There isnt any fish or chicken at home, so Mum wants to buy some fish and chicken. Lily wants some sweets and cakes. They are going to buy a T-shirt for Dad, too. What is Lily doing today? What is Lily like? Is Mum going to buy any chocolates? 4 What does Lily want? 5 What are they going to buy for Dad? 九、Today is Llilis birthday. She is twelve years old. Her friends are in her home now. there is a birthday party in the evening. Look! Mary is listening to the music and Tom is drinking orange juice. Jack and Sam are playing games on the floor. Linda and Amy are watching TV. Someone is knocking敲 at the door. Its Henry. He brings带 a big teddy bear for Llili, the teddy bear is brown. Lili is very happy. All the children are happy. They sing a birthday song for Lili.判断对错T,F( )1.Jack and Hnery are playing games.( )2. Linda is thirsty.( )3. Henry is knocking at the door.( )4. All the children are happy.回答问题1.How old is Lili?_2. What are Linda and Amy doing?_3.What colour is the teddy bear?_十、回答问题We call the Chinese New Year Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese New Year. We may call it the year of the sheep, the year of the monkey, or the year of the tiger.Before New Years Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Years Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to welcome the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends. They say “Happy New Year!” and some other greetings to each other. People usually have a good time during Spring Festival.1.


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